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Everything posted by Kaya

  1. [font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif][size=4][cquote] We've gathered a bunch of ideas and quotes from you and we've tried to answer them. When something was not clear, we've asked you to elaborate. Please find few of the answers and questions below. 1)[i]"Theres no reason for them to continue being protected after they're no longer on the council."[/i] Please explain your reasoning for requiring this? 2)[i]"Unbiased people"[/i] As you cannot see the reasoning behind decisions we can understand this statement. If there are particular incidences you would like us to elaborate on we will be happy to, Please keep the list to specific incidences of interest that you feel could help you understand our decision making rather than any situation that might have irked you. We cannot answer all but we will answer some if they are asked. 3)[i]"Having more open forums in which the Council discusses exactly their plans for things and how they make decisions."[/i] We rely a great deal on the coders. Their schedule is set but is changed when things break (server broke a few times, e-mail had issues a couple of times) or when players break things, when large events are needed and when emergencies come up. As you know, big changes like citizenship was discussed with you by bugs@ through Crash Test Dummy which is something that should have helped. We make our decisions based on the MD set of rules and the guidelines set by Mur. We discuss options and try to find the pros and cons. When we reach an agreement, that idea is scheduled for implementation based on its priority and severity. We cannot open up the full discussions due to anonymity and time. 4)[i]"People vote on who gets a items/tags - Perhaps it could tie in with heat or one of the other ways we have of expressing ourselves (items?)."[/i] 'Tags' is something that we listed in projects available to be worked on, but it was not a popular choice and so is not a main focus. One of the things involved in this area would be a more automated tag system. For some tags and items however, they are given strategically or at a whim based on lots of factors, some of which we have announced. Heat voting is not something that will be used in this area. You as a community already have the vote power to lift someone into a role should they so wish to be, it has always been so, support and action and movement. 5)[i]"A division of council duties and more openness in some of the decision making process might be the best way to go."[/i] Please explain. 6)[i]"Council forum account would be nice"[/i] There already exist: they are called Voices on the Forum. 7)[i]"Council needs to be changed somewhat frequently, with the old members in it being revealed when it does change."[/i] It takes time for a new member to accommodate and gain enough knowledge to start functioning properly. 8)[i]"Now with the council I feel that its some "greater force" that decided, passes judgement, and acts all on its own, often against the people opinions as has been seen several times in the forum."[/i] This is correct. Whilst we listen and fight amongst ourselves to remain fair and objective as much as we can, this is not a democratically ruled system. We believe Mur has gone over this one a number of times himself over the years. 9)[i]"You put a group of those with the same general views ans you get a one sided council."[/i] If we had the same views you would get instant replies to e-mails and we could actually be removed and replaced by one of us or we would work a lot faster. 10)[i]"If someone in the Council steps down, how do they decide a new Council? I would like all the inner workings of the Council revealed. None of this secrecy. It just makes me feel like we are not smart enough to handle these decisions if they are being made for us."[/i] It's not a matter of being smart, it's a matter of privacy for council so that they don't have to be afraid of making decisions against people they know individually and so forth. New members are decided primarily by Mur. 11)[i]"Council should contain an equal proportions of a fossil, a vet, and a new player with basic understanding of coding and mechanics."[/i] The structure of the council is Mur's decision, we cannot comment on this. 12)[i]"IF we will have a council who will be anonymous in the future why they don´t have trust points like the kings and special players always had?"[/i] We are the body awarding trust points, hence Mur is the only one who can judge us at that level. You can of course judge us, as you are doing now. 13)[i]"A secret organization or government always leads to conspiracy theories which is always leading to distrust - there must be the biggest change. If MD is THE community based "game" then MD should be in the "hands" of the community."[/i] Lots of features were done/change/influenced by the community and inspired by the players. Almost all changes are done because players request them directly or indirectly. You might not think we pay attention, but we do, and we have long debates about some of the things you discuss and do in the game and on the forum. We then weigh that against current plans and requirements and MD's structure and meld them into an output. The output isn't always exactly what you asked for, because it can't be, but it is inspired by you. 14)[i]"So I suggest everyone with a proper Age ingame needs to do some kind of job matching his/her time limit he/she has."[/i] Please come up with a list of proper and decent roles and we'll analyse them. We've outsourced as many job as possible and we have plans to outsource even more but for that to happen we need the coders help. Also please take into account players that are active age-wise, but not active action-wise (you can check the Active Vet List to see what we mean). 15)[i]"The council should not make some decisions which can be made by the Community."[/i] Please elaborate. What decisions can be made by the community (and should) and which should be made by the Council? 16)[i]"On every single major announcement, open up a thread in the forum for discussions about it."[/i] That is something you can do by yourselves. Besides, all major changes are usually accompanied by a line along "Please discuss this here" or "please open a forum thread for discussion" 17)[i]"I'd also like to see more members of the council with specialized roles."[/i] What specialised roles do you think would help us? Do you feel comfortable knowing just one person will make a decision in a given area? Would you like us to try this for a while to see what happens? [/cquote][/size][/font]
  2. Death in and of itself is not bad and banning death from MD would be one of the worse things one could do. Death gives meaning to life, it urges one to be careful, yet also to strive forward as one day that will no longer be possible. Furthermore death brings people closer together.Basically you won't realize what you have until you lose it and if there isn't even the risk of losing it, it is completely meaningless. But that's all about the concept death, the way death works in MD at the moment it's little more than an over powered spell. A combination of Lock in Chaos and a repaired Attack Lock that doesn't end automatically, but only after someone ends it. Death isn't bad, only the way it works seems to be wrong. You can try making revival easier, but as long as death is the way it is it will solve little and breaks things further. As to how it should work, I have a few ideas, but want to do some work them out some more before posting them.
  3. The site seems to be working or me, perhaps it was down for a moment, if you keep having the problem clearing cache/flushing dns might help.
  4. Kaya


    First of all, Merry Christmas council/bugs... You really know how to time things... Anyway, anyone bothered sending Fang a reminder before jailing him? It sounds like a big part of the problem here is miscommunication. Even Fang wouldn't be stupid enough to think he would be able to get away with holding back such massive amounts, right?
  5. Kaya


    I knew it, it's the end of the world after all! P.s. Got the same problem.
  6. Thanks Mya, and thanks all!
  7. Happy birthday Fang!
  8. Happy Birthday!
  9. Hmmm let's see... Following: SAO Magi Zetsuen no Tempest Bakuman (No, not bakugan. Bakuman.) Jormungand Sakuraso Btoom Trying to keep up with Psycho pass Robotics note K Recently watched: Darker than black Fate zero Looks like Crunchyroll nowadays allows non Americans as well, so I guess it's time to step over. Also the reason I'm watching so many anime at once is that we simply have the best season we've had in ages.
  10. Hmmm... I would finish some of the amazing features MD has/had, but aren't implemented properly yet: clues, spell docs, principles, AL, land loyalty (loyalty, not score), balancing fighting/stats (anyone can beat anyone), add a bunch of cauldron recipes, balance viscosity, new MP6, next chapter for the story, new start, bring back Torch competition (perhaps combined with LL?), significance of dead... and many more lost treasures of MD. Sounds like a lot? Yeah, so many things seemingly forgotten, but I'll into a bit more detail to work out the possibly most important part of it. Inner Magic: The idea is fairly simple. First we will need a number of extra clues. By unlocking a number of these clues you will be able to obtain spell docs. This is where things get interesting. Using a cauldron like system, taking principles and/or resources instead of just resources, we will be able to make rituals to actually cast these inner magic spells. This fairly simple (at least coding wise, as most things already exist, the actual writing of the clues and rituals is a lot more work) change should be able to bring back the spark of magic and bring back life to the clues, spell docs and principles, and expands a little on the cauldron.
  11. It's cold outside, but even at the Drywater Temple the heat of the holiday season can still be felt. [img]http://img21.imageshack.us/img21/7386/mdchristmas2012atdrywat.jpg[/img] Snowman and scene are from MD, the rest is home made
  12. Land Loyalty is no good reason to get citizenship, lowering viscosity even less so. If you want to organize another journey through the east, however, I would be more than willing to help out by lowering visc and perhaps providing tea to keep us warm through the cold winter days out in the east. p.s. Also regarding AP: http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/10234-active-days-to-actionpoints-bonus-values/
  13. MD elections aren't all that complicated. You havea person or group of persons (Mur/council) who have the power to make the decisions. That group has an opinion, but keeps that oppinion to themselfes until all votes have been casted. Then they look if there are any arguments strong enough to change their opinion. If not they'll stick to it. This time public oppinion seemed to slightly favor Zen, but not enough to change their mind. Like I said in my eyes both are able to do the job well (although I was slightly disappointed to see the age limit for new TKs disappear) so the differences were purely circumstantial and therefore not enough to change their oppinion.
  14. [quote name='The 7th Scroll' timestamp='1354737411' post='127515'] After the merging, the world will come into a new phase, they will call it the "Magic Duearth" in which Mur, along with the Illuminati's and the tribes from Apocalypto will take control over the world, resurrecting corpse after corpse and enslaving mankind using Adolf Hitler's toothbrush. The Chickens won't cross the road anymore, everyone will be able to speak in Braille and Hieroglyphs, the Mayans will summon King Kong to end the Alien colonization of the moon using tampons. [/quote] Earth XII to be exactly, assuming the merging with the 'real' world is enough of a change to start the next stage 168) This topic is made for the soul purpose of allowing veterans to share spoilers without breaking the no spoilers rule.
  15. I admit I had forgotten to check if all the rewards had been given out for the skull contest, however I haven't heard a thing regarding this from either Seigheart, Zen or Fang. I didn't know there was a problem until council contacted me about it.
  16. [cquote] Fang Archbane's punishment comes as a result of multiple infractions whilst he was the TK leader. When he was initially promoted, he stated that he knew the rules Mur had installed for the TKs, which we reissued to him anyway so that they were clear. He was told several times not to do certain things, but he disregarded the rules we laid out and did them anyway. He was told NEVER to use the treasury for personal items, and we even warned him that if he put any of his belongings (creatures, items etc.) inside, those would then be considered TK stock. He used the treasury to store 13 creatures, once they were stored he unlocked the Full Glow achievement and then took the creatures back out. For this we have decided to null his achievement and we have taken 3 creatures from him - those creatures have been stored where they belong: in the treasury. It should be noted that after the event, when questioned regarding this, he claimed he was testing whether or not he could get the Full Glow achievement if he deposited all of his non-maxed creatures into the treasury, we considered this an invalid reasoning for his actions. He awarded 1 WP directly to Seigheart for the Pumpkin Carving Contest although it was never announced that the TKs would sponsor the quest with the WP. When asked, he said he awarded the WP because ZenTao asked him. ZenTao's reason was that the anonymous sponsor was unable to award the WP so he turned to TKs. Fang Archbane also awarded ZenTao a WP for the Colourful Skulls contest although samon and phantasm (Caretakers alliance) announced that they would be sponsoring the quest with the WP. The stated reason for this action was that ZenTao wanted to use the WP to get out of skill damage and couldn't wait for samon. This last action took place after Fang had resigned as TK Leader. As per the rules, a TK should never (except when asked by Mur/Council or for forum posts/threads) directly award a WP but rather codes for them. Fang ignored this rule and has recently activated all the codes we have provided him. Except for the 2 used codes, we have now invalidated them. For this we have chosen to jail him for 1 week. There have been additional mistakes we have dealt with whilst working with Fang, but we have chosen to disregard them for now. MD Council [/cquote]
  17. Happy Birthday!
  18. I vote for Zen Tao. I have no doubt both Lightsage and Zen Tao would be able to do a good job as head of the TKs. Zen Tao because her experience as a TK and because she has shown to be responsible and several more reasons, Lightsage because he has been in MD for a long time, is eager to help as an LHO, etc. They both have their advantages, read the previous posts if you want to know the details. In the end I think both would probably do an equally good job. What Zen lacks in experience of MD she makes up with experience as a TK and vice versa. Still there are several reasons I think Zen Tao as head for the TKs would be better for MD than Lightsage, slightly unrelated to their ability to do the job. The first and most important one being that Zen Tao already is a member of the TKs, has been involved for a long time without any complains I know of and deserves recognition for that. If she doesn't get the recognition she deserves that can be seen as demotivating not just for Zen, but also for others thinking of helping out. The second reason might seem a bit less obvious, but I'll try to explain it as good as possible. Lightsage is a veteran. Being a veteran gives several advantages up to the point that to someone new it might seem like there is no way for someone who didn't start at least four years ago it's impossible to work himself up to a rank of importance. That's one of the reasons TK applicants should have less than 365 days to be able to apply. Having the TK leader as a non-veteran (As Zen is far from new) will be a motivation for other players. P.s. If Lightsage runs for president he would get myy vote, everything better than what we have now
  19. Could you elaborate a bit on the "welfare of this community" part? Also I you don't happen to consider yourself poor, do you? Just asking
  20. Hapy Birthday Zen!
  21. Happy birthday!
  22. Welcome Aelis, I'm glad to have you with us.
  23. I do find it offensive towards the Tribunal and it's citizens though, imagine me naming your front garden Plains of Everlasting Stench. At least I think it should fall in the "similar" category and it doesn't fit with the suggested uses. It's a bit of a grey area, but I prefer to see it removed/reset. Edit: Unless there is a good reason it's called like this, in which I probably still won't like it, but there is no real problem.
  24. Happy Birthday!
  25. Welcome to MD Then I'll say the same to you as to your sister, if you need help feel free to ask me. Also do I see the birth of an MD vegetarians club? If so count me in
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