At the moment, I've got a big old "not-a-flatscreen" TV on which I alternate between N64, PS2 and Wii, and a smaller new flatscreen on which I play PS3.
For N64, I pretty much only play the two LoZ games, Banjo Kazooie (sort of trying to find Tooie, doubt I will without emptying my wallet though <<), and occasionally James Bond (Goldeneye AND The World is not Enough) and Turok: Rage Wars.
For PS2, I recently picked up Shadow of the Colossus and a little less recently found Okami. I played most of the way through Okami (I think so anyways...) and it's really great, plan to finish it eventually. I've only played a few hours in Shadow of the Colossus and I really should've played it when I had more time for all these games. Otherwise, some notables from my collection: Final Fantasy X and X-2, Kingdom Hearts 2, Jak 2 and 3, all five Grand Theft Auto games released on PS2 (of which I've only finished three since acquiring them) and God of War 1 and 2, neither of which I really liked, which is odd apparently.
For Gamecube and Wii, Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance and Radiant Dawn are probably my two favourite games. Aside from those, I have Super Smash Bros Melee, Tales of Symphonia disc 2 (lost disc 1 in a tragic game-losing incident T.T), Sonic Adventure 2 Battle, all three console Paper Mario games (though I refuse to enjoy Super Paper Mario), Animal Crossing: City Folk, and probably my luckiest find at the local used game store: Super Mario Sunshine, which I'm slowly working my way through for the first time in years, since borrowing it from a friend.
For PS3, I don't think I've bought a game that I didn't enjoy playing, and that includes CoD. I've got the three most recent Call of Duty games, Infamous 2, Resistance 3 (co-op campaign is fun if you've got a friend to play with), 3D Dot Game Heroes, Mass Effect 3 (I played ME1 on PC, ME2 on Xbox and ME3 on PS3, but I plan to get through them all on PC eventually...when I'm ready to play again), Assassin's Creed: Revelations (I used wikipedia for the story from the previous games, and have since borrowed and played through AC3) and finally, my favourite PS3 game up to now: Ni No Kuni. I bought it on release day and have hardly been able to play anything else since then. Just play it please.
For Steam, some of the more interesting games I have are: Fallout: New Vegas, Castle Crashers, FTL: Faster Than Light, Realm of the Mad God (high five Mallos), and my most played game: TF2, with 67 hours. I also plan to buy Antichamber and Proteus because they both look really cool.
Kay I think that's enough. Maybe more later though <<