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  1. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to phantasm in Alliances   
    Do something? I'm sorry but last I checked the CT's have put on several public alliance sponsored quests in the past few months. The Grail in January, and The Coffening in June. We helped with a funeral for Spart. Several contracts have been fulfilled requested by the powers that be.
    No public impact? Hmm last I checked we worked diligently on trying to support the herb population in TB until everyone pretty much gave up on herbs. When Eon or whoever is the only one out farming them, makes little point to monitor it. Also I believe it was the CT's that tried not all that long ago to help "the community" with killing Eon in an effort to pull that "community" together in an effort.

    I will agree that we are quite inactive during this time, which has affected the herb monitoring. It's called real life. Summer time is almost always the busiest for anyone who actually does something on a regular bases. Gardens, Work, Children, Schooling, Wives/Husbands, Remodeling, vacations, etc.
  2. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to Liberty4life in Alliances   
    man SOE is primary alliance of MB, not KOB

    soe badge is coat of arms of mb
    soe was made first
    number of seats doesnt mean anythin
    kob was formed coz mur wanted that each land has "civil" and military ally, otherwise kob wouldnt have ever existed
    more over military alliances in those days dont mean anythin, nothin is decided by them or by creat fights
  3. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to Pipstickz in Fangs Trivia Challenge   
    I doubt there is any need to see the rest of the scores, if the prize is simply coins that could be given as a gift without question anyways. Apart from participants and sponsors, I don't see any need for anyone to know the full range of scores.
  4. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to Pipstickz in Weapons with negative stat modifiers   
    But this shouldn't even matter, because you're not the one fighting, your creatures are.
  5. Downvote
    Ivorak reacted to Seigheart in Resource Depletion   
    Well, if you didn't follow the "right" thing to do, why should I?
  6. Downvote
    Ivorak reacted to Seigheart in Resource Depletion   
    I depleted them entirely because you kept depleting them beyond the optimal regrowth rate.
  7. Downvote
    Ivorak reacted to Seigheart in Resource Depletion   
    Again, I did NOT tell him to stop!


    Like, how dense are people?

    Quit assuming crap.
  8. Downvote
    Ivorak reacted to Junior in Resource Depletion   
    Azull said it right. Also am not "trolling" i am simply notifying you that you have no stance in Necrovion and like you said neither do I so we are even.
  9. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to Azull in Resource Depletion   
    -Telling someone to stop doing something implies you disagree with what he's doing.
    -We have no need of you telling us what is happening in Necrovion.

    (now, if you can read between the lines, you might see the deeper meaning of that last statement)
  10. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to Seigheart in Resource Depletion   
    Where did it say in my post that he broke a rule? Where does it say that I disagree with his actions. I was notifying the Necrovion community, of which you are not a part of.

    So, Junior. Go find another post to troll.
  11. Downvote
    Ivorak reacted to Junior in Resource Depletion   
    so? where is the rule stating he cant take them all? i dont mean a rule you made up seig or anyone else for that matter. he got his hands on an item and is using it just as he pleases. Isnt that the same as you did with a kill item?
  12. Downvote
    Ivorak reacted to Rumi in Plants (like creatures) in combat rituals   
    Plants would be a second category of combat participants. Would not have any VE or do any actions in combat, but provide stronger and more varied auras. Would take up max 2 of 6 ritual slots. Would have their own page with list, images, PTC codes, etc. level upgrade requiring age/heat, not wins losses, but contribute to rituals gaining power through wins. Have their own series of tokens.

    We already have at least 2 plant-like creatures (tree and toxic), but we could potentially diversify the combat experience by adding another form. I could list further ideas, but I'd like to see what community thinks.
  13. Downvote
    Ivorak reacted to Nimrodel in Revive Fyrd !   
    Err... Clearly.. you totally miss the point. Its a quest genius. So there is a very very easy alternative. That is to Solve the quest. Why beg for help from others when you can easily do it by yourself? The whole Point of the quest was to inculcate team spirit in the team. Not to win it. The only reason I spent my nights sleepless was to make sure that I solve the quest and just so that Val could come alive. Have you done that? I have travelled to the east in search of revivors and stayed there fo a whole day just so that I could find a revivor. Did you do that? All the time I could've spent in studying or training in MD or having fun talking at GoE or making tea or helping a friend gain wins or Spending quality time with my RL friends, or catching up on my novel, or going out for a movie, or catching up on my sleep, I spared it for a quest. Did you do that?

    Do you think BFH is so stupid as to just kill off the leaders and not revive them at all? The only reason he didnt state this clearly is people wouldnt even bother to solve the quest thinking that 'Ah.. Its just a matter of three days. The leaders will get revived anyway.' Shows how less the people are concerned about their team leader. Many people were busy in the quests in the summer fest and not every revivor in the Quest could log on at the times we wanted them to. Hence the post and the postponing. ITs very simple you know. YOU need to put in an effort to solve the quest. You need to use you resources even if their limited because you have a sane mind and your mind is your greatest resource.

    All your posts simply say that 'Oh people of MD! I cant help revive my Leader back by myself! Because BFH was a ***** By killing the leaders! PLease do the reviving work for me! Oh poor me, I dont have active team members as well! Oh Poor me! I cant solve anagrams! Oh poor Fyrd! He cant move at all and participate at all! Please help us because we cannot do our work by ourselves'

    That is whining.

    PS: If increasing the font size and changing the colour of the font to red could make what is untrue true, MD would be a different game. INstead of spending all that time in colouring and making your post look big, you could've spent it in trying to solve Z's anagramsor trying to finish off the quest. Just proves my point.
  14. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to Rumi in Community Garden Design   
    An addition I hadn't thought of before that would be great in the garden is a place for a few honeybee hives. I'm partial to top bar hives.
  15. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to Fang Archbane in Community Garden Leadership   

    thank you Rumi.

    i am currently a tad busy in the Lands of the East, what with TK business with Seigheart and whatnot, but ill be sure to find you once i am free.

    where, pray tell, may i find you once im able to walk freely once more? &-&
  16. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to Rumi in Permaculture Garden Design Interview on local public radio (NPR) station   
    I speak with Mississippi's Gestalt Gardener, Felder Rushing about permaculture garden design on my local public radio (NPR) station. The interview airs in 11 hours at 10:15am CT USA, July 21 (16:15 ST, Day 202).

    Check out live stream @ mpbonline.org/Programs/listen_live

    Second part will air next week same time.

    When archives are available I will post a link to an audio file for download.
  17. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to Fyrd Argentus in Revive Fyrd !   
    For the record, I'm just as much in the dark as Tom.

    I'm too busy to care much about being dead just now. In the grand scheme of things, I'm sure I'll get revived eventually. Blink of the eye and all that....

    BUT I think this is a really crappy way to run a festival. Who is ever going to sign up to be on a festival team again, let alone agree to lead one, if the expected result is that they will be singled out to be made "dead"? It's a secondary effect that said person is then unable to participate in the remaining 2/3 of the festival in a meaningful way. Quite a reward for trying to get a team to pull some quests together.

    I didn't even agree to be the leader of our team. I think Tom is a little concerned because he sort of tagged me as leader. No worries Tom, it'll all shake out in the end. Think of it as a rite of initiation or such. I'm touched that you are concerned - thanks.

    Quite ironic that my main activity the last month or so was an attempt to get a reliable public channel open for reviving the dead....
  18. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to lashtal in Summer Fest - Take your Time. Quest disclosure and results.   
    Ladies and Gentlemen, [color=#282828]
    [color=#000000]first of all: [/color]there were 2 informations purposefully omitted in the cursed parchments.[/color]
    One is good and it's that, after all, Time was on your side.[/color][color=#282828]
    Since the beginning of the quest, each hour passed grants 1 point to the team. [/color]
    But, for the sake of Balance, in the end we calculated how many points you scored for each part (gather resources, be attacked, let the time pass) and compared them. [/color][color=#282828]
    Given a +/-5 point margin for each part, we took the best value (the Balance) and for each part exceeding its margins, we lowered the difference from the total score.[/color]
    After all this mess (indeed the true summer joy for the numerologists here around)...[/color][color=#282828]
    [b]you should have reached a minimum score of 15 points to be successful in the quest. :-)[/b][/color]
    So, the results!!![/color]

    [b]Team 1 represented by AmberRune:[/b]

    - Gathered 11 different resources on AmberRune's inventory [b](+11 points)[/b]
    - AmberRune got attacked 13 times in a single fightlog [b](+13 points)[/b]
    - Took 8h to end the quest [b](+8 points)[/b]

    - No timeless dust found. [b](0 points)[/b]
    - Balanced efforts: amidst 11, 13 and 8, Balance is 11. Balance's margins are from 6 to 16: both 8 and 13 are inside. [b](0 points)[/b]

    [b]TOTAL SCORE: 32 points!!! SUCCESS!!![/b]


    [b]Team 2, represented by Maebius:[/b]

    - Gathered 2 different resources on Maebius' inventory [b](+2 points)[/b]
    - Maebius got attacked 12 times in a single fightlog [b](+12 points)[/b]
    - Took 24h to end the quest [b](+24 points)[/b]

    - 1 unit of timeless dust was found in Maebius' inventory [b](-1 point)[/b]
    - Unbalance in the efforts: amidst 2, 12 and 24, Balance is 12. Balance's margins are from 7 to 17: both 2 and 24 are outside.
    Hence: penalty of 10 points (12-2) for the resources gathered and another penalty of 12 points (24-12) for the time spent. [b](-22 points)[/b]

    [b]TOTAL SCORE: 15 points!!! SUCCESS!!![/b]

    We hope you enjoyed being cursed, we had a lot of fun!
  19. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to Phantom Orchid in Quitting MD   
    [quote]Well, the way I see it is that the party behind having me killed wants me to go the same way Spart went.

    How can you really know? It seems to me like you are -thinking- this is true, but this can only be an assumption unless they specifically told you their reason.

    [quote]I'm wondering whether the rest of MD feels the same or not.[/quote]

    The same, as your killer/s? I am sure there are people across the spectrum of feelings in regards to this.

    In-game I am absolutely and unabashadly elated you are dead. No question there. But out-of-game, I value you and your presence and contributions to MD, and I can say the same about every other player.

    And sometimes I think I value in-game villains more than my allies, because without their presence the realm would be a hell of a lot less dynamic, in my world at least.

    [quote]PS I don't want people saying I should stay or not, that's not what this is for.[/quote]

    Too bad, you started it

    And I null voted, because, no matter how much I or anybody else thinks you should stay or go, it is ultimately your decision to make.

    Sorry, but you can't shrug this one off onto me.
  20. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to Phantom Orchid in Extortion and Coercion   
    [quote name='Magistra' timestamp='1342122173' post='117374']
    Can't we, as a community, do something for Seig? I am no expert on revival, but we shouldn't allow murder in our realm. If Seigh can't afford 35 gold coins (I wouldn't!) then maybe there are other ways?

    [font=comic sans ms,cursive]This seems to be straying off-topic, but for those interested in working to build a community-based revive endeavor (and/or earn a WP!), check out:[/font]
  21. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to Rumi in Extortion and Coercion   
    Would the conversation be different if the demand was not GC but credits? If I'm not mistaken our GC:credits ratio is 1:5. So Seigheart's revival would cost him $175? We can draw a line between players and characters, but I think that line between black and white can become a big grey area.
  22. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to Maebius in Extortion and Coercion   
    [quote name='Ivorak' timestamp='1341967059' post='117213']
    MD should allow criminals. We (the players) should not.

    +1 Like.

    My thought is similar, while I understand your frustration for being dead yet again, Seigheart, and trying to find a fair way out while righting perceived wrongs, attacking Grido here isn't going to solve anything. This isn't real life. There are slightly different rules here. Killing is wrong and illegal in real life too, and I do believe you happily confessed to killing Chewett recently. That colours things a bit where the "illegal" line is crossed yes?

    I do hope you can be revived soon though. This just doesnt' seem to be helping the cause, though. Sorry.
  23. Upvote
    Ivorak got a reaction from Pipstickz in Extortion and Coercion   

    Seig, what was it you quoted that said extortion was illegal? It looks to me like you copied that from Wikipedia. So what if extortion is illegal in real life? That doesn't necessarily make it against the rules of the game.

    If we're allowed to murder and kidnap (at least by game rules; I'm not saying there shouldn't be any sort of repercussion, it just needs to be enacted by players) then I think extortion is also fair game. MD should allow criminals. We (the players) should not.
  24. Downvote
    Ivorak got a reaction from Watcher in Extortion and Coercion   

    Seig, what was it you quoted that said extortion was illegal? It looks to me like you copied that from Wikipedia. So what if extortion is illegal in real life? That doesn't necessarily make it against the rules of the game.

    If we're allowed to murder and kidnap (at least by game rules; I'm not saying there shouldn't be any sort of repercussion, it just needs to be enacted by players) then I think extortion is also fair game. MD should allow criminals. We (the players) should not.
  25. Upvote
    Ivorak got a reaction from dst in Extortion and Coercion   

    Seig, what was it you quoted that said extortion was illegal? It looks to me like you copied that from Wikipedia. So what if extortion is illegal in real life? That doesn't necessarily make it against the rules of the game.

    If we're allowed to murder and kidnap (at least by game rules; I'm not saying there shouldn't be any sort of repercussion, it just needs to be enacted by players) then I think extortion is also fair game. MD should allow criminals. We (the players) should not.
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