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  1. Upvote
    Kaya reacted to Sephirah Caelum in Reading a book or two ...   
    Hello players,

    until the end of[size=5] February[/size] I'll post here questions about a book I'm rereading now. Who answer first and better,[size=5] [b][u]in game or Forum[/u][/b][/size], the passage I'm asking [i][b]here[/b][/i] wins.

    By the way, the book is the portuguese version of[color=#006400][b] TISTOU LES POUCES VERT[/b][/color], by Maurice Druon (of course you don't need to read the portuguese version nor the france version, read from the language you wish).

    [size=5]Prizes: 01 Creature or 01 attacklock stone or 01 movelock stone.[/size]

    Enjoy and good luck.

    PS: Please, question by PM (Forum or Game).

    [color=#ff0000][b]Question[/b][/color]: What observations the teacher of the garden class and the teacher of the prison gave to Tistou?
  2. Upvote
    Kaya got a reaction from Tarquinus in Reading a book or two ...   
    [i]"Tistou, the boy with green thumbs"[/i] seems to be the English title for those interested. I had some trouble finding it myself so I thought I would share.
  3. Upvote
    Kaya reacted to Chewett in Personal Request Month   
    a spell that gives me complete dominion over MagicDuel

    Edit: In case you didnt notice, this was humour at the expense of some people who have asked for the sun and moon. Dont put it into the vote lol.
  4. Upvote
    Kaya reacted to Miq in Personal Request Month   
    Considering the AP requirements for the east i wish for a spell to teleport people to (and from) the hall before the Sunny Bedroom also the spell should reclaim TSB keys if the person tp'd holds them or just add one key with the ability to recall others.

    Or if to make thing more fun make the key holder receive stat damage from me (whether i win or lose

    Sometimes it's just so much work do get them back.
  5. Upvote
    Kaya got a reaction from nadrolski in 365 Ideas   
    A number of ideas:

    A scavenger hunt, several items hidden all over MD, each item gives a certain reward, and the player who collects most items gets a bonus. -I will leave it up to someone else to work out the details, if they're interested.

    General scene/creature makeover contests. While for some the theme could be announced long before for others it might be announced only 2 days before the deadline, or perhaps if you hold several over one day you could hold contests during only one hour. -Feel free to pick this up, though I wouldn't mind working it out myself either.

    Recipe making contests, get people to write a cauldron recipe for a certain item and the best will get his recipe implemented. Alternatively, get people to cook/make something in RL and describe how they did it, accompanied with some pictures, as a reward the best results will get the means to make their creations in game. -Going to work this out some more myself, though any comments are welcome.
  6. Upvote
    Kaya got a reaction from Ivorak in 365 Ideas   
    A number of ideas:

    A scavenger hunt, several items hidden all over MD, each item gives a certain reward, and the player who collects most items gets a bonus. -I will leave it up to someone else to work out the details, if they're interested.

    General scene/creature makeover contests. While for some the theme could be announced long before for others it might be announced only 2 days before the deadline, or perhaps if you hold several over one day you could hold contests during only one hour. -Feel free to pick this up, though I wouldn't mind working it out myself either.

    Recipe making contests, get people to write a cauldron recipe for a certain item and the best will get his recipe implemented. Alternatively, get people to cook/make something in RL and describe how they did it, accompanied with some pictures, as a reward the best results will get the means to make their creations in game. -Going to work this out some more myself, though any comments are welcome.
  7. Upvote
    Kaya reacted to Liberty4life in 365 Ideas   
    [quote name='Chewett' timestamp='1357842014' post='130133']
    the majority of these ideas people can do now... so whats stopping you?

    ouu but chewy, you know how many/some of us are, we dont wanna do this things we wanna get others do them instead while we just sit back and enjoy them (or criticise how they didnt turned the way we wanted them to be)
  8. Upvote
    Kaya reacted to awiiya in 365 Ideas   
    The adventure log

    Here's why:
    1. It was updated, when done well, once or multiple times a day.
    2. It highlights certain players, and makes the idea that players can change the realm real for new players who are skeptical
    3. If someone takes turns writing or creating it, it could become a very successful way to improve activity.

    A lot of us old vets have this idea of the Adventure Log as something that introduces or expands on the central philosophy of MD - or it should reveal some part of Mur's master puzzle that we call this game.

    Honestly, I don't know that it has to be that. In the right hands, it could reveal not Mur's master idea (or cryptic clues towards it), but ours. The game is not Mur anymore. I think it's time to revive the Adventure Log - but this time without the burden of living up to Mur's intricate clues and mysteries.

    As for WHO or with what mechanics... I'm not sure.

    Maybe a new interface, like the mood panel, but designed less for momentary thoughts and more for grand plots and ideas.

    Think big. Now is the time to.

    As for my own ideas to help:
    1. I could offer a rooting day festivity as always.
    2. I have the watering can which always is set for fun (if you've never used it, ask me sometime)
    3. There's the oldest game, or a version of fortune telling which I'm rather fond of.
    4. I have Wiiya and Bubbles so I could start up my quests again.

  9. Upvote
    Kaya reacted to Mya Celestia in My new role--Collaborator (secretary)   
    [size=5][font=georgia,serif][color=#4B0082]Hello my fellow Magic Duel citizens. As of Year 8 Day 9, I have become the new secretary. My duties as I understand them are:[/color][/font][/size]

    [size=5][font=georgia,serif][color=#4B0082]1. Gather dates of each yearly event that will happen and who (what guild) is responsible for it[/color][/font][/size]
    [size=5][font=georgia,serif][color=#4B0082]2. Remind said people of said event as it draws closer[/color][/font][/size]
    [size=5][font=georgia,serif][color=#4B0082]3. Help with wording of announcements of calendar and in game activities[/color][/font][/size]

    [size=5][font=georgia,serif][color=#4B0082]It may entail more as it goes, but this is the starting point. It is important that I get the dates of activities to make sure things don't get piled on one day and we go for multiple days with nothing happening. [/color][/font][/size]

    [size=5][font=georgia,serif][color=#4B0082]Help me help you! [/color][/font][/size]
  10. Upvote
    Kaya got a reaction from Valldore Nal in 365 Ideas   
    A number of ideas:

    A scavenger hunt, several items hidden all over MD, each item gives a certain reward, and the player who collects most items gets a bonus. -I will leave it up to someone else to work out the details, if they're interested.

    General scene/creature makeover contests. While for some the theme could be announced long before for others it might be announced only 2 days before the deadline, or perhaps if you hold several over one day you could hold contests during only one hour. -Feel free to pick this up, though I wouldn't mind working it out myself either.

    Recipe making contests, get people to write a cauldron recipe for a certain item and the best will get his recipe implemented. Alternatively, get people to cook/make something in RL and describe how they did it, accompanied with some pictures, as a reward the best results will get the means to make their creations in game. -Going to work this out some more myself, though any comments are welcome.
  11. Upvote
    Kaya reacted to dst in Breaking News! The Investigation Begins!   
    Amator job
  12. Upvote
    Kaya got a reaction from Ackshan Bemunah in Conspiracy Theories   
    [quote name='Liberty4life' timestamp='1357230405' post='129611']
    t&c (tou) aint written

    It is, only the link on the current main page is broken, and it's there:

    [quote][b]10. Property[/b]
    All code, design, artworks and content on Magicduel, with the exception of links, images, texts hosted on third parties, are fully owned by Magicduel Adventure LLC and/or individualy by its shareholders. [i][b]All the accounts created are the property of MagicDuel[/b].[/i] Magicduel Adventure is a registered mark, nothing on Magicduel may be used without written permission.[/quote]

    And when signing up:
    [quote]Grab a fraction of who you are and give it a character name[/quote]

    183) The Terms and Conditions link at the bottom of http://magicduel.com/new_begining.php has intentionally been broken to hide the above and other dubious terms.
  13. Upvote
    Kaya got a reaction from Nimrodel in Broken link to T&C   
    The link in the footer of the [url="http://magicduel.com/new_begining.php"]current homepage[/url] to the Terms and Conditions seems to be broken.

    It should lead to: http://magicduel.com/index.php?pag=terms
    Instead of: http://magicduel.com/new_begining.php?pag=terms
  14. Upvote
    Kaya reacted to Nimrodel in Confessions of a noobish vet   
    There are a lot of things on my mind.

    Yesterday while talking to a friend I realized how much MD has become a part of my life. Friends I made here have been closer to me than those I have had to work with and stay with. They know more about me than most people in my life. I have felt them share my happiness and they've been with me to share my sorrows as well. I have received love and friendship unconditionally, unselfishly

    It does not end there. MD has taught me few of the basic rules of life as well. That life is not always fair. That life rewards those who never give up. Or those who work hard. If not instantly, definitely at some point of time. It helped me realize majorly that not all people are how they appear. If there are liars, cheaters, manipulators and bullies, there are also those who are willing to help, lend you time or an ear, people who have your back. That there is no dearth of kindness and benevolence. It has taught me optimism. That bad always happens. But there's some good somewhere around it. It has taught me about loyalty, about persistence, about wit. It has taught me that being different is always a pro because it helps you to learn. I learned about the different shades a person projects. I learned how to appreciate a person's point of view. That language is never a barrier to free thinking.

    Everyday I learn that I am not the only person with n number of problems in life. And how to stay cheerful despite all that. Everyday I learn about history, geography, current affairs and stuff happening around the world. I learn how to appreciate art, the different varieties of humor, the different styles of expression. I learn how to attain victory. I learn how to accept defeat. And from defeat I learn never to give up. I have learned how to Welcome people. I have learned how to say goodbyes.

    Today when someone mentioned 'What if MD gets closed down?' it kinda hit me. Of course one would learn to live without it. But hell it'd be tough. So, I thought it better to convey how I truly felt about this community and this game. I highly doubt MD will ever be a phase for me. Thank you MD community for all the good and the bad that has happened till date. You have taught me a lot. I am grateful for everything.

  15. Upvote
    Kaya reacted to Menhir in Better than a council?   
    [quote name='samon' timestamp='1357136194' post='129490']

    12)[i]"IF we will have a council who will be anonymous in the future why they don´t have trust points like the kings and special players always had?"[/i]
    We are the body awarding trust points, hence Mur is the only one who can judge us at that level. You can of course judge us, as you are doing now.


    This option was an idea from me how the playerbase would have a little bit more power in their voice. Now after some days of thinking about it I came to the conclusion that it would be the same as you the council would be known to us. I have to admit that I see the reason why you are anonymous, you would be savaged by some of "our egos" and we have enough of this in the forum already.

    Some of us still compare the situation when Mur was active and I think that´s the problem. Mur was (is) the creator (god) of MD and needed to be seen in exactly this light. You as the council are different so we need to change our view rather than trying to get the past back, when Mur was in your position.

    But there is one question I have. Nobody was asking what you think about the whole situation.

    Is there something you would like to see changing concerning the communication between you (the council) and the playerbase?
  16. Upvote
    Kaya got a reaction from Tal in Better than a council?   
    We've gathered a bunch of ideas and quotes from you and we've tried to answer them. When something was not clear, we've asked you to elaborate. Please find few of the answers and questions below.

    1)[i]"Theres no reason for them to continue being protected after they're no longer on the council."[/i]
    Please explain your reasoning for requiring this?

    2)[i]"Unbiased people"[/i]
    As you cannot see the reasoning behind decisions we can understand this statement. If there are particular incidences you would like us to elaborate on we will be happy to, Please keep the list to specific incidences of interest that you feel could help you understand our decision making rather than any situation that might have irked you. We cannot answer all but we will answer some if they are asked.

    3)[i]"Having more open forums in which the Council discusses exactly their plans for things and how they make decisions."[/i]
    We rely a great deal on the coders. Their schedule is set but is changed when things break (server broke a few times, e-mail had issues a couple of times) or when players break things, when large events are needed and when emergencies come up. As you know, big changes like citizenship was discussed with you by bugs@ through Crash Test Dummy which is something that should have helped.
    We make our decisions based on the MD set of rules and the guidelines set by Mur. We discuss options and try to find the pros and cons. When we reach an agreement, that idea is scheduled for implementation based on its priority and severity.
    We cannot open up the full discussions due to anonymity and time.

    4)[i]"People vote on who gets a items/tags - Perhaps it could tie in with heat or one of the other ways we have of expressing ourselves (items?)."[/i]
    'Tags' is something that we listed in projects available to be worked on, but it was not a popular choice and so is not a main focus. One of the things involved in this area would be a more automated tag system.
    For some tags and items however, they are given strategically or at a whim based on lots of factors, some of which we have announced. Heat voting is not something that will be used in this area. You as a community already have the vote power to lift someone into a role should they so wish to be, it has always been so, support and action and movement.

    5)[i]"A division of council duties and more openness in some of the decision making process might be the best way to go."[/i]
    Please explain.

    6)[i]"Council forum account would be nice"[/i]
    There already exist: they are called Voices on the Forum.

    7)[i]"Council needs to be changed somewhat frequently, with the old members in it being revealed when it does change."[/i]
    It takes time for a new member to accommodate and gain enough knowledge to start functioning properly.

    8)[i]"Now with the council I feel that its some "greater force" that decided, passes judgement, and acts all on its own, often against the people opinions as has been seen several times in the forum."[/i]
    This is correct. Whilst we listen and fight amongst ourselves to remain fair and objective as much as we can, this is not a democratically ruled system. We believe Mur has gone over this one a number of times himself over the years.

    9)[i]"You put a group of those with the same general views ans you get a one sided council."[/i]
    If we had the same views you would get instant replies to e-mails and we could actually be removed and replaced by one of us or we would work a lot faster.

    10)[i]"If someone in the Council steps down, how do they decide a new Council? I would like all the inner workings of the Council revealed. None of this secrecy. It just makes me feel like we are not smart enough to handle these decisions if they are being made for us."[/i]
    It's not a matter of being smart, it's a matter of privacy for council so that they don't have to be afraid of making decisions against people they know individually and so forth. New members are decided primarily by Mur.

    11)[i]"Council should contain an equal proportions of a fossil, a vet, and a new player with basic understanding of coding and mechanics."[/i]
    The structure of the council is Mur's decision, we cannot comment on this.

    12)[i]"IF we will have a council who will be anonymous in the future why they don´t have trust points like the kings and special players always had?"[/i]
    We are the body awarding trust points, hence Mur is the only one who can judge us at that level. You can of course judge us, as you are doing now.

    13)[i]"A secret organization or government always leads to conspiracy theories which is always leading to distrust - there must be the biggest change. If MD is THE community based "game" then MD should be in the "hands" of the community."[/i]
    Lots of features were done/change/influenced by the community and inspired by the players. Almost all changes are done because players request them directly or indirectly. You might not think we pay attention, but we do, and we have long debates about some of the things you discuss and do in the game and on the forum. We then weigh that against current plans and requirements and MD's structure and meld them into an output. The output isn't always exactly what you asked for, because it can't be, but it is inspired by you.

    14)[i]"So I suggest everyone with a proper Age ingame needs to do some kind of job matching his/her time limit he/she has."[/i]
    Please come up with a list of proper and decent roles and we'll analyse them. We've outsourced as many job as possible and we have plans to outsource even more but for that to happen we need the coders help. Also please take into account players that are active age-wise, but not active action-wise (you can check the Active Vet List to see what we mean).

    15)[i]"The council should not make some decisions which can be made by the Community."[/i]
    Please elaborate. What decisions can be made by the community (and should) and which should be made by the Council?

    16)[i]"On every single major announcement, open up a thread in the forum for discussions about it."[/i]
    That is something you can do by yourselves. Besides, all major changes are usually accompanied by a line along "Please discuss this here" or "please open a forum thread for discussion"

    17)[i]"I'd also like to see more members of the council with specialized roles."[/i]
    What specialised roles do you think would help us? Do you feel comfortable knowing just one person will make a decision in a given area? Would you like us to try this for a while to see what happens?

  17. Upvote
    Kaya reacted to Zyrxae in Conspiracy Theories   
    The Voices of the Council are actually the Council.
  18. Upvote
    Kaya reacted to Tom Pouce in Better than a council?   

    bring back Manuel Tanase
    advantage :
    - vision of an artist
    - drive
    - experience
    - as the haw of being the creator, few will complain
    - dont hesitate to change drasktically MD to try solve problem he perceive

    - like all artist go to new idea (not all finished or complete)

    Better than both concil or Manuel Tanase?

    Can be a concil

    maybe Mur can try change the rule of concentious for magority vote, maybe it would make a concil more dynamic to change

    the chalange of a concil is to have the vision of an artist
    the drive of an game creator

    disavantage: concil of old dedicate players is both a strength, but can be an burden
    they need to always get an new eye, but keeping at same time an continuity, and aquire an vision, spontanity,intuitivity, creativity and somewhat randomness of an artist
  19. Upvote
    Kaya reacted to Ackshan Bemunah in What's everyone's favourite letter?   
    ל ,מ/ם ,י ,א

    This is a very difficult question.

    One of the above...


    Yeah, I'm going with mem, that's this one:


    On account of its squarish nature WHEN AND ONLY WHEN IT COMPLETES A WORD, it being the central letter, both in the alephbet and in the word for truth, it making the nice hummy "mmm" sound, it being the first sound in מי which means "who" but is pronounced "me" (think about that for a minute) and its predominance in "mommy" (pronounced with a stop between the 'm''s) whom (mmm) I love very much.
  20. Downvote
    Kaya reacted to Chewett in Better than a council?   
    And thus, the topic is slowly degrading into another rant against the council. One thing i can guarantee is that they wont listen to a rant. Wonderful.
  21. Upvote
    Kaya reacted to Burns in Fairy Princess - my decided role   
    I'd make it my personal goal to get you name banned

    Other than that, you totally need a fairy powder cannon with armor penetration, and a magic wand that stops me from moving your topic to the off-topic corner...

    Whoops, too late for that. Now you probably need a wand that moves it back.
  22. Upvote
    Kaya reacted to Phantom Orchid in Fairy Princess - my decided role   
    Be careful what you wish for...
  23. Downvote
    Kaya reacted to Silence Dogood in The fall of the Silencer   
    [center][color=#B22222][b]The diaries of Mr. Dogood[/b][/color][/center]
    [center][color=#FF8C00]written by the Silencer's ghost in the Gazebo of Chaos - Day 361, Year 7[/color][/center]

    The documentation of Mr. Dogood's actions and deeds according to the Silencer's ghost:

    [i]"As I exude my force and power between person to person, as I destroy and humiliate them and their creatures, as the joyous crowd gathers for heat and fight exchange, this fool has came out of nowhere and broke the joy and silence in the Gazebo of Equilibrium. "[/i][i]Dark Demon" is what they call the fool, for he claims to be "Death" itself, everyone laughs for his ignorance and stupidity. His idiotic claims transcends the boundaries in between the world of halfwits and the world of the hollow headed."[/i]

    [i]"As he enters the scene, he brought forth with him a massive amount of uncontrollable verbal diarrhea and ignorance in its bright red color. The fool shared it to the wise, and the wise demands proof of his claims. The fool did not present any and was humiliated by the wise."[/i]

    [i]"The Silencer asked the fool"[/i]

    [i]"Unable to say anything wise or logical, he taunts the Silencer and asked to be silenced. The Silencer abides and does so, and a gargantuan amount of unexplicably disgusting and poorly thought out words came out of his mouth that was recently emptied out of a Grasan urine."[/i]

    [i]"A brief joy have been brought forth once again. The people continued what they were discussing... But..."[/i]

    [i]"...the fool talked again, and the crowd leaves to save their last remaining brain cells from the torments of the words of Dark Demon, the fool."[/i]

    [i]"The Silencer listed this retarded maniac in his black list. The first ever on his death list. Justice shall be served in the realm."[/i]

    [i][attachment=4353:1.jpg] [attachment=4354:2.jpg] [attachment=4355:3.jpg] [attachment=4356:4.jpg][/i]

    [i]The Silencer is watching you.[/i]
  24. Downvote
    Kaya reacted to DARK DEMON in The fall of the Silencer   
    [font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#006400]LOL, LOL and more LOL! [/color][/font]

    [font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#006400]Nice Photoshop editing by the way. You did that when you apparently silenced Mur too [/color][/font]

    [font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#006400]Now...[/color][/font]

    [font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#006400]Firstly, me becoming Death has ~none~ of your concern. Nobody makes the decision to chose my role other than I. Your opinions mean nothing to me. So please shut up.[/color][/font]*

    [font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#006400]Secondly, I deny your print screens. You changed the text. Faked. Totally. So please shut up.[/color][/font]*

    [font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#006400]Last, but not the least, you're the fool around here. Everyone thinks you're a jerk and a nuisance. So please shut up.[/color][/font]*

    [font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#006400]*for the benefit of the whole realm.[/color][/font]
  25. Upvote
    Kaya reacted to Seigheart in Fairy Princess - my decided role   
    [quote name='Ackshan Bemunah' timestamp='1356637953' post='129050']
    Though it certainly gets the creative juices flowing.

    But this is true.

    Not that my opinion matters to anyone, but anyone who participates in this topic has lost my respect. Not that any of you had it to begin with, but this whole thread is nothing more than people bullying others, laughing at someone behind their backs, and just cruel.

    Glad to see people are back to their normal selves immediately after Christmas.
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