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  1. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to Tarquinus in Pact with Necrovion Renewed   
    The true Eclipse - that is as distinguished from the "official" Eclipse who took our badges - has renewed its Pact with the leaders of Necrovion, Peace and Azull.

    [size=5][b]Pact of the Sands[/b][/size]

    These are the terms of the pact between the forces of Necrovion and the Children of the Eclipse, one people, one purpose.

    I. War:

    The forces of Necrovion and the Children of the Eclipse shall not make war against each other. In situations where other alliances (as in that between the Eclipse and the Guardians of the Root) might force the two parties into conflict, both parties hereby agree to refuse to engage each other in warfare.

    II. Peace:

    The forces of Necrovion and the Children of the Eclipse may engage each other in duels. Individual members of each party may, however, request not to be attacked by the other, and the leaders of both parties agree to ensure that such requests are honored.­­­

    III. Information:

    The forces of Necrovion and the Children of the Eclipse agree to share information on an ethical basis. Knowledge of advanced game mechanics and “spoilers” shall only be shared in case of emergency, but otherwise members of both parties shall be encouraged to share theories and discoveries pertaining to the nature of the realm of MagicDuel.

    This Pact was re-confirmed by Tarquinus, Amoran, Peace, and Azull.

    The "official" CoE has no bearing on this Pact and is not subject to its terms, just as it is not subject to our oaths or ceremonies. We cannot be held responsible for that group's actions.
  2. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to Muratus del Mur in A Show Of Force 2   
    Show of force 3 - What's a Mur

    Muratus del Mur started as my main character in MD several years ago, ruler of entire MagicDuel realm, invisible and unbiased judge of both good and bad actions, making both official but also secret  chess moves in the realm balance.  It started after I was known as King Manu, but slightly MD changed myself and in an unspeakable way it brought answers before actual questions. King Manu was more of a leader type, but Mur can be considered a creator/crazy god type. I knew the feelings that drove this entire thing, and used time to disect them in words, logic structures, and even scientific explenations. Years ago I had no chance to tell you the answer in this way, keeping its flavor and its true feeling. Now I evolved, I learned from you, I always do. I mirror myself, in the realm but the reflections I get back are from the people in the realm, not from the realm itlsef. The story of Mur, who he and what it happen next, starts with a simple , yet tricky question.
    What's a Mur?..It was a question I designed, for you to ask but never find. It was my challange, it still might, to show the a truth I could not write. Yet some of you got really close, had the answer at their nose.

    The quest ends now, took you three years, its time the answer reach your ears. 
    I think I ..lost.., yet none have won, imagine that, if you really can. I will not hide, i know its hard, to do a quest without reward. Yet those that won can know they did, without anyone to confirm their deed.  The way you searched, its the reward, regardless of the answer found. I never give rewards for riddles that I value most, consider it a paradox. I put your reward in the result and my motivation in your feedback.

    What is a Mur, I'll stop the tease, but still can't tell it with such ease. 

    You all forget what words once ment, you know their form but lost content. A Mur reminds you of that fact, that words mean thought behind a sound. You searched the letters, found relations, but missed the feelings that were obvious. It is a thought, you already feel, it is a name that is not real. The Mur itself is just a clue, to point the meaning that is true. A point of void to place the border, so questions all can find their order. 

    You found it means "Wall", oh thats so true! it's the important clue. A wall indeed its most you found, searching meanings all around. A single word can't answer it, you had to follow bit by bit. You always had the other clues, but one by one you had them gone, giving them meanings of their own. 

    I lost this quest because I learned, that secrets work if stay untold. I should have stoped to write this bit, to have the best of riddles kept. I do however think this should, become the lesson that it could, to reveal all and skip the blurr, that some could cast on what means Mur.

    So lets see the clues that left a trace, to find the Mur's secret face. 
    Its not exagerated, I pick my words, I know my reasons. Some think I gamble, when words and rhymes I do slightly tremble. The face i mean is there alright, as dark and black shadow, its wings show light around the night to follow. It discovered the realm, you all know to what I aim. Now think of it, I always said, the realm was there, I just discover. To follow the trace and reveal some connections, imagine the spitt in the Angiens development. A face for one to show the light, a face for one to show the dark, yet one from the other will emerge. 

    I will spoil this one, because its late, I put a meaning on a plate. I wish I said this clue much sooner, but I was somehow scared, It would have turned truth to rumor, or damage logic bad. The angiens dark face hides nothing more than a reflexion. Like the mirror on that wall, a truth of history repeated, the story of our ancient fall,  with all implications on purpose intended.

    There is a catch to all I say, I want to make you think, don't take me wrong I pray, but other things should link.  To see the music behind words, listen to what's hidden, to feel the colors behind thoughts, reveals a story yet unwritten.     

    But that's a story I still reserve, to torture minds of briliant people, it is a practice to preserve, the neverendin MD meanings ..ripple.

    So back to clues, what else is there?
    Oh yeah, my name, an arrogant character with great fame. Muratus "of the" Mur, like the derivate of something, still keeping the initial name somehow. Its like something of the same something, yet different. More? Less? depends what dirrection you look at it, yet is the same, like the repeating yet different history symbolized in the mirror story.

    The times that I hold, the rumors i provoke..they all have their purpose, but don't get paranoid. You need to see, attention is mandatory, there is no mirror in the entire MD game, nor in scenes or rooms or items, yet I hold a big clear mirror in my inventory. How rude of me, to wave the biggest clues at you without telling you a nice story.

    I even mirrored your details and name when you clicked me..ha..that was a desperate and clear clue.

    The MD Pattern

    There are more, but I made my point. Mur is a pattern to expect. Its meaning slipped within your knowledge, not your heads, it is not manipulatory or intrusive, but it is my sort of "art" in all its glory. Its ment to say, what i was to stupid back then to explain directly. You read the story of the mirror now, stop thinking, there is no math, there might be physics but its all nature afterall. All you need to see the forest is to stop analysing each tree, information is free, the path is the one difficult. You can learn how the most complex things work by analising even the simplest ones. 

    My lesson ended, I might do to, but now i know which way to go.
    MD is art, It holds much more, regardless of how insane i might go , my legacy, and the skill of its inhabitants, will offer me the WALL i always searched for. Oh yeah. MD is my wall, i am its mirror, and that works the opposite way to, but NO, thats not all. It is a pattern. I am just the advertiser of this pattern, a popular charcter with all the rights to show the symbols. 

    I learned something shocking. I built MD based on things deep in me, yet, it proved later they were not just mine. Then i discovered a pattern, one I represented, but not caused. Step by step I understood things ... to many to spell. MD built Mur, Mur built MYSELF, and I built MD... and above all, the patterns are valid, its not a personal thing with me as a person in rl, it is a general story, where the word Mur is not even a name with a meaning. You see me as a "god" in MD..oh yeah..its what i am in md ...made me realize we all are gods in our own mirrored universes.  
    Its not programming, logic or color, it seems there is only one tool that can fit my needs right now and its called art. I'm kind of doomed regarding that, I might be skilled but I am not an artist really. I built my own kind of art, has no name yet. Its the logic methods you see in MD, , ways were thought, number and color combine, long story, but its beautifull. I wish I could use the skills I perfected, in ways to support my past, like improve MD, fix its gaps that are driving people away, fix my life and so on, but Mur is now trapped in its own mirror, escaping reality in its own way, both in MD and in RL. My experiments continue, but I might give them more personal touch from now. I searched enough to be objective just to realise i did and valued the opposite, and it was in the end a very subjective and personal way to put things that helped me understand something I supposed initially to be as pure as math and without interpretations, but it wasn't.

     I search the big mirror, don't we all? But i shattered in many shards, and now I look through each and so I should. It is a path we all follow, cause we are all just shards. 

    I cant finsih things, in general i mean. It is sort of a curse or doom. However like someone told me, my skill is to "not finish them". I will perfect that. I will build things that finish themselves. I guess, if MD was indeed a series of unavoidable coincidences and logic paths as i concluded, it also means a stable and perfectly interconnected mechanism can be initiated by a single spark. Like planting a seed in the right conjuncture. What if i could build a seed, one of color and logic, a reaction to cause the chain of coincidences that follow. A point in the future to cause all its events in the past... I know now this is possible, it happens, but are the shards able to achieve that, or not. Cant ask a plant to run, or an animal to grow roots...can the shards do that , even as a test, like md was, or that remains reserved for the neverexistant initiall mirror?  I left that end unwritten yet, but all the strings are there to connect, with mur's mirror, and other MD things..

    There are words and sounds and combination of those that are meaningfull regardless of culture. It makes me wonder.. a lot of things.

    I will enjoy reading your replies, as always.

    some time ago I honestly thought that i will never reveal its secrets. People close to me probably thought I should have revealed it first to them, but i didnt. I appologise to them, but they should know that nobody untill now, no friends, relatives, players or strangers knew this before i write it here. I flipped a coin, this was the decision so to say.  


    P.S. there are things I wanted to put in MD as clues to mur , that were supposed to bring other interesting details of its meaning. I didnt managed to do that in MD but I might continue   in the mirror story that just started. (example: refering The Mur like it is a device, a core inside someone... and many more clues, excluding tomatoes, lol)
    P.S.2 The Mirror story is NOT adventure log story, it will continue privately but will intersect with MD in several places because its main character is Mur.

  3. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to Muratus del Mur in The Mirror   
    note: regarding uour comments to the deleted posts. i read them both. Show of force 3 will be mqde public next.

    The Mirror

    Thoughts too shattered to rhyme
    to find their path in such short time
    I'll tell them in my own rhythm
    in a poetry without its poem

    Excuse the clues i left behind
    The riddles that i missed to bind 
    These are things one of a kind
    That only some will seek to find

    So here it goes..

    Once upon no time...
    There was a guardian of time, not a being of some sort, or a monster in a fort, nor a wonder chest but an object at its best.
    This guardian that i tell, was just a mirror on no wall. It was so perfect that it had, only itself and all its pride, nothing to fear nor flaws to hide.
    So I was saying..
    it mirrored all and trapped their imperfections, gave them back just empty reflections. It swallowed all that passed in front, be it object life or be it void, like a dark sun that has died, it gave them back just empty light, nothing escaped whatever they tried.
    This perfect mirror trapped it all, nothing around to see anymore. It was alone and lost, like a body without its ghost, no reflections left to tell if anything was left at all. No time has passed since then at all, since time was guarded most of all.
    The things it trapped tried to escape. They tried to show the mirror feelings, reason, beauty, but the mirror had no ears, no fears to fear, nor eyes to look, at the reflections that it took. 

    A giant eye to see it all, and so it did, it saw it all. It stood alone, alone and blind, trying to remember what was there once to find. It slowly turned into terrible horror, the idea that there might actually be not even the mirror. It looked around but there was nothing. just pure perfection without expression.

    It might have gone a second or a million years untill it happend, no history to write if no time to bend, to start or to end, but at some moment the mirror decided it had no purpose since it blinded. It gave up existing, forgot about the trapped time she was guarding and in all her sadness and furry became to doubt, it lost faith in its own mirrorish clarity, it became blurry. Time was waiting, its what it does. It found a tiny fraction of itself, so small that it couldn't even be considered time at all. It sent it out on a mission, to cause havok and destruction, to cause a crack, an imperfection, and so it did at times suggestion. 

    When the mirror realised its first flaw, it had the proof was waiting for, to give it up, to end it all. More longer moments followed soon, time released its many faces, shattered all in an infinity of pieces. Time was cruel and did not forget, the "time" it lost in its imprisonment. It took the mirror shards so far away, that some forgot what they once were, time escaped, ran fast, very angry and still runs faster day by day. 

    Within its dieing moments, the mirror saw the reflections in each of its shards. Like lonely lost eyes of what was once a great power, they filled the world they once devoured.  With their now flawed and shattered view, they took a humble look of what was for them now new.  It started for the first time to see itlself, not in whole, but in puzzles of it all. 

    The mirrors wish was now fulfilled, to see the things it only dreamed, to see the reflection of its own face, at least small views of its power, infinity and grace. It now was sure she actually existed. It took to die to see it was alive, It took a flaw for perfection to arrive. It took to lose its purpose, no more prisoner, to achieve something new, we call it now freedom in our view. It lost however something  dear, replaced oneness with a fear. Scattered and lost, forever doomed by the curse time cast, it fears to forget, each and every piece that still reflect. So each eye keeps looking, searching, trying, digging deep in reality to see and remember what it means to BE.    

    And so my story ends, almost..
    What happend next? try to connect yourself the dots. They danced and danced two by two, just enough the first sees the other too. Paired together but still not united, they float in time, forever divided. Peaking at reflections to see others imperfections, to find their pair, they search their match with utmost despair. 

    Its said that once a shard finds its partner, they both forget their initial purpose forever. You wonder why? Its very simple, just face two mirrors at eachother, to see the two already found, what other shards still look around. What could it be, two hide in two shards of infinity? 

    It is there all, for them to see, to leave this world and find their own infinity. They will keep time away, find the greatness they once were, seeing all untill theire nothing there. They will do the same again, mirroring their past, recreate eternity untill one cracks. Time will escape, will run away, its a future action it already did, shards can't foresee this amazing deed. The two shards unite, becoming one, stepping the steps of the first one gone. 
    Unavoidably they'll fall apart, shattered shards in a dead sun, launching time in its long run. Never ends and never will, time runs fast while shards stand still. They are always doomed to fail, plutting time back in its jail, shards can never be so fast to stop the future cause its past. 

    Now I'll rest to think it all, rest my back to a strong wall. 
    There are some reasons still left to hunt, my feeling deep inside my heart...what if the mirror that once were was nothing else but too a pair.

    Some say its us that shards are now, .. I say why not rocks, or socks or planks, or the multitude of plants, why not.. afterall their're all, just fractions of the whole.
    They see it too, and share it all, 
    rebuilding universe before the fall.
    From smallest grain to biggest star
    Everything still roots that far..

    .... PART 2 .....

    The Empty Wall

    I stand in front an empty wall
    And wonder what would happen
    To have there hanging all alone
    The mirror that once shattered

    An unborn world within a world
    Cruel chaser of all imperfection
    A chest of secrets never told
    No shards of incomplete reflection 

    I stay there staring at the void
    And demons start to whisper
    I close my eyes and lose my mind
    As letters start to glitter

    Its written there on empty wall
    Where mirrors never see
    These things now keep to crawl
    Beyond the reasoning in me

    I see whispers turn to shapes
    To symbols never seen before
    I see my image how it fades  
    It is the price if you explore

    To help my mind to stay on track
    I'd give the mirror its own wall 
    A place to hide its unseen back
    Somewhere to hang so it won't fall

    I'd take its time and let it go
    To free the mirror of its burden
    If it casts its entropy on me
    My fate will become certain.

    My dreams begin to end i see
    But something feels not right
    The demons I no longer see
    Perhaps I won the fight..

    I see a stranger staring shocked
    I feel a wall behind my back
    Unseen something keeps me locked
    I can't believe I see a crack


    The story continues so does its relation to my character and md realm, but for now enjoy what it is.  

  4. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to awiiya in A Show Of Force 1 - Part 2   
    I think in some cases the point is still being missed.

    Imagine for a second a parable: a story designed to represent something deeper. An allegory works as well.

    Now this is what story mode is. A story that on the surface is understood as a lovely fairy tale, but goes significantly deeper than that. I will give an example of a parable we all know:

    The tortoise and the hare. The story where the hare initially starts out ahead but is eventually defeated by the tortoise due to hubris. What is the important part of the story? By far the moral, and the lesson we can take from this.

    So what people have done with MD's lore, MD's parable, is extending on the story. They wrote about the tortoise's mother, about his father, his childhood, where he grew up, how the tortoise and the hare used to be friends, about this and that and even more things! People have missed the point entirely: it is not the setting, the characters, or the history and context behind the story that matters. It is the deeper meaning, the story within the story, the lesson to be learned, that should be paid close attention.

    Do NOT be distracted by the who's, the what's, the where's, or the when's. Learn the lesson, look for the meaning, and do not be distracted by hare's in top hats with flashing yellow signs.

  5. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to Peace in Resurrection   
    [quote name='Seigheart' timestamp='1327115296' post='101554']
    Peace, a price? Really? But we're such great friends.

    Remember where I come from.
  6. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to Peace in Resurrection   
    Perhaps I could help... for a price of course...
  7. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to Phantom Orchid in Resurrection   
    Yes. But those who know are not willing to share with the likes of you.
  8. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to Passant the Weak in Free glass distribution to celebrate my MD anniversary   

    Today I am 365 AD old.
    When I first opened a MD page, I had no idea I would still be here after one year. This is due to the quality of the realm and of course of its inhabitants.

    To celebrate that, I will be holding my 2nd Glass distribution. It is very simple: I will give away Raw Glass to whoever asks me, provided I have some in stocks.

    To do that, I hopefully will get help from GG people who have commited to help me by giving away free sand.

    No particular rules in the glass distribution, except common sense: priority goes to new players and people who never got sand from me.

    I can't be active as much as I wish, so please be patient and try to find me around Tranquil Plains. You can message me ingame (not on forum please), but you better ask me when you see me awake, as I am a bit clumsy with MPs.

    Duration: not set. Expect a few days from now.

  9. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to Guillak in Your Musical Portrait   
    This is a simple game: get your musical portrait drawn by MD population. How do others see your character?

    [b]~ Rules ~[/b][list]
    [*]By entering the game, you gain access to the list of all other participants.
    [*]You assign a single tune (YouTube link only) to all participants you know, including yourself. Choose the song that you think best portrays the participant. Anything is allowed: don't hesitate to put up songs in other languages than English, purely instrumental pieces are even strongly encouraged; the music itself is more important than the lyrics in my opinion (although they are supposed to be related). Avoid putting the music that participants are using in their papers ...
    [*]Wait for others to do the same ...
    [*]... and enjoy your "musical portrait" by listening to the songs that have been chosen for you. All songs are anonymous, so you don't know who chose what for you!
    That's it.

    [*]You get to know how people view you, in music!
    [*]To be happy, surprised, disappointed, etc., and hopefully to have fun.
    You won't get any shiny thing, and I kindly ask any potential generous sponsor NOT to propose any reward. In this game, you just receive as much as you give.

    [b]~ What if there are participants I don't know? ~[/b]

    Stalk them, find them, meet them, talk to them, (R-)play with them, learn about them! By entering the game, you should be ready to go meet all the people you don't know yet, young or old.

    [b]~ How to start ~[/b]

    To enter the game, just go to Awiiya's way, check the Oak Log, and say "Musical Portrait". Everything has been made automatic in the clickie. It is just a matter of typing a short description and copy/pasting the link of the song, just like with the mood panel. Note that for storage limitations reasons, all fields are limited in length—use the "share" links of YouTube if possible.

    Warning: the first time you activate the script, you are automatically added to the list of participants. This means that your name will appear in all participants' list, and the interface will invite them to assign a song to you. Don't do it unless you're really willing to participate. There is no "give up" button, but I can remove you manually from the list of participants if necessary.

    Under the list of participants and songs you have chosen, you will find the list of anonymous (unless they are "signed" ... Well you can try to guess) songs that have been assigned to you, which obviously is empty the first time you activate the script. You can see your own list, but not that of the others. For each song, you can leave a short comment in return for the person who chose it for you, and it will appear next to your name in his/her list of participants.

    The clickie has been well tested, but if you notice anything strange, don't hesitate to tell me!

    [b]~ I can see everything ~[/b]

    I have access to all data obviously, and I can find who submitted what. But I won't spend my time monitoring everything, I don't have time for that. That said, if you find some inappropriate or badly unpleasant content, just tell me and I'll remove the content, or even the participant. If it is serious, it will be forwarded to the appropriate MD authorities.

    Please keep it enjoyable, I don't want it to become another reason for bickering ...

    [b]~ Many thanks to ~[/b]

    Brulant for discussing the initial idea, Burns for discussing the final idea, Chewett for answering all my questions on MDScript, Awiiya for allowing the use of his clickie, MD Council and Rendril for allowing the use of consequent data storage, and all people who helped testing the clickie (your entries are still there, btw)!

    Now go and have fun! There might be a second part in a couple weeks.

    Edit: YouTube links only, and I finally use multiple storages as Council and Rendril allowed me.
  10. Downvote
    lashtal reacted to Pipstickz in The Fate of CoE   
    When I took the Children, I was not sure how I would go about giving it back, if indeed I would. Now I have decided:

    ChildoftheSoul joined CoE because he was told to, but he was not told why. When I asked him to send the invitation so that I could take the alliance, he was unprepared for the social pressure of having most of Loreroot hate him. After a few days, they convinced him to invite Neno Veliki, so that he could take the alliance back for them. I noticed this, kicked CotS, and cancelled the invitation. Since then, I have seen PL entries such as this one written about him:
    [i]"Treacherous - not to be trusted."[/i]

    This has proven to me just how vindictive and judgemental the previous leaders and members of the Children of the Eclipse are, for I find it highly unlikely that they would have reacted the same way had I not noticed the invitation and dealt with it, and CotS did not have much choice in the matter of my kicking him.

    So, to the point: Because of the response to CotS after he tried to help you get the CoE back, I will be keeping it for as long as I possibly can, but I will not outright kill it. This is not up for discussion.

    [color=#3399ff]Moderator comment: I have just deleted Axel's comment since it was inappropriate, and closed this on request. If you wish to keep discussing this issue, make a new topic please.[/color]
  11. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to phantasm in Complaint against your BHC Organizer   
    As an organizer of an event, doesn't Eon have public points like Grido and the Kings had? If enough complaints come in about an "unfair" leadership of the event, he should be docked a public point. Besides that there isn't much to be done besides blowing air around.
  12. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to Chewett in Announcements Projects   
    The announcements Project is moving on, and again i am leaning towards moving it all onto the wikia.

    The current idea for this is:

    Each announcement gets its own Wikia page, with title: "Announcement <ID OF ANNOUNCEMENT>"

    Then it would quote the announcement, And include a part for a summation of it.

    Categories would be added based on stage, priority (the colour of it) and type.

    Any Comments on this? I have a script to add all of the pages to the site automatically so dont need to do it manually, And it will also be able to do large scale changes based on if we want to change format and such.
  13. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to Udgard in Declare War Spell   
    [quote name='Yrthilian' timestamp='1328178703' post='103162']
    Wrong! wrong!! wrong!!!

    The war treath came from LR first. Please if you are goign to make a statment make one of fact.
    when they made the treath i retuned it with a promise of war IF the one that cause the offence at the time apoligised.
    Raven did not have to step down. He was given 2 options he chose to step down since he could not get the ofending
    person to apoligise for abuse of powers. The war still happened we took over an alliance and did damge before he steped down.
    Blackthorn was (unneededly, yes) offended by MRD's meddling with Savelites, and asked "Are you trying to start a war?". The first declaration of war (or to be precise, threats to start a war) was from you. Of course, you could say that the war happened the moment you threathened to start a war between GG and LR, though that's not what it looks like, at least from the other side (where Raven stepped down to [u]prevent [/u]war).
    And I do not remember the Savelites take over being done as part of the war (or during, even).
    Can't seem to find the topics about it on the forum anymore though, so I'm gonna stop here for now lest I go even more offtopic.

    On topic:
    A call-for-vote system sounds like a good idea. I do think that the scoring should be harsher than just a 51% majority vote for a land to be declared on war with another land though. Anything less than.. say 75-80% would mean it won't be labeled a "land war". (imagine an extreme scenario, 51% says go to war, 49% don't.. It's not fair to say that land X is at war with land Y just because 51% of land X citizen wants to). The 51% can go to war, just that it's a personal war, not an attack from that land per se.
  14. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to Tipu in Ur Lord is Away for 6 months   
    [b]WARNINGS : The following will be very emotional , sad. Girls r requested to have their kerchief standby. Try not to Cry .[/b]

    Yep my bank balance have come to negative and my parents/friends had enough of me. Also my ship is ready so me going to sail again will be back only after 6 months. Will start ..my Sea adventure from 2marro...[i]Sao Paulo[/i] Brazil (I heard Girls r awesome over there )

    To friends : Hey guys i know u might be very very sad by hearing this news ...But u know all Good things have to end *coughs coughs*

    To MD girls : Yeah i can see the tears flowing down ur gorgeous faces. Don't cry girls ..It makes me sad. .
    But It doesn't mean u won't be logging to MD anymore. Plz do login, there r other guys here too ..SS, FS, Princ Rhaegar, Meter Shem and many others. Give them a chance ..ofcourse they aren't smart like me but u never know even monkeys goes bananas..hehe.

    To my Dear Enemies : Don't think this is my End but its actually the beginning of ur ENd.
    Prepare urself for the rebirth of Lord Tipu...
    say ur best prayers ...

    "When u r confused which path to choose Right or Wrong ...u can take Left or Straight - Lord Tipu " .
  15. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to Amoran Kalamanira Kol in Liberating Knator Commander   
    Really, is there a reason to negative rep someone who is reviving a stagnant quest? I hardly think so, at least we are chosing to actually do something.

    If you must know, the Children of the Eclipse intend to bring Knator Commander back to reclaim his rightful place in Loreroot. After the opposition that he faced, he deserves an apology, and to live in his rightful home at the Hidden Exit.

    The alliance being returned will happen, or it will not. The Eclipse is the Eclipse with or without a badge.
  16. Downvote
    lashtal reacted to Pipstickz in Liberating Knator Commander   
    Since you brought it up, the official Eclipse at this time is neutral in this matter.
  17. Downvote
    lashtal reacted to dst in Liberating Knator Commander   
    It took quite some time to think about Knator Commander. He's been trapped for months but you only thought to free him now....why is that? And why only CoE? GoTR is not also interested in KC? Or this has a deeper reason? Like....maybe somehow you think KC will give you back the ally? Or at least help you to get it back?

    Hum? What's the real reason behind your "altruistic" actions?
  18. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to Kyphis the Bard in Liberating Knator Commander   
    [quote name='dst' timestamp='1328473693' post='103550']
    It took quite some time to think about Knator Commander. He's been trapped for months but you only thought to free him now....why is that?
    We have been working for many months to liberate KC. This is just another avenue we are persueing, essentially expanding the brains trust.

    So no, we have not "only thought to free him now". What we have done is remind people of the situation, and attempt to bring players who may be interested in helping but have not yet had a chance to find out into the project.

    Its not a bad thing to encourage working to solve a problem as a community.
  19. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to Tarquinus in Liberating Knator Commander   
    The Eclipse has long been interested in liberating KC, long before our badges were stolen. We might have only just now gone public with the matter, but that doesn't mean we've only become interested now.

    This topic is about liberating Knator Commander and how that might be achieved. Our motives - and who is the "official" Eclipse - are irrelevant questions. Please stay on topic, or I'll ask a moderator to relocate the sniping and side-discussion to another thread.
  20. Downvote
    lashtal reacted to Seigheart in Hidden items   
    I don't want to get into this, but I feel it's a valid point.

    Many people pretend to have children, perform sexual acts IG, suck each others blood, violently attack each other, etc etc, but you're worried about Weed being a concern? O.o

    Anyways, Nightshade has become a part of MD. Through MasterB and afew others who have claimed to smoke it for years
  21. Downvote
    lashtal reacted to Seigheart in Hidden items   
    Hmm. I like this idea.

    How ever, if caught with them, what happens? Does the person suffer stat damage? Or something to that effect?

    Smoking a Nightshade blunt could add positive effects to say combat, or ap counter. But if you get caught with it on you, you can suffer maybe perm stat loss?

    Incredibly interesting idea with an entire plethora of ideas to go with it.
  22. Upvote
    lashtal got a reaction from J-D in Pockets full of Dust? Let the Fusioneers clean up your inventory!   
    [size=5]The Fusioneers are looking to gather a large quantity of Timeless and Syntropic dust. [/size]
    [size=5]Please contact any of us if you're willing to sell, trade... or donate! [/size]
    [size=5][font="Arial"]Thank you.[/font][/size]

    [size=4][font="Arial"](currently we are also offering each Heat stone for 2 memory stones, under the condition you return us the resulting Timeless dust)[/font][/size]
  23. Downvote
    lashtal reacted to dst in So far...   
    Cool. Then this is how I work: the name of the so called "backstabber" who invited Jester is JadenDew. Mystery solved. Case closed.
  24. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to Peace in So far...   
    That is how I work for Necrovion, deal with it.
  25. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to Stipple in Petition for closing the Angiens Shrine   
    Although I am very new in age compared to just about everyone else that plays Magic Duel, I have played browser based games for more than a few years. Similarly to small businesses, a hundred start up with grand dreams that don’t last much more than a year or two for 99% of them. The failures seem to fall into several broad categories:

    •Limited content that depends on a repetitive grinding routine or stylized PVP rules.
    •Shallow, unchanging back story that does not contain enough flexibility to grow on.
    •Single coder, game master who rigidly controls the game and does not accept input from the player base.
    •Games that fall apart over arguments about multiple changes, constantly chasing for new players without keeping the older players interested in staying.
    •Lack or time, resources, funding to keep a good game alive.

    Magic Duel has set itself apart from those failure categories by providing a framework allowed (encouraged) to be fleshed out by the player community. A new player reading the forums can readily see Mur and the council have encouraged the evolution of game mechanics, environment, creatures, back story, quest lines, etc. The current richness of the game is directly attributable to that unique approach.

    Of course it has not all been pie in the sky rosy; growth is hard work and there is no such thing as a “fair to all” approach in games or in real life that ever succeeded. No matter what side of the screen one sits at, an evolving society swirls and ebbs around conflict into resolution. Certainly the cross cultural player base of this game has added places, quests, changed places, set up rules, dropped them and added more over the years of history in the archives. Some had lots of conflicted postings, a few slid in with little notice, and there must be at least one that the whole community cheered over somewhere.

    To me it seems that the changes to the Angien Shrine are only one more step in the evolution of this game. Is it fair to a new one like me to make it harder to acquire one? Or is it more fair to hand a new player a complete pack full of goodies to instantly make them equal to the seasoned players that spent years growing their main? If I thought that way I could go play a different game but would miss out on the very things that make Magic Duel so enticing to me. So I came into the game while it is in flux and changing - is that not better than starting on a static game that you can leave for two years and come back to only to find it is the same boring game you left?

    Reading the forums leads me to believe the true constant here is change, and I have to wonder what is so wrong with that? I’m happy to watch and learn as the world evolves in front of me. If those that are closest to the Angiens feel this is a necessary change, then who am I to try and say it isn’t?
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