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Everything posted by Kaya

  1. Skills: Decent understanding of HTML CSS and Javascript. Basic knowledge of PHP. Interests in MD: Cauldron Helping new players What would you like to work on now: A25 Cauldron recipes/expantion Other small coding (related) tasks Perhaps in the long run; MD mobile
  2. Sadly the closest you can get to it is arrays, as far as I know. You can't even define your own functions. Edit: You can define your own functions.
  3. As a citizen of the East I have a request for my king candidates. While I'm sure behind the scenes the necessary steps have been taken towards kingship, but as a normal citizen I have yet to see anything of your intentions. As such I was hoping you could tell us some more about how you see the future of our land.
  4. Even for those into role play who may later on completely abandon combat early on combat is an integral part. It is one of the most game-like features in MD and is a good reason to start up a conversation and learn to know someone. Furthermore there isn't all that much combat required to leave mp3. One thing that might help until we have more players is simply removing mp3, dropping new players in mp4 right away. By the way, are there any ongoing mp3 quests at the moment?
  5. I'm going to leave this here: http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/15542-quick-fixes-for-tutorial-mode/#entry152519 Title says tutorial mode, but they are some general suggestions I made regarding problems new players appear to have when starting out in MD.
  6. Nope, even worse, when you arrive you won't be able to enter the aramory until you've checked your scroll, so if you aren't really paying attention it would seem like the path you should take to continue.
  7. Short summary of suggestions: Remove game intro text (pop up when starting) or at least remove time required to move on to the next step Reduce max visc at all gates or only GG and NC gate to 0 or remove the arrow at the aramory pointing towards GG when in tutorial mode. Reduce max visc in MB, MDA, the rest of MD in decreasing order of importance. For the community; make more mp3 alts. Fairly long post with problems and suggestions below feel free to just read the suggestions and skim through the rest. Over the past few days I've been keeping an eye at the paper cabin and surroundings, and noticed that many new mp3s seem to get stuck halfway through the tutorial. What I'm going to suggest here are mostly quick fixes that should allow players to continue through more easily instead of any fundamental changes to the tutorial it self, as I know a lot of work is being done on that already. Therefore I'll follow the path of an mp3 and note down a few quick fixes for some of the main issues. 1. Problem: The first point at which many mp3s appear to get stuck is the game intro. Whether it's the amount of spelling/grammar errors that turns most people off or it's simply it's length, I fear I do not know, but about over half the new players that join seem to never leave the Paper Cabin at all. Suggestion: As such I think it might be best to just completely remove it for the time being or at least remove the time required to move on to the next stage of the tutorial. Yes, there is some important information in there, but there is also a good deal of even more important information not in there. 2. Problem: While reducing visc in No Man's Land is a good start a lot of new mp3s still seem to get stuck and leave. How? Most importantly, the Gate to GG which, as GG teritory, does still have normal visc and is a death trap for the unprepared mp3. Suggestion: So my suggestions, in order from in my opinion most to least desirable: Reduce max visc at all gates to 0, at the GG and NC gate to 0, or simply remove the arrow pointing towards it while in tutorial mode. 3. Problem: Before I make this suggestion I would like to say that I'm one of the biggest fans of visc in MD, but there are some major problems with it. Most notably, curious mp3s who start exploring MD are heavily punished for doing so. A new mp3 can take 2 steps in max viscosity before running out of AP after which they have to wait a full regen timer in order to be able to move again. Simply to recruit an elemental egg and an archers when at the marble dale park and return costs about 12 * 30 + 40 = 400 AP. If we take off 100 AP we have to begin with we have 300 left. 300/30=10 regenerations 10*10 minutes each gives us a trip of 1 hour and 40 minutes. Similar amounts of time could be easily spend just wandering around, getting lost a few times and quitting MD. (6 steps to get there, 6 steps to get back and 40 ap for recruitment. 30 ap per step is a rough estimation of a normal cost in that area) Suggestion: Hence my following suggestion; At least lower max visc dramatically in MB, I would say up to max 10 at worse. Furthermore lower max visc in MDA (for similar reasons to the GG gate) and for most of MD in general. 4. Problem: There are no mp3. The way MD works you can't really progress unless there are people of the same mind power, so no mp3s means no new mp3s. Suggestion: This one is for the community and may not be all that popular, but none the less I'll add it here for completeness and due to it's importance; Alts. Plain and simple, if there are a few more mp3 alts roaming around it would already be a lot more interesting for new mp3s to play.
  8. Things I'd like to buy: A revive item A send to Drywater Temple/Borderview Tower spell (Either one) Things I'd like to buy, but may not be suitable for an auction: A summon spell to summon death people A SHMSH
  9. Why not use items instead of codes for this? Give subscribers some kind of token every month which allows them them to store a certain number of credits in there. Make them non-transferable till they are charged and have them despawn after a certain amount of time. That should probably solve most of the issues with codes.
  10. Nowadays in GIMP you should use "Export" instead of "Save" if you want to save it to a normal file. File -> Export (or Export to.) Then click the + and select ".gif" or save it as "avatarname.gif"
  11. Volition: 100 Mostly idling, but trying to make up for it now.
  12. How I came here I don't really remember... I think some add somewhere, not sure though. What made me decide to play was a text on the old main page saying something along the lines of "With the right creatures and the right tactic anyone can beat anyone. Even a player a few days old can beat a veteran." It's a shame that text is gone, but I would really love to see a new MP3 defeat Eon's killer rits. So they couldn't really leave it there. So I played the game for 2 months and quit. About two years later memories of some unique game with beautiful hand drawn artworks and a story about some little girl in a cube invaded my mind. So I came back. After that a lot of things happened. I've always loved exploring the realm, how behind everything there seemed to be a deeper meaning, often just out of reach. How it isn't required to fight while still playing MD. And how the people of MD kept surprising me time after time, even if not always in a good way.
  13. I think it would be good to hold a meeting with everyone interested soon to think up a general idea for what the quest should be about. While there is no need to make any definite decisions right away it would be nice to at least think of a general theme around which to work, otherwise we might risk people wasting time on things that won't fit.
  14. I would love to help with coding as well as RP.
  15. I like the second one best as well. Any colour other than gold would feel off. Furthermore I like the sun like background. I would be careful with adding images, as they can easily make the design look a bit messy.
  16. They don't really need to form a council, but I do believe it would be good to have some central organisation. (Normal council could take on that role, but because they're unknown there also is a certain distance to the normal folks.) The council could very well (partially) exist of representatives from such groups. For example the treasurer could be someone from the Treasure Keepers. The PC will then be able to make decisions that go beyond the individual groups, but should be able to delegate the work back to them, making it easier to actually get things done.
  17. What about not recruiting public council members, but recruiting for actual positions inside the PC? For example have one coordinator, one coder, one person in charge of PR and say one treasurer. That way it is clear who is responsible for what, so it is easier to get things done and people can be scouted for the specific skills needed for each position.
  18. The tree does no alt detection, to allow false alts and actively played alts to get rewards as well. Santa does manually check for alts, I believe (at least he did so last year, not sure about this year.)
  19. I can code decently, and am willing to help whoever needs me.
  20. Some actions, among which I believe saccing, also let you decrease viscosity without moving when you refresh. I assume you would then also gain Volition.
  21. Yes, I have looked for the pictures before, but this was the best I could find. Someone else may still have the originals.
  22. I believe it's this image, but without the text: (from the old homepage)
  23. Be careful not to fall of the edge of the world. That being said, I would love to see the world beyond the realm of MD. Also there are documents saying the ship actually rose out of the sea, instead of coming from the far west: http://md-archives.com/articles/the-golemus-invasion-and-resulting-infection.html
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