================ So, After very little thinking I shall nominate someone for land leader. Me. I dont have time to do this, am arrogant, horrible, offensive, busy, not a member of mda. But with all these qualities I am still a better candidate than some inactive vet that will be prodded on yim by a more active player to suddenly appear and "rule" the land. And then Mur will go "Oh look, This dude is in MDA, Lets appoint him" because Mur hasnt been around lately to know that they also have been entirely inactive. Personally I feel we have a real issue of players coming back after being gone a long time and then coming back and assuming nothing has changed and therefore they are still qualified. I personally spent an hour chasing a "bug" because a LHO that grido didnt demote came back and was telling people stuff that had changed months ago. I love seeing people come back more than anyone else because you guys are my friends, But just spend a couple months catching up on things, reading the announcements you missed (this is crucial) and actually talking to people about what has changed rather than just appearing for shiny things. ==end rant==