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Everything posted by Chewett

  1. Junior, Those questions are entirely unrelated to this topic, next time, just PM me to ask random questions. This topic, is because we have had a number of people who have not known that we have stopped all translation and regularly come to offer help. The game announcements said we had stopped but the forum had not been cleaned to show this. This has now been done. The other topics have been made and added to a tracker called redmine. This is an additional site which lets us rank and view bugs much more easily than the forum. It links back to the forum as you guys do not have access to use redmine and therefore have to post bug reports. In the past large amounts of important bugs have been lost.
  2. related redmine ticket: http://md.chewett.co.uk/redmine/issues/21
  3. A number of problems such as: * Large parts of the game currently are not stored in the translation interface. * Most translations do not have a decent translation. * Most translations are not complete * Translations are not really used by anyone * We dont have time to add all the items to the translation interface atm because they are not used * We dont have translators for the languages
  4. Planned to be done, needs to be done as the other pages are setup to do this.
  5. This is a planned feature. In the vein of general misc improvements no one cares about but we should. Boring, but important :)
  6. We are currently, and for the future, not supporting any translation of the game. We will be phasing out current translations as they have become outdated. We will likely re-implement this in the future.
  7. Add proper detailing of creature age loss, etc, to the game http://md.chewett.co.uk/redmine/issues/58 The bug specifically, is that currently there is no description of what is lost/isnt when trading creatures. MAGIC ctc's are also not detailed. More information needs to be written on this, somewhere.
  8. Not nesscarily, obsfucator is attempting to erase all conversation, not just RP related.
  9. The code literally just scrambles everything. I would probably agree it shouldnt scramble OOC text, if you deem it a purely RP effect. But, This falls into "Loads of the chat effects needes rewriting" and no one wants to do that as it will take some thinking about it to properly work.
  10. fixed.
  11. Got any references? If im going to fix it I need to know what its meant to do. I wasnt aware anyone specified how things were meant to work. If its meant to allow collecting after a period of time, it shouldnt do what rophs is showing. If its not meant to allow collecting many after a period of time then it should only give one. Personally, I think it is meant to allow you to wait, use lots, then collect many, because thats what the elu does, and its the same system, but am welcome to be proven wrong by announcements or some Murpost I havent seen. Thanks :)
  12. I would consider this a bug, why do you consider it normal behavior?
  13. Not really, Its quite common knowledge FYI. And its even more common to mp3's spells, and tell them how to do it. I dont even think its considered a spoiler.
  14. Some points that Im surprised to not have read: In case people didnt know, the "death" system is actually merely using the way that someone is killed in the torch contest. It was designed to be short term and resolved quickly and automatically. Currently, any modification to how death works in MD, also affects how it works in the TC. Although since we dont run this atm it doesnt matter too much. But please remember that until someone decouples one from the other, the more the "death" system changes, the more that TC will need to be re-fixed later. After the death items were given out, and became more popular, council saw people who died, and no one cared to help them be revived with big ceremonies, etc. Therefore a plan was devised, and that plan was Molly and their guards. Molly has worked really well (and hard) and is another one of councils legacies of planning and implemention (Which, im sure you are bored of this, but im going to keep telling you guys that council were amazing, they got it organised and such and required minimal coding to get it working) Molly was, and still is, the less public way of getting revived. Interestingly enough, people have forgotten the times when people arranged ceremonies to revive the dead, etc, and apparently consider Molly a community way to revive someone, and not something a couple friends can do. This is essentially my point of view on adding large amount of dead only content. This is the reason that previously Mac computers dont have viruses, because virus writers dont want to target a very small portion of the market, when you can target a massive section (aka widows users). And, to keep on this line, if the people dead at any one time rises (like the Mac users have now risen a fraction) we perhaps could look into making it even more immersive. And again, note I said large. That being said, this is only my point of view, and its quite feasible that Mur or anyone else who has the power to might decide to code large amounts of things. Some of the ideas are interesting and will certainly be considered, In a couple months when I will have a decent chunk of time I will definitely re-read this topic.
  15. There is some issue with keys being given to people randomly, This started to occur on Murs account via fighting and he apparently fixed this but there is still some bug where keys are transferred... Its an ongoing issue.
  16. This has already been discussed and planned by I and the Art team FYI. Please ensure people talk to the right people, before doing things like this and raising concerns.
  17. All sent out except to: Asthir anonymous letter Who I couldnt directly find forum accounts for, please contact me. One entry was refused, as I didnt consider a newly purchased tree a valid secret santa. Thanks to Rophs for doing a large amount of co-ordination.
  18. Tom left the game a while ago, it will likely have been disabled or similar.
  19. Half of the santa'ing is done, I will finish the rest tomorrow due to having to deal with some issues IRL. Apologies.
  20. I have everything now, pimped some rewards, just need to shuffle them around and send them out. This will happen later today provided IRL stuff settles down by tonight.
  21. DD has read what I have to say, I hope he understands.
  22. Leaving now validates everyone who you tried to prove wrong, and destroys everything you once did. Your two things that kept you here. 1) Those people are still your friends. 2) That person you lost hope in, gained a lot more respect for you over the past month. You are throwing away both of these and doing the most stupid thing you have ever done in MD.
  23. As a note, I left early, so didnt really witness much at the end apart from guessing people said no.
  24. DD wanted a revival via a molly voting, we had speechs and such. Most people said he needs to learnt how to deal with people and be social before he is revived. I was espically vocal about how someone will kill him, very soon again, if he is to be revived so there is no point being revived without changing his attitude. DD claimed that I was the only person that could change him, despite telling me in private this is the new him and he wont change. He then told the public that staying dead will change nothing. Then people voted no to keep him dead rather than revive him.
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