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Everything posted by Kaya

  1. I do like the idea of an item to swap your stats. Not sure it should be coupled with skilldamage though. That would actually be an advantage for those who profit from it most, as they can easily farm even more negative stats. Perhaps instead it should freeze the regeneration timer for a certain amount of time. It would also be interesting to see this used as a weapon in combination with the poison inoculator, allowing people to force it onto others by fighting them.
  2. While the idea is nice, depending on the way stats influence honour people like Eon would end up unable to fight anyone. MP3s being able to attack MP5s isn't a bad thing though, they should be able to learn soon enough who they can and who they can't attack safely. On the other hand, right now a common problem for MP3s is that they aren't able to attack anyone at all.
  3. Both the latest version of Dolphin and Firefox seem to work normally for me. Only the android stock browser gives an error, but Im not even sure that one worked to begin with.
  4. If wanted I could run through the Tribunal and note down the coordinates of each scene.
  5. I believe the first number reveres to the amount of skill one gets per use /100 and the other to the level at which you begin being able to gather more. Higher seems to be better there. (You gather one more at level 200/'tool value'?) The second is only an assumption, but the first I am pretty sure of. Also, while you don't need to be part of a land to use an item protected by land loyalty, you do need to be part of that land if it's bound to an alliance (Woodcutters/Water Dowsers).
  6. Happy birthday!
  7. I'm a bit late, but happy birthday!
  8. Possibly a silver, you say? Count me in Name: Samon ID: 91545 AD: 1081
  9. Happy birthday Sage, Windy! :)
  10. First of all, Bastion and Limbo are awesome, though I completed both, so don't play them to often nowadays. Furthermore Reus is pretty cool and I've had a lot of fun playing Oblivion and Shogun 2.
  11. Wait.. You were at 13 just one move ago, you couldn't have hit DD.
  12. I think it's nice that you can use inspire for more than just helping out your friends. It's just another trick you should be prepared for. Further more it's not to hard to avoid if you have someone with the necessary leadership skills amongst your own, and when you don't... It's no surprise things go a little awry at times.
  13. I like how there is no real randomness in the game now. You should be prepared for a possible kill steal, and watch the other players when you're close to killing someone. As for the same time attack, you should be able to work around it when needed. (There really is not a single moment in the day both of you can be on at the same time?) That being said, it might be nice to have more absolute rules about when all players in a team get a mod and when only the first to kill the target gets one. How far apart can the attacks be, does every strike need to be a killing blow, or only the first, etc.
  14. The following functions don't work because they contain a restricted keyword: [spoiler]Because of 'try': //country 'geoip_country_code_by_name','geoip_country_name_by_name','geoip_time_zone_by_country_and_region' //date time Because of 'parse': 'date_parse' Because of 'open': 'timezone_open' Because of 'mod': 'date_modify' Because of 'INF': 'date_sun_info' , Because of 'val': 'date_interval_format', Because of 'E_PARSE': 'date_parse', //math Because of 'mod': 'fmod' Because of 'ini': 'is_finite', 'is_infinite' Because of 'T_SR': 'mt_srand', Because of 'val': 'lcg_value', //string Because of 'ext': 'similar_text' Because of 'split': 'chunk_split','str_split', Because of 'sprintf': 'vsprintf', Because of 'fprintf': 'vfprintf' , //arrays Because of 'ext': 'next', Because of 'T_AS' 'array_intersect_assoc', Because of 'val': 'array_count_values' , 'array_values', //variables Because of 'is_a': 'is_array', //regular expressions Because of 'split': 'preg_split', Because of 'error': 'preg_last_error', Because of 'call': 'preg_replace_callback', [/spoiler] That leaves us with the following functions that should work: [spoiler] //math 'abs','acos','acosh','asin','asinh','atan2','atan' ,'atanh','base_convert','bindec','ceil','cos','cosh', 'decbin','dechex','decoct','deg2rad','exp','expm1',' floor','getrandmax','hexdec','hypot','is_nan', 'log10','log1p','log' ,'max','min','mt_getrandmax','mt_rand','octdec','pi','pow','rad2deg','rand', 'round','sin' ,'sinh','sqrt','srand','tan','tanh', //string 'print','echo','count_chars','crc32','crypt','explode' ,'htmlspecialchars','htmlspecialchars_ decode', 'get_ html_ translation_ table','printf','implode','md5','number_format','ord',' chr','chop','lcfirst', 'str_pad','str_ireplace','str_repeat','str_replace' ,'str_rot13','str_shuffle','str_word_count', 'strcasecmp','strchr','strcmp','strip_tags', 'strcspn','stripos','stripslashes','stristr','strlen', 'strnatcasecmp','strnatcmp','strncasecmp','strncmp', 'strpbrk','strpos','strrchr','strrev','strrev', 'strrpos','strspn','strstr','strtok','strtolower','strtoupper' ,'strtr','substr_compare','substr_count', 'substr_replace','substr','trim','ucfirst','ucwords','vprintf','wordwrap', //arrays 'array_change_key_case','array_chunk','array_combine','array_diff_assoc','array_diff_key', 'array_diff','array_fill_keys','array_fill','array_flip','array_intersect_key','array_intersect', 'array_keys','array_merge_recursive','array_merge' ,'array_multisort','array_pad','array_pop', 'array_product','array_push','array_rand','array_replace_recursive' ,'array_replace', 'array_reverse','array_search','array_shift','array_slice','array_splice' ,'array_sum','array_unique', 'array_unshift','array','arsort','asort','count','current','each','end','in_array','key','krsort','ksort','list', 'natcasesort','natsort','pos','prev','range','reset','rsort','shuffle','sizeof' ,'sort','uasort', //variables 'is_binary','is_bool','is_float','is_double',' is_int','is_integer','is_null','is_numeric','is_string','is_scalar', 'isset','serialize','unserialize','unset' //date time 'date','time','date_add','date_create','date_diff','date_format' ,'date_offset_get','date_sub', 'date_sunrise','date_sunset','date_timestamp_get','date_timezone_get','getdate','gettimeofday', 'gmdate','gmmktime','gmstrftime','idate','localtime','microtime' ,'mktime','strftime','strptime','strtotime', 'timezone_location_get','timezone_name_get','timezone_offset_get', ,'timezone_transitions_get', //encrypt 'mcrypt_ecb','mcrypt_cfb','mcrypt_cbc','mcrypt_ofb','hash', //url 'url','urldecode','urlencode','base64_decode','base64_encode' , //regular expressions 'preg_filter','preg_match_all','preg_match','preg_quote' ,'preg_replace', [/spoiler]
  15. If I have some time next week I'll do it.
  16. You need to eat them, then you can get more again :)
  17. Welcome back, if you need any help getting used to the realm feel free to ask me any time :)
  18. Allow me to quote a review from a while ago. Basically all the fighting and bickering on the forum scares people away. If I were to come on the forum for the first time now I wouldn't want to be part of this community. These flame wars are not helping anyone in any way shape or form, but are directly hurting MD.
  19. You pretty much answered the question yourself. If you use it normally it's fine, improper use isn't.
  20. You need to be logged in to view the topics. What kind of solution do they use? Rude is anything that is done without respect for the other person. Mockery therefore in general is rude.
  21. Such a shame this is needed, but if it helps to fix MD's main flaw so be it. Good luck.
  22. Glad to hear you're finally home. I hope you're doing well.
  23. Happy birthday Vici!
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