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Everything posted by Rophs

  1. I agree to reveal scores. Somebody else agreed too iirc, let's see them :D
  2. Will you post the scores?
  3. Rophs

    Funny MD Quotes

  4. Rophs

    Funny MD Quotes

    No, not at all.
  5. DD and dst are both rep abusers. One negreps everything I post and another posreps everything I post. note: This is the conspiracy theories topic. The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood. Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact. edit: After dst realized that her "work" was being cancelled out by DD she had No one give a lending hand
  6. Rophs

    Funny MD Quotes

  7. I'm also trying to book Masks of the Mist to make the Snowy Seedwalk extra cool :D
  8. There will be a nice Snowy Seedwalk happening this year, exact time isn't decided yet but I will make sure that it is properly planned by 12/24/2014(M/D/Y) at 23:59:59 ST. The Snowy Seedwalk will begin on 12/24/2014(M/D/Y) at 19:00:01ST To convert your timezone click here. To see a countdown click here.
  9. evRemember when Nim raffled off a Drach? I'm going to do something similar. A 50/50 raffle. How it works: You can buy a ticket for 2SC (10 tickets for 1G). Every ticket is given a number (I will keep the numbers ITT to ensure fairness). For every ticket purchased the winner will receive 1SC (half the total money goes to the winner). How I will choose a winning number: I have a file with a very large number in it. The winning ticket number will be calculated as follows: n = big number t = number of tickets w = winning ticket number w = (n%t) + 1
  10. Eara did it last year, I'll do it this year. What you need to do: Send me a CTC or and ITC via ForumPM and that you wish to enter into the Gift Pool before 12/23/2014 (M/D/Y) at 23:59:59 ST. What happens next: During Christmas (maybe a little after) you'll get a ForumPM with a CTC or ITC of the gift you are receiving FINAL LIST of people I have a CTC/ITC from: Azrafar powle Assira the Black (Hiria) Eagle Eye DARK DEMON Sunfire Aelis Asthir (Myth) Ailith Lania Grido Rex Umbrae Killer (Rex) Miq Intrigue Mur Sasha Lilias Change Rikstar Valoryn Tal AmberRune Witty Clock Master blackshade rider Lexier Eara february Princ anonymous letter Nimrodel JadenDew TheRichMerchant MRAlyon Kyphis Samon tankfans
  11. Would probably also include Awiiya
  12. I did clarification edit: I saw this more as a mental exercise than me trying to get LotE citizenship.
  13. Duplicate Seedwalker tags are removed but now the one I have is Type 2, is this intentional?
  14. [log But we get to make fun of how you talk too :D (contains light language that may be offensive to some users)] [/log]
  15. True, I was more thinking that the cow spell would transform them into a cow and you would gather milk from the udder. Now I realize that the idea is utterly weird.
  16. If you speak English and you know it clap your hands! *clap clap* etc
  17. To start Win7 in safe mode tap F8 once every second as your computer starts up, you'll be brought to a menu and you can use the up/down arrow keys to select Safe Mode and then press enter when it is highlighted to boot into safe mode.
  18. I'm "lucky" to live in a part of USA where there's two different telecom providers, but Kyphis lives in AU. Let's derail a split-because-it-derailed-another-thread-thread and complain about our telecom companies while we use their services!
  19. When it scrolls down like that try middle clicking on the center of your screen and then moving your mouse cursor up so that you scroll back up
  20. Hominus wouldn't be the subject of the first part of the "elroin secret phrase". The -us ending on a 2nd declension noun is used in the nominative case. Vinci could be interpreted as "defeat" or "conquer" but vici would be a better word for that, "overcome" would be a better English word for translating this phrase. "Man overcomes elrion" would be how I translate the first half. In the second half homo is used instead of hominus taking the ablative case suggesting that something else is moving away from man. According to Google Translate vincii translates to "won" from Latin and "winch" from Romanian. (Seeing how "homo" translates literally to "fag" from Romanian I doubt that vincii is supposed to mean "winch" in this phrase). I'm not sure how to literally translate the second phrase but it seems to have the general idea of "time victory from man". I'd translate the thing as a whole to be along the lines of "[When] man overcomes Elroin [the] time from [of] man [will be] won." It sounds like the (incomplete) beginning of a prophecy, there's probably more stuff hidden that would make the phrase more "complete".
  21. Maybe the Moo Spell would be a cow illusion and other players could harvest milk FROM YOU by doing *harvests milk from playername* :D Ary would you drink that?
  22. Mur definitely already has a TagMasters type thing in the works (a TagMaster being able to give out many of a tag such as Bringers of Light, Death Guard, etc). This thread is for people to suggest potential TagMasters. This thread is by no means affiliated with Mur and anything inside may or may not be implemented, likely straying on the side of may not. Syntax for a tag suggestion: Tagname - TagMasterofTagName Why TadMasterofTagName is should be TagMaster of TagName My suggestions for tags and their associated TagMasters: Tainted - Assira the Black This should be pretty much self-explanatory. Assira is the leader of the Tainted and allowing her to distribute that tag would increase clarity overall. Death Guard - Azull He's king of NC and TW, there's nobody more suited to be TagMaster of Death Guard. Bringers of Light - Princ Rhaegar He's leader of BoL ally and King of MB, similar to Azull there is nobody more suited . Silvan Watch - Valoryn Valoryn is the leader of Guardians of the Root which is an ally dedicated to keeping LR safe, it would make strong thematic sense for the leader of such an ally to also be TagMaster of Silvan Watch. Embers of Kelle'tha - Menhir This tag seems a lot more like a Researchy/Abstractish tag than one with a purpose as obvious as Death Guard or Silvan Watch. I personally think Menhir's character fits the idea of an "Ember of Kelle'tha" best out of all Golemians. Syntax for a tag suggestion: Tagname - TagMasterofTagName Why TadMasterofTagName is should be TagMaster of TagName My suggestions for tags and their associated TagMasters: Tainted - Assira the Black This should be pretty much self-explanatory. Assira is the leader of the Tainted and allowing her to distribute that tag would increase clarity overall. Death Guard - Azull He's king of NC and TW, there's nobody more suited to be TagMaster of Death Guard. Bringers of Light - Princ Rhaegar He's leader of BoL ally and King of MB, similar to Azull there is nobody more suited . Silvan Watch - Valoryn Valoryn is the leader of Guardians of the Root which is an ally dedicated to keeping LR safe, it would make strong thematic sense for the leader of such an ally to also be TagMaster of Silvan Watch. Embers of Kelle'tha - Menhir This tag seems a lot more like a Researchy/Abstractish tag than one with a purpose as obvious as Death Guard or Silvan Watch. I personally think Menhir's character fits the idea of an "Ember of Kelle'tha" best out of all Golemians.
  23. I know, we've had a chitchat about comic sans before :P there was an opportunity to make a comic sans joke and I just had to take it :D
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