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Eara Meraia

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  1. Upvote
    Eara Meraia got a reaction from dst in X-Mas Rush (Race)   
    edited initial post
  2. Upvote
    Eara Meraia reacted to BFH in Real Life Scavanger Hunt   
    I already discussed this personally with Nim.
    From now on I dont accept on this topic any other complains regarding cultural differences or dissadvantages or whatever. Speak to me in chat if you want to discuss things. Here it is pointless and we will have a bloodbath as I have many arguments and you will have many. If you feel capable of designing a list with 50 items that fit xmas for people of 90 active countries and the hundreds of cultures that play MD then do so and send them to me. They shall be considered for a future Xmas.
    There are countries that do not celebrate xmas, yes they have a dissadvantage, yet you can;t remove the fact, that MD celebrates it. If you dont agree with the quest simply do not participate.
    Simply and put in few words. With a festivity like Xmas or Halloween, etc, it is IMPOSSIBLE to satisfy the beliefts and cultures of everyone. That's life. Differences are keys behind our humanity, we can't simply change that.
  3. Upvote
    Eara Meraia reacted to Tom Pouce in "tommusic"   
    In this period for rejoicings
    Tom Pouce
    invite you to find that secret place and say this magick word:

  4. Upvote
    Eara Meraia reacted to Chewett in Short Term Retirement   
    Amazing what a couple of days and a friend can do.

    My retirement is cancelled and i have a new found passion for MD, Menhir is the one to thank for this and i cannot thank him enough.
  5. Upvote
    Eara Meraia reacted to lashtal in Déjà vu - a recurrent nightmare (Halloween quest)   
    All the rewards have been delivered.
    Thanks again to all the participants and congratulations to the winners. The fact they were 8 seemed indeed like a cosmic coincidence..  :D
    I am especially glad Asthir and Shadrala managed to complete it while MP3.
    I was afraid the high AP requirements would have discouraged all the younger players, but at the same time I really wanted such a quest to take place inside Necrovion. So, thank you for your perseverance!   
    The quest will be active for an indefinite period of time (hopefully permanently), so if you enjoyed the story but you couldn't complete it, you can still proceed. 
    A very special bahut acchā to Nimrodel, for figuring out what was coming out from the resources you collected.
    Perhaps others realized it as well, but she was the only one who explicitly stated it. [spoiler]What are you looking for? I won't spoil it here!  :P[/spoiler]  
    Feedbacks and comments are welcomed and appreciated, either here or privately.
    Until next adventure!
  6. Upvote
    Eara Meraia reacted to Ary Endleg in Tutorial - MD and fancy fonts   
    Custom fonts 101
    This is tutorial on how to use custom fonts for your profile or papers.

    Everyone can use a set of web safe fonts without any problems. You can check list of them here. But what if you want to use something nicer than those? Well in reality you can put name of any other font instead of above listed safe web fonts. However it will only work if person who is reading your papers has that font installed on their computer. So how do you solve that problem to allow everybody to see your fancy letters without making them install our font? There are few solutions. Font can be streamed from any webserver that is configured to allow this. Most notable, easy and free way to do this is to check if there is font you need on google fonts. Other way to do this is if font is already available on same domain on which you are using it. Since we play MD and we need it for our papers and profile that means font needs to be on MD server too. So let's see how does this stuff work.

    Google fonts

    If you go up there you can browse many fonts and if you find something you want to use you just click "add to collection". When you're done you click "use" in lower right and there you have it with everything explained in there. In short you just check if you really want to use all those fonts in step one, step two don't touch anything. Step three gives you code to add so you copy code from "Standard" (example)

    <link href='http://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Share+Tech|Underdog|Joti+One' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'>into html view of your paper, paste it at beginning. Step four tells you how to use those fonts. (example)
    <style> span { font-family: 'Joti One', cursive; } </style>This code will make all text inside all span tags use that font. If something happens to google server it uses cursive as fallback font. You place it also somewhere at the top, after the code from step three. Or you can directly add it to specific html element inside style attribute. For example like this.
    <p style="font-family: 'Joti One', cursive;">Available fonts on Magicduel

    You can also use fonts that are uploaded on MD and you can ask Chewett personally to upload the ones you want. I will use this one font that is currently alone up there for examples and also you can see that font used on my papers. In order to use this font you need to add following code to the beginning of your papers in html view.
    <style> @font-face {     font-family: 'Nelson Script';     src: url('../fonts/Nelson Script.eot');     src: url('../fonts/Nelson Script.eot?#iefix') format('embedded-opentype'),          url('../fonts/Nelson Script.woff') format('woff'),          url('../fonts/Nelson Script.ttf') format('truetype'),          url('../fonts/Nelson Script.svg#nelson_script_largeregular') format('svg'); } </style>After you did this, you can use font normally just like any other, I explained it a bit above at end of google font chapter. In short you can for example make css rule like this to make all span elements use this font for example:
    <style> span { font-family: 'Nelson Script', cursive; } </style>or something like this to apply it for specific element inside your papers for example one of paragraphs:
    <p style="font-family: 'Nelson Script', cursive;">NOTE: Nelson font doesn't have glyph for ' if you are using this font use ´ instead.

    What do you need to provide if you want your font uploaded to MD so you can use it? You need to send your font in .ttf .eot .woff and .svg file formats to Chewett. Since you will probably have only ttf format of your font you need to convert it to other formats so that you can provide all of them which are needed. To do that you can use FontSquirrel where you just add your font from your computer select Expert, check ttf, woff, svg and eot lite font format options and leave "font name suffix" empty. You pretty much shouldn't touch any other options but if your font is handwritten it's very important that you leave "remove kerning" unchecked. After he has agreed to this and uploaded it, you can use them just like in example above. Only thing you change in the code is file name of your font and font-family name. Once that is done it's ready for use.
    That's it, if you got any questions post bellow.
  7. Upvote
    Eara Meraia reacted to dst in Christmas Cards   
    Card receivers, please send me the address. I plan to send them this week to avoid the hysteria that will take over the postal offices after 15th of December + I am trying to make them arrive before Christmas and not during Easter (as I said in the first post).
  8. Upvote
    Eara Meraia reacted to lashtal in Déjà vu - a recurrent nightmare (Halloween quest)   
    Allright, november is over, 32 people confronted themselves with this nightmare and 8 managed to end it within one month.
    I wish to thank all those who participated and to remind you that, although the time is over, you can still try this quest for fun.
    Here's the list of those who completed it:
    Valldore Nal
    Eara Meraia
      Prizes will be assigned and delivered as soon as possible.  Thanks for your patience.   edit: Shadrala added to the list. 
  9. Upvote
    Eara Meraia got a reaction from John Constantine in Curiosities need answers!   
    Shadrala...dont forget to use Live help button ingame. Live help operators usually can help or at least send you to smb. who can :)
  10. Upvote
    Eara Meraia got a reaction from Rophs in Curiosities need answers!   
    Shadrala...dont forget to use Live help button ingame. Live help operators usually can help or at least send you to smb. who can :)
  11. Upvote
    Eara Meraia reacted to DarkRaptor in Volition - How much have you gained?   
    Reached 1000 volition

    playername: darkraptor
    playerid: 193670
  12. Upvote
    Eara Meraia got a reaction from John Constantine in Temporary Goodbye   
    Life is movement. Hope this will be a positive experience for you. And come back soon.
  13. Upvote
    Eara Meraia got a reaction from Kyphis the Bard in Temporary Goodbye   
    Life is movement. Hope this will be a positive experience for you. And come back soon.
  14. Upvote
    Eara Meraia reacted to Ary Endleg in Beat the LR guards at MP3   
    ^_^ done and done :cool: hopefully i will be eligible for reward
  15. Upvote
    Eara Meraia reacted to DarkRaptor in Halloween Cookies! Again!   
    THANK YOU ALL for participating and having the patience to follow this quest.
    i had a lot of fun coding and running it.. hopefully you also had some fun playing it :)

    The Winners are..

    1. *Nimrodel* scored 70 (40+9+5+10+6) at 2013-11-01 03:11:50
    2. AmberRune scored 69 (40+8+2+9+10) at 2013-11-05 05:11:21
    3. Valoryn scored 67 (40+8+2+7+10) at 2013-11-01 17:11:00
    4. Intrigue scored 67 (40+9+5+7+6) at 2013-11-04 15:11:41
    5. Valldore Nal scored 61 (40+10+5+0+6) at 2013-11-04 13:11:41
    6. Eara Meraia scored 60 (40+10+5+5+0) at 2013-11-07 22:11:39
    7. lashtal scored 59 (40+10+5+4+0) at 2013-11-01 20:11:43
    8. Ary Endleg scored 57 (40+8+0+9+0) at 2013-11-04 01:11:09
    9. *Clock Master* scored 55 (40+10+5+0+0) at 2013-11-01 15:11:19
    10. dst scored 55 (40+10+5+0+0) at 2013-11-02 21:11:03
    11. tankfans scored 47 (40+7+0+0+0) at 2013-11-02 01:11:25

    Score detail in ():
    MainTask(40pts) + Puzzle1(0-10pts) + Puzzle2(0-5pts) + Puzzle3(0-10pts) + Puzzle4(0-10pts)
    Cookies Baked.. +..Dwarf Convinced.+..Mouse Tricked..+..Rocks Balanced..+...IndexByColor..

    The Rewards:
    1. *Nimrodel*  -> 1 WishPoint
    2. AmberRune   -> 4 Gold
    3. Valoryn     -> 1 Gold + 1 Angien (aged with 4 tokens)
    4. Intrigue    -> 1 Sharptear
    5. Valldore Nal-> 1 Sharptear
    6. Eara Meraia -> 1 Sharptear
    7. lashtal     -> 1 Bloodpact
    8. Ary Endleg  -> SpellStone(mirror,locate or silvertongue) + 4Million Heated Creat
    *Clock Master*,dst and tankfans ->SpellStone (mirror,locate or silvertongue)

    Finnally i would like to thank the TK's for the sponsorship and the participants for the always much important feedback.

    Hope to see you all in another quest.. sooonnn... :P

  16. Downvote
    Eara Meraia reacted to Lazarus in Halloween - Story telling and other   
    A few years ago, a mother and father decided they needed a break, so they wanted to head out for a night on the town. They called their most trusted babysitter. When the babysitter arrived, the two children were already fast asleep in bed. So the babysitter just got to sit around and make sure everything was okay with the children. Later that night, the babysitter got bored and went to watch TV, but she couldn’t watch it downstairs because they did not have cable downstairs (the parents didn’t want children watching too much garbage). So, she called them and asked them if she could watch cable in the parent’s room. Of course, the parents said it was ok, but the babysitter had one final request… she asked if she could cover up the angel statue outside the bedroom window with a blanket or cloth, at the very least close the blinds, because it made her nervous. The phone line was silent for a moment, and the father who was talking to the babysitter at the time said, “Take the children and get out of the house… we will call the police. We do not have an angel statue.”

    The police found all three of the house occupants dead within three minutes of the call. No angel staue was ever found.
  17. Upvote
    Eara Meraia got a reaction from Ary Endleg in rainwater and bushies   
    The question is simple: I wonder why cannot we use collected rainwater to make bushies grow? Isnt it the best and most natural use for this resource?
  18. Upvote
    Eara Meraia reacted to Ary Endleg in Stat damage   
    since i kind of started this fuss i guess i can at least apologize for acting as spark and speak my opinion on this, even though people will most likely frown at it and it could act like adding more firewood to fire
    personally i really dislike that information on mechanics isnt documented in public places and i dont understand why it is considered spoiler. its not like we are talking about some game secrets like sign at fields of abandonment for example, what is the best ritual combination for something also isnt question. things like that i think are spoilers and should stay marked as such. but information on how things really work should be available to public
    if those things arent documented, whats the refering point of how it was meant to work? if player has no available info on how something works and he experiments and finds out how it works, and then later he gets punished because developers were accidently checking some code and found out that wasnt how it was meant to work. that player didnt even assume it was a bug and when he looked up about something there was nothing to find and everybody was yelling SPOILER to him. in my mind things like this prevent fluent communication between players and developers and i have never ever seen any game to not reveal such basic information on purpose. if they have manpower to write documentation they do it otherwise they answer it when asked on forums, but no other game ever witheld such type of information on purpose.
    game mysteries are just that, mysteries, secrets or how ever you want to call them, same goes for unseen things and places. how to combine workings of games technical aspect are there to be worked out on individual basis too, but basic stuff on how things work should be known. imagine if company ships out machine to customer and says its up to you to figure out on your own how we made it to work, that would be just plain wrong. company needs to provide information on how their product works, its up to customers if they see that they could combine more basic functions of that machine to do something more advanced or something more creative than it was originally made for and yet it is capable of doing
    you might call it baby spoon feeding, but to me it looks like you are trying to teach people how to crawl and unwilling to go any further
    i asked if stat damage can bring stats into negative (and you say i should try it on my own) then i asked if negative honor gain is capped like positive one on 400 honor. things that arent documented in enough details but which are basic workings of game, its not like i asked how stat gains are calculated which is obviously intended to be kept hidden. but questions on how skilldamage stat works like and how honor works like to me look like things in the game that didnt received full documentation. if you look it up you will see a page where "all" stats are explained fully how they work and at end it says "more to come". so i am not allowed to ask around and be told how it works because according to you its spoiler? same goes for honor not being fully documented because according to announcements i have seen changes being done to it few times so i guess thats the reason and documentation on it is probably since it was made
    at the end of day it falls down to what i think is spoiler or not and what old experienced lho thinks its spoiler or not. i obviously cant speak on / dont know what is or isnt spoiler, but what about you? tell me this then, what according to you is spoiler and what isnt? is it clearly defined anywhere? show me
  19. Upvote
    Eara Meraia reacted to lashtal in Déjà vu - a recurrent nightmare (Halloween quest)   
    Menhir kindly sponsored this quest with:
    10 SC
    3 Pimped Grasans (Age 80)
    5 Heat stones
    15 BMMO Bronze Gifts
    These prizes will be awarded (randomly assigned) together with the Reindrach to those who completed the quest by november the 30th, 23.59 s.t.
    Thank you Menhir!!!
  20. Upvote
    Eara Meraia reacted to lashtal in Déjà vu - a recurrent nightmare (Halloween quest)   
    Ladies, Gentlemen... and all those in between.  :D
    This year I thought nice to share with you a recurrent nightmare that used to haunt my sleep.
    Some may find it disturbing, others may enjoy the thrill, everybody can participate.
    This quest will bring you deep inside Necrovion and face to face with your subconscious. 
    You will experience the same nightmare I had, its variations and its absurdity.
    You will be asked to collect strange ingredients... but I can't tell you why...
    To begin, find the hidden orb at Gazebo of Equilibrium and insert these keywords: halloween quest and then nightmare.
    Pass-papers, tools and/or resources will be shared with all those participating (with priority to younger players). 
    Important: this quest is not a race. Take your time, sleep on it, make my nightmare yours.  :P
    All those completing the quest will be displayed in a winners list.
    I will check this list 2 times and award 2 creatures from my collection:
    1 week prize: a Rustgold Drachorn, to a random person who completed the quest by november the 6th, 23.59 s.t.
    1 month prize: a Reindrach, to a random person who completed the quest by november the 30th, 23.59 s.t.
    Said prizes do not influence each others, you may even win both!!!
    And of course, any additional sponsorship is welcomed. 
    Sweet nightmares to you all!!
    I wish to express my profound gratitude to darkraptor, who patiently coded all the quest, to Dante Lionheart, for his creepy artworks, and to all those who helped me refining the storyline and the grammar (you know who you are). 
  21. Upvote
    Eara Meraia reacted to dst in Quest: Find the One   
    When does Stage 4 start?
  22. Upvote
    Eara Meraia reacted to Bashaw Steel in Poetry   
    As the moving force of the many things, poetry deserves its places here, dont you think?:)

    Tell me where dreams speak the truth
    Where all my illusions are more than dust
    And although there is no eternal youth
    There is something else…
    Higher than hope and deeper than faith
    Something different than all routines
    Where our souls deserves to rest
    After being freed…
    Choose me over the world
    Ignite the passion within the dying
    So they may be also free
    When their time turns to nothing…
  23. Upvote
    Eara Meraia reacted to Jorana in A great HELLO from me to you   
    Well.. I just want to say "hello" to all of you.
    As you can see - this is me: Jorana. You may know me out of the realm?!
    For I am still a newbie, I´m just on my way to discover this world with all its beautiful places, with all its shadows and mysteries..
    I´ve quite managed to register here and - here I go.
    I wonder, what may awaits me here.. well, I´m a bit excited.
    For this moment, I think, I´ll rummage in the forums, taking a look into the gallery and may visit some members..
    first trial lesson, so to speak..
    Wish you all a nice time and..
    a great HELLO to everybody!
  24. Downvote
    Eara Meraia got a reaction from dst in Volition - How much have you gained?   
    East wins :)
  25. Upvote
    Eara Meraia got a reaction from nadrolski in Volition - How much have you gained?   
    East wins :)
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