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Everything posted by Burns

  1. Short downtimes happen on occasion, sometimes it's 'our' fault, sometimes 'theirs'. Usually it's nothing to worry about, because whoever is to be blamed is usually there to fix stuff already by the time you post on the forum. If it happens, use the time to come up with a forum game in between, that's how we started after all
  2. The flasks are still broken, i fear you really have to remove them. Pity, they were fun.
  3. Because you aren't allowed to take the gains you'd normally get from combat while capped, you can't increase your skills, that's correct. Stat damage isn't based on the gains of combat, but a completely different approach than 'normal' combat, and works on a different, separated system. So, your understanding is correct, you can't gain stats, but when you lose to a skilldamager, you can lose them. Apart from that, not a bug, moved to Q&A.
  4. not a bug, moved to solved
  5. When did you cast? Yesterday at 10:30 pm server? Something like that. I undid it before going to sleep at 1 am. I asked Chewett for confirmation, it appears to be happening at all times with that particular spell, and the 30k indeed are from the council performing some magics on me, i hope the requested message made it onto their whitelist
  6. Simple solution, send your vote to one of them, then add the other two to the conversation.
  7. http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/11598-the-fate-of-khalazdad/ Emerald specifically asked to not turn this thread into a discussion, please stick to that.
  8. While being happy for you that you're bored enough to worry about that, i've still got exams ahead. I'll throw in random lines every now and then, but don't expect any more before next weekend. Bah!
  9. No poking, please.
  10. We've worked for ages without having unallied citizens, a few more months won't hurt. Since the kings had their items removed, there's no way to handle citizens who aren't part of an ally, so i don't think we should create more of them before all items are returned to whoever they'll be given to in the long run.
  11. How often can you beat Loreroot Landguard I before it goes down?
  12. That'd have another interesting effect, which is probably a little destructive... Cauldrons are built to be used by groups of two, would that mean that you need to team up with somebody else to solve one of the hardcoded quests? Yeah, you can usually find somebody in the park, but it's probably not so easy to find somebody who's at the same stage of needing the potion at the same time. If you ask publically, there's also the problem that people who don't know the solution yet will know of it afterwards. Apart from that, it might be a tad discouraging if you get thrown into cold water with that, tea is really complicated when you try it the first time <.<
  13. Illusions are designed to interfere with alliance, as such, i think it's even a necessity that the old ally status gets reset when the illusion ends. I've had wodin's guard in my ally, who is unkickable because it's an illusion, but he can't do anything inside, either. It would be extremely annoying if you were illusioned for some days to play on a mission, as illusions are set, and then find yourself stripped from your real alliance while being unable to do something about it, which is obviously a very special problem for leaders. If an ally member goes disguised for a while, they're still members, but can't do anything inside during the time disguised. It would be highly unfair if a person could be kicked from their real ally while they are stuck in the illusion ally, even more so if the person kicked is the leader of an ally. When Peace kicked me from my ally, i wasn't happy about it, either, but that was fair and square, i could've gotten a higher loyalty count to stop her. If I do everything in my power, and still lose, fine. But if i lose without having a chance to fight, that's not fine.
  14. 118) There's a Mur in all of us.
  15. Yeah, Mur did something weird and was forced to pull the plug for a few minutes. That'll happen regularly in MD, wait 15 minutes and see if it's still happening then before posting 'Solved'.
  16. I think Udgard was rather pointing out that a bunch of people who'd probably end up in such a group already have a tag they grew fond of, and probably don't want to replace with a group tag. Is it necessary that the tag people are summoned by is the only tag on that player? Or could it be used as kind of secondary tag, for example in Peace's case 'Healer - Death Guard'?
  17. You're just bad at searching, jun [url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/7932-no-sanctuary-day/page__hl__sanctuary__fromsearch__1"]http://magicduel.inv...__fromsearch__1[/url] Since it's essentially the same idea, except for the dates, use that thread if you think there are points not made yet. Closed and moved, since a yes/no poll is rather pointless on that stuff.
  18. You can use FlashMute to kill all flash sounds from your browser, that leaves your other sounds alone. Only thing you still can't do that way is having flash sounds muted in MD and on in another tab.
  19. Other than that, it's because trading items by itc is generally limited to item collecting spots. The intention of the codes was not to separate trading from location totally, you need to either be together or go to the special places.
  20. Revamp, the checkbox thing to 'maintain' several scripts at once still doesn't work.
  21. No, mods can. You can only let us know when you consider your topics finished
  22. http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/6903-how-to-export-transparent-gif-avy/page__view__findpost__p__58424 <-GIMP 2.6 specific http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/index.php?app=core&module=search&do=search&search_tags=Avatar-Creation&search_app=forums <- pretty much everything
  23. Curiosity, do you have a certain size in mind? Like, 45*1, 9*5, 2*10+4*5+5*1...?
  24. [attachment=3578:7 avatars.png]
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