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Everything posted by Mallos

  1. "I've fought mudcrabs more fearsome then you!" - To Skyrim players, they weren't lying... Here's my experience haha.

    1. Ledah


      At least you didn't take an arrow to the knee.

    2. Brulant


      I had the crud scared out of me by a mudcrab today. It was horrifyingly hilarious.

  2. Thanks for the nomination but I'm ineligible for that award. (I think) This account was opened on (DD.MM.YYYY H:M): [b]05.12.2010 08:32[/b] Activity days: [b]55% [/b] (A total of 203 out of 369 days) (I left MD for a couple of months shortly after creating my account)
  3. "I take the beauty of chaos over ugly perfection" - Johnny Hobo

  4. If you really want to find out who did it, try to find who's ID is 169283. Watch the triggers box, or just start casting spells on all the Golemus citizens until the right one comes up. Or try to use other clues, like how do the logs get to be like that (with the blanked out info)? Is there anyone clearing the chat in Tempest Fort? Or look at the times it was done then see who was around there next time if they do it again.
  5. I would like the idea only if it were usable on tranquility days. That or have it be a very limited spell cast, 1 spell per person, usable without needing heat (for mp3 or players stuck without heat), and only usable on yourself. I think the reason it would be better as a spell is so that players may choose when to cast it, not just on tranquility days.
  6. My only suggestion for this topic is to make teleport spells not be able to teleport players out of sanctuary locations (or maybe give them a pop up to accept in a sanctuary). Sanctuaries are where people go to be safe from attacks and many people idle in those locations, this way they could be truly safe from attacks, rather than waking up to find they have negative stat damage or having to log out whenever they go away from the game. It also wouldn't mess with heads contest as you aren't supposed to be able to score in sanctuary locations anyways.
  7. If you grab a drink from the pub, when the drink is consumed it will return to your inventory even if you are the one consuming it. They will only return to the pub during the item regroup. That's what I have figured out and probably others know as well. I don't believe that would count as a spoiler, but it may be a bug though depending on how the drinks were intended to work.
  8. Here is a simple recipe, Toxic Tea! You will need: two tea pots, tea cups, branches, a heat jar or a heat stone, water from the Fountain of Dark Vibrations, and toxic plants. Collect the water from the Fountain of Dark Vibrations and put it into one of your tea pots. Proceed to heat the water with your heat jar or heat stone and bring it to a boil. Insert the toxic plants into the other tea pot (add extra toxic plants proportional to the amount of flavor and/or death you wish to experience), then pour the hot water over the toxic plants. Stir and let the toxins seep into the water, then pour the tea into your tea cups and enjoy! Be sure to share with all of your friends.
  9. He is on my friends list but I have not seen him online recently. I will send him a message to contact you but you should probably send him a message on the forum also.
  10. I could use a teleport
  11. I have a knator with 747478. I had the one that was 747474 but it got sacrificed.
  12. I just remember when 0:00 server time is in my time, and add any extra hours from then on. (ex. if you wanted to go to an event at 13:00 server time, and 0:00 server time is your 2pm, add 13 hours to 2pm and you will get 3am which will be 13:00 server time)
  13. I believe that it only affects current citizens of the land, not past citizens. I may be mistaken though. If not, then I think it should only affect current citizens "render viscosity insignificant just for citizens of a land while they are within their land"
  14. So what I am thinking is that since the Tribunal still has quite low viscosity (negative in a lot of places) if a lot of us would take a walk around it as far as you can go, we could quite possibly lower the viscosity to -80 in most to all of the locations. After that, the Tribunal could be a more populated place. Think of it like No Man's Land and Marind Bell, there are a lot of people there regularly, the same could be for the Tribunal. Let me know what you think about the idea.
  15. About a skill damage buffer, how about something like you can only lose the stats that you are still gaining for the day or that there is a set limit of skill damage you can receive in one day.
  16. I recently decided to use my guardianarmy spell on a new mp3 at the house of liquid dust. The mp3 player fought the shades 3 times with my creatures (winning the first two and losing the last). After that I went to the Fields of Abandonment and there was a shade there. It wont let me attack the shade though, it just tells me this: "***You allready defeated this character. Please close this window and continue your quest. " Thought I should report this. Here are some screenshots.
  17. What is the name of the third level of the toxicodendrite? Mine has no name, and I want to give it the right name when I upgrade it.

    1. Fyrd Argentus

      Fyrd Argentus

      I suggest "George".

    2. Chewett


      Naha, Dont listen to Fyrd, its Bob Marley

  18. I'm up for it. Would like to see who else is.
  19. Make sure to go around telling people ingame about it, and have someone put it in the mood panel. You will hopefully get a lot more people to show up by doing that.
  20. I would participate in this. I think it would be fun, if I think of any ways that could make it better I will discuss them with you.
  21. Maybe we could have a carnival in Marind Bell?
  22. I don't think so but I'm not sure. I know it wasn't because of a wrong playername, password, or security letters though.
  23. [quote name='Muratus del Mur' timestamp='1310500318' post='87764'] so far these letters were not working: DH, DL, EE ..add yours when its happening but be sure you are 100% sure of them. [/quote] Just got the logout cooldown a minute ago. The security letters were: VL
  24. I'm a bit late but I could join if you want. I'm an mp4 and could go to whatever team wants me.
  25. 66) The labyrinth changes every day, hopelessly confusing new players who try and find their way through.
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