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Everything posted by Kaya

  1. Welcome to MD! Glad to see you're having fun. If you need any help feel free to ask me ^^ I should usually be somewhere around the Paper Cabin or the Gazebo of Equilibrium. I only fear that I'm terrible at introductions so I can't really help you with what to say here. Samon
  2. Samon ID: 91545 Age: 839
  3. Posting in name of: [color=#2A2A2A][size=3][bugs][/size][/color] aka Crash Test Dummy [quote]I am currently looking for an assistant to help organise various jobs that the public will perform for MagicDuel. The idea is that i would give them jobs and they would organise people to perform those jobs and be the person who would organise these jobs. Any issues the people performing the jobs have would come to my assistant who would try to help them resolve them, my assistant would also keep track of what jobs are need doing, find new people to perform them if people run out of time to help, and various other tasks. The ability to organise things, idleing in a public location or being active on the forum would be useful. please post here stating your playername, active days, and any comments/reasons why you want to do this or why you would be good doing this. [color=#2A2A2A][size=3][bugs][/size][/color][/quote]
  4. 100 godina, that sounds like quite a lot Happy birthday!
  5. There is not yet a team checking the research notes. They should've started checking them at the end of last year (please tell me it was last year) but you know what happens with long term projects in MD. As for travelling the East, 40 days is required, 80 days is highly recommended, preferably even some more because exploring it will take several days. And on a side note, welcome back to MD, it's always good to see people return.
  6. Happy Birthday Rendril!
  7. Here are the results for the colourful skulls quest! But before that I want to thank Chewett for checking the poll, which sadly turned out not to be unnecessary. The rewards are: First place: A Shade + a WP Second Place: 15 Silver + an Angien Third place: 10 Silver + a Tormented Soul Fourth place: 5 Silver Further more all participants will get a hand full of candy And now it's finally it's time to announce the winners: First place goes to... ZenTao! Second place is for Zleiphneir! Third place is for Dante! Fourth place goes to Shayanuser! Congratulations to the winners, I hope everyone had a good time and hope to see you all again the next time.
  8. First I must say I sadly have not yet had the luck to experience a dream in MD and therefore do not know the exact details of how a dream works, but wouldn't it be possible, in case things get too private to even let Dst catch a glimps of it, to have the dream in the Sunny Bedroom? No one should be able to see what happens there, and it does make sense that the more secretive you want it to be the more work you will have to do for it.
  9. Happy birthday!
  10. That is inconvenient, then I'll do as Dark Demon suggested. Please close this topic, results will be announced shortly.
  11. Voting has ended, thank you all who voted, sponsored and most of all participate in the quest. I've seen some wonderful works of art put forward here. I will need to confirm a thing or two before posting the final result, but hopefully will have them up some time tomorrow, so stay tuned. P.s. I seem to be unable to figure out how to close the poll
  12. I don't expect this needs saying, but it is not allowed to use multiple different accounts to vote multiple times, therefore an alt check will be performed on the votes. If you did use alts you're better off contacting me about it before the check is finished.
  13. Probably, did you try clearing cache or using a different browser?
  14. In general I think Fang is doing quite a good job at managing the TKs, sponsorship is given quickly, rewards are delivered fast as well, but I also must agree there are some points that could use some improvement and as the planned review date has passed and this topic already pretty much turned into a review topic I'll give my advice on what I think is important, even if most has already been said one way or another. First you should try to be more formal, whenever you announce something as the head of the TKs you should try to stick to the facts as much as possible and leave out any emotions.The task of TK leader is a serious job, so you should take it seriously. How you act normally is completely up to you, but when things are getting more serious you should act like it. If necessary even split Fang and the TK leader in two different characters all together. Secondly you should try to make the treasure keepers able to run completely independent of you. Imagine for example your computer crashes and you're unable to connect to MD for several weeks, in that case the TKs should be able to continue their work until you return. Even though this brings some potential risks you should be able to trust your TKs. Furthermore if something does happen and you deal with it well it also gives you an opportunity to prove yourself. If you handle things well it'll only be proof you're a good leader. I really think you're able to do really well as head of the TKs if you try to keep this in mind.
  15. [quote name='Dragual' timestamp='1352134373' post='125011'] Power [/quote] Power Rangers
  16. Happy Birthday Maebius!
  17. The deadline passed a day ago, so it's time to start the voting, you can cast your votes [url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/13152-colourful-skulls-voting/"]here[/url]. Please look through all entries before voting.
  18. Welcome to the [url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/13087-colourful-skulls/"]Colourful Skulls[/url] voting. You are allowed to vote for more than one entry. Make sure you look through all entries before voting. Voting will close around 23:59 ST on Saturday November 10, one week from now. [url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/13087-colourful-skulls/#entry124108"]Dante[/url] [url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/13087-colourful-skulls/#entry124240"]Nimrodel[/url] [url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/13087-colourful-skulls/page__st__20#entry124285"]ZenTao[/url] [url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/13087-colourful-skulls/page__st__20#entry124410"]Shayanuser[/url] [url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/13087-colourful-skulls/page__st__40#entry124758"]Eagle Eye[/url] [url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/13087-colourful-skulls/page__st__40#entry124886"]Zleiphneir[/url] [url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/13087-colourful-skulls/page__st__40#entry124891"]Dark Raptor[/url] [url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/13087-colourful-skulls/page__st__40#entry124897"]Dragonrider[/url] And for those who have had enough of Voltaire: [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aGKazbHd7Pc[/media] P.S. If I made a mistake somewhere please notify me as fast as possible so I can try to repair it.
  19. As the title says I want to sell several spells: 1 Supercharged Heat stone (fairly rare) 1 Weaken stone Movelock stones (2 in stock) I'm currently looking to buy: Mineral water Fenths Timeless Dust Synthropic Dust Also I wonder if there is a market for Silvertongue stones. Edit: Updated the resource list
  20. Welcome to Magic Duel! You can find a lot of useful information at the sign in the Marble Dale park (where you start after story mode) as well as a few quests to help you get familiar with the realm in general. Nowadays most people can be found at the Gazebo of Equilibrium, two scenes down from the park, so you can always go and ask there if you're stuck, or you're just looking for someone to chat with. Myself I can usually be found at the Paper Cabin (where you start out completely at the beginning) and you can always ask me or send me a message if you want as well. Samon
  21. Happy Birthday Kei!
  22. [quote name='Lintara' timestamp='1351528351' post='124793'] Borderlands [/quote] Jormungand
  23. [quote name='SkyArmy' timestamp='1351485137' post='124758'] Simply Skulls with lights and i hope you like it [/quote] I'm quite curious how much of these skulls you made yourself
  24. Entries are looking really good so far! Small update on the rewards: First place: A Shade + a WP Second Place: 15 Silver + an Angien Third place: 10 Silver + a Tormented Soul Fourth place: 5 Silver Furthermore all will get some Candy! Also note the deadline is midnight ST in the night from November 2 on 3.
  25. [quote name='Dragual' timestamp='1351288313' post='124686'] Killed [/quote] Overkill
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