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Everything posted by Kaya

  1. [quote name='John Constantine' timestamp='1351195767' post='124642'] Cranberries. [/quote] Zombie
  2. For those who can´t read Romanian a nice [url="http://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&js=n&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&layout=2&eotf=1&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.cariereonline.ro%2Farticol%2Frefuzat-sa-devina-sclavul-societatii&act=url"]Google translated version[/url], from the announcement.
  3. Well, It's not jet weekend, so I wee little reason dor doubt. On the other hand it would be nice if we could already get a raw log to look through.
  4. As Phantasm said you can make multiple entries. I can't promise extra points for real skulls, also I won't take any responsibility for, nor do I want to encourage body snitching, grave robbery an/or murder on behave of this quest.
  5. I think such an item would require the kill items to check if you have it (Which can easily be done with MDScript, but probably requires altering all kill items) An easy way to prevent it from being to over powered is having it disintegrate after a while and then either allow the owner to recharge it, rendering him mortal until he does that. Alternatively make it possible for anyone to make them using shared tools, keep the disintegrating and set a limit to let's say at most 5 of these items in the entire realm, like with the candy limit.
  6. Looking at the list I think most should be possible using triggers, though I must admit my knowledge about item MDScript isn't to big, the only one I think might cause some trouble should be show the dead. I do, however, not really like the idea of having all these powers on one person. I would rather see them as shared tools or preferably items created using a cauldron with a quick decomposion time to prevent anti dead item hoarding.
  7. I often have the same problem when using Chrome, usually reloading the security letters solves the problem.
  8. Hmmm... Yes, why not, I'll allow animal skulls, but please note that no real skulls are necessary.
  9. Soon it will be el Dia de los Muertos (Day of the Dead) This festival is all about celebrating the dead. With prayers, a nice altar (Google “Altar de los Muertos”) and, most importantly, wildly decorated skulls! These skulls come in many shapes and forms most notably in the form of sugar skulls. For this quest you're asked to make your own colourfully decorated skull. How exactly you make it I'll leave up to your own imagination, but the more colour the better and edible skulls get bonus points. Rewards: First place: A Shade + a WP Second Place: 15 Silver + an Angien Third place: 10 Silver + a Tormented Soul Fourth place: 5 Silver Furthermore all will get some Candy! The deadline is midnight ST in the night from November 2 on 3. After that there will be a public vote to decide the best skull for one week. Voting has started, cast your votes [url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/13152-colourful-skulls-voting/"]here[/url]. Some examples; some sugar skulls, a drawing and some skull cookies : [center][img]http://www.joyfulbelly.com/journal/recipe_images/SugarSkulls.jpg[/img] [img]http://tf2sprays.com/wp-content/uploads/image/spray-DiasDeLosMuertos.jpg[/img] [img]http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_Tgo3NhsaF5M/Su3DsmcVg-I/AAAAAAAACgc/ClNpKqcJejE/s400/sugar+skull+cookies+1.jpg[/img][/center] [center][media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fh2hSyDcYlo[/media][/center] [center][url="http://http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=giUzNIliJSk"]English version[/url][/center]
  10. New players in tutorial mode might get stuck after clicking a jump link or the fog during OpenNecro.
  11. It would help if you start with writing out what ideas you've already thought of, so we have something concrete to work with. One thing I thought might help bring HC back a little is allow all who didn't end up first to participate again for the first place only, to pick up the second half of the reward.
  12. Sadly Passant hasn't been around for a while, the last time he logged in on the forums has been at the end of April.
  13. [quote name='Dragual' timestamp='1349471657' post='123211'] Hopeful. [/quote] Future (Does [url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/13050-i-cant-log-in/"]this[/url] mean the other topic should be unlocked again? )
  14. Seems like the same problem as [url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/13022-unable-to-log-in/"]http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/13022-unable-to-log-in/[/url] I don't think there is a real need for anyone else to confirm unless someone actually can log in. P.s. should be moved to bug reports/merged
  15. Going to the Throne hall without help is near impossible for 99% of the realm, and I don't think asking for an audience with Mur every time you want to see the alliance list is such a good idea... Furthermore the Throne hall doesn't really have a suitable location. Perhaps the back of the statue hall would be a better location. MDA has a lot of places that would be suitable, pretty much any book would do. Perhaps the desk in the room at the east corridor would be good.
  16. [quote name='DARK DEMON' timestamp='1349256674' post='122962'] Sweet! [/quote] Rainbow Candy!
  17. It actually would make sense for resources decrease upon depletion as it's amount does not actually represent how many you have (Ever seem a player actually transporting 100 branches? It would require a lot of going back and forth to take the entire pile with you) but how 'real' they are. (see: [url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/10370-how-can-resources-be-fixed-unsplittable-groups/"]http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/10370-how-can-resources-be-fixed-unsplittable-groups/[/url]) Depleting resources would mean you don't actually see them as resources, but just as a way to damage the community. The problem with this is that it would only raise the cap of what depletion is, if you loose for example 5 resources when you fully deplete a resource we can just as well say that a resources is depleted at 1 for one day and a depleter could pay 5 resources to increase the depletion time to 5 days. Also it wouldn't make sense for resources of which there are only one. There is however an other logical punishment for depletion. Resources were originally announced as Land Resources, meaning when depleting resources you basically steal it from the land. Then wouldn't it make sense for the land to try to push depleters away? Giving them a (temporary) Land Loyalty penalty, quickly increasing in duration and severity with every depletion making it more difficult to move around within the land.
  18. I thought the idea of a life tree to be very fitting to the groups purpose, and as Yggdrasil also functions a a realm between worlds that feeds and nurtures all it's inhabitants, it could be seen as a symbol to connect the real world to the realm of MD. As such I'm more speaking about the concept behind the tree than about the tree itself. It's true that n original name would be better, but I can't help but see the life tree as the most fitting symbol to the group. Perhaps the more general "Tree of Life" would be better? These can be found in cultures over the entire globe and, in a way, even in MD itself.
  19. When registering: [quote]We try to keep our game world clean, but this is not an adventure for the faint-hearted. Suitable for ages 13 and older. May contain violence, suggestive themes, crude humour, minimal blood, simulated gambling, and/or infrequent use of strong language. The content of this game is rated 13+ as some puzzles and contents are quite complex. MagicDuel is a Multiplayer game with live chat and we cannot control what other people will do or say, although we do enforce a no swearing and no adult content in public areas rule via our moderators as much as possible. [/quote] One big problem is that these ratings are not aimed at RP games, but at the more mainstream games with 3D graphics etc. If in such a game drugs are used/someone smokes it's way more direct and emphasized than when it happens in an rp setting. Also these ratings do not take into account player interaction at all. (Though PEGI does have a limited side rating for that) Furthermore these ratings are made to [b]always [/b]be on the save side and in my opinion nearly always are to strict.
  20. What about Yggdrasil, the Norse life tree in which the 9 worlds from Norse mythology are placed. As a reference to both life and the realm in general.
  21. The game currently is rated PG-13. A problem is that according to the game age ratings I could find "the concept of the use of tobacco and drugs" requires a game to be rated 16. [url="http://www.pegi.info/en/index/id/33/"]http://www.pegi.info/en/index/id/33/[/url] Basically this means that the moment one puts up a cigarette the age rating should go up to 16. As to murder in MD, I think it falls in the category "Videogames that show violence of a slightly more graphic nature towards fantasy character and/or non graphic violence towards human-looking characters or recognisable animals" which is PEGI 12. Though the ESRB does mention the use of drugs on their site I seem to be unable to find an age requirement. On the other hand the ESRB does have a: [b]"Online Interactions Not Rated by the ESRB." [/b]qualification. [url="http://www.esrb.org/ratings/ratings_guide.jsp"]http://www.esrb.org/ratings/ratings_guide.jsp[/url] Furthermore it should be noted that having a ESRB rating in Canada and the US or PEGI rating in Europe is not required: ESRB [url="http://www.esrb.org/ratings/faq.jsp#2"]http://www.esrb.org/ratings/faq.jsp#2[/url] PEGI: [url="http://www.pegi.info/en/index/id/26#question_6"]http://www.pegi.info/en/index/id/26#question_6[/url] In other words if wanted Mur could rate it whatever he wants, there is no such thing as loosing a rating unless you actually applies for an official rating. (Although there are rules regarding 18+ content and payments, but these are beside the point.) In my opinion you should be able to plant whatever plant you want as long as it's logically possible (no godmodding your plants) As for Nightshade, if I remember correctly it says Necrovion has a monopoly on it, so I would recommend not planting that, unless you want to risk angering the shades.
  22. I will support you on a case by case basis, with resources, knowledge and anything else I deem appropriate. Also I'll try my best at making an interesting revival recipe. When more death items entered the realm, death itself died. I'm not here to fight death, but to resurrect it. As for the name, While "Twilight Brigade" does fit the cause of the group it doesn't really fit MD, so I like "Redivivus" better. Edit: On a side note, you can now visit Spartiatis' Grave by using "urn" at the Ash Arch.
  23. Is this the end? Is now Mur and Chewett are gone the entire realm comming to a closure?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Magistra


      Chewett gone? What happened?



      Chew isn't gone! He just has limited internet access till 11th October...




  24. I seem to be having a similar issue, though slightly different. First whenever I tried to log in the trigger box and mood panel said "Please login first" and then redirected me to the home page, from where the login button brought me directly back to the game with the same problem. Then I somehow managed to log out, but now I keep getting the wrong security letters error even after refreshing the page, clearing cache, refreshing the letters only etc. Got the same problem on all mayor browsers. Also got the same error when trying on Chrome.
  25. [quote name='BFH' timestamp='1346446132' post='121298'] If player chooses X path he receives Wizard tag and lets say he could choose from a list of spells an initial one to get motivated? Or maybe an item IDK? If player choose Y path he receives Y tag and get something related to Y tag, which will make him get involved in such role. [/quote] That really sounds like your average MMO class system. I think it should actually be pretty much the opposite. You get a spell, therefore you get the Mage tag.
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