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Everything posted by Maebius

  1. Pondering my vote, but hopefully this will be vaguely representative. If you agree/support Coubncil. I encourage you to also Vote this. Negativity is easier to say, it seems, online. Positivity is also vital to record. Balance, and all that. On a more serious note, I am quite curious to see the results of this once I sleep on the topic a bit. Thanks Awi!
  2. because the night belongs to lovers. Because the night, belongs to us...

  3. If wishes were open-ended, beyond "finish the other stuff first" which would be my most appropriate suggestion: I would, however, also like to see powers and abilities and spells more utilized. As Fyrd menton, put the power in the hands of who really holds it, but may not realize it. The Players. Spells and trade functions and such in clickables would ROCK, and really add to the magic aspect of magicduel. Charge a clickable like a SpellStone, perhaps? Or re-interpret MDscript to use a locked-down SQL table per user instead of arrays of arrays (to avoid multithreading, simplify functions, possibly save variable storage space?) Basically: http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/5453-clickable-objects-features/page__st__20#entry45881
  4. Nothing to add here, except to agree completely with the above. Blessings and Light, now, and throughout the new year!
  5. [quote name='DARK DEMON' timestamp='1356410153' post='128792'] [font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#006400]No, do NOT advance. Patience is my advice.[/color][/font] [font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#006400](Go ahead MP5's, give me all the neg rep you want)[/color][/font] [/quote] Seconded. I miss MP4 myself....
  6. Maebius


    Hm.... feel the need to reply here, and second Samon. This is an odd one. On one hand, christmas Eve jailings seem a bit petty. Particularly if the explanation of holding stones for BMMORPG is valid, since I do know there were issues with the trade codes of them before when TK leadership shifted, it broke before when a TK traded out of treasuries, etc...and Fang did not have direct access to a Treasury while being Dead. Samons idea of "Reminder pls?", even if sent via those fancy in-game PMs from ourselves (Postman, Santa, God-accnt?, etc). I'll have to do some more in-depth searching but probably can find forum-posts to support that argument as it sounds like something I'd read before a month or two ago. On the other hand, I'm guessing "Hey, I demand you do this nao!" is probably not the best way to phrase your defense arguments... (I'd write it off as well-understood frustration to waking up to such an announcement at this time of year, just when "the fun stuff" was going on, though.) What's done is done, but I wanted to share my perspective, as an outside observer. Jailing is perhaps needed for the crime. I only question the timing, and if the situation could be re-worked to teach a lesson about leading groups and being email-smarter, which seems to be a sticking point to communications with Fang. MD teaches us many things. Sometimes harshly, sometimes not, but there are usually ways to lessen the sting of lessons, and still make them stick.
  7. How to start: try any clickie, and some scene names. I found one at semi-random that way.
  8. Yep, every year we watch this. Thanks for sharing!
  9. [quote name='DARK DEMON' timestamp='1355907229' post='128482'] [font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#006400]I am grateful for finding MD [/color][/font][font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#006400] [/color][/font] [/quote] Ditto, and expanded by including all the amazing people I've met from far-flung countries that I'd never have known if it weren't for Mur. Thanks!
  10. Ditto, ditto! May your day be the happiest happy you've ever happy'd. ... or something.
  11. Anyone here in Jamaica, mon? I'll be visiting there soon and interesting in any local hints.

    1. Hedge Munos

      Hedge Munos

      Ahh, lucky! I'd like to visit.

  12. (yes, it's pretty darn short. Still not 100% as active as I could be in MD, due to Life outside) If you can see your friends partying around the decorated "tree", it is the end of the quest. You can change the friends you see by entering different names, just for fun, but I'd like to have your "top five" people you chat with, friend OR foe, near the end of the month. There's some linking of names going on behind the scenes there, for ...um... [size=2]some other things next month..[/size].. So enjoy the minor mini-quest this month, and keep your Energy up for the other Holiday Celebrations and quests coming up soon!
  13. The moon beyond the realm of MD is growing dark, so it's time for another Maebius Madness. This month is kinda short and easy, and not as coherent as I'd hoped, but Life keeps Happening. So, for a quick one-day's worth of distraction/entertainment, here we go.... Go to the [i]Signpost [/i]outside of [b]Willow's Shop[/b], and tell it "[b]Madness[/b]". Simple as that. There will be a few minor prizes under the "tree" later on, when the quest completes, so I hope you try it and enjoy!
  14. Necro-thread Activate! Happy Birthday Yrth! (see, now you don't have to create a new thread, Pipstickz! )
  15. But then we could find Mur! I've run into the situation a few times searching for things like "heat", but there are ways around it with different search terms, or using quotes, or multiple keywords. Good suggestion though, but seeing as some other forums I use have the same sort of "feature", I think it may be difficult to remove here on this one, as it's there for a reason. Never hurts to ask though!
  16. I'll be offline sadly, all the times suggested, out of state with family again for the solstice, but agree that most folks seem to be awake on "weekends". Whenever it happens, I'll cheer you all on and celebrate in thought!
  17. anyone skilled in JQuery, by chance? Pm me pls?

  18. anyone skilled in HTML and JQuery, by chance? Pm me pls?

  19. Seek the Magic Duel Archives, farther north of Wind's Sanctuary. You may need to be patient, or have some Spicy Pickles.
  20. I would support this whole-heartedly. I know your brief stint in the monkey-guild (Gorillas Golemus[sic] ) was for the game-mechanics assistance, and always consider you "part of MB" forever. I hope to see you apply again. I missed the last voting due to my inactivity, but wanted to publicaly state my support here too, just in case.
  21. I work in a call center as I.T. support, and don't envy the customer service folks when they deal with "those customers" at all. *shudders.*
  22. 169) Contrary to popular belief, Angiens are the real Shades, and the spooky things in that dry desert are the ones who created this realm.
  23. December is here already?!

    1. Kiley


      Time for..well I was gonna say egg nog..but let's get the lemons and sugar out:P

    2. Maebius


      w00t! Lemon Drops for everyone!

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