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Everything posted by Kaya

  1. Happy Birthday, Sephi! Hope you'll have a wonderful day
  2. I've seen several things I think require some attention about the tutorial. First of all I think the introduction is a bit long and requires you to read quite a lot. Point to the top menu, tell them they can read it later if they want to, there'll be plenty of time to do so. After that the current tutorial requires you to walk back and forth a lot, I'm sure it would be possible to teach them how to walk and look at the map in a few less steps. Furthermore something that's quite frustrating are all the traps along the road, there are several places with high viscosity (PC balcony, Gate of Ages, Weapon Smith and often even the Aramory) where you might get stuck, you could get sucked into Necrovion or when you click a public meeting link you'll end up at some random place on the map (GoE now) If you get stuck at the Weapon Smith, then at the Gate and then have to wait in the story I'm not surprised you'll stop. Finally after recruiting if you don't check your scroll you can exit the Aramory and go back to the bull without meeting the shades or getting into story mode.
  3. Seigh, could I get a WP for the one to get me back to balance? Being balanced is normal, right? Molquert should be very well able to get his own rewards for the quest. If you want to reward those that resurrect you I think that would be a good thing, but only as long as you use your own funds for it.
  4. Nothing happened yet regarding creature age. Most shared items nowadays require landloyalty though, which I see ass an advanced form of age, so perhaps the increased value of age is no longer needed.
  5. First I think I should post this here: http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/7621-newbies-what-upsetscare-you-all It might be a bit older, but I think it hasn´t lost it´s validity yet. With the tutorial I think you shouldn´t try to rush the players. Don´t try to make them understand everything at once, cause they won´t. Patience is one of the most important aspects of the game, so we shouldn´t try to stuff everything there is to know in them at once. Therefore I like the idea of a longer ongoing tutorial. Tokens should not be added to the tutorial. All that would do is make the game look commercial and scare people away, giving them a feeling this is yet another game in which you can´t become strong enough to really enjoy it without paying. Story mode is like a double sided blade. While it might scare some away for others it might be a reason to stay. When I first started playing I quitted after a month or so, however the artwork, the magical atmosphere, and the story kept lingering in the back of my head causing me to return about one and a half year later. Perhaps it starts to soon, but without the story I doubt I would be here now.
  6. Will be away for a while, have fun all.

  7. There are a few problems with MD mobile as it is. First the mood panel page allows you to only view the mood panel, when for example you want to go to your inventory or the PLs you get a 404 error. Furthermore you can't send PMs from the chat screen, whenever you click a name on your friends list or click send message on some player either nothing happens or a blanc page opens. You can only send PMs from the mail tab. If these things are fixed, they add some way to walk around, perhaps the possibility to fight, read other peoples papers and watch their inventory and PL I think MD mobile should be good to go for a while. Edit: Also the view all and view last 20 button on the news page are broken.
  8. [quote name='BFH' timestamp='1342446129' post='117622'] That shouldn't happen to heat vote then.. It's a voting method and I think it's stupid to lose somehow a vote casted? So there's no funtion to prevent the loss at all? However, I believe losing heat should happen to scripted items since somehow can be... abused, but that's not the case of heat for vote. [/quote] [quote][color="#CCCCCC"]Ann. 2206 - [2012-02-17 22:33:18 - Stage 11][/color] [b]Heat Voting (concept)[/b] ... The fact heat drops is also relevant when considering that a certain matter might be seen by someone that can do something about it at a later time. In other words it is a vote that slowly fades away if not sustained and has as only "enemy" the "forgetting" of that cause...and that is in a way very realistic.[/quote] If you really want to show the total amount of heat donated you can add up the amounts of heat donated by each player (after subtracting the heat from previous votes.) If I'm right that doesn't drop over time.
  9. Welcome back to MD, have fun!
  10. [b]Mine is: 1001011000000010111000101 - 0000101101[/b]
  11. Happy Birthday Kyphis!
  12. Happy Birthday, Grido!
  13. Yesterday Bob has bloomed and resurrected Chewett and Spartiatis! Today I saw Spartiatis' footprints, while only briefly this does show he has not yet forgotten about us. Thank you Bob and all who, in one way or an other tried to help bring them back. It took a while but we did it.
  14. I think the final line in the second example should say: [CODE]echo 'In total ' . count(@vp['players']) . ' have stored heat in talisman';[/CODE]
  15. 2 mil heat at the hidden orb, let's keep it growing and bring back the dead!

  16. For now one thing we can do is at least prevent the heat from the hidden orb to die out. Other than that I think it would be good to hold an in game meeting about this soon to decide what we think is the best solution. An other thing we might start thinking about is what we think of killers. Is it right that someone who took someone else's life away can just walk away freely without having to worry about anything?
  17. I'm sorry Maebius, but I'm going to keep the orb open for a little longer and the heat has even started to slowly rise again. This is not the time to give up, no matter how we will do it I'm certain the heat will prove to be useful. All help to keep the heat growing will be greatly appreciated. It is long past time to bring Spartiatis back.
  18. [quote name='Rhaegar Targaryen' timestamp='1340394642' post='115826'] Maybe because they were involved in every single previous resurrection and people have RL duties at the moment? (exams and all sorts of stuff) If anyone can be spared from lack of activity accusations, it would be the folk of Marind Bell as a group. (represented by, among others, bringers of light) [/quote] I really don't want to accuse anyone, we're all to blame nothing happened yet and Spartiatis was the first to die. Also if we all clasp our hands together I'm sure we'll be able to bring them back in no time.
  19. I don't like the idea of an automatic revival or a resurrection without help of others. Why? Because people would find little reason to help someone who would get back after a month anyway. Many great initiatives came from dead, like Chewett's [url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/10210-ceremonial-heat-letting-for-our-dead/"]heat letting for the king[/url]; Maebius, Katt and Guillak's [url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/11666-seigheart/page__hl__heat"]heat gathering for Seigheart[/url] (and later on themselves) together with Passant's [url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/11715-we-want-them-back-declare-war-to-death/page__hl__dead"]War on Death[/url] and even Dst's [url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/11115-results-reporter-quest-who-killed-eon/page__hl__%2Breporter+%2Bquest"]ritual to make Bob bloom[/url] for Eon. Most of these efforts wouldn't be there if the dead would be resurrected after a month anyway. It seems like everyone agrees that paying 20 Gold to revive someone is outrageous, but why has no one tried to resurrect them using a different way? Why has there been no mas heat gathering? Why has no one tried to reconstruct the ritual Dst used to get Eon back? Have the Lorerootians forgotten their laws now they no longer have a king? "To aid fellow citizens" and "To defend other Lorerootians by word and deed." Why haven't the bringers of light brought their light to the GoE, brought the life bringing light? Especially now one of Marind Bell's own citizens has died as well. Same goes for the rest of MD our citizens are dying and we just sit by watching idelly, telling a few to fix what we don't feel worth the trouble to work for. Heat is the blood of all activity in MD, garthering enough heat therefore will bring back those that died, so why not stop wasting our time complaining about Grido and start bringing back the dead?
  20. I would love to trade a movelock stone for the branches.
  21. Kaya

    A funeral

    I'm sorry for suddenly being unable to make it. I put a (very) shot description of the grave in the arch for those who wish to pray for his soul. While technically he could still be resurrected it would IC be a bit strange now his body is gone. What I rather hope would happen is that, now he's buried, his soul gets freed from his body and he will be able to roam the lands freely again.
  22. Kaya

    A funeral

    All right, we'll hold it at the GoE and bury the ashes in LR afterwards.
  23. There are several more scenes like that: http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/10766-no-mans-land-vs-no-home-land-is-there-a-difference/
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