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  1. Upvote
    Kaya got a reaction from No one in A clearer gameplay   
    While I really love the idea of having more tutorials I would very much suggest placing them on the Wikia instead of in a PDF. PDF's are bound to get outdated and with the speed MD is changing right now that happens faster than one person can fix them (this one already is slightly outdated) whereas the Wikia allows for anyone to help keeping it up to date. Furthermore with the Wikia API it is possible to bring the content into MD in a more immersive way. I'd be willing to look into making a clicky that shows Wikia information, which could be moved to anywhere else if wanted.
  2. Upvote
    Kaya got a reaction from Kyphis the Bard in A clearer gameplay   
    While I really love the idea of having more tutorials I would very much suggest placing them on the Wikia instead of in a PDF. PDF's are bound to get outdated and with the speed MD is changing right now that happens faster than one person can fix them (this one already is slightly outdated) whereas the Wikia allows for anyone to help keeping it up to date. Furthermore with the Wikia API it is possible to bring the content into MD in a more immersive way. I'd be willing to look into making a clicky that shows Wikia information, which could be moved to anywhere else if wanted.
  3. Upvote
    Kaya got a reaction from Ivorak in A clearer gameplay   
    While I really love the idea of having more tutorials I would very much suggest placing them on the Wikia instead of in a PDF. PDF's are bound to get outdated and with the speed MD is changing right now that happens faster than one person can fix them (this one already is slightly outdated) whereas the Wikia allows for anyone to help keeping it up to date. Furthermore with the Wikia API it is possible to bring the content into MD in a more immersive way. I'd be willing to look into making a clicky that shows Wikia information, which could be moved to anywhere else if wanted.
  4. Upvote
    Kaya got a reaction from zooliii in A clearer gameplay   
    While I really love the idea of having more tutorials I would very much suggest placing them on the Wikia instead of in a PDF. PDF's are bound to get outdated and with the speed MD is changing right now that happens faster than one person can fix them (this one already is slightly outdated) whereas the Wikia allows for anyone to help keeping it up to date. Furthermore with the Wikia API it is possible to bring the content into MD in a more immersive way. I'd be willing to look into making a clicky that shows Wikia information, which could be moved to anywhere else if wanted.
  5. Upvote
    Kaya reacted to Muratus del Mur in A clearer gameplay   
    In the A25 "era", with lots of radical changes to gameplay, features and significant improvements to concepts, one thing is mandatory.... a more clear and easy to follow gameplay. MD is deep enough to have lots of secrets and challenging tasks. Even if we try to document as much as possible and spoil every single thing, there are still lots of things to do and discover, even documentation and spoilers on their own would be considerably big and comprehensive. The new gameplay will also bring a more clear way of achieving stuff.
    Junior is helping me achieve this by writing very clear and beginner-proof tutorials. These tutorials will be helpful even for the most experience of you. If you already know this stuff, you might still enjoy these tutorials.
    The first tutorial of this kind is one for the Shmsh creature. It will take you step by step and show you in as fewer words as possible, all you have to do to obtain the creature. Please give us your feedback if you like this, or if you dont.
    Any suggestions or reactions are welcome.
    Enjoy reading!
    SHMSH Guide_PDF.pdf
  6. Upvote
    Kaya reacted to No one in A clearer gameplay   
    looks good. Has lots of inconsistencies for a noob but it is good for a start.
    Wouldn't it better to be created in the wiki ? Wiki can hold the full information, even with links to other wiki or to announcements and can be updated as things change.
  7. Upvote
    Kaya got a reaction from Sephirah Caelum in With regards to a God or few   
    As an agnostic fundamentalist I felt ilke I had little choice but to go with unaffiliated. Not sure how much I like being grouped together with the atheists though.
  8. Upvote
    Kaya reacted to lashtal in Quest: Countless faces for a headless skeleton   
    We'll flip a coin.
    If it's tail we pretend n°=11, if it's head we all die. 
  9. Downvote
    Kaya reacted to Nimrodel in MDA Treasury   
    Hello folks! This is an official notice for the introduction of the MDA Treasury! I, Esmerelda, have been interning for the post of Book Keeper in MDA and use this opportunity to announce that the MDA Treasury is open for sponsorship. We have creatures, spell stones, and coins of varying rarity ranging from Horsemen to Death fenth to Lock in Chaos stone available in our ever expanding horde for sponsorship. We shall be sponsoring not only quest requests but also work related to MDA, helping with MDA related projects, MDNP related work and other stuff of similar sorts. Preference shall always be given to anything associated with MDA above others. But everyone is free to approach us for sponsorship. If you want to apply for sponsorship, please contact Me, ESMERELDA* or Aethon in game or in forum with details of the stuff you expect as sponsorship and for what. We also welcome any donations from MDA and Non MDA players towards the treasury. So get going with all the innovative stuff and let us know about it!!!
    *Its Esmerelda (archivist badge) and Not the Esmaralda (one who belongs to Loreroot). Please keep that in mind. Also, *Nimrodel* and Esmerelda are different unassociated characters. Pming *Nimrodel* for work with Esmerelda or Vice Versa will not help.
  10. Upvote
    Kaya reacted to Nimrodel in Who Murdered Mr. Mariano? (An RP based murder Mystery Quest)   
    Happy 11th MD birthday folks!
    Here's another quest I created. As the title says, its an RP based Murder mystery.
    Mr. Mariano has been murdered. No one knows who the murderer is and the police is still investigating the case. 7 family members get together and talk about it over a dinner. And one of them is the murderer! Over a period of 4 rounds, each RPer will be given details about the role and information they need to communicate with the other members at the start of each round. You shall RP a dinner table scene with the details given to you and one of you will be given the role of the Murderer. After the 4 rounds of RP are over, each of you shall send me a PM regarding who you think the murderer is and what was their motive. Here's how the Grading will be done:
    For non Murderers:
    For RP: Score out of 50
    Bonus points: 6 points for guessing the Murderer correctly + 6 points for the correct motive (total max score - 50+12 = 62)
    For the Murderer:
    For RP: score out of 50
    Bonus points: +2 for every person who does not guess the name of the Murderer correctly. (total max score: 50+12=62)
    EDIT: If 2 people have the same score, then the one who submitted the report earlier will be the winner.
    Here are the characters you get to choose from:
    Danny Smock - Samon (LotE)
    Antonio Belluci - Jubaris (Marind bell)
    Francesca Botticelli - Lintara (Loreroot)
    Kathy Mart - Miq (Golemus Golemicarum)
    Margarita Mariano - Dst (underground)
    Mrs. Mariano - Aethon (MDA)
    Sylvia Mariano - Aeoshattr (No Man's land)
    Further details of the characters will be given once the roles have been chosen
    WARNING: There is some questionable behaviour in the story line of each Character. No offence to any minority group intended if anyone finds it offensive. Subtlety with effective potrayal in such areas will be given more points rather than brashness keeping in view the PG requirements of MD community
    Seven Champions from the following affiliations are needed:
    1. Marind Bell
    2. Loreroot
    3. Golemus Golemicarum
    4. Underground
    5. MDA
    6. Established housings
    7. No man's land.
    8. Lands of the East ONLY IF one of the affiliation fails to produce a champion by 11th April.
    Each land can choose their champion and announce it here in the thread with the name of the Character which they wish to play in this thread.
    Rewards: 1 wishpoint for the winner and 30 silver to distribute amongst the members of their land.
    UPDATE: We now have WOOKIE points!  Highest score: 4, Second Highest: 3, Third highest: 2,  Next set of scores: 1 point each.
    Since No one from Established housings applied for a role, The role goes to Samon.
    The Quest will be at 7pm MDST in the east pub  
    Cleaned up Log
    First place: dst Score: 55.13/62 - Wp + 30s + 4 wookie points
    Second Place: Samon: Score: 54.81/62 -  3 wookie points
    Third Place: Aeoshattr Score: 49.56/62 - 2 wookie points
    Fourth place: Lintara Score: 40/62 - 1 wookie point
    Jubba and Miq get 1 wookie point each too
    The Murderer was sylvia Mariano (aka Aeoshattr) because she wanted money basically. It was an accidental murder. But all those details are not relevant. Anything around murder for money was accepted. Congratulations guys  the judges were happy with your RP.
  11. Upvote
    Kaya got a reaction from MaGoHi in Aethon incident   
    The horseman Aethon sold was his own, so he is free to do with it what he wants. The exploration of the tunnel is also something related to his task, as he needs to know where he can obtain what resource. (And while I'm not quite sure what tunnel this is about, but if it is the one in NC than I can confirm he has been there before.)
    Most people seem to understand the rules as they were intended, but there are also a considerable amount that say they might heve done the same. That being said, while the rules were multi-interpretable, they do clearly state that you will decide what he might keep once the task is done.
    Aethon recruiting the crits is something he did at his own risk, as he (should) have known that you could tell him that, despite his cooperation, you do not believe the crits to be a suitable compensation. Even when selling his own horseman he must have understood that there was no guarantee that he would be able to keep the one he had recruited and that he might lose it.
    Therefore if you believe Aethon unsuitable for the task you had given you can confiscate the creatures, as they are not yet his. Other than that I believe he deserves the benefit of the doubt, as the rules are multi-interpretable.
  12. Upvote
    Kaya got a reaction from Nimrodel in Who Murdered Mr. Mariano? (An RP based murder Mystery Quest)   
    Ooh, so close. Congrats, dst!
    Thanks Nimrodel for organizing and all the other participants for the wonderful evening. I had a lot of fun
  13. Upvote
    Kaya reacted to Aeoshattr in Who Murdered Mr. Mariano? (An RP based murder Mystery Quest)   
    Yes, yes... accidental... yes... 
    Explicit Language warning 
  14. Upvote
    Kaya reacted to Junior in Aethon incident   
    I vote for confiscation of cries and anything which does not pertain to his role as well as any other profit he might of had from selling these goods. I vote in such way because
    1, Aethon (since he is working on behind the scenes stuff A25etc) has been working with Mur for some time so anyone who has worked with Mur knows what he means, because at the end of the day Mur speaks logically he has common sense. Unfortunately he believes everyone shares this commonality yet some don't.
    2, I have had these similar instances with Mur and while yes I too could have made the argument of miscommunication to gain more I don't because I know what he means because I know that english is not his forte. (no offense Mur) Which means his phrasing might be a little off so you should have DOUBLE CHECKED as you said you would and double checking is doing that well before you do the action. Its similar to shoot first ask questions second. (defeats the purpose)
    3, if we all want to deduce this to a simple mistake and give Aethon the benefit of the doubt which I AGREE WITH, lets just correct the issue, which was he grabbed things he shouldn't have so they are returned and final.
    4, Not sure if you're current role has "trust points" but if it does I would suggest taking one or two of these points up to Mur of course.
  15. Upvote
    Kaya reacted to zooliii in Build your own Drachorn   
    Boredom at work..? ! 
    ID:247993 zooliii

  16. Upvote
    Kaya reacted to Miq in Creating creatures from items   
    The one we need more than item combiners.
  17. Upvote
    Kaya got a reaction from MaGoHi in Pysanka - An MD Bday RICA quest   
    Added you, MaGoHi
  18. Upvote
    Kaya got a reaction from Aeoshattr in Quest rewards - Shop items   
    Aside from the creatures and coins... Creature slots would be really neat, maybe some of the Timed Boosters as item (Medittion on Life, Altered Perception of Time) and perhaps some tokens.
    Not too fond of the idea of stat boosters in general. Also the percentual stat boosters are a deterend for players with negative stats, as it would only push them further away.
  19. Upvote
    Kaya reacted to Chewett in Why 15 silver?   
    Actually the value of 15 silver to one gold happened much much before notes were even a thing Mur.
    You set the note price based on the already agreed values.
  20. Upvote
    Kaya got a reaction from Aeoshattr in To Pull CrazyMike out of Jail   
    I know people have a lot of strange forms of pride and such, but I really don't see the issue with having to send a PM to get out. If you want to get outwhy should anyone but you be he one to take the innitiative? It's also a nice way to ensure some last contact before being put back into the game.
    Officially, the jail time is a minimum time and anyone with the unjail ability has the right to refuse using it, but as far as I know any player that has served his time gets released when they ask to.
  21. Upvote
    Kaya reacted to Miq in To Pull CrazyMike out of Jail   
    Just to make clear this is not a case of pardon. 
  22. Upvote
    Kaya reacted to Chewett in To Pull CrazyMike out of Jail   
    He needs to email Mur and i.
    please tell him that
  23. Upvote
    Kaya reacted to dst in To Pull CrazyMike out of Jail   
    I believe all he had to do was message the admins. Not use intermediators...
  24. Upvote
    Kaya reacted to Chewett in To Pull CrazyMike out of Jail   
    >In an optimal way the jail system should be automated, as in the spell would set a certain amount of time for the ban and after the time is fulfilled user is returned to GoE.
    Did you read the reasons why we request a talk with the person we are freeing? I dont think these can be fulfilled by an automated system.
  25. Upvote
    Kaya reacted to Chewett in To Pull CrazyMike out of Jail   
    Stupid phone...
    The reason that we ask the jailed member to contact us is becuase then we can establish a dialogue with them and ensure that they understand why they were jailed and we  can ensure it doesnt happen again. Crazymike only has to contact us, its a simple process.
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