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  1. Upvote
    Kaya reacted to Eagle Eye in MD B-day "Card"   
    Simple MD Card from the bottom of my heart
  2. Upvote
    Kaya got a reaction from Seeker in Quest: anniversary sweet treat   
    A recipe for the real MD fans:

    1. Go out and pick some random plants you do not know and some aromatic herbs, go buy some colourful candy and fill a cup with 2 decilitres of water.
    2. Pick two random grains from those unidentified plants.
    3. Carefully grind the grains.
    4. Crush the candy. (Make sure to keep the wrappers, you'll need them.)
    5. Throw them all together in a bowl and mix them well.
    6. Pour the mixture (dough in the original recipe, but I'm not sure that term is really accurate) in a cake form.
    7. Put it in the oven and wait for an hour. (Turn on at your own risk)
    8. Carefully take the kake out of the oven and take it out of the cake form.
    9. Finally wrap it in the candy wrappings.

    And you're done! There is your own original kake!

    Depending on the grains, temperature of the oven and a few more minor details your kake might look like one of these:
  3. Upvote
    Kaya got a reaction from Ackshan Bemunah in Quest: anniversary sweet treat   
    A recipe for the real MD fans:

    1. Go out and pick some random plants you do not know and some aromatic herbs, go buy some colourful candy and fill a cup with 2 decilitres of water.
    2. Pick two random grains from those unidentified plants.
    3. Carefully grind the grains.
    4. Crush the candy. (Make sure to keep the wrappers, you'll need them.)
    5. Throw them all together in a bowl and mix them well.
    6. Pour the mixture (dough in the original recipe, but I'm not sure that term is really accurate) in a cake form.
    7. Put it in the oven and wait for an hour. (Turn on at your own risk)
    8. Carefully take the kake out of the oven and take it out of the cake form.
    9. Finally wrap it in the candy wrappings.

    And you're done! There is your own original kake!

    Depending on the grains, temperature of the oven and a few more minor details your kake might look like one of these:
  4. Upvote
    Kaya reacted to Seigheart in Extreme Magicduel   
    Lol what ever. It was 400th something
  5. Upvote
    Kaya reacted to Chewett in Phantom Orhchid - wrong use of dream   
    [quote name='Pothos' timestamp='1366207798' post='135000']
    Much as I might disagree with Tipu on his uses of 'u' and 'b4', On this I must say I agree. I saw the anouncment, and I read the forums posts here, the one thing that jumped out at me was that it didn't sound like poe to me.

    If only to ally the minds of those who think this, Or even to sate my own questions, could the logs be checked for the IP adress that Poe's account was logged in from, and what she normaly logs in from? If it differs, could a check be done to see who else uses the newer ip adress? (this is said with an understanding that IP adresses do change, by location, or by a few other reasons.)

    Iv just performed a check and her IP address hasnt changed in a while, not since at least 2013-02-19 from just pulling some of the more recent data.

    So while it is certainly away from her initial character of "dreams are sacred" it appears it was indeed her.
  6. Upvote
    Kaya reacted to dst in Phantom Orhchid - wrong use of dream   
    So, it seem that last night (around 5 am ST) poe put me in a dream and less than 2 minutes after she punished me with silence for "failing her riddle".

    Really? And she screams I abuse my powers? She has absolutley NO proof I ever abused my powers but she used hers to silence me. And not the light punishment but the higher one.

    I expect an explanation until tomorrow. If I will not get it, I will sue her for abuse and harassment.

    Have a wonderful Md B-day!

    LE: seems like you people don't know how to read or I was not explicit enough: I was at most idle at that time (if not even offline). There was no riddle (or at least not one that I could see since I was asleep at that time) but she punished me either way.
    Also it took her 2 minutes not 30 seconds. Didn't do the math right this morning so I correct the above.

    LLE: You people are incredible!! I WAS NOT ONLINE! Even if she asked me a riddle (which I have asked Council to check) I couldn't have answered it since I WAS NOT ONLINE. It was 5 AM for me.I was sleeping for god's sake!
  7. Upvote
    Kaya reacted to Fang Archbane in Conspiracy Theories   
    188) This thread was made to give the Council ideas
  8. Upvote
    Kaya reacted to SageWoman in You know you've been on MD too much when...   
    You know you have been in MD too much when MD is more Reality that you escape to get away from your Fantasy life in reality. XD
  9. Upvote
    Kaya got a reaction from Plix Plox in Shared tools   
    The tools don't seem to actually be all that unbalanced, except for some tools being more useful than others. Just making all these tools useful would already bring us a long way to balancing them.

    The idea of lowering monopolies came mostly from the fact that there are also buckets available to the public and it would seem fair for the other lands to have to share something of their own as well. I don't think these monopolies should be ended completely.

    About the tribunal, we do have a Lab supply room which still needs to be filled, and increasing the access cost to that room would make a nice alternative to making tools that are completely East only.

    I also wonder, when giving tools to non mainlands should long term 'No Homeland' citizens also get something?

    P.s. Does anyone know if the bathroom in the archives is still normally accessible?

    Edit: Also, does anyone know some more about the glassware in the archives?
  10. Upvote
    Kaya reacted to death ray in Erolites missing   
    I had five heat containers, and I recently notice that they are missing!
  11. Upvote
    Kaya reacted to Fang Archbane in Erolites missing   
    *pinches the bridge of his nose*

    I'm going to ignore how insanely off topic Rays post is, and answer it in the kindest way possible... Even if it hurts...

    If they were shared tools Ray, then they leave on reset. Just go get then again.

    And in the future, refrain from making off topic posts.
  12. Upvote
    Kaya reacted to death ray in Erolites missing   
    These heat containers are not shared. there what we get at high mp levels and can by more from the shop. and mine are now gone.
  13. Upvote
    Kaya reacted to death ray in Erolites missing   
    right above that device, Where heat is stored. I had five of them and now they are missing. Sorry if its off topic but in my mind it some how fit.
  14. Upvote
    Kaya reacted to death ray in Erolites missing   
    Ok. Done like Grido said and there back. Its been about a year now since ive used this laptop. I guess I should have know to update it, My apologies.
  15. Upvote
    Kaya reacted to Fang Archbane in Shared tools   
    If we truly wanted to make everything "as even as possible" we could put "x" amount of each known tool in each Capitol.

    That would effectively even all lands out and stop monopolies.

    But ask yourself if that's a good idea. It's definitely a possibility, but would it be a good idea ( ._.)

  16. Upvote
    Kaya reacted to DARK DEMON in Shared tools   
    [quote name='Mallos' timestamp='1363435209' post='134084']
    Lumber Saws (LR only)
    Branch axes (LR only)
    Bark knifes (LR Only)
    Resin collectors (LR only)

    um... that's pretty specific on only Loreroot can use them DD. (unless you mean the usable resources themselves, tea requires branches)

    [font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#006400]No, what I meant was that Loreroot has more private tools, [i]of different variety[/i], than other lands.[/color][/font]
  17. Upvote
    Kaya reacted to Fang Archbane in Item Explosion   
    I absolutely support the Spell Book idea.

    As i stated before, i revel in the idea of Growth.

    Controled Chaos DD. Its a beautiful thing <3
  18. Upvote
    Kaya got a reaction from dst in Shared tools   
    As [url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/13859-true-false-4-did-the-availability-of-gathering-tools-bothered-you/"]most people[/url] seem to be bothered by the way tools are currently diveded between the lands let's discuss how we will be able to balance them evenly. To get things started an overview of what tools each land has.

    All mainlands have land cleansers and pass papers in their capitals.

    Buckets (MB only)
    Rainwater collectors (MB only)
    Mineral Water collectors (MB only)
    Dice (All)
    Herb baskets (8+ gardening, superior to free ones)

    Needles (All 200+ AD)
    Essence extractors (All)
    Poison inoculators (All)

    Lumber Saws (LR only)
    Branch axes (LR only)
    Bark knifes (LR Only, can be used by others)
    Resin collectors (LR only, can be used by others)
    Herb baskets (All)
    Acoustic obfuscator (All)

    Heat Jars (All)

    Lab (Not sure who can get them, but only those who can enter the lab)
    Memory stone collectors
    Reality coagulators Fenth collectors
    Brass gears

    Unbreakable Trowel Skull collector (NC only?)
    Bone shovel (NC only?)
    Sand Melters To create Glass (NC only?)

    Public bathroom
    Water bucket (All, but only 3)
    Sculpting paddle To make sand castles (All)
    Sand castle instructions manual (All)

    Tea market
    Teapot (All)
    Tea recipe (All)

    Teacups (All)
    Candy box (All)
    Cake Tin (All)
    Cake recipe (All)

    Several free drinks for all

    I might have forgotten some, I'll add any mentioned later.

    Right now Loreroot seems to have the most private tools, however if you look at the most usefull tools that would probably be the Reality coagulator and memory stone detector from GG.

    One way to balance things a little would be putting an end to all the monopolies. The archives could use a stone detector, MB a few heat jars, GG a water bucket, etc.

    Furthermore there I think it would be nice to have a cauldron + simple recipe easily available to introduce people to the uses of resources.

    Feel free to discuss.
    Edit (12 Feb 2014): Added MB Herb baskets
  19. Downvote
    Kaya got a reaction from Plix Plox in Shared tools   
    As [url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/13859-true-false-4-did-the-availability-of-gathering-tools-bothered-you/"]most people[/url] seem to be bothered by the way tools are currently diveded between the lands let's discuss how we will be able to balance them evenly. To get things started an overview of what tools each land has.

    All mainlands have land cleansers and pass papers in their capitals.

    Buckets (MB only)
    Rainwater collectors (MB only)
    Mineral Water collectors (MB only)
    Dice (All)
    Herb baskets (8+ gardening, superior to free ones)

    Needles (All 200+ AD)
    Essence extractors (All)
    Poison inoculators (All)

    Lumber Saws (LR only)
    Branch axes (LR only)
    Bark knifes (LR Only, can be used by others)
    Resin collectors (LR only, can be used by others)
    Herb baskets (All)
    Acoustic obfuscator (All)

    Heat Jars (All)

    Lab (Not sure who can get them, but only those who can enter the lab)
    Memory stone collectors
    Reality coagulators Fenth collectors
    Brass gears

    Unbreakable Trowel Skull collector (NC only?)
    Bone shovel (NC only?)
    Sand Melters To create Glass (NC only?)

    Public bathroom
    Water bucket (All, but only 3)
    Sculpting paddle To make sand castles (All)
    Sand castle instructions manual (All)

    Tea market
    Teapot (All)
    Tea recipe (All)

    Teacups (All)
    Candy box (All)
    Cake Tin (All)
    Cake recipe (All)

    Several free drinks for all

    I might have forgotten some, I'll add any mentioned later.

    Right now Loreroot seems to have the most private tools, however if you look at the most usefull tools that would probably be the Reality coagulator and memory stone detector from GG.

    One way to balance things a little would be putting an end to all the monopolies. The archives could use a stone detector, MB a few heat jars, GG a water bucket, etc.

    Furthermore there I think it would be nice to have a cauldron + simple recipe easily available to introduce people to the uses of resources.

    Feel free to discuss.
    Edit (12 Feb 2014): Added MB Herb baskets
  20. Upvote
    Kaya reacted to No one in 'Official' events   

    I must add a small remark to your comment: the event/quest category must be done on how it affects MD's progress and not if it "irritates" ppl or not.
    Where "Month of Free lands" was irritating, it had a purpose, even if it doesn't matter, and a finality whereas GGG's purpose was "creating an [url="http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0387808/"]Idiocracy[/url]" (this movie could be an interesting debate in regards with MD's progress forecast).

    So please, don't ever mention GGG as a good thing.
    If you've seen the "Idiocracy", a pretty good comparison of the "GGG event" can be the < "Ass" movie > . (See some [url="http://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/idiocracy/quotes/"]movie quotes[/url])

    Now about this:
    [quote name='Maebius' timestamp='1362734231' post='133626']
    Hmm, while I see the value in more "internal MD" stuff like guardds, or broken patterns, or such, I think in some ways that misses the spirit of what drew me here initially. (Note: the below is obviously biased, cause I [i]really[/i] like clickable scripts!)
    [/quote] - there is no complexity change , no repetitivity in those quests. (don't give me the BS about being able to do it for each MP lvl)

    [quote name='Maebius' timestamp='1362734231' post='133626']
    Expanding Story Mode, or working with official repetitive Quests would be a short-term benefit for most players, as this new content would quickly be 'solved' and back to the same state we are in currently.
    [/quote] - what state are we in ? give me an example of a repetitive quest.

    You cannot ? I will give you some examples with visible effect :
    - the recipes - each and every one is a repetitive quest.
    - harvesting

    What I would like to see is something as simple as ... Soduku or Kakuro (which give clear levels of complexity) implemented in MD.
  21. Upvote
    Kaya reacted to Change in Protector Pact   
    I think it would be neat if there could be different 'classes' of Protectors, where one class of Protector has totally different spells than another. It is called worshipping a protector. Why not make it so the protectors are like a pantheon of gods? There'd be protectors of destruction, healing, harvest, etc. In addition to giving heat, worshippers can sacrifice relevant resources to empower their protectors. And no, protectors wouldn't be actual gods, they'd be powerful, specialized, magicians.

    I would like to see more long-term protectors myself. Perhaps keep the number of adepts needed to become a protector the same, but after say, a week, reduce the number of adepts required to maintain protector status by half.

    I'm not giving these suggestions so that I can be lazy though. If any changes are made, I want it so that protectors still need to work hard and be creative to be really good protectors. (Which I hope to be).
  22. Upvote
    Kaya reacted to Laphers in Protector Pact   
    Just offhand, Why do we have fixed numbers of adepts needed to become a Protector? Why not have the active person with the most active adepts automatically become a Protector? Base the number of Protectors on the number of active players in the game. 1st Protector has the most adepts, 2nd Protector has the next lower amount of adepts, etc

    active: players who have logged in in the past 7 days.

    I do think that Protectorship should be more than a popularity contest and would support ideas that would move it in that direction.
  23. Upvote
    Kaya reacted to Mallos in Conspiracy Theories   
    173) The council members were never given names as children, so they insist on remaining nameless.
  24. Upvote
    Kaya reacted to DARK DEMON in Conspiracy Theories   
    172) The label feature was created just to irritate us.

    Emphasis on "just".
  25. Upvote
    Kaya reacted to Mallos in Conspiracy Theories   
    163) The sun isn't really out, it's in.
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