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Everything posted by Burns

  1. Please, please search before posting. We have a report/question/complaint like that every month. If your playername gets altered by a spell such as turntotoad, or a name change, or another illusion etc. etc., you can't log in because your playername is just wrong. There is no account Fang Archbane to be logged into. You can always log with your ID or your e-mail, use that instead. Not a bug.
  2. 18/11/12 12:00:01 | AgmaluchXII was being voted on to leave the land. Vote failed 1469/8521 (17%) 20/11/12 12:00:01 | BitterSweet was being voted on to leave the land. Vote failed 4521/10128 (45%) 20/11/12 12:00:01 | Dosoto was being voted on to leave the land. Vote failed 4521/10690 (42%) 20/11/12 12:00:01 | Dravin was being voted on to leave the land. Vote failed 4521/10690 (42%) 22/11/12 12:00:01 | Evil Bobbo was being voted on to leave the land. Vote failed 3669/10159 (36%) 23/11/12 12:00:01 | Paul was being voted on to leave the land. Vote failed 4821/10174 (47%)
  3. [quote]Admin CP --> System --> System Settings --> Search Setup <b>Fulltext searching</b> is enabled by default for those using traditional, MySQL searching. You should only disable this in non-English characters sets which do not support fulltext searching. It is important to note that if you do not use fulltext searching your search queries will run <i>extremely</i> slow and will be very server intensive. The <b>minimum search word</b> length can be changed here but often MySQL will override IP.Board on this setting and force a certain word length limit (default is 4) depending on your server configuration.[/quote] [url="http://community.invisionpower.com/resources/documentation/index.html/_/documentation/administrator-control-panel/system-tab/system-settings/system-search-setup-r77"]http://community.inv...earch-setup-r77[/url] Don't ask me if that means you can do less than 4 letters or not, MySQL is and will always be gibberish to me.
  4. [quote name='BFH' timestamp='1354935647' post='127819'] Question: What if someone wants to apply to mod specific forums? Is is allowed? Or perhaps you guys only want global mods? [/quote] Most of the group subforums have section mods already, they usually get appointed because they are the leaders of it, what we're growing short on is global mods for all the rest. It would be possible, if you think some sections get too little attention, just tell. Here's a link to all the section mods: http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/index.php?app=forums&module=extras&section=stats&do=leaders&st=0
  5. As you surely noticed, the mod team of our beloved forums got a bit smaller lately. Therefore we're searching for at least one new mod to refresh the team, if (or more precisely, when) the next of us is due to lose the time needed for the job. I'd be specially interested in having one of our younger members on board, if they feel up for the task, but anybody who thinks to have the time and willpower to deal with the daily forum business is welcome to send in their applications. What's needed?[list] [*]Read everything that's being posted. Some things always slip through, but if you generally don't want to read every little bit of text people are posting, you can stop right here. [*]A few extra minutes each day. If you are already reading the whole forum, as you obviously do since you're still reading, the mod job only adds two or three things to that a day. If you let the work pile up, it turns into a hassle, though. [*]English. Doesn't need to be perfect or anything, but it's the forum language, and you need to be able to communicate effectively. [/list] What would be nice? [list] [*]Experience in moderation work of any kind. Our forum is very intuitive, and it's no problem if you have none, but it'd be nice. [*]Ability to separate forum and game. It shouldn't affect your mod work if you like somebody or not, as mod, you should be impartial. There's a team and a supervising admin behind you, but if you can be impartial all on your own, less problems. [*]Instinctive feelings. When should you close something, when should you split, when should you merge, where should you move to, who's the aggressor in flame wars. This one can be learned, but whatever you already have counts in your favor. [/list] Still with me? Hooray! Here's what you get out of it: Yep, that's it. There's no cool powers, no fancy spells, no special accesses (except for the mod section, which contains a lot of rules you need to follow as mod, and some admin logs that tell you about the fancy stuff you still can't do because you're just a mod). It's a completely voluntary role, without benefits for you. The only good thing about it, since you don't get paid, the Wookie can't force you to work. If you're still interested, please send me your application. Just write down all the reasons that make you think you're the best we can ever get for the job. (If you're uncreative with your reasons, you can cling to the 'What's nice' bullet points. )
  6. Re-do the stats and tokens system from scratch and set tight limits on stats. Because i feel that we've gone too far from 'good strategy beats high stats', and i want that back.
  7. I also say it's spam, but if you really feel the urge to do something like that, put them in the calendar as ranged events, not tons of single day events.
  8. Not really a question. Moved to Local Legends in Archives in honor of Awii's status. Also, we can't uproot him, he's too big already
  9. it's simple, roar at the machine, then you get a human. roar at the first two humans, too, then you get a capable human.
  10. Adventuring Award - no nomination Best Beautification - Dante Lionheart Champion Fighter - For the highest rate of development this year, i call darkraptor. Fossil of the year - It's growing old, but once again, he did the most of all the ancients: Chewett. The Golden Protector - Peace Helper of the Year - no nomination Most Addicted - darkraptor. Most Popular - Maebius Outstanding Service to MD - no nomination Pre-eminent Role Player - It hurts my Golemian pride to admit it: Azull. Prime Quest - Dominion journey: Mur Rookie of the year - Dark Demon Top Techie - Maebius
  11. [quote name='ZenTao' timestamp='1354542065' post='127216'] Yes, I should have looked at those rules again I should have not trusted Seigheart tho he was someone I thought I could trust- the reason why [b]Seigheart was unable to get a wp from the Anonymous sponsor in his own quest is because it was Him[/b]. he sponsored it anonymously- I told counsel that... [/quote] [quote name='Seigheart' timestamp='1351469355' post='124754'] Halloween Carving Contest! I would like all MD players to go out, in RL, and carve a real pumpkin. Take a picture of said pumpkins, and post them in MD. Be ready to prove that you carved it by putting an MD symbol on the pumpkin. [b]WP is up for grabs, sponsored by an anonymous player.[/b] I will be also participating, since I am merely organizing this contest, [b]and am not sponsoring it personally[/b], nor am I part of the judging committee. Hopefully that's okay. [/quote] For the record. Seems like an important bit of this contest to me.
  12. Noel is a girls name to you? Noelle, if at all, Noel is male
  13. I think we have a different understanding of secret santa... We use to write our names on pieces of paper, throw them in a hat and pull one each. On the last day of work before christmas, everybody gets a little gift from their secret santa, and gives one to somebody else. I think you're thinking of something along the lines of gifts to the poor <.<
  14. You cans end him a message through that system, so no need to stalk There are several scenes that have no name assigned to them, still. Not a bug, moved to Q&A.
  15. It should be a combination of days and percentage, Mur didn't disclose the details to avoid abuses. So, everybody who could tell for certain won't, and we're just guessing around. And no, you get presents exactly once, you can just choose when you go to pick them up. You'll know how and where when you see it, don't want to spoil the surprise just yet
  16. [quote] Ann. 1711 - [2010-12-24 23:25:09 - Stage 10] Chirstmas GIFTS...or not..or are they? hey who got the windy? Well, it seems this is already a well established Christmas Tradition in MD that for every single time with this occasion there was some sort of problem with the gifts, one way or the other. So don't get scared, its how things seem to work around here, regardless of me or others trying to make them right So, you should know that gifts were released a bit earlier, without the NEW restrictions. Today they were applied and you should know that now there is a activity requirement in order to get the gifts. IT IS NOT A BUG. Check you activity rating (total number of active days over max of your accoun, in profile page). This was done unannounced, in order to prevent alts from "harvesting" xmas gifts. You know i don't like such things. The only reason multiple accounts are allowed is to allow multiple characters that actually play different roles and personalities. Any alt abuse to gain advantages in such desperate and rude way will cause unpleasant actions towards your main.[/quote] I don't think either of you has enough activity days to get presents this year. Just try and see what happens, if the system says you're alts, at least one of you won't get anything.
  17. Your wish is my command. Moved to TK section, too.
  18. [color=#0000cd]I've split several posts to [/color][url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/13294-discuss-the-voting-arguments-here"][color=#0000cd]a new thread[/color][/url][color=#0000cd].[/color] [color=#0000cd]Each of you gets to vote once, so put your arguments into exactly one post. Use links, quotes, whatever you like, and edit as often as you need to, but any posts except the one you voted in will end up in that thread.[/color]
  19. Lightsage. Because he is one of the better questers i've seen around here, and one with the most extensive knowledge of the technical stuff he needs to keep up with. He's organized and hates all of us enough to be unbiased. He's also amongst the few who i see fit to handle the treasury in a way so all quests get a fair reward, not only certain kinds and not only at certain times. He works quickly and tidy enough to ensure that nobody has to wait for things they earned, and i'm certain that he'll handle the things entrusted to him in an appropriate way. He can handle pressure much better than the others on this list, and i definitely want a new style in the TKs, which i think Lightsage can bring that more easily than the people picked by the old leaders.
  20. It's be a bit weird to have a popularity contest about the person hated most, ain't it? That's a bit like 'Choose the best worst character' to me Alas, dst was quicker on this one. I'd say, instead of most hated or best villian, we could just call it worst player, like the golden raspberry. Nobody wants it, but somebody will get humiliated. Of course, the winner doesn't have to come and pick it up.
  21. They don't count to landscore, apparently. So, we'll probably successfully remove the first of them in a few days, if you vote for it
  22. You'll not be able to fight each other or trade with each other, if you're counted as alts.
  23. Actually more of a bug, but matches here: [quote] Vote to remove | AgmaluchXII to your land. Ends day 329 [/quote] That one should read remove from, i think. Remove to seems wrong. Clarification: I'm talking about the town crier leaflet, the vote page itself is fine.
  24. To me that's just the spirit of it, negative votes are supposed to play a massive role against the vote that's up. That is the point since Mur introduced the balloon votes, one vote against you mirrored in two lost points. If you have a reason to be in favor of something, you vote for it and create a point for the thing. If you have no reason to vote, that's actually a little point against the thing, and if you have a reason against it, it's a big point against the thing.
  25. I assume that's happy birthday, but we're still going with english Happy birthday
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