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Posts posted by awiiya

  1. For one thing - I really don't like your use of the term "purchasing a location." The wish does not mean that you own a scene. It means that you have changed the subtitle of that scene... and that's all. No one really OWNS any locations...

    And as for the user-submitted info, I like the way it is now. To me it was perfectly clear that once wished you cannot change the info unless you wish yet again. If it were possible to change the information at any time, then it really WOULD be purchasing a location.

    So I think you ought to update your understanding of the wish.


  2. I've noticed that a lot of the Mood Panel is no longer just for Moods, it is also for people selling, buying, etc...

    And while it's useful as advertising, I think there should be a new panel, The Trade Panel, designated for people who want to advertise. As the economy of MD becomes more developed as it has in the past few weeks, this type of advertising will only increase.


  3. Well, depending on the phone and how you've configured it, you may be connecting to the internet via your mobile's data network. So that would be 4g or 3g. Which would likely be beyond Egypt's control to censor?
    If you want, I can send you a browser that could get around the censorship. Let me know.


  4. The implementation works something like this (and correct me if I'm wrong)

    The server keeps track of the exact moment that you opened your MD account. Each day, at the exact time you opened the account, your total day counter updates itself.

    However your active day counter updates whenever you log in on a given day. If you don't log in on that day, you miss a day. So for the first few days you'll gain two active days before 48 hours has elapsed.


  5. This list is compiled mostly after reading Bun's list from last year, which I had never seen.

    I'll nominated Handy Pockets:
    1. Queen after the resignation of Lifeline
    2. Seed protector (AL); helped Akasha and company with the opening of the East.
    3. Longtime gardener, possessing Awiiyas Watering Can, Gardening Tool Kit, Seed Potion.
    4. Connoisseur of poetry and stories.

    And Ivorak:
    1. Murderer gifted with a knife capable of killing a player (has felled Mya Celestia, among others): Decorated Stone Dagger.
    2. Previously a Sentinel, Ivorak now belongs to no homeland, and in the ages of old was a Archivist under Pamplemousse, Logan Marquis, and Renavoid.
    3. Crediting with bringing the Wix (is that what it's called? You know. The paper creating program) into MD.

    1. Leader of the Woodcutter's guild - able to collect the wood with saws and other tools.

    1. Vigorous leader of the advertisers.

    1. Dedicated to the Garden project that hopes to change the location Northwest of the Gazebo of Equilibrium into a fully functional hybrid garden.

    1. Legend speaker extraordinaire and (at times overly) public persona, she restarted story nights.
    2. Mur's Ary (secretly).

    Malaikat Mut
    1. Resident philosopher, known mostly for his eloquent and extensive responses to Mur's more abstract searches (I direct you to the whole Christianity search).

    Princ Rhaegar
    1. Known somewhat negatively for his dramatic attempts in Loreroot to regain power. Became a rebel and later sent to jail.
    2. Old leader of the Savelites church, now disbanded.
    3. Involved in a few lawyer cases, most recently against Junior.

    1. Winner of the BHC Fierce Edition, now organizer for all future BHC competitions. A known stat-grinder/strong fighter.


  6. Yikes. Advice from a guy who has been through the whole Legend quagmire one too many times.

    When you broadly ask the question, "Who do you consider Legendary?" the responses are going to inevitably be varied and subjective. To Tarquinus, a person who I believe values Roleplay above stat-grinding and other amusements, of course finds Innocence to be one of the top-tier players of our humble realm. Innocence does it often, does it well, and has been slighted on prior occasions (which is not to say that Innocence has totally avoided being rewarded. He has, sometimes, been recognized.) DST, on the other hand, is renowned for her abiding hatred of all things overly-dramatic and obscenely fictional (pregnancy, Lore, etc.), and admires coding and quests (hence, Fryd and Cutler). The fact that the two players within page one of this board have disagreed, unfortunately, exactly mirrors previous attempts, mine and others, to find some sort of objective way to discern who is and is not Legendary.

    Quoting Tarquinus, "Anyway, you've had your say, and I've had mine. Shall we agree to disagree and move on?" To which DST responded that no, she would like to hear your reasons. We're all somewhat entitled to express our own opinions, and equally entitled to ask for further proof.

    So: my possibly irrelevant suggestion is that if you are going to suggest a Legend, you must have a listing of their accomplishments, impacts, etc., and it should be specific and researched. And, if you are going to contradict or argue against someone's suggestion, your backing should be stronger (to be decided by Bunny, I suppose). But please, knocking down other idols simply because it doesn't align with your own evaluation of their "Legendary" qualities is incredibly egocentric. We value by different scales, so go about your arguments with tact. Feelings get wrapped up in our role-models.

    If I have anything to say about the matter of Legends: the people that leave true impacts seldom need canonization and chapters in books.


  7. Keep getting this today:

    Error: TypeError
    Err description: undefined
    Err number: undefined
    Err message: erolin.SetVariable is not a function

    Ajax response:

    erolin.SetVariable("heat","0"); //debug sound
    //var sounds = document.getElementById('sounds');

    parent.textArray = new Array;


    var errtxt = "Error: "+err.name + "\nErr description: " + err.description+ "\nErr number: " + err.number+ "\nErr message: " + err.message;

  8. As long as those messages and chats are constructive, interesting, amusing, or in some way useful to me, you won't get disqualified. HOWEVER whether or not something fits those qualifications is highly subjective. So be safe. And yes, you can get disqualified.

    You have as many tries and as much time as your heart desires.

    You can ask as many questions about the word as you want, but the game plays like Mindreader, not 20 questions. I won't answer any questions about the word.


  9. I recently to be came the proud owner of an Anniversary Aramor. I don't have creatures or fight. I also don't have items, silver, or gold, and so there's really no way for someone to bribe it off me.

    So instead, I'm going to hold an absolutely ridiculous and arbitrary competition.

    Here is the premise:

    [b]I have a word in my head. If you say it and I hear it, you get the Aramor.[/b]

    That's it.

    A couple of extra rules:
    1. It cannot be in a sentence with the following: is, are, am, was, were.
    2. It has to be part of a sentence.
    3. It has to make sense. If you are send me long messages or nonsense I won't give you the Aramor, and I won't even tell you if you get the word.

    If it takes more than a year then I'll consider giving out a clue or two. But I'm not leaving anytime soon, and I won't forget. Will you?

    Note: Personal messages ARE acceptable, but you must have something to say in them. Such as a description of what you are doing... or something.

    Good luck. And yes, I know this might take a while. I can wait. Again, can you?


    Assorted Questions I've been asked:

    Q: Is this word a noun, adjective or verb?

    Q: How do I even know that this word is in English?
    A: I do not know any language besides English well enough to do a competition in it. The word is English.

    Q: Forgive my impertinence, but what guarantee do I have that you will not change the word?
    A: You don't! But I would like to think myself trustworthy, and am not interested in playing favorites when it comes to quests. If you say the word I am thinking of, and there is only one word and I have not and will not change it, I will give you the Aramor. You don't even know have to be actively trying to find the word to win. In fact, it might almost be better that you don't.

    Q: Would you consider a valid entry if I send a poem via PM?
    A: Absolutely I consider that valid.

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