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Everything posted by Kaya

  1. Everything seems to be pretty much the way it was, if not slightly better from the Netherlands.
  2. Several free DNS servers that already seem to work with MD: Opendns ( and Google public DNS ( and Tunlr ( and Each of the pages explains how to use them (though it's pretty much the same for all of them.) Before trying those you should try typing "ipconfig /flushdns" in the command line, unless you don't mind using a different DNS server regardless.
  3. in case there are still people fighting with their dns they can try using googles dns: https://developers.google.com/speed/public-dns/ It seems to work for me.
  4. I wonder which one is better, "whenever is ready " or "soon"

  5. Update, a questionnaire, or something like that: http://magicduel.com/layout.php
  6. It's the red button from Eagle Eye's post. [spoiler][/spoiler]
  7. Well, that's unfortunate. I didn't expect Chewett to be serious when talking about dropping the players table.
  8. Samon Movelock stone
  9. Happy new stage all! Time to take a look at what changed during the last stage! Be careful, it's a long list. [spoiler] Stage 11 started way back on 2011 - 08 - 20 with the announcement of the clues project (research and connections) which got implemented week later, along with the research achievements. (However due to a bug clues are now inaccessible) While there already were a few shared items back in stage 10 many new have been added during stage 11. The Golemus lab became a new item dispatch location, and the lab in the Tribunal got unlocked in order to hold more shared items (but never got filled.) The voices on the forum got appointed to represent the council. Fight causes and land legislator items got created. Land loyalty started affecting AP cost. Public roles gained thrust points. As a result of the absurdly blind day of justice (among other things) the jump links got created. The Elu made it's way to MD, soon followed by creature resources (coloured paper and Grasan resources.) Trading limitations for (shared items) items got implemented. Wiiya resource was created. The Age of Kings came to an end. Shared pass papers were added. The 200th creature level got created. Chewett surpassed Mur in AD. The summon by tag spell was made. Slavery, in its current form with leashes, found its way to MD for the first time. Heat voting got acknowledged as the result of a continues effort to use it to revive Seigheart. The Drachorn lair was opened. Kake! Limitations for alts to become adepts were put in place. Items started to expire. The calendar got completed. Citizenship now gets decided by vote. Major/minor tags got created. Part of the archives got closed off. And finally public items, item combining and creature totems got created to start of stage 12. [/spoiler] It's a long list, and I'm sure there are many more things that aren't in there (like the end of the CoT.) The realm changed quite a lot and is still moving on.
  10. I don't like likes, but people should be willing to take responsibility for their votes. Therefore I'll vote for a transparent +/- rep system.
  11. 1) Samon 2) One week for each silver you bit (but min 4, max 12) 3) Try and you'll see :) 4) 10% rounded up, the rest will be used for quest rewards/other types of charity. 5) I may not be all that active all the time, if I'm away for a longer period we'll work something out for the duration
  12. When autocorrect does know your in game name, but not your real one.
  13. Even though it's a bit late, Happy birthday!
  14. The IP addresses appear to be fixed per train line. I usually have IP or I also occasionally take the train with IP and have most certainly used other trains as well, a while back.
  15. Basically Chewett wants us to spoil him how to easily get his mp3 alts into Loreroot. Anyway, this seems like it'll be fun enough, so I'll try to get some alt out to defeat them. Is there something like a deadline, or can we take all the time we want?
  16. [quote name='Chewett' timestamp='1366493830' post='135106'] No one has ever been killed as a punishment in my knowledge. Feel free to point out where someone has been killed as a punishment. [/quote] Quite a few murders were, in a way, a punishment, only not one from council/Mur. But back to the point, I don't think the jail system really is there to be nicer than banning. I believe it's rather there because MD is what we make it, so banning a player is like banning a part of MD. It's the same reason why you can't get your account deleted. When you remove a player you remove part of MD history, which should only be done in the most extreme cases.
  17. Updated my post.
  18. A recipe for the real MD fans: 1. Go out and pick some random plants you do not know and some aromatic herbs, go buy some colourful candy and fill a cup with 2 decilitres of water. 2. Pick two random grains from those unidentified plants. 3. Carefully grind the grains. 4. Crush the candy. (Make sure to keep the wrappers, you'll need them.) 5. Throw them all together in a bowl and mix them well. 6. Pour the mixture (dough in the original recipe, but I'm not sure that term is really accurate) in a cake form. 7. Put it in the oven and wait for an hour. (Turn on at your own risk) 8. Carefully take the kake out of the oven and take it out of the cake form. 9. Finally wrap it in the candy wrappings. And you're done! There is your own original kake! Depending on the grains, temperature of the oven and a few more minor details your kake might look like one of these: [spoiler] [img]http://i1215.photobucket.com/albums/cc506/Samonus/59283_627329893948244_156048990_n.jpeg[/img] [/spoiler]
  19. I suppose you can better feel good about it: regeneration --44 energeticimmun --52.874 tradesense --27 briskness --32 initiative --12 defence --26 attack --52.874 power --7 luck --13 -266.7 total
  20. Cloudflare won't let me in :(

  21. The tools don't seem to actually be all that unbalanced, except for some tools being more useful than others. Just making all these tools useful would already bring us a long way to balancing them. The idea of lowering monopolies came mostly from the fact that there are also buckets available to the public and it would seem fair for the other lands to have to share something of their own as well. I don't think these monopolies should be ended completely. About the tribunal, we do have a Lab supply room which still needs to be filled, and increasing the access cost to that room would make a nice alternative to making tools that are completely East only. I also wonder, when giving tools to non mainlands should long term 'No Homeland' citizens also get something? P.s. Does anyone know if the bathroom in the archives is still normally accessible? Edit: Also, does anyone know some more about the glassware in the archives?
  22. Changed it
  23. As [url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/13859-true-false-4-did-the-availability-of-gathering-tools-bothered-you/"]most people[/url] seem to be bothered by the way tools are currently diveded between the lands let's discuss how we will be able to balance them evenly. To get things started an overview of what tools each land has. All mainlands have land cleansers and pass papers in their capitals. MB Capital Buckets (MB only) Rainwater collectors (MB only) Mineral Water collectors (MB only) Dice (All) Herb baskets (8+ gardening, superior to free ones) PoW Needles (All 200+ AD) Essence extractors (All) Poison inoculators (All) LR Capital Lumber Saws (LR only) Branch axes (LR only) Bark knifes (LR Only, can be used by others) Resin collectors (LR only, can be used by others) Herb baskets (All) Acoustic obfuscator (All) GG Capital Heat Jars (All) Lab (Not sure who can get them, but only those who can enter the lab) Memory stone collectors Reality coagulators Fenth collectors Brass gears NC Capital Unbreakable Trowel Skull collector (NC only?) Bone shovel (NC only?) Sand Melters To create Glass (NC only?) MDA Public bathroom Water bucket (All, but only 3) Sculpting paddle To make sand castles (All) Sand castle instructions manual (All) TB Tea market Teapot (All) Tea recipe (All) Kitchen Teacups (All) Candy box (All) Cake Tin (All) Cake recipe (All) Pub Several free drinks for all I might have forgotten some, I'll add any mentioned later. Right now Loreroot seems to have the most private tools, however if you look at the most usefull tools that would probably be the Reality coagulator and memory stone detector from GG. One way to balance things a little would be putting an end to all the monopolies. The archives could use a stone detector, MB a few heat jars, GG a water bucket, etc. Furthermore there I think it would be nice to have a cauldron + simple recipe easily available to introduce people to the uses of resources. Feel free to discuss. Edit (12 Feb 2014): Added MB Herb baskets
  24. Other than the name change for the pub and the temple these all look like good ideas. As said in the DoM there are two item collection locations, but the rest of the Tribunal could use some as well. Furthermore the Drywater Bridge might also hold water.
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