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Everything posted by Kaya

  1. Kaya

    A funeral

    Sad times have come upon us. After over a month since his dead the time has come for Spartiatis' funeral. This Saturday at 18:00 ST his remains will be burned in a pyre at the GoE. All are welcome to pay respect to a fallen warrior. For those who wish to there will be time to speak a few words.
  2. The alliance is far from dead, it's time it gets restored to it's former glory.
  3. [b]Research, connections and spell docs[/b] A while ago Mur started with the reintegration of spelldocs through clues, however as of today there still are no new clues, it's still impossible to unlock clues through research and there is no way to gain spell docs. I think it's also time these get some new attention.
  4. [quote name='Fenrar' timestamp='1338908863' post='113467'] 3. No matter which stage we fight, we do it once. [/quote] So if you've done it on MP3 you can no longer do it at the other MPs. Many who win on MP3 don't even really know what they've gotten themselves into. (Yes I've seen MP3s getting asked if they want to win the contest by just staying at the GoE knowing little more than that they'll get a nice price.) [quote name='Fenrar' timestamp='1338908863' post='113467'] 4. The ones who _could_ compete were not interested at MP4 or MP5 either. Some people won by spending too much time in idle mode... and when logging in: wow! surprise... I won a trophy!. [/quote] People who would otherwise win on MP3 will now have to participate at MP4, so there will be more participants at MP4. [quote name='Fenrar' timestamp='1338908863' post='113467'] The game will not be better because of one more MP4. There is one less MP3 that way. And how could the newbies train and melt into the realm? There are times when MDP is empty, only the "bots" are there (thank you guys for this, it is nice to have them). [/quote] Those that knowingly participate in HC usually are those that would move up afterwards anyway, If only because they get capped during HC. So is it better to have a player killing off newbies for their heads or hiding in some remote area, and move up to MP4 afterwards than have them move up a week earlier? But the most important thing is that HC isn't a challenge any more because there are just to few participants to fit 12 spots.
  5. [quote name='Fenrar' timestamp='1338853259' post='113402'] No HC on MP3? All right, one less event for us... there is plenty we can do anyway. To be honest, I was working hard to lose those heads at the end, so I can maybe win the next contest... but well, this HC turned out to be not much of a contest. (Thank you Quizok for the long hunt in Phase 1, I enjoyed it very much:).) I am not sure forcing us to MP4 helps. Really. Personally, I am looking for fun. By the way, the other MP level contests were different, more active, better? I was checking the contest log all the time... I am not sure about the answer. Do not force us to move on to MP4. Please. Give us time and fun. [/quote] There are several reasons I think HC should be MP4+, the main one being that there just are to few participants to keep it interesting, if you win on MP3 you can't win again. When you don't allow MP3 to participate there will be 4 more possible participants for the next contest. Furthermore because of the MP requirements only a very select group of creatures is available to MP3. Most creature abilities only get available at MP4 or even 5. In my opinion MP3 fighting is to limited for HC. To finish this up MP3 is a stage to learn the basics. If you feel like you're ready for HC you're also ready for MP4 That's why I think HC shouldn't be available to MP3, but the main point was that HC needs to be worked on to make it more than just "the one who was unable to avoid the most score"
  6. [b]Making Heads contest a contest[/b][b] again[/b] As most know for a while now HC hasn't been much of a contest other than for occasionally for first place, though that spot usually is taken from the start as well. Lately it has even become harder not to win if you haven't already than it has to win. Therefore I have a few suggestions as to how to make HC a little harder: -Make HC only available to MP4+, as MP3 can't really fight fully yet anyway, or perhaps make it MP5 only. -Reduce the amount of winners to 3 per category. -Reduce the amount of HCs to 4 per year, one every 3 months With this there should at least be some increase in competition in the long run as the amount of competitors gets more concentrated in one place. Edit: Thhe main point is work on HC to make it a contest again, not the way how this should be done.
  7. People gave negative rep without comments, because in the announcement was asked to post only ideas in the topic. The reason for the negative rep itself is that you ask for things to be removed which you know nothing about. First the removing of Land loyalty requirements from items. What do you think would happen if everyone is able to get any gathering resource they want? Most of the resources would be depleted permanently. Just look at the herbs if you don't believe me, baskets are there for all to use, at least those able to get into Loreroot. (Which is possible even without defeating the guards, it's up to you to find out how) Also the high AP cost in the tribunal as well as viscosity have their reasons. Even veterans are at least slowed down considerably by the AP in the east. Why? Mostly because of similar reasons to why the land guards are there for Loreroot. I didn't neg rep you either, because suggestions of new players often are the most valuable and shouldn't be discouraged, but at the same time when suggesting something you know little about you shouldn't be surprised when people don't like it, that usually means you need to dive into it some deeper first.
  8. [b]Dynamic land loyalty[/b] One of the things I would like to see changed is the way people gain land loyalty. Currently the way to gain it is be joining an alliance from a specific land and after that all you need to do is make sure you log in from time to time and it'll keep going up. While this is a nice start and does give some indication of a persons loyalty to a specific land it is very limited. For example someone who joins a land only to damage it or it's people still gains loyalty and will keep it for all eternity, while someone who does help to protect the land or in some other way helps the land, but is not (yet) a citizen of that land gets nothing. While this might not be the most important change and I'm not certain how it should be changed with the growing importance of land loyalty just time isn't enough.
  9. Farewell Hedge, you'll be missed.
  10. Happy Birthday to both!
  11. Happy Birthday Sun!
  12. I would post repeating announcements only once, with perhaps the starting and ending date of when they were published and the interval at which they are posted. Perhaps you can post them on a different wiki? (not sure if that's allowed or if it's easily possible to link between them)
  13. Happy birthday!
  14. Welcome to the realm!
  15. I agree with Burns that MP6 should be changed first, or at least soon. After that I think first citizenship should be changed, followed by alliances and as last tags. Citizenship affects most players and alliances are important at this moment because of the resent takeovers. While tags are an interesting feature they're not as important as the others at the moment. Also I think land loyalty needs to be more dynamic. Loyalty is more than just logging in every day.
  16. I think to improve HC it should be closed to mp3 and the amount of winners should be reduced to 3. That way there should be more potential participants on mp4/5 and on mp3 there aren't enough creatures to fight an interesting battle anyway. Also decreasing the difference of reward between
  17. You can't gather byproducts of a specific resource if you already have one of them, by letting someone else stock them you can keep gathering more of them.
  18. You will be missed greatly Sage. You will always be welcome to step by. Without you I might not have been here.
  19. Because the land was closed Necrovion items have been scattered all around the realm. [quote][color="#CCCCCC"]Ann. 2019 - [2011-09-21 03:15:59 - Stage 11][/color] Because Necrovion is closed, some of the shared items that were supposed to be available for this land will be scattered in the other lands. When/if Necrovion will be reopened, these items will be moved there. This is why some of the items that you will see will sometimes not really fit with the "theme" of the land they are in.[/quote] The needle probably is one of those.
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