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Everything posted by apophys

  1. I personally approve of such a use of the Libs. However, seeing that the GoS is similar enough to the GGG, Mur may not approve of having alts idle there for people to farm on. So he might limit use to 1 Lib at a time. Ask him, or let us hope he reads this thread. As I have been idle in the GGG at mp4 for public service, so I will be idle at the GoS with regen.
  2. apophys

    Old Games!

    [quote name='Juni0r' date='05 July 2010 - 03:30 PM' timestamp='1278361817' post='63469'] You Guys Are Forgetting The Best Pokemon Red, Blue, Gold, Silver, AND YELLOW!!! [/quote] And the often-ignored Trading Card Game version, still not mentioned until now. R/B/Y are still the best of the series, IMHO, for the awesome glitches. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RBGVM88dX6Y[/media]
  3. apophys

    Cats In Md

    #27 is Ravenstrider.
  4. Aysun, you seem to have missed my point. All kinds of death are a manifestation of balance and entropy. (in my opinion) For example, in the mind, an idea is an orderly thought process. The idea dies via introduction of disorder, by contradiction. E.g. you had a business venture in plan, BUT it is too risky for you, so you give up. A death process is governed/caused by entropy; the exact moment of death is a change in balance. So, a moment of beginning would be a positive change in balance, a moment of end would be a negative change in balance. The process of beginning is governed by syntropy, the process of end is governed by entropy. As for Lews' idea of form, that should go under Time. An object in a moment of 0 time is a form of the object.
  5. @Aysun The cycle would be birth, life, death, and void. In my opinion, birth is encompassed in syntropy, life in light, death in entropy, void in darkness. The exact moments of birth and death are a change of balance.
  6. Hmm... if the shop guards cause errors due to their 6 aramors, then one of the storymode shades should do the same; it has a rit of 6 shades.
  7. As dst indirectly points out, there is a conflict of interest here. By being the judge of entries, you will be biased toward positive remarks. But a separate judge would of course not know what you can be thinking... The fairest way I see for this to continue is to have a separate judge or panel of judges, and to judge based on quality of writing with no emphasis on truthfulness. Or just change the topic of the writings.
  8. Your forum mail is full.
  9. Maybe the archers grouping is a hint to a deeper connection?...
  10. apophys

    Stop Ggg

    Unfortunately, No one, it seems the new people don't appreciate your concern. [quote name='dst' date='29 June 2010 - 02:13 AM' timestamp='1277795600' post='62916'] Do you think that it's normal for an mp4 to have [size="5"][b][color="#FF0000"]10k[/color][/b][/size] attack? I find it horrible! I will support Burns with every tools I have and I will help him as much as I can. @apophis: I missed your post today (I saw it after you edited it but I've asked around what you said in it) and I was shocked! You call yourself a vet but you have no idea what Burnsy was talking about? This is the [b][color="#FF0000"]PERFECT[/color][/b] example of what GGG does to players! [/quote] *sigh* I had hoped my previous post would be the last in this thread, but you're making me look stupid, dst... [spoiler] I know a way it can be done: guardianarmy + mirror, lifestealer @ 100%. I heard, however, that guardianarmy doesn't work on alts. I never would have suspected that there could be mp4s so cheap as to be proxies, for "a shiny coin." It seems I overestimated the community. [/spoiler] I totally agree that an mp4 with 10k attack is unacceptable. But if this is your only problem with the GGG, ask Mur to implement a cap on stat gain from sacrifice (Kyphis' idea), rather than terrorizing the newbs. I quote you, "violence is not the answer." @ Burns - I did not rise to mp5 because of you or this protest; it's just coincidence. I rose when I did because I got credits for a rusty, and I want to train it. I made my decision to rise a long time ago, and I made it final when I got clicky editing instead of an XP reset with my last WP.
  11. apophys

    Stop Ggg

    [quote name='Burns' date='28 June 2010 - 02:25 PM' timestamp='1277753146' post='62884'] Allies are awesome elite groups, you won't find many ally-people who don't have a bunch of superpower creatures. [...] ally-folks are the most awesome elite creme de la creme of mp5 [/quote] I guess being an ally mp5 without superpower crits makes me special, then... and thanks for the compliment... Oh, yes, I rose to mp5 a little while ago. :S Sorry if it looked like I personally was afraid of mp5; I was speaking for the mp4 who rise to mp5 without even reaching the level I am at. Balance is overrated, Pip. And I've beaten Phantasm when he was going random. [quote name='Fenrir Greycloth' date='28 June 2010 - 12:26 PM' timestamp='1277746009' post='62871'] I am curious, what solutions do you propose, apophys? Bronzometh? Or anyone else who has been flaming this topic for the past two weeks? [/quote] I personally see the GGG as a symptom of an unbalanced combat system. Fix the system and the GGG will evaporate.
  12. apophys

    Stop Ggg

    Thank you, Chewett. I did not realize my imprudence. I'll try to make it less rude; it was not my intention to flame. I was not trying to accuse Burns of bug use; I just asked... to make sure... Okay, maybe that question would have been better in a PM. I'll do that. ._.
  13. apophys

    Stop Ggg

    [quote name='Burns' date='28 June 2010 - 02:02 AM' timestamp='1277708552' post='62828'] And what they do, and what you do, is quite simply scaring newbies away. You complain that mp5 is so hard. What d'you think how a new mp4 feels when looking at nadrolski's tree with 5k defence? Huh? Does he think 'Oh, what a nice guy, he lets me have a free win or two', or do they think 'OMG, he has 5k defence, i have 20... I can stop playing now, i'll never beat that'? [/quote] Ask them what they think. I'd be willing to bet that they think the former more. But if mp4s join an alliance for a preview, they will see drachorns & tokens galore (validating their suspicions). Of course they will stand no chance against most attacks, and at the current rate they never will by using only public creatures & methods, without spending a fortune in the MD Shop. (The only reprieve are angiens. And now with the combat change, they have been made far less effective.) Ask the mp4 trainees what they find more intimidating: Supercharged drachorns they cannot get, or trees with defense? I've had 420+ active days, and I'm not even halfway to a GG, silver-wise. I just now got enough credits for a rusty. I thank Mur for avatar creation; I'll be able to get a rein for my 3rd Christmas. By attacking right and left for stats, mp5s have an aura of heartlessness imposed by the system. I don't know of any vet mp4 who is a threat to most other mp4s. I don't mean combat-wise; I can name several, including myself, that most mp4s stand no chance against in battle. My point is that no superpower mp4 uses his power against other mp4s, because there is no benefit. I.e. no threat. Most mp4s stand no chance against me (but I don't go around attacking them; I won't get any benefit). Now consider that I stand no chance against most mp5s, who do attack me. This shows you the sheer enormity of the gap, which is, I think, the main reason mp4s don't go to mp5. Close the gap; fix the combat system. The problem of fearful mp4s will never be solved by force. Bronzometh is a typical mp4; guys, don't neg rep him for his solid points. <edit: imprudent question removed> [quote name='Burns' date='27 June 2010 - 04:00 PM' timestamp='1277672419' post='62791'] I can't force you to enter mp5, correct. I can stop you playing mp4, though, and i can do that very effectively^^ [/quote] <edit: rudeness removed> By doing this, you are not pushing people to mp5. They won't go. You are only pushing people into alts. If you terrorize the alts, they'll leave for good. <edit: rudeness removed> EDIT1: Ah, wonderful, the -rep is coming to this post. Why? Have I made invalid points? Have I not explained something fully? If so, correct me. Don't -rep just because you don't like the content. EDIT2: Nevermind edit1.
  14. Yep, you counted right. Miq 14, Yoshi 13.
  15. 3 silver each for #6 & #7 angiens.
  16. why would anyone want to lock comments?...

  17. (locations 7_statuehalldoor_1) has a restricted phrase - stat - in it. This seems to mean that, currently, no script can be placed on the pillars by the door, or in any other such place. I guess the location setting needs to be able to read off a variable, or something. (disclaimer: I'm a noob scripter)
  18. apophys, mp4, Sentinels, 420+ activity days. Signing up for; Day 2, 3, and 4. Top List: Chewett, Metal Bunny, Yrthilian, Akasha, Grido & dst , Shadowseeker
  19. Could this occur regularly, like weekly, or twice a week? Please? :3 I unfortunately came exactly 24 hours late.
  20. Out of Seph's list, I'd vote for Miq. I know him more than the others and think he fits Mur's criteria best. I still prefer it to be automated, if possible, due to timezone difficulties. Or maybe have 2 people on the job, transferring keys to each other before logout. Incidentally, I saw Morgana le Fey on recently. Morg was the "Keeper of the Keys"...
  21. Very good idea. But why averaging stats, the inability to attack, and the lowest MP being the default defender? Could more than 2 people be linked? I'm thinking of possibly using this for armies.
  22. The owner is a mental midget with the IQ of a fencepost.

  23. [quote name='Totenkopf' date='15 June 2010 - 12:06 PM' timestamp='1276621595' post='61942'] i use the back button on my mouse on firefox after choosing a wrong rit, and it takes me back to rit selection [/quote] Ditto. Just use the browser's back button. The keyboard shortcut is Alt+[left arrow key] .
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