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Everything posted by Kaya

  1. Aelis was Doing Marind's Bell and the archives. There still are a few scenes in the East that need to be done.
  2. [size=2](A slightly belated)[/size] happy birthday to the two of you!
  3. Hmmm... I thought it used to show who has the most unique items. If it's supposed to be like this that's fine as well, though I prefer the other way.
  4. Minor issue. The item owners list seems to be ordered by total items now, rather than unique items like it's supposed to. Now it shows little more than who has the most silver.
  5. Some of the most fun time I've had in MD was during HCs, and I'm all but a fighter. There are two problems with HC, first there aren't enough participants, second it takes to long and during it no spells can be cast. The first problem can be split in two problems, there are more winners than there are new players, and we're out of players who haven't won HC yet. The first part has been pretty much solved by stopping HC or mp3 and reducing the amount of winners to only those who reach a certain score (although decreasing the maximum amount of winners to 3 might be good.) The second part however is a bit more difficult, unless someone is able to bring a few dozen of new players too MD we will have to get new participants from within our community. To do so I think a full reset would be fairest, but a partial reset might work as well, combined with a [url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/13071-discussion-about-hc-and-bhc/#entry123741"]ranking system like Fyrd proposed[/url] to be sure we won't be out of players again. It's either that or putting HC on a hold completely for a few years. The second problem will be mostly solved when we have more participants, but can also be solved completely by removing the spell restrictions during HC. Spells nowadays are so common anyone can get them. If this isn't enough then they could be restricted only to players who have more than a certain amount of score/heads. P.s. MP5 is now saver than it has been in a long time, so I recommend everyone who has been waiting to come up now, so you'll be able to get accustomed to it before a new danger arises.
  6. You should be able to do as you want, but that doesn't mean everyone should like it just because they're doing what they want. I dislike depletion. Taking things just for the sake of taking them, to prevent others from having it. If they want to play that way, fine, but people shouldn't like it. Out of character I'm not completely opposed to depletion for the sake of depletion either, because it gives a common goal to fight against. In character I wouldn't leave a chance untaken to fight the depletion of my homeland. The resources belong to the lands, and we're allowed to harvest them, however after a while the more we take the less we get.
  7. Kaya


    I can't believe I forgot probably the most important game of all, Pokémon! Black and White didn't interest me much though, and I'm not going to buy a 3DS to try Black and White 2, but still the series is epic. Furthermore for the WII Mario Cart, Super Smash Bros brawl and Okami are quite good. Also I thought I should leave [url="http://pgt-5b.blogspot.nl"]this[/url] here, someone might be interested.
  8. Samon
  9. Kaya


    Bastion was awesome, played through the entire game thrice and still pick it up occasionally and there's Limbo, really loved that one. Both are worth checking out. Furthermore I've had some fun a while back playing Shogun and Tropico. Used to be a great fan of Age of Empires (the original) and the Setlers (4) as well. Skyrim was nice, but I didn't quite love it as much as Oblivion, and although I haven't played Morrowind much myself I can see why many people deem it better then Oblivion. It isn't as refreshing any more, it's still nice, but not miles ahead of everything else out there like it's predecessors were. Still I'm curious what the Elder Scrolls Online will bring us. Catan, Chess and Go are awesome, though I'm terrible at Go. I also really love Machiavelli (the cart game, though the philosopher himself is quite interesting as well)
  10. Happy birthday! (even though I'm late)
  11. I agree drinking to much should trigger something. Right now tea is more dangerous than alcohol.
  12. Looks like this is a topic without any winners, but only losers. I apologise in advance for the over all negativity of my post. First of all, I generally tend not to vote for those that feel the need to campaign for their cause more than others. Asking for votes to me is like admitting you think the original idea isn't enough to be able to win on its own and therefore you need to use other methods to get your votes. Dark Demon, what is your reason to want the CoE to return? I'm with Nimrodel on this one. Tarquinus, I'm starting to wonder if you actually want the CoE to be revived. Every time someone tries to put in some effort you seem to step back and say you should prove to deserve getting back the CoE. Wouldn't it make more sense to pick up every opportunity that arises to let it be known you are still alive? Support your cause. You shouldn't deserve back your alliance because of some popularity contest, but you should be able to win some popularity contest because you deserve back your alliance. (At least in this case, the CoE is rather popular.) Although I don't really like the way DST handled this, I do think it's a good thing she brought it to attention.[size=2] If only she were able to do it in such a way that it doesn't ruin the mood of all those somewhat involved...[/size] Regardles I would really love to see the CoE return, so please do continue trying to bring it back.
  13. Happy birthday
  14. I guess I'll put my wish up here as well, even though I'm not sure this is the way to obtain it. I'm wishing for an item/ability to make cauldron recipes, if possible with a testing cauldron and an alchemist tag. Cauldrons are awesome. They let players make things, sadly there are only 3 recipes I know of, of which only two are freely available. Willing to keep myself to pretty much any limitations you put up.
  15. Kaya

    365 Ideas

    Another idea: A reoccurring journey through the east. Pretty much [url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/12885-expedition-through-the-east/#entry120553"]the way Ackshan organised it[/url]. The east is the hardest land to travel through, but holds lots of interesting secrets. It could be used as a nice way to fill up for example two Days of Tranquillity, holding one journey in the summer and one in the winter.
  16. Happy Birthday!
  17. Kaya

    365 Ideas

    For contests/events spread over several days, should we ask for the starting date to be added, or the last day or perhaps both?
  18. [i]"Tistou, the boy with green thumbs"[/i] seems to be the English title for those interested. I had some trouble finding it myself so I thought I would share.
  19. Congrats, and good luck
  20. Kaya

    365 Ideas

    A number of ideas: A scavenger hunt, several items hidden all over MD, each item gives a certain reward, and the player who collects most items gets a bonus. -I will leave it up to someone else to work out the details, if they're interested. General scene/creature makeover contests. While for some the theme could be announced long before for others it might be announced only 2 days before the deadline, or perhaps if you hold several over one day you could hold contests during only one hour. -Feel free to pick this up, though I wouldn't mind working it out myself either. Recipe making contests, get people to write a cauldron recipe for a certain item and the best will get his recipe implemented. Alternatively, get people to cook/make something in RL and describe how they did it, accompanied with some pictures, as a reward the best results will get the means to make their creations in game. -Going to work this out some more myself, though any comments are welcome.
  21. Happy birthday!
  22. The link in the footer of the [url="http://magicduel.com/new_begining.php"]current homepage[/url] to the Terms and Conditions seems to be broken. It should lead to: http://magicduel.com/index.php?pag=terms Instead of: http://magicduel.com/new_begining.php?pag=terms
  23. [quote name='Liberty4life' timestamp='1357230405' post='129611'] t&c (tou) aint written [/quote] It is, only the link on the current main page is broken, and it's there: [quote][b]10. Property[/b] All code, design, artworks and content on Magicduel, with the exception of links, images, texts hosted on third parties, are fully owned by Magicduel Adventure LLC and/or individualy by its shareholders. [i][b]All the accounts created are the property of MagicDuel[/b].[/i] Magicduel Adventure is a registered mark, nothing on Magicduel may be used without written permission.[/quote] And when signing up: [quote]Grab a fraction of who you are and give it a character name[/quote] 183) The Terms and Conditions link at the bottom of http://magicduel.com/new_begining.php has intentionally been broken to hide the above and other dubious terms.
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