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  1. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to Chewett in Alt Checks for Important Polls   
    When altchecks are performed in all but exceptional cases you will not be informed of the alts.

    Furthermore, asking me to tell you whose alt is whose will not be answered. Wasting my time with requests because "its really important but im not going to tell you why" will be ignored and treated as if you are purposely wasting my time.

    Provided there is a good reason, i will perform an altcheck to ensure the forum rules are being respected, but to preserve privacy of the indivual i will, in the majority of cases, never tell you whose alt is whose.
  2. Downvote
    lashtal got a reaction from Watcher in Srecan rodjendan Neno   
    Happy birthday Neno!!
  3. Upvote
    lashtal got a reaction from Neno Veliki in Srecan rodjendan Neno   
    Happy birthday Neno!!
  4. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to Pipstickz in sad conclusion   
    Everybody: I think Mur's reputation rating on the initial post speaks quite well about what the community feels. When else has Mur had negative ratings?

    Mur: you may not realize what it's like to be a player, so I'll try to describe it. If the SoS was killed and the Tribunal proclaimed disbanded by the Council, I wouldn't run to them and ask to keep my citizenship, because as far as I know, this isn't a special situation. Did the Artisans keep their citizenship when they were disbanded? Did the Sentinels? This event is unprecedented, you're making the rules as you go. This, from the announcement, is proof itself:

    [quote]King Jester reached a situation where he can't rule Necrovion anymore, (and no i won't allow elections because he still has a penalty point left so tehnically he still has the crown).[/quote]

    He's still king but cannot rule the land? Why? He may not command alliances, but he's still got the kingship tool to give citizenship.

    That aside, though, Jester's activity recently suggests he does not want to be king anymore and has given up on it, but that's what elections are for.

    So, I guess because of Mur's new made up rules, the rest of us suffer by losing 1/4 of our (mainland) citizenship options and 1/4 of our leadership. It leaves me wondering, did the Council agree to this? Declaring a land closed seems like a game-changing issue that shouldn't be in the hands of a king, demi-god or not.

    As a citizen of the Tribunal, I will follow Mur's wishes, but as a citizen of MD I can't see how this is working.

    As for the rest of you arguing about the archives and stuff, I don't see any relevance, share a PM conversation if you want to argue about it that bad.
  5. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to Peace in sad conclusion   
    You might as well waited for us to get the right words to express this.

    It isn't an easy thing for us either, to see one of the most important lands (in my opinion at least) on its downfall from nothing else but political issues. It is a land that has caused conflict in the past and has suffered from it, were it an action or a person that caused it. Yet it survived but it caused it to stagnate. All those in political position, including me as well, made sure of it.

    After Khalazdad, the land took a different direction. Some of us chose to rule it peacefully but it wasn't what others wanted forcing us to take different actions and trigger disaster.

    I still haven't been able to gather my pieces and speak of it, the only thing I can say is that it was an innevitable thing to happen, we ALL are the cause of this more or less. But perhaps now people will realise what Necrovion really is and what it means.

    No King anymore? I find it fitting. I objected the first time elections for Necrovion took place, even if I was the one elected. There should never be a King or Queen in a land that was inhabited long before we all came into the picture and had someone or something with power over it already.
    No alliances? What is a badge other than a symbol that follows you around when most did not even know why they wore it on the first place.
    No homeland? Home is where your heart is, where your allegiances lie.

    You say it is a conclusion. I think of it as a fresh start. It will take time but we have plenty of it. Those who were true in Necrovion will stay and preserve its values.
  6. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to Granos in Tainted Slime Creature   
    This is a creature that was conceived probably back in October/November 2008, it was going to be part of something else.. But that will no longer happen now.. So enjoy take a look and see... Leave your thoughts, comments, rants and raves..

    Obviously with tokens and the en mass stat farming this creature is more or less useless now.. but it is an interesting concept all the same...

    *Note to those of you who have seen this before, I have omitted the images for obvious reasons, so don't ask about it...


    Requirements for recruiting this creature:

    Action points 100
    Value points 5000
    Sacrificed vitality 10000
    Exploring Points 15

    Tainted Slime

    Targets: Random
    Abilities: Regenerate
    Actions of this unit are performed on allied targets

    From a primordial inanimate ooze where once there was only nothingness a glimmer of life bursts forth. Pulling in upon itself what once was dirt and slime, now contains a core of taint permeating each cell of the creature. Slowly moving from its birth place, the growing taint infects the slime driving it further from its state of nothingness.


    Vital Energy 40/40
    Regeneration -10
    Defence 0
    Initiative 0

    Requirements for next level:

    Experience 80000
    Won battles 0
    Age 60

    Upgrade costs:

    Action points 100
    Value points 30000
    Sacrificed vitality 15000
    Exploring Points 10

    Ruin Slime

    Targets: Random, Weak Creatures
    Abilities: Regenerate
    Actions of this unit are performed on allied targets

    With each step from its birth site the taint grows stronger deeper harder. Where once was only dirt and slime now a core of ruin binds the Slime together. This rigid core which at first held the slime together now slowly pulses with a darkness spreading beyond the tortured body of the slime. Where once there was only void, the seeds of a distressed core of awareness begin to grow.


    Vital Energy 80/80
    Regeneration -20
    Defence 0
    Initiative 2

    Requirements for next level:

    Experience 180000
    Won battles 0
    Age 90

    Upgrade costs:

    Action points 100
    Value points 34000
    Sacrificed vitality 18000
    Exploring Points 10

    Tortured Slime

    Targets: Strong Creatures
    Abilities: Regenerate
    Actions of this unit are performed on allied targets

    Special influences:
    [voidaura] Nullifies all special influences during a battle.

    The transformation of the tainted ruin growing within the slime slows as it collapses into itself. Tighter and tighter, the dense core of void tears at the flesh surrounding it torturing the slime in its partial state of agonized awareness. As the tortured slime is ripped apart from within, it radiates a silent scream of decay and destruction seeking to balance the world around it to once again allow it to return to a blessed state of nothingness.


    Vital Energy 120/120
    Regeneration -30
    Defence 1
    Initiative 2

    Requirements for next level:

    Experience 280000
    Won battles 400
    Age 115

    Upgrade costs:

    Action points 100
    Value points 40000
    Sacrificed vitality 20000
    Exploring Points 10

    Void Slime

    Targets: Multi
    Abilities: Regenerate
    Actions of this unit are performed on allied targets

    Special influences:
    [voidaura] Nullifies all special influences during a battle.

    Having reached a fully sentient state, the slime realizes the agony of its existence cannot be undone. Every movement brings pain deeper then the knowledge that as long as the world exists around it so will the never ending torment. Like a tear in the fabric of reality the slime begins its task to destroy everything and everyone around it. Waves of undarkness spread from its broken visage as the world withers around the void slime.


    Vital Energy 200/200
    Regeneration -35
    Defence 1
    Initiative 4
  7. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to Burns in CITIZENSHIP by Crash Test Dummy   
    [b]If i am part of a land and wish to make a poll in another one, for example to join a different land or have someone kicked from there, can i put such a vote up?[/b]

    Crash Test Dummy: indeed
    Crash Test Dummy: but
    Crash Test Dummy: only to ask to join the land
    Crash Test Dummy: the system doesnt prevent you attemping to join another, but you will lose your citizenship and alliance if you suceed in gaining access to the other land

    [b]But is it possible to see who started the vote for a kick from an alliance? (if so, I'd be interested to hear the reasoning why)[/b]

    Crash Test Dummy: not currently
    Crash Test Dummy: for now, it wont be shown
    Crash Test Dummy: but for a kick to work, they will surely have to get people to vote for the kick, since 60% is a high number

    [b]Is there a difference between actively clicking abstain and not voting at all?[/b]

    Crash Test Dummy: yes
    Crash Test Dummy: see the formulae
    Crash Test Dummy: but, for an example
    Crash Test Dummy: positve: 100, negative 20, total landscore 200
    Crash Test Dummy: in total your score is 80
    Orvid: I would suspect that is to prevent those who have left the realm from effecting the outcome?
    Crash Test Dummy: (100 - 20) = 80
    Crash Test Dummy: here this would be 40% approval rate
    Crash Test Dummy: however if you were kicking someone, this would fail
    Crash Test Dummy: if someone abstained with 50 power
    Crash Test Dummy: your percentage is actually (80 / 150)
    Crash Test Dummy: which is 53% approval
    Crash Test Dummy: meaning that abstaining completely removes your influence
    Crash Test Dummy: wheras not voting is a "minor" negaative
    Crash Test Dummy: whereas voting against is a major negative
    Crash Test Dummy: the not voting being negative essentially translates to "you didnt bother to get this person involve to vote"
    Crash Test Dummy: post it please

    i'm still trying to grasp it, i must say.
    Crash Test Dummy: say you have 1000 total landscore
    *Burns*: In your example, with active score 200 and 80 not voting...
    Crash Test Dummy: you therefore need 400 for approval, yes?
    Crash Test Dummy: at a rate of 40%
    *Burns*: I'd effectively create a better outcome by abstaining than with not voting, right?
    Crash Test Dummy: indeed
    Orvid: That means that eventually people who have left MD will need to be removed from the lands, correct?
    *Burns*: active landscore, orvid, i take it people inactive for the whole week count not at all?
    Crash Test Dummy: indeed
    Crash Test Dummy: burns

    [b]Will people know if they've been put forward to be kicked o.o ?[/b]

    *Burns*: right, that's a good question.
    Crash Test Dummy: The town crier will state there is a vote going on in the land that will end on day X
    Crash Test Dummy: if you click the information you will be able to see who is being voted on
    Crash Test Dummy: the person will not be informed as they should care about what votes are going on in their land
    Crash Test Dummy: its a week, so its not a quick event
    Seeker white: o.o I see I see
    Crash Test Dummy: again, these are just how it currently works, feel free to suggest ways to improve it
    Crash Test Dummy: i would suggest you pay attention to votes going on in the land
    Crash Test Dummy: spoiler: it might be important for you to vote all the time
    Crash Test Dummy: or at least, vote in every one, rather than not bothering and ignoring it

    [b]Orvid: Would the thing that your alluding to there have any effect on those with no homeland, and thus, nothing to vote on?
    *Burns*: So, example, if laylah dislikes me and puts me up for a kick vote, i can see that i have been put up for a kick vote and actively gather people to not kick me, but obviously not vote in favor of mysel
    *Burns*: f?[/b]
    Crash Test Dummy: yes orvid
    Crash Test Dummy: you can get people to vote against the kick vote, and you can vote against it also
    Crash Test Dummy: i would expect you to work against someone trying to kick you
    Crash Test Dummy: @orvid: it would be souly affect land related things, no additional bonuses for non allied people
    Crash Test Dummy: not landed people

    [b]Does a kick vote lock you out from a land for a while?[/b]

    *Burns*: Example, if somebody kicks Grido, i invite him back into the ally, and don't care what the rest of the land thinks.
    *Burns*: Politically not smart, granted, but technically destroys the purpose
    Crash Test Dummy: Currently it blocks you from applying to the land, but doesnt stop you entering an alliance
    Crash Test Dummy: if there is a point where issues like that occur i might consider adding that in, but i want to see something like that occur first

    [b]is there a time limit to the block?[/b]

    Crash Test Dummy: I couldnt imagine a situtaion where 60+% of a land said kick
    Crash Test Dummy: 1 month i believe
    Crash Test Dummy: for all failed votes/kicked out votes

    [b]I'm rather suprised nobody asked if the player kicked still loses 50% of loyalty and such things[/b]

    Crash Test Dummy: not currently
    Crash Test Dummy: again, if a case arises where someone abuses the system to utilize this fact, i would change it
    Crash Test Dummy: the idea is not to lock everything down, and let people have some freedom
  8. Downvote
    lashtal reacted to Guybrush Threepwood in The New Reign Of The Sentinels   
    Fighting a war in a game with the intention of actually hurting people behind the game is incredibly childish. If that is the only way in a game to have any meaningful effect on a CHARACTER, then the game is seriously broken and needs to change.
  9. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to AmberRune in Necrovions coat of arms   
    Here's a couple ideas that I've been playing with
    [attachment=3208:horns 1.jpg][attachment=3209:horns 2.jpg]

    and this is how the masks should look on the second triangle if it doesn't show up cleanly
    [attachment=3210:3 masks.jpg]
  10. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to Phantom Orchid in In game dreams   
    [font=comic sans ms,cursive]By personal information you mean OOC personal information discussed in an in-game dream? Who has this happened to? If the way I worded something was confusing, please know that the previous discussion/argument/squabble was centered around in-game activity and in-game character interactions.[/font]
  11. Downvote
    lashtal reacted to Grido in The value of Life in MD   
    Going back to my original question, and reason this topic started;

    Define a reasonable price for revival.
  12. Downvote
    lashtal reacted to Miq in The value of Life in MD   
    Honestly i still don't know what are the effects that death has.

    If the effect is deletion of the account or similar then the price is everything you have and can borrow in MD
    If the effect is that you can't move,train then 0 or what ever you value those abilities

  13. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to Azull in Necrovian items, tools and resources.   
    Some rules in regard to Necrovian shared items, tools and resources.

    [b][size=5]Necrovian items, tools and resources[/size][/b][size=5].[/size]

    [b]- Anyone able to, can take Necrovion's shared tools or items and use them.[/b]

    [b]- Anyone can harvest resources in Necrovion. But do not reduce them below half of the maximum in a location [/b](rounded up in case of and uneven maximum)[b]. Locations with a maximum of 1 resource can be harvested to 0.[/b]

    If need be, these rules will be enforced.

    [size=2]reason for edit: An agreement with Golemus was reached[/size]
  14. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to Kaya in Colourful skulls   
    Here are the results for the colourful skulls quest!

    But before that I want to thank Chewett for checking the poll, which sadly turned out not to be unnecessary.

    The rewards are:
    First place: A Shade + a WP
    Second Place: 15 Silver + an Angien
    Third place: 10 Silver + a Tormented Soul
    Fourth place: 5 Silver
    Further more all participants will get a hand full of candy

    And now it's finally it's time to announce the winners:

    First place goes to... ZenTao!
    Second place is for Zleiphneir!
    Third place is for Dante!
    Fourth place goes to Shayanuser!

    Congratulations to the winners, I hope everyone had a good time and hope to see you all again the next time.
  15. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to Phantom Orchid in What's a girl to do?   
    [font=comic sans ms,cursive]How does it feel to want dst?[/font]
  16. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to Eagle Eye in Community Garden Artwork   
    Awesome all the art work pretty nice .

  17. Downvote
    lashtal reacted to No one in What's a girl to do?   
    [quote name='Phantom Orchid' timestamp='1352595768' post='125346']
    [font=comic sans ms,cursive]Dreams are not private in MD.[/font]

    That is correct.
    Also, what is the purpose of your dreams ? Why are you so afraid of being heard ?

    Are you hiding something ... or ... someone ?

    From what I've read, this is a campaign against dst.
    You also complain about "the council".

    As I remember you should thank "the council" for allowing you to keep the job after you thew away your item. You are a bit ungrateful.

    As for spying ... you are just annoyed you cannot do it yourself.
    [b]: [/b][color="#999999"][i]Phantom Orchid failed to cast a spell[/i][/color]
    [b]: [/b][color="#FF9900"][b][Spell][/b] [i]Porus acusticus manet[/i][/color]

    [font=comic sans ms,cursive]PUAH![/font]
  18. Downvote
    lashtal got a reaction from dst in What's a girl to do?   
    [quote name='Phantom Orchid' timestamp='1352595768' post='125346']
    [font=comic sans ms,cursive]I want to get any idea if there are other folks who find interest in learning more about night-time dreams in MD.[/font]

    Having been lucky enough to experience the dream world 3 times, I can say all my dreams have been meaningful journeys and I consider them landmarks of my path in this realm.
    Moreover, your Dream Quest act. 1 set the first spark that lead me to write my k-doc, your Dream Quest act. 2 was one of the two inspiration sources for the realization of "a Day of Fear" (ups, I shouldn't have said that!)...

    So, count me in. I'm always willing to learn more about dreams and their domain.

  19. Upvote
    lashtal got a reaction from Phantom Orchid in What's a girl to do?   
    [quote name='Phantom Orchid' timestamp='1352595768' post='125346']
    [font=comic sans ms,cursive]I want to get any idea if there are other folks who find interest in learning more about night-time dreams in MD.[/font]

    Having been lucky enough to experience the dream world 3 times, I can say all my dreams have been meaningful journeys and I consider them landmarks of my path in this realm.
    Moreover, your Dream Quest act. 1 set the first spark that lead me to write my k-doc, your Dream Quest act. 2 was one of the two inspiration sources for the realization of "a Day of Fear" (ups, I shouldn't have said that!)...

    So, count me in. I'm always willing to learn more about dreams and their domain.

  20. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to Phantom Orchid in What's a girl to do?   
    [font=comic sans ms,cursive]Here's the deal.

    When I created my role and earned the dream weaving ability from Mur, he made it pretty damn clear that dreams are private places (not _truly_ private of course, but private as in MD realm player experience-wise). And for good reason, what one says and experiences in a dream is vulnerable because of how primal, utterly visceral, and emotionally raw the content often is . Now, many of you have wondered about my absence for the past few months - here's one of the reasons why.

    Dreams are not private in MD.

    Anyone with a high level earfocus spell/stone can effectively recall everything that was said in a dream. Now, I thought only so-called admin roles had this spell, but there are 'regular' players who have it as well. There are people spying on dreams, not occasionally, but almost every time a dream happens in MD. Why? Because they can...

    This feels like a huge betrayal (one among a couple) which I have brought to the council. They refuse to do anything about it, or even work with me on it to figure something out.

    Now, I'm only interested in being a presence in this realm if players want me there as a dream weaver.

    Many of my old roleplaying buddies have already fled MD since the CoE was disbanded by Council, so I want to get any idea if there are other folks who find interest in learning more about night-time dreams in MD.

    I hate bringing this to the forum, because I know this kind of thing isn't what MD needs, but, for my sake, I want to gauge how much interest there is and also hear any ideas about how to work on this issue.

    Thank you for your time!

  21. Downvote
    lashtal got a reaction from dst in Quest: A day of Fear   
    Dear sirs dear ladies, time has come for results to be disclosed!

    As previously stated, I've been helped by 3 judges, unaware of the authors behind the submissions.
    I wish to thank them all for their patience and dedication: they are Azull, Rasiel and Maebius.
    Your entries have been valued based on these preferential criteria:

    - The target should have been a character, not the person behind it.
    - The "rituals" should have been designed within MD borders (resources/materials available in the realm).
    - The "rituals" should have been customized on the victim's fears and/or weak spots.
    - The ability to create a "dreadful sense of anticipation" without lingering too much on gory details. So, terror, not horror. Fear, not revulsion.

    Each judge came to a top 5, independently from the others (partial results are available on the .xls file attached).

    [attachment=4288:DoF results.xls]

    For each judge, I assigned 5 points for the 1st place, 4 points for the 2nd place and so on.
    I resolved ties by considering my opinion as the least important.

    So, the results:

    [b]1st place: submission 8[/b] (targeting *Peace*) wins a [b]WP [/b]and a [b]Shade[/b].
    [b]2nd place: submission 3[/b] (targeting AmberRune) wins a [b]GG Drachorn [/b]and [b]10 sc[/b].
    [b]3rd place: submission 10[/b] (targeting *Burns*) wins a [b]Lock in Chaos stone[/b] and [b]5 sc[/b].
    [b]4th place: submission 2[/b] (targeting Mur) wins an aged[b] Tormented soul [/b]and a [b]5 credits code[/b].
    [b]5th place: submission 17[/b] (targeting dst) wins a fresh [b]Sharptear Archer[/b].

    All the submissions nominated (even by a single judge) will get a minor prize (a moderately aged [b]Tormented soul[/b] from my collection), that's to say submissions n° 1, 4, 5, 9, 14.

    Winners and sponsors will be contacted soon, in order to arrange deliveries.

    Once again, thanks a LOT to all those who participated!!

    [size=1]By the way... I've heard this quest may have a sequel...[/size]
  22. Upvote
    lashtal got a reaction from Nimrodel in Quest: A day of Fear   
    Dear sirs dear ladies, time has come for results to be disclosed!

    As previously stated, I've been helped by 3 judges, unaware of the authors behind the submissions.
    I wish to thank them all for their patience and dedication: they are Azull, Rasiel and Maebius.
    Your entries have been valued based on these preferential criteria:

    - The target should have been a character, not the person behind it.
    - The "rituals" should have been designed within MD borders (resources/materials available in the realm).
    - The "rituals" should have been customized on the victim's fears and/or weak spots.
    - The ability to create a "dreadful sense of anticipation" without lingering too much on gory details. So, terror, not horror. Fear, not revulsion.

    Each judge came to a top 5, independently from the others (partial results are available on the .xls file attached).

    [attachment=4288:DoF results.xls]

    For each judge, I assigned 5 points for the 1st place, 4 points for the 2nd place and so on.
    I resolved ties by considering my opinion as the least important.

    So, the results:

    [b]1st place: submission 8[/b] (targeting *Peace*) wins a [b]WP [/b]and a [b]Shade[/b].
    [b]2nd place: submission 3[/b] (targeting AmberRune) wins a [b]GG Drachorn [/b]and [b]10 sc[/b].
    [b]3rd place: submission 10[/b] (targeting *Burns*) wins a [b]Lock in Chaos stone[/b] and [b]5 sc[/b].
    [b]4th place: submission 2[/b] (targeting Mur) wins an aged[b] Tormented soul [/b]and a [b]5 credits code[/b].
    [b]5th place: submission 17[/b] (targeting dst) wins a fresh [b]Sharptear Archer[/b].

    All the submissions nominated (even by a single judge) will get a minor prize (a moderately aged [b]Tormented soul[/b] from my collection), that's to say submissions n° 1, 4, 5, 9, 14.

    Winners and sponsors will be contacted soon, in order to arrange deliveries.

    Once again, thanks a LOT to all those who participated!!

    [size=1]By the way... I've heard this quest may have a sequel...[/size]
  23. Upvote
    lashtal got a reaction from Azull in Quest: A day of Fear   
    Dear sirs dear ladies, time has come for results to be disclosed!

    As previously stated, I've been helped by 3 judges, unaware of the authors behind the submissions.
    I wish to thank them all for their patience and dedication: they are Azull, Rasiel and Maebius.
    Your entries have been valued based on these preferential criteria:

    - The target should have been a character, not the person behind it.
    - The "rituals" should have been designed within MD borders (resources/materials available in the realm).
    - The "rituals" should have been customized on the victim's fears and/or weak spots.
    - The ability to create a "dreadful sense of anticipation" without lingering too much on gory details. So, terror, not horror. Fear, not revulsion.

    Each judge came to a top 5, independently from the others (partial results are available on the .xls file attached).

    [attachment=4288:DoF results.xls]

    For each judge, I assigned 5 points for the 1st place, 4 points for the 2nd place and so on.
    I resolved ties by considering my opinion as the least important.

    So, the results:

    [b]1st place: submission 8[/b] (targeting *Peace*) wins a [b]WP [/b]and a [b]Shade[/b].
    [b]2nd place: submission 3[/b] (targeting AmberRune) wins a [b]GG Drachorn [/b]and [b]10 sc[/b].
    [b]3rd place: submission 10[/b] (targeting *Burns*) wins a [b]Lock in Chaos stone[/b] and [b]5 sc[/b].
    [b]4th place: submission 2[/b] (targeting Mur) wins an aged[b] Tormented soul [/b]and a [b]5 credits code[/b].
    [b]5th place: submission 17[/b] (targeting dst) wins a fresh [b]Sharptear Archer[/b].

    All the submissions nominated (even by a single judge) will get a minor prize (a moderately aged [b]Tormented soul[/b] from my collection), that's to say submissions n° 1, 4, 5, 9, 14.

    Winners and sponsors will be contacted soon, in order to arrange deliveries.

    Once again, thanks a LOT to all those who participated!!

    [size=1]By the way... I've heard this quest may have a sequel...[/size]
  24. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to Menhir in Santa Drawings (Level 3)   

    We have more than one creature ingame which has no artwork or is unfinished (I own one too). I also suggest to finish what was started before starting something new, but who am I? I have no idea which issues are to be solved by the team which is working on MD. What I know is that we have such talented artists and could redo a lot of art and even create more than needed but on the other hand there seems to be a lack of people who can do all the other things.

    Maybe it´s an idea to make an "official internal job ad" for the most important parts? Just a thought.
  25. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to Chewett in Colourful skulls voting   
    The Altcheck has been performed and as usual there are people who have felt it is fine to abuse the system.

    You are not allowed multiple forum accounts, if someone is marked as your alt you better have a very good reason. I have written a script which can be applied to any polls so that i can detect alts much faster than i previously could, Feel free to contact me to ask me to perform any altchecks on polls.
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