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Everything posted by Kaya

  1. This has been a long time coming: Still I'm not sure if I'm too fond of the way fillable combiners practically destroy all excess resources. Why not make it so that when you use a fillable clicky it transforms all your resources, but using a certain function gives you more results depending on how much you put into them. For example every following high level resource requires twice as many resources to make. e.g. For 1 item you pay 20, for 2 you pay 20 + 40 = 60, for 3 you pay 20 + 40 + 80 = 140 etc. This way resource hoarding is still heavily discouraged, but you still preserve some of the purity of the original stack, similar to the 1 + 1 + 1 = 2.8 example.
  2. In all honesty, I don't think the resources are going to take on as currency. The fairly stable value for gold and silver makes them ideal for trade, and the limited supply helps in keeping it that way. Diamonds however have no history and because anyone is able to obtain them fairly easily have very little to keep their value. Right now I think I'd value them between a quarter of a silver and maybe two silver. There are some ways however that could ensure their value. First make them extremely rare. I'll be honest and say I don't know how common they are right now, but their rarity should be such that is you're lucky you find one, maybe two in a day, but just as easily find none. What could also help is make it dependant on the mining skill allowing you to go from maybe once every other week to once every other day when it comes to finding valuable resources. Gold and silver ore can of course be easily tied into the current system by allowing them to be minted into coins, but that would require some careful fine tuning if you don't want their value to plummet.
  3. From my observations: First of all, when you're dead you're treated as if in TC. Once you die you become a citizen of "the Dead". I believe once you're resurrected you should automatically become a no homeland citizen, but when using the TC to get resurrected this for some reason doesn't happen. While you're dead you're not supposed to be able to change your land affinity, but I'm not sure if this is related to being a citizen or actually being dead/in TC. (Have you tried joining another land since you died?) The increased action point cost is an effect of TC that translates over to being dead, but is unrelated to citizenship. Finally, a land doesn't need a land leader, the maze didn't have anyone for a long time, neither did jail or no man's land. So, you being a citizen of the dead is a bug, the rest are side effects.
  4. Water -> Ice Though it might not be ideal as Ice would melt back into water if not used soon enough. Potential use is to use it with cold tea to make Iced Tea or maybe make Ice Cream. Other than that I'd love to be able to turn several resources into powders, like: gems, crystals, coins, memory stones, diamonds, glass, bones, etc. To be used for alchemy.
  5. One thing I have been thinking about is creating a body from scratch and then bind the soul of a deceased to it in... What could be seen as a form of resurrection.
  6. Kaya

    Warming balm

    An idea for a simple cauldron recipe using one of the new second level resources. If people are interested (and it's polished some more) I'll turn it into cauldron and ask for it to be put into the game. Warming Balm Description: A light yellowish balm that soothes the muscles. Gives a light burning sensation when applied directly to the skin. Effect: gives 1 AP and 400 Heat (30 uses, 300sec cool down) Cauldron: A stove/A pan Ingredients: 1 Essential Oils 1 Fat 1 Flower +Branches and heat to start the cauldron Recipe: This is a recipe for a simple balm to sooth your muscles. All you need are some essential oils, a touch of flowers and some fat. Set the pan on the fire and put the Fat in the pan and wait till it's fully molten. While stirring little by little add the flowers and the oil. Turn the fire as low as possible, just keeping the balm molten. Allow the balm to sit for an hour, lightly stirring every 15 minutes. Poor the molten balm through a sieve into a jar. Wait for the balm to cool down before using.
  7. I fixed the offset using Assira's immages for the coordinates I mapped. Will send them to you now, Chewett.
  8. In general I think the fillable clickables should should still be very muh at the bottom of the production chain, followed by item combiners and finally using cauldrons to make final high level items/effects. For one of the distilleries: Mineral Water -> Water Flowers -> Flower Essence Aromatic Herbs -> Aromatic Oil ... Loreroot?: Unidentified Plants -> Compost A mortar and pestil: Bones -> Bone Meal Somewhere at the Graveyard at Berserker's Charge: Bones -> Headless Skeleton (Later to be combined with a skull for a full skeleton)
  9. Kaya

    Boxes or List

    The box design is why windows 8 flopped. All other things were just minor annoyances.
  10. The new forum is going to take some getting used to, but it does seem to have some cool features. I really don't like the layout though. But I've never been one for the oversized square style that seems popular nowadays. I'd suggest changing the in game link to the forum to either: http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/discover/unread/ or even http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/discover/unread/?&stream_classes[IPS\forums\Topic]=1 To keep the rusty old vets happy (and because they seem more useful than the general activity overview) Edit: Just noticed the condenced view in the activity overviews and condenced is a lot better.
  11. The old story mode has been removed, but the new introduction is still under construction, leaving new characters in a short of limbo. If I'm not mistaken you should be offered a cube by the shade and then be ported to the park.
  12. The only one who has been killed recently from that list as far as I know is Lightsage... I'm curious what the list looks like now though, after the recent Necrovion massacre.
  13. I'm not sure what this list is supposed to be.. People who have recently been killed? Ordered by... Loyalty?
  14. In my opinion there are two major issues with land loyalty, both as it is now as well as how it used to be, namely that by only taking into account time it doesn't really mean much and that it is impossible for new players to catch up to old players due to the constant inflow of new loyalty without any outflow. Therefore I would like to propose the concept of land favors. The idea is quite simple, just like land loyalty citizens get one favor point a day, but unlike land loyalty they are expendable and can be traded. To prevent abuse I would suggest requiring players to have at least a minimum amount of favors before being able to give favors away (or if you prefer in game arguments, the land needs to be sure you're loyal before trusting your recommendations.) The trading part is simple, if you have at least an X amount of favors (say 250) you are able to give away any excess points in any quantity you want as quest rewards, political pacts, back alley deals, attempted takeovers and much more. Then land favors should be usable at the capital for certain land related features. For example: [spoiler] Feature (cost): Start citizen vote for self (5) Start remove citizen vote (50) Immediately become citizen (200) Remove citizen (The to be removed citizen's favors) [/spoiler] TL;DR: Old loyalty system, but you can spend loyalty on stuff and you can trade it.
  15. Very true, I suggest making AP cost to enter at least about 200 to prevent players from accidentally walking in there without knowing they might get stuck.
  16. Not possible in MDScript, which makes sense because there is no control over what code is saved inside the variable, allowing it to bypass all restrictions.
  17. Global is a restricted keyword (thrice even) so that doesn't work. As for passing in the methods, you can pass in the return values, but other than that not sure how it would work. (It is, for fairly obvious reasons, not possible to call a method stored in a variable, if that is what you mean.)
  18. The mds_template() function crashes on any value that evaluates to false: Example: [spoiler] content: Template values:<br/> 0:[[zero]]<br/> '0':[[zerostring]]<br/> '':[[mptystring]]<br/> null:[[null]]<br/> FALSE:[[false]]<br/> ' ':[[space]]<br/> code: (locations 1_-1x2_1) @tpl['zero'] = 0; @tpl['zerostring'] = '0'; @tpl['mptystring'] = ''; @tpl['null'] = null; @tpl['false'] = FALSE; @tpl['space'] = ' '; mds_template(@content[0], @tpl); output: [/spoiler] It seems like there is an isset() missing in the template code. One way to work around this is by appending a space to each value to make sure they are no longer empty. (As extra spaces are normally ignored in HTML)
  19. I tried playing around with MDScript a little more and apparently you can use functions. That being said I haven't found a way to use variables from outside a function (other than passing them as parameters and returning them) inside the function. In that sense it is more like functional programming than OOP. Also it doesn't appear to be possible to use MDScript specific methods inside a user defined function. e.g: function bar() { echo @vv; //Always echoes nothing @vv = 'bar'; } @vv = 'foo'; bar(); echo @vv; //echoes foo function baz(@vv) { @vv = 'baz'; return @vv; } baz(@vv); echo @vv; //still foo @vx = baz(@vv); echo @vv; //still foo echo @vx; //vx is now baz function err() { echo uv('id'); } err(); //Gives an error because uv is undefined
  20. The image still contains the $ dollar symbol as well.
  21. Also the map locations for all but a handful of locations in the east are about a centimeter off.
  22. A different but very much related idea, how about instead of hiding the scene you don't show the dots of people in scenes with high viscosity on the map. Say if viscosity is bigger than half the max viscosity they no longer show up on the map. This way it will also become possible to hide yourself once more.
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