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  1. Downvote
    lashtal reacted to Seigheart in Resource Depletion   
    Just notifying the Necrovion community I have witnessed Fire Starter depleting the Bones in Beserker's Charge twice. First time from 6/10 to 3/10 and then 5/10 to 2/10 the second time.
  2. Downvote
    lashtal reacted to Seigheart in Resource Depletion   
    Again, I did NOT tell him to stop doing anything. Stop putting words in my mouth.

    I was merely making the leaders of Necrovion aware of something that other leaders consider a bad thing.
    I know many of you are only half alive at this point, so a little heads up is all I wanted to give.
  3. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to Azull in Resource Depletion   
    -Telling someone to stop doing something implies you disagree with what he's doing.
    -We have no need of you telling us what is happening in Necrovion.

    (now, if you can read between the lines, you might see the deeper meaning of that last statement)
  4. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to Pipstickz in Alliances   
    So, here's my view on every single alliance (with members) out there. [color=#008000]This is a positive thing.[/color] [color=#b22222]This is a negative thing.[/color] [color=#daa520]This is a suggestion.[/color] It's as true as I could make it, feel free to let me know if I've gone and said something outright wrong, and all that. This is all just based on my personal opinion and observation, after all. Use accordingly.

    [u]Marind Bell[/u]
    Seekers of Enlightenment
    [color=#008000]-Important and interesting research[/color]
    [color=#b22222]-Small public impact[/color]
    [color=#daa520]-Merge into Knights of the Bell as research branch[/color]

    Knights of the Bell
    [color=#008000]-Primary Marind Bell alliance[/color]
    [color=#008000]-Diverse role possibilities[/color]
    [color=#b22222]-Small recruitment effort[/color]
    [color=#b22222]-Inactive members[/color]
    [color=#b22222]-Almost no purpose for military groups[/color]
    [color=#daa520]-Develop training partnership with other alliances[/color]
    [color=#daa520]-Target younger players for recruitment, giving you members and them purpose[/color]

    Water Dowsers
    [color=#008000]-Lots of public presence, logging water levels[/color]
    [color=#b22222]-Usually little need for water itself[/color]
    [color=#daa520]-Partner with other guilds to make tea[/color]

    [u]Golemus Golemicarum[/u]
    Guerrilla Golemicarum
    [color=#008000]-Primary Golemus alliance[/color]
    [color=#008000]-Clear leadership[/color]
    [color=#b22222]-Few new recruits[/color]
    [color=#daa520]-Develop training partnership with other alliances[/color]
    [color=#daa520]-Target younger players for recruitment, giving you members and them purpose[/color]

    MR Fraternity
    [color=#008000]-Piece of history[/color]
    [color=#b22222]-One active member[/color]
    [color=#b22222]-Almost no purpose for military groups[/color]
    [color=#daa520]-Merge into Guerrilla Golemicarum, differentiate with name and flag if necessary[/color]

    Kelle'tha Order
    [color=#008000]-Important and interesting research[/color]
    [color=#b22222]-Small public presence and impact[/color]
    [color=#b22222]-Only one active member[/color]
    [color=#daa520]-Merge into Guerrilla Golemicarum, keep forum for discussion[/color]

    Lair Keepers (maybe a little biased, but issues are obvious anyways)
    [color=#b22222]-Role unfulfilled[/color]
    [color=#b22222]-Single inactive member[/color]
    [color=#daa520]-Give role to someone else or disband, probably both[/color]

    [color=#008000]-Dedicated members[/color]
    [color=#b22222]-Little use as it stands[/color]
    [color=#daa520]-Partner with other guilds to make tea[/color]

    Guardians of the Root
    [color=#008000]-Primary Loreroot alliance[/color]
    [color=#008000]-Public presence, mostly through few key members[/color]
    [color=#b22222]-Leadership unclear[/color]
    [color=#b22222]-A few inactive members[/color]
    [color=#daa520]-Develop training partnership with other alliances[/color]
    [color=#daa520]-Set short term goals or positions to give purpose to current and future members[/color]

    [color=#b22222]-Many inactive members[/color]
    [color=#b22222]-No recruitment[/color]
    [color=#daa520]-Partner with other guilds to make tea[/color]
    [color=#daa520]-Merge into Guardians of the Root[/color]

    [color=#008000]-Dedicated members[/color]
    [color=#008000]-Important role[/color]
    [color=#b22222]-Little to no recruitment[/color]
    [color=#daa520]-Expand item creation possibility[/color]
    [color=#daa520]-Advertise/sponsor quests[/color]

    Tainted Warriors
    [color=#008000]-Important and interesting research[/color]
    [color=#008000]-Good recruitment effort[/color]
    [color=#b22222]-Some inactive members[/color]
    [color=#daa520]-Make news[/color]

    [color=#008000]-Clear and useful role[/color]
    [color=#b22222]-Little public impact[/color]
    [color=#b22222]-Inactive members[/color]
    [color=#daa520]-Record stuff and stick it on the forum, write articles regarding past events[/color]
    [color=#daa520]-Teach new players about the past[/color]

    Dimensional Shifters
    [color=#008000]-Revived with good intentions[/color]
    [color=#008000]-Good recruitment[/color]
    [color=#b22222]-Unclear purpose[/color]
    [color=#daa520]-Create long term goals[/color]

    [color=#b22222]-Inactive members[/color]
    [color=#b22222]-No public impact[/color]
    [color=#daa520]-Do something[/color]

    Seal of Six
    [color=#b22222]-No apparent purpose[/color]
    [color=#daa520]-Show Tribunal loyalty[/color]

    Treasure Keepers
    [color=#008000]-Clear and important role[/color]
    [color=#008000]-Good recruitment[/color]
    [color=#008000]-Good public presence[/color]
    [color=#b22222]-Useless while not "on the job"[/color]
    [color=#daa520]-Find a purpose between sponsorships/deliveries[/color]

    Soldiers of the Inner Sun
    [color=#ee82ee]-Well, no sense talking about this.[/color]

    Shattered Illusions
    [color=#b22222] -No public impact[/color]
    [color=#b22222] -Two non-alt members[/color]
    [color=#b22222] -No apparent role[/color]
    [s][color=#daa520] -Remind me why dst needs an alliance?[/color][/s]
    [color=#daa520] -Do anything that constitutes a need for an alliance[/color]

    Defenders of Bob
    [color=#008000]-Clear role[/color]
    [color=#008000]-Dedicated members[/color]
    [color=#b22222]-No pretty pichure > [/color]
    [color=#b22222]-Role consists of sitting and talking in chat[/color]
    [color=#daa520]-Create Bob-centric quests or events[/color]
  5. Upvote
    lashtal got a reaction from Maebius in Cum umbra nihil et sine umbra nihil   
    [size=4][font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]Since today it's my first MD birthday (!!!), here's a little paradoxical quest for all of you to enjoy.[/font][/size]
    [size=4][font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]Ideal to be pondered under the umbrella, ideal for killing time, this quest will last around a month.[/font][/size]

    [center][font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif][size=5][color=#4b0082]The Sundial Quest[/color][/size][/font][/center]

    [size=4][font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]Describe the functioning of a sundial in relation to Principles.[/font][/size]
    [size=4][font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]Write an original, MD-related motto for a Sundial.[/font][/size]
    [size=4][font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]Discuss whether a sundial could work in MD and, in case, where.[/font][/size]

    [size=4][font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]The best submission will be rewarded with a sword shade.[/font][/size]
    [size=4][font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif](If the bright side feels like sponsoring brighter rewards, Time will be more accurate... [/font][/size] [size=4][font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif] )[/font][/size]

    [size=4][font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]All submissions should be sent to me via PM or forum PM by July, the 31st.[/font][/size]

    [size=4][font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]Have fun![/font][/size]
  6. Upvote
    lashtal got a reaction from Fire Starter in What do you see when you look at the mirror?   
    [center][size=5][color=#4b0082][b]The Mirror Quest[/b][/color][/size][/center]

    - Rewards: creatures (tormented souls), enchanted stones (summoned army and mirror ritual).
    (additional rewards will be considered if your submission deserves it).
    - Requirement: this quest is intended mostly for MP4, but it's open to everybody.
    - How to start: Contact me (in-game PM or forum PM).

    Following this trail will require Time and a sharp gaze, but will grant you a better understanding of the concept of mirror in MD.
    You'll also gather experience on fighting, creatures abilities, and all those details one cannot ignore when dealing with mirrors.
    Completing the quest will grant you a deep knowledge of the mechanics beyond mirror ritual spell (as far as I know, the only way to be 100% sure to win a fight, no matter the opponent).

    - The quest is divided into 4 parts;
    - Each part will be presented singly, when the previous one is completed;
    - [b]Each satisfactory submission will be rewarded with creatures and/or enchanted stones;[/b]
    - Part 2 and 3 will be reviewed together with 2 judges, who will decide whether to sponsor an additional reward;
    - There's no deadline.

    Have fun!!!
  7. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to Nimrodel in Revive Fyrd !   
    Oh please tom..

    Stop whining.

    They'll be back.

    you can alone solve the whole revivors Quest. Amber and Gonzi would've sufficed along with you to solve Z's quest. Rest of the revivors needed just one person each. Hell I was there solving four out of five. In your team, an inactive member was killed. In our team, the most active member was killed. Only five people in our team participated in the Quests. one was killed, one was online 'by chance', so we asked him to help us out, one was never a part of team quests, and the reamining two of us solved them. Not without help of course. I asked my friends to help me wherever it was needed. And BFH had provided the papers so that the players could move wherever they wanted by jumping to him. Val has moved along to a lot of places with that. Also, val wasnt our leader either. he took the role of the leader in the last moment when chewett declined to be one.

    TEam two's condition was worse. only four players in their team were Active. out of those four, one was killed, and one didnt really help with the team quests. I dont see darkraptor or ignus complaining here about maeb dying... Infact they were there were there solving all the Quests. and winning them.

    Its all dependant on your perception. You have two tools to fix a broken machine. Instead of being upset why the machine was broken or why you dont have a full set of tools, try to fix the broken stuff with what you have.

    (P.S. I have a job and a life as well.)
  8. Downvote
    lashtal reacted to Seigheart in MD Summer Fest Main Quests Keys   
    I want to be revived too....
  9. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to BFH in MD Summer Fest Main Quests Keys   
    [center][size=5][b]First Main Quest:[/b][/size][/center]

    [center]My first Main quest included 5 parts in answer to player wishes in "What sorts of quest do you like"[/center]

    [center][b]First Part a cryptogram:[/b][/center]



    [center][b]Second Part an Avatar Decoration task:[/b][/center]



    [center]Add this to see the images:[/center]


    [center]Example: [url="http://bfh.site90.net/MD_Summer_Images/images/1342546265.jpg"]http://bfh.site90.ne.../1342546265.jpg[/url][/center]

    [center][b]Third part: [/b][/center]

    [center]They must identify of who were the 10 tags assigned[/center]




    [center]Everyone got the Offensive tag wrong. it was Knator Commander.[/center]
    [center]Darkraptor failed two of them[/center]

    [center][b]Fourth Part:[/b][/center]

    [center]For this task the players were asked to run their homes and found one summer related item, take a pic and submit it.[/center]



    [center]Add this to see the images:[/center]




    [center][b]Fifth Task[/b][/center]

    [center]They most solve a puzzle find out the hidden message and do what it said.[/center]


    [center][url="http://bfh.site90.net/pictures/LAST%20part.gif"]http://bfh.site90.ne...s/LAST part.gif[/url][/center]



    [center][b]First Place[/b][/center]


    [center]Received a Chaotic Boost stone and gets Main prize whatever it is.[/center]

    [center][b]Second Place[/b][/center]

    [center]Plix Plox[/center]

    [center]Receives a Chaotic Boost stone and gets a second place prize whatever it is.[/center]

    [center][b]Third Place[/b][/center]

    [center]Phantom Orchid[/center]

    [center]Receives a Chaotic Boost Stone and gets a third place prize whatever it is.[/center]

    [center][b]Apart of all of this:[/b][/center]

    [center]I'll reward darkraptor with a gold coin for the effort.[/center]
    [center](Note he would have been second but failed a tag)[/center]

    [center]MAIN QUEST #2[/center]

    [center]Race Quest[/center]

    [center]For this quest Players mission was to search for 20 summer related items hidden in 20 clickies.[/center]

    [center]Stage one consisted on ten riddles guiding them to ten items[/center]

    [center]Key were:[/center]

    Sunblock ----- sage keeps hole
    Beach Ball ----- mdamarindsroom-balcony
    Surfing Table ----- fountaindarkvibrations-A
    Sunglasses ----- defensive tower
    water goggles ----- ggwraithwreck-entrance

    flip-flops ----- necrotrialagony-tree1
    Boat ----- deathmarrow-darkface
    sand castle ----- East Local pub Tea Plant
    cooler ----- necrotears-fountainpot
    cap ----- alches base[/center]

    [center]Stage two gave them the item names directly:[/center]

    [center]towel ----- rpcq4-fountlostpath-pave1
    Beach chair ----- mdawestpublicbath-toilet-A -
    bikini ----- rpcq4-tribunal-kitchen-note
    gazebo ----- necroaccursed-tree
    jetski ----- windsgame-brick

    lifeguards ----- MDA PUBLIC BATH
    Beach Umbrella ----- willows sign up
    picknic ----- GoE
    drinks ----- Knaty house
    beach ----- marble stairs[/center]

    [center]For this quest all participants received a BFH's travel pass item.[/center]
    [center]The item allowed them to jump to me and me to summon them.[/center]
    [center]Using several spells I teleported them to multiple locations.[/center]

    [center]Their ap and time factor was decisive.[/center]

    [center]Later on they formed teams and finished the quest.[/center]


    [center][b]First place[/b][/center]

    [center]Ignnus and Darkraptor[/center]
    [center]Got a Chaotic Boost stone and the first place reward whatever it will be.[/center]


    [center][b]Second Place[/b][/center]

    [center]Nimrodel and Phantom Orchid[/center]
    [center]Got a Chaotic Boost stone and the second place reward whatever it will be.[/center]


    [center]There isn't any official reward for the third place however I gave them 5 silver each[/center]

    [center]They were a tie 12/20[/center]

    [center]AmberRune, Zyrzae, *MRAlyon*, and Eon[/center]

    [center]Main Quest #3[/center]

    [center]Serial Killer Quest[/center]

    [center]Well this was more or less a story mode quest.[/center]
    [center]But their actions defined if they were or not alive.[/center]

    [center]Very deep inside the darkest part of Necrovion a Serial Killer escaped the most secure jail of MagicDuel’s Realm. It took the Serial Killer one year planning the perfect breakout and when the moment came he put the plan on action. SK carefully whipped out any traces of evidence on his way out and achieved all the goals he established. But something happened…[/center]

    [center][Quest instructions][/center]

    [center]During the following quest you will play the role of the prison guards. You must find out what got wrong with the Serial Killer’s plan and use it in your favor to trap him and bring him back alive to his cell. You are not alone; many guards are joining your side. But…. [b]Warning [/b]the Serial Killer is armed and left some traps on the way, if you fall in one of them you are [b]DEAD -- [/b]have into consideration that there can only be [b]ONE [/b]winner…[/center]

    [center]HINT: Fortunately there’s an alternative to the Serial Killer’s killing abilities… those who pass up to the second part of this quest will receive the opportunity of reviving one guard (another player who is competing for the quest [/center]

    [center]The quest progress can be seen on the following logs:[/center]

    [center][log= 3rd Main Quest Log][/center]

    [19/07/12 19:00] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]listen carefully then chose if you want to sign up
    [19/07/12 19:00] [b]:[/b][color=#305681][i]*BFH Lightning* [/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 19:00] [b]Valldore Nal:[/b]Trying to get me drunk PoE ?
    [19/07/12 19:00] [b]:[/b][color=#305681][i]*BFH Lightning* [/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 19:00] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]Very deep inside the darkest part of Necrovion a Serial Killer escaped the most secure jail of MagicDuel’s Realm.
    [19/07/12 19:01] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]It took the Serial Killer one year planning the perfect breakout and when the moment came he put the plan on action.
    [19/07/12 19:01] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]SK carefully whipped out any traces of evidence on his way out and achieved all the goals he established. But something happened…
    [19/07/12 19:01] [b]:[/b][color=#305681][i]*BFH Lightning* [/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 19:01] [b]:[/b][color=#305681][i]*BFH Lightning* [/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 19:01] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b][Quest instructions] During the following quest you will play the role of the prison guards. You must find out what got wrong with the Serial Killer’s plan and use it in your favor
    [19/07/12 19:01] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]favor to trap him and bring him back alive to his cell.
    [19/07/12 19:02] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]You are not alone; many guards are joining your side ([color=#888888][i]all who sign up[/i][/color]) . But…
    [19/07/12 19:02] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]Warning the Serial Killer is armed and left some traps on the way, if you fall in one of them you are DEAD ([color=#888888][i]I MEAN IT[/i][/color]) --
    [19/07/12 19:03] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]have into consideration that there can only be ONE winner…
    [19/07/12 19:03] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]and the prize is just well unreleased
    [19/07/12 19:03] [b]Nimrodel:[/b]will we be revived after the quest is over?
    [19/07/12 19:04] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]HINT: Fortunately there’s an alternative to the Serial Killer’s killing abilities… those who pass up to the second part of this quest will
    [19/07/12 19:04] [b]:[/b] *iesmls iyoncnntle*
    [19/07/12 19:04] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]receive the opportunity of reviving one guard (another player who is competing for the quest
    [19/07/12 19:04] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]ok now the questions:
    [19/07/12 19:04] [b]Phantom Orchid:[/b] Why wulod snmeooe wnat to riveve the ceoimnpitto?
    [19/07/12 19:05] [b]Nimrodel:[/b]will we be revived after the quest?
    [19/07/12 19:05] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]they might have some help
    [19/07/12 19:05] [b]ignnus:[/b]Dead like the seigheart?
    [19/07/12 19:05] [b]:[/b] *esihtwls*
    [19/07/12 19:05] [b]Valldore Nal:[/b]Yeah like him ?
    [19/07/12 19:05] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]for this quest you can discuss the answers
    [19/07/12 19:05] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]After the quest...
    [19/07/12 19:05] [b]Demaclese XIII:[/b]is there like a strength requirement to escape the sewrial killer?"
    [19/07/12 19:06] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]well there might be a solution.. or not...
    [19/07/12 19:06] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]that's a chance you have to take'
    [19/07/12 19:06] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]the reward
    [19/07/12 19:06] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]Mur promised me a stone
    [19/07/12 19:06] [b]Phantom Orchid:[/b] waht if the kliler is hree rhgit nwo?
    [19/07/12 19:06] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]a stone that represents the SHMSH
    [19/07/12 19:06] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]when the creature get released that stone will be exchanged for it
    [19/07/12 19:07] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]that mean you will have the chance to grab it first
    [19/07/12 19:07] [b]Phantom Orchid:[/b] SHHMS!
    [19/07/12 19:07] [b]Valldore Nal:[/b]what's that ?
    [19/07/12 19:07] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]someone translate PoEs question
    [19/07/12 19:07] [b]Valldore Nal:[/b] ([color=#888888][i]apart from an unreleased creature ofc[/i][/color])
    [19/07/12 19:07] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]no dema
    [19/07/12 19:07] [b]Nimrodel:[/b]She asked what if the killer is right here?
    [19/07/12 19:08] [b]Valldore Nal:[/b]"What if the killer is here right now " ?
    [19/07/12 19:08] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]your actions decide if you stay alive or not
    [19/07/12 19:08] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]there are dead ends
    [19/07/12 19:08] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]any of them
    [19/07/12 19:08] [b]Phantom Orchid:[/b] and bodeis!
    [19/07/12 19:08] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]and just 2 paths to success
    [19/07/12 19:08] [b]Sunfire:[/b]if a trap is triggered on a person, will it trigger again?
    [19/07/12 19:08] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]answering to PoE
    [19/07/12 19:08] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]this is like a story mode quest
    [19/07/12 19:09] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]which will take place in chat
    [19/07/12 19:09] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]you pick the option and I tell you your destiny
    [19/07/12 19:09] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]
    [19/07/12 19:09] [b]Zleiphneir:[/b]ooo
    [19/07/12 19:09] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]questions?
    [19/07/12 19:09] [b]Phantom Orchid:[/b] Ok but I'm not sirnebog up
    [19/07/12 19:09] [b]ignnus:[/b]dead forever?
    [19/07/12 19:09] [b]Valldore Nal:[/b]May i rent a taxi ?
    [19/07/12 19:09] [b]Phantom Orchid:[/b] s---e-bo-i-nr-g
    [19/07/12 19:10] [b]Phantom Orchid:[/b] Oh foergt it
    [19/07/12 19:10] [b]Phantom Orchid:[/b] Notnhig is fveeorr insgnu, ...hic ... not even death
    [19/07/12 19:10] [b]AmberRune:[/b]If we die, are we dead like Vall or just sorta kicked off the quest?
    [19/07/12 19:10] [b]Shemhazaj:[/b]dead id dead.
    [19/07/12 19:10] [b]Shemhazaj:[/b]is*
    [19/07/12 19:10] [b]Valldore Nal:[/b]What do you mean like Vall ? Like Seig we said before
    [19/07/12 19:10] [b]Zleiphneir:[/b]can we join Val's ghost army if we die?
    [19/07/12 19:10] [b]:[/b] *oegs to hugs ZZ but falls oevr*
    [19/07/12 19:10] [b]Nimrodel:[/b]like Vall
    [19/07/12 19:11] [b]Valldore Nal:[/b]Ohh Really ?
    [19/07/12 19:11] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]dead forever a chance you have to take
    [19/07/12 19:11] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]there might or not be a solution at the end of the fest
    [19/07/12 19:11] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]
    [19/07/12 19:11] [b]:[/b][color=#305681][i]Zleiphneir chuckles and hugs fallen orchid[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 19:11] [b]Valldore Nal:[/b]I second Z's idea
    [19/07/12 19:11] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]you are really DEAD
    [19/07/12 19:11] [b]Valldore Nal:[/b]All who die join my Ghost Army
    [19/07/12 19:11] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]you can join val's army
    [19/07/12 19:11] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]
    [19/07/12 19:11] [b]Nimrodel:[/b]Val
    [19/07/12 19:11] [b]Zleiphneir:[/b]hurrah!
    [19/07/12 19:11] [b]Nimrodel:[/b]If I die
    [19/07/12 19:11] [b]Nimrodel:[/b]who'll revive you?
    [19/07/12 19:11] [b]Nimrodel:[/b]>>
    [19/07/12 19:12] [b]Phantom Orchid:[/b] II prefer the ...hic ... ghsot friiaes
    [19/07/12 19:12] [b]Nimrodel:[/b]Oh there's still lashtal and Po
    [19/07/12 19:12] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]btw: Val - Fyrd- Maeb are the only dead that can participate on my quest
    [19/07/12 19:12] [b]Nimrodel:[/b]
    [19/07/12 19:12] [b]Sunfire:[/b]dont start yet, be right back
    [19/07/12 19:12] [b]Valldore Nal:[/b]Well, don't die, or be ready to serve in the Ghost Army
    [19/07/12 19:12] [b]AmberRune:[/b]Yeah... Fyrd isn't up yet and it's mostly me and Tom
    [19/07/12 19:12] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]but if they pick the wrong path they are dead ([color=#888888][i]out of quest as well[/i][/color])
    [19/07/12 19:12] [b]Zleiphneir:[/b]ghost army will kick butt. this is win win.
    [19/07/12 19:12] [b]Valldore Nal:[/b]hahahah now you scared me BFH
    [19/07/12 19:12] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]ok
    [19/07/12 19:12] [b]Valldore Nal:[/b]So can i rent a taxi ?
    [19/07/12 19:13] [b]ignnus:[/b]aby other reward then smsshs?
    [19/07/12 19:13] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]who wants to participate?
    [19/07/12 19:13] [b]Demaclese XIII:[/b]will there be a time limit aspect which might result in death?
    [19/07/12 19:13] [b]Nimrodel:[/b]I do!
    [19/07/12 19:13] [b]Zleiphneir:[/b]me!
    [19/07/12 19:13] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]state in chat
    [19/07/12 19:13] [b]lashtal:[/b]I'd like to.
    [19/07/12 19:13] [b]Phantom Orchid:[/b] Yo!
    [19/07/12 19:13] [b]Valldore Nal:[/b]Me nothing to lose here
    [19/07/12 19:13] [b]Shemhazaj:[/b]me
    [19/07/12 19:13] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b] ([color=#888888][i]no time dema[/i][/color])
    [19/07/12 19:13] [b]Sunfire:[/b]me
    [19/07/12 19:13] [b]Valldore Nal:[/b] ([color=#888888][i]i guess the limit is when one is done ? [/i][/color])
    [19/07/12 19:14] [b]Demaclese XIII:[/b]you can count me in too..
    [19/07/12 19:14] [b]Phantom Orchid:[/b] The crrakt'eaes are going to hvae tehir work cut ...hic ... out for t.he.m.
    [19/07/12 19:15] [b]Nimrodel:[/b]This si exciting... [color=#305681]*[i]removes her shirt and ties it up around her hair[/i]*[/color]
    [19/07/12 19:15] [b]Zyrxae:[/b] ([color=#888888][i]debrief for latecomers?[/i][/color])
    [19/07/12 19:15] [b]:[/b] *inkslb*
    [19/07/12 19:15] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]Nimrodel, Zleiphneir, lashtal, Phantom Orchid, Valldore Nal, Shemhazaj, Sunfire, Demaclese XIII
    [19/07/12 19:15] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]anybody else?
    [19/07/12 19:15] [b]Shemhazaj:[/b]did Nim just got naked? O_O
    [19/07/12 19:16] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b] ([color=#888888][i]someone explain Zyr :[/i][/color]) )
    [19/07/12 19:16] [b]ignnus:[/b]me lol
    [19/07/12 19:16] [b]Nimrodel:[/b]Wearing aswim suit >>
    [19/07/12 19:16] [b]Valldore Nal:[/b]She wears her suit
    [19/07/12 19:16] [b]lashtal:[/b] ([color=#888888][i]PM Zyrxae[/i][/color])
    [19/07/12 19:16] [b]Zleiphneir:[/b]crackteas? [color=#305681]*[i]raises an eyebrow at orchid[/i]*[/color]
    [19/07/12 19:16] [b]Eon:[/b].
    [19/07/12 19:16] [b]Phantom Orchid:[/b] Cekerarats! Geseh
    [19/07/12 19:16] [b]Shemhazaj:[/b]swimsuit to catch a serial killer? hm...
    [19/07/12 19:16] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]the . means he is in?
    [19/07/12 19:16] [b]Valldore Nal:[/b]kaketacers
    [19/07/12 19:17] [b]Phantom Orchid:[/b] Haha II sapek in aaagmrns
    [19/07/12 19:17] [b]Zleiphneir:[/b]oh! The caretakers...yes....
    [19/07/12 19:17] [b]Valldore Nal:[/b]yes
    [19/07/12 19:17] [b]Nimrodel:[/b]I was in the beach taking a swim ni chan ><
    [19/07/12 19:17] [b]Nimrodel:[/b]to kill time before the quest started.. ><
    [19/07/12 19:17] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b] [color=#305681]*[i]looks Nim and gets red[/i]*[/color] oh my..
    [19/07/12 19:17] [b]Nimrodel:[/b]>>
    [19/07/12 19:17] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]ok zyr is in or out?
    [19/07/12 19:17] [b]Zyrxae:[/b]In, thanks lash
    [19/07/12 19:17] [b]:[/b][color=#305681][i]Nimrodel ignore BFH[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 19:17] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]Nimrodel, Zleiphneir, lashtal, Phantom Orchid, Valldore Nal, Shemhazaj, Sunfire, Demaclese XIII, ignnus, Eon?
    [19/07/12 19:18] [b]:[/b] *wvaes aa samll wand in the air*
    [19/07/12 19:18] [b]AmberRune:[/b]Gah, I guess I'll take the chance to die
    [19/07/12 19:18] [b]:[/b][color=#305681][i]*Peace* jumps on a rock.[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 19:18] [b]AmberRune:[/b]Sign me up
    [19/07/12 19:18] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]ok
    [19/07/12 19:18] [b]Nimrodel:[/b]There.. Go red looking at that naked princess.. [color=#305681]*[i]points at Peace Hime[/i]*[/color]
    [19/07/12 19:18] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]we are ready then
    [19/07/12 19:18] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]Nimrodel, Zleiphneir, lashtal, Phantom Orchid, Valldore Nal, Shemhazaj, Sunfire, Demaclese XIII, ignnus, Eon, Zyrxae, AmberRune
    [19/07/12 19:18] [b]:[/b][color=#305681][i]*Peace* blinks.[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 19:19] [b]Shemhazaj:[/b]not a necrophiliac...
    [19/07/12 19:19] [b]*Peace*:[/b]If that is the case, I could always wear something...
    [19/07/12 19:19] [b]Nimrodel:[/b]-.-
    [19/07/12 19:19] [b]Valldore Nal:[/b]What
    [19/07/12 19:19] [b]Zleiphneir:[/b]woooh!!!
    [19/07/12 19:19] [b]*Peace*:[/b]My hat.
    [19/07/12 19:19] [b]Valldore Nal:[/b]What's wrong with a little bit dead ppl ?
    [19/07/12 19:19] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]time to begin
    [19/07/12 19:19] [b]Valldore Nal:[/b] ([color=#888888][i]was not a question to you peace a missclick [/i][/color])
    [19/07/12 19:19] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]While escaping from the jail the Serial Killer found some symbols on the walls. With the knife he possessed he scratched the symbols and started remembering. While looking curiously to them,
    [19/07/12 19:20] [b]*Peace*:[/b] ([color=#888888][i]not my fault ampale [/i][/color])
    [19/07/12 19:20] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]SK, found them very familiar. He remembered his childhood, when he actually was happy and had people in whom he could rely… SK couldn’t hold his emotions and suddenly…
    [19/07/12 19:20] [b]Valldore Nal:[/b] ([color=#888888][i]LOL[/i][/color])
    [19/07/12 19:20] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]listen to the options and everyplayer who sing up should pick one
    [19/07/12 19:20] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]A. SK heard someone was getting close and left immediately… B. SK heard someone was getting close and immediately got ready to attack him…
    [19/07/12 19:21] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]pick now
    [19/07/12 19:21] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]feel free to discuss
    [19/07/12 19:21] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]
    [19/07/12 19:21] [b]Zleiphneir:[/b]B
    [19/07/12 19:22] [b]Sunfire:[/b]B
    [19/07/12 19:22] [b]Valldore Nal:[/b]B as well
    [19/07/12 19:22] [b]Demaclese XIII:[/b]B for me too..
    [19/07/12 19:22] [b]ignnus:[/b]B
    [19/07/12 19:22] [b]*Peace*:[/b]I go for option C.
    [19/07/12 19:22] [b]Nimrodel:[/b]B
    [19/07/12 19:22] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]good girl peace
    [19/07/12 19:22] [b]Eon:[/b]B
    [19/07/12 19:22] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]you win!
    [19/07/12 19:22] [b]Shemhazaj:[/b]B
    [19/07/12 19:22] [b]AmberRune:[/b]B
    [19/07/12 19:23] [b]Phantom Orchid:[/b]B
    [19/07/12 19:23] [b]*Peace*:[/b] [color=#305681]*[i]blinks.[/i]*[/color] Eh?
    [19/07/12 19:23] [b]lashtal:[/b]B
    [19/07/12 19:23] [b]Zyrxae:[/b]Not A, eh ^
    [19/07/12 19:23] [b]Nimrodel:[/b]lol.. waht if everyone dies?
    [19/07/12 19:23] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]are you sure... You can all can die
    [19/07/12 19:23] [b]Zleiphneir:[/b] ([color=#888888][i]wow we are a vicious lot LOL[/i][/color])
    [19/07/12 19:23] [b]AmberRune:[/b]Then it'll be a very short quest
    [19/07/12 19:23] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]?
    [19/07/12 19:23] [b]Valldore Nal:[/b]It would be a very short quest
    [19/07/12 19:23] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]everyone stays with the option?
    [19/07/12 19:23] [b]Demaclese XIII:[/b]this is rather amusing..
    [19/07/12 19:23] [b]Nimrodel:[/b]yes
    [19/07/12 19:23] [b]Valldore Nal:[/b]i can live with that BFH
    [19/07/12 19:23] [b]Valldore Nal:[/b]
    [19/07/12 19:23] [b]:[/b][color=#999999][i]*BFH Lightning* failed to cast a spell[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 19:24] [b]Nimrodel:[/b]O_O
    [19/07/12 19:24] [b]Shemhazaj:[/b]B...FH
    [19/07/12 19:24] [b]*Peace*:[/b]I stick with mine too...
    [19/07/12 19:24] [b]Nimrodel:[/b]He's killing everyone >>
    [19/07/12 19:24] [b]:[/b][color=#FF9900][b][Spell][/b] [i]KBOOM![/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 19:24] [b]Nimrodel:[/b]ok.. no
    [19/07/12 19:24] [b]Demaclese XIII:[/b]i have my own reasons.. to stay with b..
    [19/07/12 19:24] [b]Phantom Orchid:[/b] No ...hic ... jsut KiOOBnMg ...hic ...
    [19/07/12 19:24] [b]Valldore Nal:[/b]He just wants proof that we all failed
    [19/07/12 19:24] [b]Valldore Nal:[/b]Except Peace ofc
    [19/07/12 19:24] [b]:[/b][color=#FF9900][b][Spell][/b] [i]KBOOM![/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 19:24] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]stupid log open
    [19/07/12 19:24] [b]:[/b][color=#305681][i]Nimrodel shivers[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 19:25] [b]Shemhazaj:[/b]Peace's an illusion... can illusions die?
    [19/07/12 19:25] [b]*Peace*:[/b]Ha! [color=#305681]*[i]sticks her tongue out.[/i]*[/color]
    [19/07/12 19:25] [b]Zleiphneir:[/b]they can when
    [19/07/12 19:25] [b]:[/b][color=#305681][i]Valldore Nal tries to catch it[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 19:25] [b]*Peace*:[/b]They can be cancelled..
    [19/07/12 19:25] [b]:[/b][color=#305681][i]*Peace* bites Nal.[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 19:25] [b]Phantom Orchid:[/b] Or ...hic ... sent far far aawy
    [19/07/12 19:25] [b]Valldore Nal:[/b]Nice illusion avy
    [19/07/12 19:25] [b]Valldore Nal:[/b]Didn't feel a think
    [19/07/12 19:26] [b]Zleiphneir:[/b]argh! the suspense is killing me.
    [19/07/12 19:26] [b]*Peace*:[/b]I felt something cold though!
    [19/07/12 19:26] [b]:[/b][color=#305681][i]*Peace* spits.[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 19:26] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]Zyr your option?
    [19/07/12 19:26] [b]Sunfire:[/b]or is it BFH Z
    [19/07/12 19:26] [b]Valldore Nal:[/b]Bliah ......
    [19/07/12 19:26] [b]Zyrxae:[/b]Bee
    [19/07/12 19:26] [b]Shemhazaj:[/b]Z! don't die before BFH kills you!
    [19/07/12 19:26] [b]Zleiphneir:[/b]I know...that would be rude...I apologise.
    [19/07/12 19:26] [b]Valldore Nal:[/b]Yeah
    [19/07/12 19:27] [b]Nimrodel:[/b]Peace is wearing clothes!
    [19/07/12 19:27] [b]Valldore Nal:[/b]He loves doing that hiself
    [19/07/12 19:27] [b]*Peace*:[/b]It's my festive outfit...
    [19/07/12 19:27] [b]Valldore Nal:[/b]The previous form was more sexy i can say
    [19/07/12 19:27] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]ok
    [19/07/12 19:27] [b]Phantom Orchid:[/b] I'm going to need mroe dikrns ><
    [19/07/12 19:27] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]you all choose your destiny
    [19/07/12 19:27] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]I'm afraid... you all
    [19/07/12 19:27] [b]Demaclese XIII:[/b]i believe so...
    [19/07/12 19:27] [b]Nimrodel:[/b]
    [19/07/12 19:27] [b]:[/b][color=#1D6D94][i]*Peace* passed Blood Wine to Phantom Orchid[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 19:28] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]chosen the hard path
    [19/07/12 19:28] [b]Nimrodel:[/b]BFH.. I''ll Die of MI
    [19/07/12 19:28] [b]:[/b] *liemss and hpiscuc*
    [19/07/12 19:28] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]this option don't had a dead end but chose the questions I'll make
    [19/07/12 19:28] [b]AmberRune:[/b]Of course, who ever wants to take easy street
    [19/07/12 19:28] [b]Nimrodel:[/b]_-_
    [19/07/12 19:28] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]Ok now listen
    [19/07/12 19:28] [b]Zleiphneir:[/b]the hard path! Woooh!!!
    [19/07/12 19:28] [b]Shemhazaj:[/b]do ghosts pee? I need to pee... don't wanna die with full bladder...
    [19/07/12 19:28] [b]Valldore Nal:[/b]No problem with that, don't worry
    [19/07/12 19:29] [b]:[/b][color=#305681][i]*Peace* laughs amused.[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 19:29] [b]Nimrodel:[/b]now I remember Robert frost >>
    [19/07/12 19:29] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]B. SK heard someone was getting close and immediately got ready to attack him…
    [19/07/12 19:29] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]A. As you got closer SK grabbed his knife tightly. He surprised you and put his knife around your neck. He noticed something peculiar in you and gave you the chance to tell your last words. Almost whi
    [19/07/12 19:29] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]Almost whispering you said:
    [19/07/12 19:29] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]option B
    [19/07/12 19:30] [b]Nimrodel:[/b]sounds like a bun bun Quest.. >>
    [19/07/12 19:31] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]A. As you got closer SK grabbed his knife tightly. He surprised you and put his knife around your neck. You said I surrender!
    [19/07/12 19:31] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]that's option B
    [19/07/12 19:31] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]word is messing with format
    [19/07/12 19:31] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]so now chose
    [19/07/12 19:32] [b]Shemhazaj:[/b]wait, what's opion A?
    [19/07/12 19:32] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]ok
    [19/07/12 19:32] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]A. As you got closer SK grabbed his knife tightly. He surprised you and put his knife around your neck. He noticed something peculiar in you and gave you the chance to tell your last words.
    [19/07/12 19:32] [b]Zleiphneir:[/b]option A we explain ourselves, option B we surrender?
    [19/07/12 19:32] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]Almost whispering you said...
    [19/07/12 19:32] [b]Sunfire:[/b]A: whisper; B: surrender?
    [19/07/12 19:32] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]yes
    [19/07/12 19:33] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]feel free to discuss
    [19/07/12 19:33] [b]*Peace*:[/b]Is there a third option?
    [19/07/12 19:33] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]no
    [19/07/12 19:33] [b]ignnus:[/b]A
    [19/07/12 19:34] [b]Eon:[/b]A
    [19/07/12 19:34] [b]Phantom Orchid:[/b] i'm etehir ...hic ... too dnurk or too cefnsoud or both
    [19/07/12 19:34] [b]Shemhazaj:[/b]A
    [19/07/12 19:34] [b]*Peace*:[/b]Bah.
    [19/07/12 19:34] [b]Demaclese XIII:[/b]well we have to think as the guard right?
    [19/07/12 19:34] [b]Sunfire:[/b]A
    [19/07/12 19:34] [b]Zyrxae:[/b]A
    [19/07/12 19:34] [b]Zleiphneir:[/b]A
    [19/07/12 19:34] [b]Valldore Nal:[/b]A
    [19/07/12 19:34] [b]Nimrodel:[/b]A
    [19/07/12 19:34] [b]Phantom Orchid:[/b] AA
    [19/07/12 19:34] [b]Sunfire:[/b]lol
    [19/07/12 19:34] [b]Demaclese XIII:[/b]a
    [19/07/12 19:34] [b]Nimrodel:[/b]Lol
    [19/07/12 19:35] [b]Valldore Nal:[/b]That's a nice tactic to force BFH to either kill us all ([color=#888888][i]go go Ghost Army[/i][/color]) or give us all the reward
    [19/07/12 19:35] [b]Nimrodel:[/b]
    [19/07/12 19:35] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]lashh option
    [19/07/12 19:35] [b]Valldore Nal:[/b]So it's a win-win situation ([color=#888888][i]for me at least [/i][/color])
    [19/07/12 19:35] [b]Phantom Orchid:[/b] gadrus sitck ttoerheg, rhigt?
    [19/07/12 19:35] [b]AmberRune:[/b]I like having last words, I guess A
    [19/07/12 19:35] [b]lashtal:[/b]A
    [19/07/12 19:35] [b]lashtal:[/b]sorry, A.
    [19/07/12 19:35] [b]Valldore Nal:[/b]Yeah, even in death
    [19/07/12 19:35] [b]lashtal:[/b] ([color=#888888][i]lag[/i][/color])
    [19/07/12 19:36] [b]*Peace*:[/b]I stick with C.
    [19/07/12 19:36] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]ok
    [19/07/12 19:36] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]I'm afraid...
    [19/07/12 19:36] [b]Demaclese XIII:[/b]although i think i would say something like "you are only get a death sentence 'name of the sk'"
    [19/07/12 19:36] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]you were correct
    [19/07/12 19:37] [b]Nimrodel:[/b]>>
    [19/07/12 19:37] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]Option B was a dead end
    [19/07/12 19:37] [b]Zleiphneir:[/b]woooooh!
    [19/07/12 19:37] [b]Nimrodel:[/b]Yay!
    [19/07/12 19:37] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]a good guard never shows weakness
    [19/07/12 19:37] [b]Zleiphneir:[/b]^5 team not a ghost army yet
    [19/07/12 19:37] [b]Nimrodel:[/b]^5
    [19/07/12 19:37] [b]lashtal:[/b]^.^
    [19/07/12 19:37] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]ok next step
    [19/07/12 19:37] [b]*Peace*:[/b]A good guard would never allow himself to be attacked from behind...
    [19/07/12 19:37] [b]Valldore Nal:[/b]There will be one ........ eventually
    [19/07/12 19:37] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]Almost whispering you said:
    [19/07/12 19:37] [b]Demaclese XIII:[/b]thats certainly good..
    [19/07/12 19:38] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]A. I am your son, please don’t hurt me.
    [19/07/12 19:38] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]B. I am your cousin, please don’t hurt me.
    [19/07/12 19:38] [b]ignnus:[/b]A
    [19/07/12 19:38] [b]:[/b][color=#305681][i]*Peace* looks at herself.[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 19:38] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]C. I am your father please don’t hurt me.
    [19/07/12 19:38] [b]AmberRune:[/b] [color=#305681]*[i]looks at herself[/i]*[/color] Not male
    [19/07/12 19:38] [b]:[/b] *choug*
    [19/07/12 19:39] [b]Shemhazaj:[/b]Star Wars!
    [19/07/12 19:39] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]ignnus you get to chose again if you wish
    [19/07/12 19:39] [b]ignnus:[/b]lol
    [19/07/12 19:39] [b]Nimrodel:[/b]Lol
    [19/07/12 19:39] [b]ignnus:[/b]thx..A
    [19/07/12 19:39] [b]Demaclese XIII:[/b]b
    [19/07/12 19:39] [b]Zleiphneir:[/b]drag up amberrune
    [19/07/12 19:39] [b]*Peace*:[/b]Finally a C option!
    [19/07/12 19:40] [b]Demaclese XIII:[/b]hang on i didnt see c..
    [19/07/12 19:40] [b]Sunfire:[/b]C
    [19/07/12 19:40] [b]Shemhazaj:[/b]B
    [19/07/12 19:40] [b]Zleiphneir:[/b]B
    [19/07/12 19:40] [b]*MasterB*:[/b]Yes ?
    [19/07/12 19:40] [b]Eon:[/b]A
    [19/07/12 19:40] [b]AmberRune:[/b]Oh, gotcha. I'll still say B
    [19/07/12 19:40] [b]Phantom Orchid:[/b]B
    [19/07/12 19:40] [b]Nimrodel:[/b]B
    [19/07/12 19:40] [b]Valldore Nal:[/b]B
    [19/07/12 19:40] [b]Demaclese XIII:[/b]b still
    [19/07/12 19:40] [b]Zyrxae:[/b]B
    [19/07/12 19:40] [b]lashtal:[/b]B
    [19/07/12 19:40] [b]*MasterB*:[/b]Say it already ))
    [19/07/12 19:40] [b]:[/b][color=#305681][i]*MasterB* FEELS LIKE A GOD NOW[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 19:40] [b]Nimrodel:[/b]Lol
    [19/07/12 19:40] [b]:[/b][color=#305681][i]*Peace* drags Sunny next to her.[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 19:40] [b]:[/b][color=#305681][i]Nimrodel jumps on master B[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 19:40] [b]Valldore Nal:[/b] ([color=#888888][i]not MasterB, just B[/i][/color])
    [19/07/12 19:41] [b]Phantom Orchid:[/b]He's not going to believe i'm a son or father
    [19/07/12 19:41] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]ohh shitty let me pick logs
    [19/07/12 19:41] [b]:[/b][color=#999999][i]*BFH Lightning* failed to cast a spell[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 19:41] [b]:[/b][color=#FF9900][b][Spell][/b] [i]KBOOM![/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 19:41] [b]Nimrodel:[/b]
    [19/07/12 19:41] [b]*Peace*:[/b]I could pass for a father like this...
    [19/07/12 19:42] [b]Valldore Nal:[/b]Depents , whos ?
    [19/07/12 19:42] [b]Shemhazaj:[/b]BFH has hiccups...
    [19/07/12 19:42] [b]*Peace*:[/b]Yours?
    [19/07/12 19:42] [b]Valldore Nal:[/b]For my ghost bodys one, for sure
    [19/07/12 19:42] [b]Sunfire:[/b]yours
    [19/07/12 19:42] [b]:[/b] *cupihc*
    [19/07/12 19:42] [b]:[/b][color=#305681][i]*Peace* high fives Sunfire.[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 19:42] [b]:[/b] *no'Dt let him klil you!*
    [19/07/12 19:42] [b]Valldore Nal:[/b]Peace, you are the father of my new undeath life ?
    [19/07/12 19:42] [b]Demaclese XIII:[/b]cousin makes sense
    [19/07/12 19:43] [b]:[/b][color=#305681][i]Sunfire high five[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 19:43] [b]*Peace*:[/b]In a twisted sort of way, I could...
    [19/07/12 19:43] [b]:[/b][color=#305681][i]Nimrodel hides behind Shem trembling slightly[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 19:43] [b]Zleiphneir:[/b]very twisted considering yesterday
    [19/07/12 19:43] [b]*Peace*:[/b] [color=#305681]*[i]opens her embrace.[/i]*[/color] Come to papa!
    [19/07/12 19:43] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]okay
    [19/07/12 19:43] [b]:[/b] *oodm DOOM dmoo*
    [19/07/12 19:43] [b]Valldore Nal:[/b]What do you mean ?
    [19/07/12 19:43] [b]*Peace*:[/b] ([color=#888888][i]ROFL[/i][/color])
    [19/07/12 19:43] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]Sure with your answers?
    [19/07/12 19:44] [b]:[/b][color=#305681][i]Valldore Nal goes and hugs Peace-papa[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 19:44] [b]Shemhazaj:[/b]yup
    [19/07/12 19:44] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b] ([color=#888888][i]I love to add suspense :[/i][/color]) )
    [19/07/12 19:44] [b]lashtal:[/b]Sure.
    [19/07/12 19:44] [b]Demaclese XIII:[/b]yup
    [19/07/12 19:44] [b]:[/b] *EYS*
    [19/07/12 19:44] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]okay
    [19/07/12 19:44] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]here we go
    [19/07/12 19:44] [b]Sunfire:[/b] [color=#305681]*[i]picks up guillak and holds him above his head[/i]*[/color] yes
    [19/07/12 19:44] [b]:[/b][color=#305681][i]*Peace* wraps her arms around thin air.[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 19:44] [b]AmberRune:[/b]lets all prepare to die
    [19/07/12 19:44] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]A. I am your son, please don’t hurt me. You are my son… I barely remember you. SK feelings started to emerge, but suddenly he questioned [NOT A DEAD END :D]
    [19/07/12 19:44] [b]Valldore Nal:[/b]You think of me as thin air ? meh .........
    [19/07/12 19:45] [b]:[/b][color=#305681][i]*Peace* is ready to call the Caretakers.[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 19:45] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]B. I am your cousin, please don’t hurt me.
    [19/07/12 19:45] [b]Sunfire:[/b] ([color=#888888][i]gotta go eat[/i][/color])
    [19/07/12 19:45] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]You mean nothing to me…. SK grabbed his knife and killed you without thinking. You are dead.
    [19/07/12 19:45] [b]Sunfire:[/b] ([color=#888888][i]bbl[/i][/color])
    [19/07/12 19:45] [b]Nimrodel:[/b]O_O
    [19/07/12 19:45] [b]*Peace*:[/b]HA!
    [19/07/12 19:45] [b]Nimrodel:[/b]X_X
    [19/07/12 19:45] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]Bye... Bye...
    [19/07/12 19:45] [b]AmberRune:[/b]Dead army!
    [19/07/12 19:45] [b]lashtal:[/b]lol
    [19/07/12 19:45] [b]Zleiphneir:[/b]noooooooooo
    [19/07/12 19:46] [b]:[/b][color=#305681][i]*Peace* brings out her shovel.[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 19:46] [b]Shemhazaj:[/b]just a question
    [19/07/12 19:46] [b]Zleiphneir:[/b]wait...yaaaaaay!! Ghost army!
    [19/07/12 19:46] [b]Sunfire:[/b]lol
    [19/07/12 19:46] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]Option C
    [19/07/12 19:46] [b]lashtal:[/b]Your party grows fatter Valldore...
    [19/07/12 19:46] [b]Shemhazaj:[/b]there are girls as guards... how can they pass for father or son?
    [19/07/12 19:46] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]C. I am your father please don’t hurt me.
    [19/07/12 19:46] [b]:[/b][color=#305681][i]*Peace* begins digging holes in the sand.[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 19:46] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]How you dare me to tell me that. You made me who I am today. Because of you I am in jail…. SK grabbed his knife and killed his hated father. You are death.
    [19/07/12 19:46] [b]Demaclese XIII:[/b]well i didnt think that a father would work in the same jail that has his son imprisoned..
    [19/07/12 19:46] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]dead*
    [19/07/12 19:47] [b]*Peace*:[/b]Again?
    [19/07/12 19:47] [b]ignnus:[/b]hehe
    [19/07/12 19:47] [b]Valldore Nal:[/b]^^
    [19/07/12 19:47] [b]Shemhazaj:[/b]sorry, but that makes little sense to me...
    [19/07/12 19:47] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]I told they choose the hard path
    [19/07/12 19:47] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]
    [19/07/12 19:47] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]many dead ends
    [19/07/12 19:47] [b]lashtal:[/b]So, Eon is the only son of the serial killer?
    [19/07/12 19:48] [b]Demaclese XIII:[/b]so we were wrong from the very begining?
    [19/07/12 19:48] [b]:[/b][color=#305681][i]*Peace* digs another hole for Sunfire.[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 19:48] [b]Nimrodel:[/b]so all of us dies except Eon? >>
    [19/07/12 19:48] [b]lashtal:[/b]No wait, I messed up letters..
    [19/07/12 19:48] [b]AmberRune:[/b]and ignnus
    [19/07/12 19:48] [b]Eon:[/b].
    [19/07/12 19:48] [b]*Peace*:[/b]!
    [19/07/12 19:48] [b]Valldore Nal:[/b]%
    [19/07/12 19:48] [b]*Peace*:[/b]Like father, like son...
    [19/07/12 19:48] [b]:[/b][color=#FF9900][b][Spell][/b] [i]Lightning stroke- Sunfire, Shemhazaj, Zleiphneir, AmberRune, Phantom Orchid, Nimrodel, Valldore Nal, Demaclese XIII, Zyrxae, lashtal[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 19:49] [b]Nimrodel:[/b]Lol
    [19/07/12 19:49] [b]AmberRune:[/b]bleh
    [19/07/12 19:49] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]ok lets continue
    [19/07/12 19:49] [b]:[/b][color=#305681][i]ignnus feels a chill on his back[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 19:49] [b]:[/b][color=#305681][i]*Peace* starts picking up the dead bodies and throws them in the holes, whistling.[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 19:49] [b]Valldore Nal:[/b]What, you killed me ???
    [19/07/12 19:49] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]you two have to think carefully now
    [19/07/12 19:49] [b]Valldore Nal:[/b]hahahahahahah
    [19/07/12 19:49] [b]Nimrodel:[/b]>>
    [19/07/12 19:49] [b]ignnus:[/b]sure boss
    [19/07/12 19:50] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]A. I am your son, please don’t hurt me. You are my son… I barely remember you. SK feelings started to emerge, but suddenly he questioned:
    [19/07/12 19:50] [b]Nimrodel:[/b] [color=#305681]*[i]wanders like a ghost[/i]*[/color] woo hooo
    [19/07/12 19:50] [b]:[/b] *at laset I'm still ...hic ... d!nrku* ...hic ...
    [19/07/12 19:50] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]a. Why haven’t you come to visit me during all this years? You are a guard you were near!
    [19/07/12 19:50] [b]Nimrodel:[/b]BFH
    [19/07/12 19:50] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]b. Where’s your mother?
    [19/07/12 19:50] [b]Nimrodel:[/b]you didnt answer shem's question
    [19/07/12 19:50] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]c. Do you love me?
    [19/07/12 19:50] [b]:[/b][color=#305681][i]*Peace* wonders if Shem died with a full bladder..[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 19:50] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]shem what he said?
    [19/07/12 19:50] [b]ignnus:[/b]can i pm?
    [19/07/12 19:51] [b]Nimrodel:[/b]How can girls say that they are father or son? :3
    [19/07/12 19:51] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]yes
    [19/07/12 19:51] [b]Zleiphneir:[/b]drag
    [19/07/12 19:51] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]pm it form now on
    [19/07/12 19:51] [b]Zleiphneir:[/b]sec change
    [19/07/12 19:51] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]from*
    [19/07/12 19:51] [b]Zleiphneir:[/b]dim lighting...
    [19/07/12 19:51] [b]*Peace*:[/b]Hermaphodes? Or something?
    [19/07/12 19:51] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]that way you both think apart
    [19/07/12 19:51] [b]Nimrodel:[/b]err
    [19/07/12 19:51] [b]Demaclese XIII:[/b]well i suppose we can move at least..
    [19/07/12 19:51] [b]Nimrodel:[/b]You still didnt answer the question
    [19/07/12 19:52] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]I guess I broke a record
    [19/07/12 19:52] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]the most consecutive kills
    [19/07/12 19:52] [b]Valldore Nal:[/b]You failed to hurt me !
    [19/07/12 19:52] [b]Nimrodel:[/b]BFH >>
    [19/07/12 19:52] [b]:[/b][color=#305681][i]*Peace* goes over lashtal's body.[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 19:52] [b]:[/b][color=#305681][i]AmberRune pokes Vall 'cuz she can now[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 19:52] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]ok
    [19/07/12 19:52] [b]Nimrodel:[/b]You are still avoiding >>
    [19/07/12 19:52] [b]*Peace*:[/b]At least now it's official...
    [19/07/12 19:52] [b]:[/b][color=#305681][i]Valldore Nal gives Amber a big hug[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 19:52] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]they both pmed their options
    [19/07/12 19:52] [b]:[/b][color=#305681][i]Nimrodel glomps Val and amber together[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 19:53] [b]Nimrodel:[/b]BFH
    [19/07/12 19:53] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]Eon picked A
    [19/07/12 19:53] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]ignnus B
    [19/07/12 19:53] [b]Nimrodel:[/b]He's ignoring me ><
    [19/07/12 19:53] [b]Valldore Nal:[/b]Join my army and lets take MD !
    [19/07/12 19:53] [b]*Peace*:[/b]I go with C still...
    [19/07/12 19:53] [b]:[/b][color=#305681][i]Zleiphneir salutes General Val[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 19:53] [b]Demaclese XIII:[/b]SHOUTS: All hail val the grandfather ghost!
    [19/07/12 19:53] [b]:[/b][color=#305681][i]Shemhazaj quietly decomposes[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 19:54] [b]:[/b][color=#305681][i]Nimrodel chuckles looking at shem[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 19:54] [b]:[/b][color=#305681][i]*Peace* goes back to her holes and covers them with sand.[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 19:54] [b]:[/b][color=#305681][i]lashtal joins the dead army.[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 19:54] [b]AmberRune:[/b]Peace?
    [19/07/12 19:54] [b]*Peace*:[/b] [color=#305681]*[i]places one flower on each hole.[/i]*[/color] Aye?
    [19/07/12 19:54] [b]Nimrodel:[/b]I died in my swimsuit O_O
    [19/07/12 19:55] [b]AmberRune:[/b]Being dead sucks
    [19/07/12 19:55] [b]Valldore Nal:[/b]Wellcome aboard my friends !
    [19/07/12 19:55] [b]Nimrodel:[/b]_._
    [19/07/12 19:55] [b]Valldore Nal:[/b]O come on Amber, you don't mean that
    [19/07/12 19:55] [b]*Peace*:[/b] [color=#305681]*[i]grins.[/i]*[/color] I know! Isn't that lovely?
    [19/07/12 19:55] [b]Zleiphneir:[/b]Ghoat army...with swinsuit mascot! Join Now!
    [19/07/12 19:55] [b]Zleiphneir:[/b]s*
    [19/07/12 19:55] [b]*Peace*:[/b]Nim, you are lucky. Shem died with a full bladder...
    [19/07/12 19:55] [b]:[/b][color=#305681][i]Nimrodel glares at the lazy Goat[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 19:55] [b]:[/b][color=#305681][i]Nimrodel chuckles[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 19:55] [b]:[/b][color=#305681][i]Valldore Nal laughs[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 19:55] [b]Shemhazaj:[/b]Ghoat = ghost of goat
    [19/07/12 19:56] [b]Nimrodel:[/b]
    [19/07/12 19:56] [b]Demaclese XIII:[/b]We will die for our dear nim..... hang on .... we r alrewady dead
    [19/07/12 19:56] [b]Nimrodel:[/b]Why will you die for me? >>
    [19/07/12 19:56] [b]Zleiphneir:[/b]dont glare at me...glare at people who havent signed up yet
    [19/07/12 19:57] [b]Demaclese XIII:[/b]u r our swimsuit wearing mascot..
    [19/07/12 19:57] [b]Valldore Nal:[/b]We will fight for honor and Glory, and if needed die for that !!!! So we can't lose !!!!
    [19/07/12 19:57] [b]Shemhazaj:[/b]damn... now that I died I need to rethink my religious beliefs...
    [19/07/12 19:57] [b]:[/b][color=#305681][i]Nimrodel tackles the goat and pulls his Goatee[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 19:57] [b]ignnus:[/b]lol Phantom
    [19/07/12 19:57] [b]AmberRune:[/b]Hey! There are 2 members of my team here! Time to play with that anagram
    [19/07/12 19:57] [b]:[/b][color=#305681][i]Zleiphneir cheers for the general[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 19:58] [b]Nimrodel:[/b]><
    [19/07/12 19:58] [b]:[/b][color=#999999][i]ignnus failed to cast a spell[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 19:58] [b]Nimrodel:[/b]you are supposed to wince in pain ><
    [19/07/12 19:58] [b]:[/b][color=#FF9900][b][Spell][/b] [i]nerdesin *BFH Lightning*[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 19:58] [b]Zleiphneir:[/b]im being tackled by a dee dee in a swim suit? legen...dary.
    [19/07/12 19:58] [b]Nimrodel:[/b]not cheer for the general
    [19/07/12 19:58] [b]Nimrodel:[/b]_._
    [19/07/12 19:58] [b]:[/b][color=#305681][i]Zleiphneir cheers for the general again[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 19:59] [b]:[/b][color=#305681][i]Nimrodel threatens with a fist[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 19:59] [b]Valldore Nal:[/b]All hail the Ghost Army !
    [19/07/12 19:59] [b]Demaclese XIII:[/b]guys how long will it take for us to decompose?
    [19/07/12 19:59] [b]Zleiphneir:[/b] [color=#305681]*[i]nods at amberrune[/i]*[/color] no time limits, as many guesses as you want and as much support from others as you want too
    [19/07/12 19:59] [b]*Peace*:[/b]What happened with the son?
    [19/07/12 19:59] [b]Nimrodel:[/b]I blame the serial killer for making a murderer out of me
    [19/07/12 19:59] [b]Valldore Nal:[/b]We won't find out , bfh is not here
    [19/07/12 19:59] [b]Valldore Nal:[/b] ([color=#888888][i]actually he is here, but he is not[/i][/color])
    [19/07/12 20:00] [b]*Peace*:[/b]Daydreemer...
    [19/07/12 20:00] [b]:[/b][color=#1D6D94][i]Zyrxae passed Sawdust to BFH Lightning[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 20:00] [b]Valldore Nal:[/b]I told you, he is here
    [19/07/12 20:00] [b]Demaclese XIII:[/b]well i would like to be resurrected..
    [19/07/12 20:00] [b]Zyrxae:[/b]True that
    [19/07/12 20:01] [b]*Peace*:[/b]All in its good time...
    [19/07/12 20:01] [b]Valldore Nal:[/b]I still hold his papers So i can go where he is
    [19/07/12 20:01] [b]*Peace*:[/b]I didn't even heard a thank you for your graves...
    [19/07/12 20:01] [b]Nimrodel:[/b]I'm hungry.. can ghosts feel hungry?
    [19/07/12 20:01] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]ok
    [19/07/12 20:01] [b]Valldore Nal:[/b]You never made any for me
    [19/07/12 20:01] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]back after a killing nightmare
    [19/07/12 20:02] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]a. Why haven’t you come to visit me during all this years? You are a guard you were near!
    [19/07/12 20:02] [b]*Peace*:[/b]Yours is waiting for you at the cemetary, dear. [color=#305681]*[i]grins.[/i]*[/color]
    [19/07/12 20:02] [b]ignnus:[/b]that was fast
    [19/07/12 20:02] [b]Valldore Nal:[/b]Cool !! I never had any of those
    [19/07/12 20:02] [b]Valldore Nal:[/b]i've been there, but missed the sign
    [19/07/12 20:02] [b]Zleiphneir:[/b]the ghost army does not concern itself with thanks for graves.
    [19/07/12 20:03] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]Noticing some flaws on SK immediately answered:
    [19/07/12 20:03] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]not a dead end one
    [19/07/12 20:03] [b]*Peace*:[/b]Pff.
    [19/07/12 20:03] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]next was b
    [19/07/12 20:03] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]b. Where’s your mother?
    [19/07/12 20:03] [b]Valldore Nal:[/b]I second that Z
    [19/07/12 20:03] [b]:[/b][color=#305681][i]Zleiphneir salutes his general[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 20:04] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]Ha… You know better than anyone that I hate her. She helped putting me in jail and now I hate you as well. You stopped him and try to appeal to his feeling. SK Killed you.
    [19/07/12 20:04] [b]*Peace*:[/b]Ha!
    [19/07/12 20:04] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]however eon haven't finished my quest
    [19/07/12 20:04] [b]:[/b][color=#305681][i]*Peace* starts digging another hole.[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 20:04] [b]Eon:[/b].
    [19/07/12 20:04] [b]Nimrodel:[/b]lol
    [19/07/12 20:05] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]he must answer all the other questions in order to capture the Serial Killer
    [19/07/12 20:05] [b]*Peace*:[/b]What would be if one chose option C?
    [19/07/12 20:05] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]bye ignnus
    [19/07/12 20:05] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]c was
    [19/07/12 20:05] [b]ignnus:[/b]cya
    [19/07/12 20:05] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]Do you love me?
    [19/07/12 20:05] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]As you said yes, SK interrupted you: “Words just words. I like actions and you demonstrated no love during these years. No I hate you. SK Killed him.
    [19/07/12 20:05] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]dead end
    [19/07/12 20:05] [b]Valldore Nal:[/b]Ignnus Join the Ghost Army !
    [19/07/12 20:05] [b]*Peace*:[/b]So much for family bonds...
    [19/07/12 20:06] [b]lashtal:[/b]Hurray for ignnus!
    [19/07/12 20:06] [b]Zleiphneir:[/b]we have a swinsuit clad mascot
    [19/07/12 20:06] [b]Valldore Nal:[/b]Cousins ment nothing to him ........
    [19/07/12 20:06] [b]Nimrodel:[/b]>>
    [19/07/12 20:06] [b]:[/b][color=#305681][i]Phantom Orchid abracadabra[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 20:06] [b]Valldore Nal:[/b]He blames his father for his actions.... what bonds are you talking about ...................
    [19/07/12 20:07] [b]:[/b][color=#305681][i]Nimrodel throws a fist in Z's face[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 20:07] [b]:[/b][color=#999999][i]*BFH Lightning* failed to cast a spell[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 20:07] [b]:[/b][color=#FF9900][b][Spell][/b] [i]Lightning stroke ignnus[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 20:07] [b]Demaclese XIII:[/b]and she is strong and cute
    [19/07/12 20:07] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]eon
    [19/07/12 20:07] [b]Zleiphneir:[/b] [color=#305681]*[i]does krab mcgal[/i]*[/color] I shall spare you...for you wear a swimsuit.
    [19/07/12 20:07] [b]Nimrodel:[/b]><
    [19/07/12 20:08] [b]ignnus:[/b] ([color=#888888][i]that tickles[/i][/color])
    [19/07/12 20:08] [b]Eon:[/b].
    [19/07/12 20:08] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]a. Why haven’t you come to visit me during all this years? You are a guard you were near! Noticing some flaws on SK immediately answered:
    [19/07/12 20:08] [b]:[/b][color=#FF9900][b][Spell][/b] [i]Shimmering shadows surround gonzalocsdf[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 20:08] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]A. My job. We have rules and if I contacted you they would leave me without a work and leave my family and kids without a home.
    [19/07/12 20:09] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]B. I hate you for what you did to me and my family now you dare to try and kill me?
    [19/07/12 20:09] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]pick your option eon
    [19/07/12 20:09] [b]Eon:[/b]A
    [19/07/12 20:10] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]correct
    [19/07/12 20:10] [b]Eon:[/b].
    [19/07/12 20:10] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]SK immediately answered You have kids? Can I see them? You replied: “Yes but with one condition, please surrender” With tears in his face SK agreed
    [19/07/12 20:10] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]you are up to second round
    [19/07/12 20:10] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]please pick the player you wish to revive
    [19/07/12 20:10] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]if any
    [19/07/12 20:10] [b]:[/b][color=#305681][i]lashtal asks MasterB to share some..[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 20:10] [b]Zleiphneir:[/b]that serial killer needs some serious counsiling.
    [19/07/12 20:11] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]option b was
    [19/07/12 20:11] [b]Nimrodel:[/b]=))
    [19/07/12 20:11] [b]Eon:[/b]None
    [19/07/12 20:11] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]Suddenly another guard entered and you the distraction he caused SK killed you and him and ran away.
    [19/07/12 20:11] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]lol sorry guys
    [19/07/12 20:11] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]eon hate you all
    [19/07/12 20:11] [b]:[/b][color=#305681][i]Falronn wants some also[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 20:11] [b]Nimrodel:[/b]eh? >>
    [19/07/12 20:12] [b]Nimrodel:[/b]so eon is dead too?
    [19/07/12 20:12] [b]Nimrodel:[/b]so eon is dead too?
    [19/07/12 20:12] [b]Nimrodel:[/b]oh
    [19/07/12 20:12] [b]Zyrxae:[/b]Bfh, jumping to conclusions..
    [19/07/12 20:12] [b]Nimrodel:[/b]BFH
    [19/07/12 20:12] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]next stage requires some interaction
    [19/07/12 20:12] [b]Nimrodel:[/b]epic
    [19/07/12 20:13] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]Eon you must interract with the serial killer and try to capture him
    [19/07/12 20:13] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]if you don't fall into his traps you are up to the 3rd and last round
    [19/07/12 20:13] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]very easy one
    [19/07/12 20:13] [b]Eon:[/b].
    [19/07/12 20:14] [b]*Peace*:[/b]Dan dan dan daaaaaan!
    [19/07/12 20:14] [b]Nimrodel:[/b]serial killers usually have a code and specifications while murdering people.. no one watches dexter? >>
    [19/07/12 20:14] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]so now pick the initial option and we improvise with it NOTE that you must
    [19/07/12 20:14] [b]:[/b][color=#305681][i]Maebius chuckles[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 20:15] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]stay more or less from the same path you already picked
    [19/07/12 20:15] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]ready?
    [19/07/12 20:15] [b]Maebius:[/b] ([color=#888888][i]is not really here, MD openes when I launch browser... [color=#305681]*[i]makes spooky sounds[/i]*[/color] [/i][/color])
    [19/07/12 20:15] [b]Nimrodel:[/b].
    [19/07/12 20:15] [b]Eon:[/b].
    [19/07/12 20:15] [b]:[/b][color=#1D6D94][i]gonzalocsdf passed Rainbow candy to Nimrodel[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 20:15] [b]Shemhazaj:[/b]Nim... and doctors have tests done in 1 night, no one watches House M.D.?
    [19/07/12 20:15] [b]Nimrodel:[/b]i answered for eon
    [19/07/12 20:16] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]Using the feelings on your favor you tried to manipulate SK. Without reinforcements all the pressure was over you, but you were doing great.
    [19/07/12 20:16] [b]:[/b][color=#1D6D94][i]gonzalocsdf passed Rainbow candy to Nimrodel[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 20:16] [b]:[/b][color=#1D6D94][i]gonzalocsdf passed Rainbow candy to Nimrodel[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 20:16] [b]:[/b][color=#1D6D94][i]gonzalocsdf passed Rainbow candy to Nimrodel[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 20:16] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]Suddenly something happened that destroyed the hopes of SK and your plan: A. What Happened? B. I Surrender Kill ME
    [19/07/12 20:16] [b]:[/b] *awht h?padnpee*
    [19/07/12 20:16] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b] ([color=#888888][i]that's a forced option for him to improvise[/i][/color])
    [19/07/12 20:17] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]you decide which line to pick eon
    [19/07/12 20:17] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]we will improvise after any of them
    [19/07/12 20:17] [b]Nimrodel:[/b]meh..
    [19/07/12 20:18] [b]:[/b] *braek the s!lceien*
    [19/07/12 20:18] [b]Eon:[/b]A
    [19/07/12 20:18] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]ok
    [19/07/12 20:18] [b]Nimrodel:[/b]Ima make myself some cup noodles >>
    [19/07/12 20:19] [b]Valldore Nal:[/b]You are dead , remember? You don't need noodles ..........
    [19/07/12 20:19] [b]Shemhazaj:[/b]yes, you need BRAAAAAINZ!
    [19/07/12 20:19] [b]Sunfire:[/b]no winner yet?
    [19/07/12 20:20] [b]Valldore Nal:[/b]don't say brains in front of me ........
    [19/07/12 20:20] [b]Nimrodel:[/b]even the dead feel hungry.. b\never heard of vampires?
    [19/07/12 20:20] [b]Shemhazaj:[/b]no, no winner, only noodles
    [19/07/12 20:20] [b]Valldore Nal:[/b]Me Sunfire !
    [19/07/12 20:20] [b]Valldore Nal:[/b]I have my Army !
    [19/07/12 20:20] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]As SK fell into the feelings, the guard's plan got destroyed the prison guards appeared and ...
    [19/07/12 20:20] [b]Valldore Nal:[/b]Had no idea that in order to get a Ghost Army all you had to do was ask
    [19/07/12 20:21] [b]Zleiphneir:[/b]join the ghost army
    [19/07/12 20:21] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]A. SK noticing he was surronded and without hope surrendered.
    [19/07/12 20:21] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]B. SK noticing he was surrounded tried to escape
    [19/07/12 20:21] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]pick eon
    [19/07/12 20:22] [b]Eon:[/b]A
    [19/07/12 20:24] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]as the guards surrounded SK, he abruptally moved in a desperate try to Kill you he said: You betrayed me. The guards:
    [19/07/12 20:24] [b]:[/b][color=#1D6D94][i]gonzalocsdf passed Rainbow candy to Nimrodel[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 20:24] [b]:[/b][color=#1D6D94][i]gonzalocsdf passed Rainbow candy to Nimrodel[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 20:25] [b]:[/b][color=#1D6D94][i]gonzalocsdf passed Rainbow candy to Nimrodel[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 20:25] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]A. Let him hurt you and escape B. shot him Killing him
    [19/07/12 20:25] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]note
    [19/07/12 20:25] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]this option unlocks or not stage 3 final one
    [19/07/12 20:26] [b]*Peace*:[/b]Dan dan dan daaaaaan!
    [19/07/12 20:26] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]pick eon
    [19/07/12 20:26] [b]Eon:[/b]B
    [19/07/12 20:27] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]okay you picked your option
    [19/07/12 20:27] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]and you failed your mission
    [19/07/12 20:27] [b]*Peace*:[/b]Ha! [color=#305681]*[i]starts digging another hole, whistling.[/i]*[/color]
    [19/07/12 20:27] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]instructions said
    [19/07/12 20:27] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]You must find out what got wrong with the Serial Killer’s plan and use it in your favor to trap him and bring him back ALIVE to his cell.
    [19/07/12 20:28] [b]*Peace*:[/b]Join the dead side... we have vookies!
    [19/07/12 20:28] [b]Sunfire:[/b]wookies?
    [19/07/12 20:28] [b]Valldore Nal:[/b]Join the Ghost Army !
    [19/07/12 20:28] [b]Zleiphneir:[/b]we have an army, and a swimsuit clad mascot.
    [19/07/12 20:28] [b]AmberRune:[/b]Cookies!
    [19/07/12 20:28] [b]darkraptor:[/b]what's a vookie?
    [19/07/12 20:28] [b]lashtal:[/b]wookies too.. tainted ones
    [19/07/12 20:28] [b]Valldore Nal:[/b] ([color=#888888][i]unless ofc the rest have obsections [/i][/color])
    [19/07/12 20:28] [b]*Peace*:[/b]You never heard of vookies?
    [19/07/12 20:28] [b]*Peace*:[/b]Infidels...
    [19/07/12 20:29] [b]darkraptor:[/b]lol
    [19/07/12 20:29] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]so nobody completed my quest...
    [19/07/12 20:29] [b]:[/b][color=#305681][i]Nimrodel slurps her ramen[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 20:29] [b]Valldore Nal:[/b]My army is almost done Dark !
    [19/07/12 20:29] [b]*Peace*:[/b]I am still alive. Sort of...
    [19/07/12 20:29] [b]:[/b][color=#999999][i]*BFH Lightning* failed to cast a spell[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 20:29] [b]:[/b][color=#305681][i]Shemhazaj rests in peace[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 20:29] [b]darkraptor:[/b]you got a FINE addition.. now it's invencible
    [19/07/12 20:29] [b]:[/b][color=#305681][i]Shemhazaj blinks to Peace[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 20:29] [b]Eon:[/b].
    [19/07/12 20:29] [b]:[/b][color=#FF9900][b][Spell][/b] [i]Lightning stroke Eon[/i][/color]


    [center]Unfortunately NOBODY won my quest.[/center]

    [center]Eon was the one who finished most of it but didn't reached stage three the easiest one.[/center]
    [center]I'll see what reward I can give him For now he got a chaotic boost stone.[/center]

    [center]Third Stage was solving this puzzle finding the message and do as it said[/center]


    [center]Message said to go to GoE find a stone and enter "I AM ALIVE"[/center]

    [center]that ended the quest.[/center]

    [center]For all those bodies we did a ceremony were *Peace* spoke with the Death and got them back to life[/center]

    [center]For this I must thank *Peace*:[/center]

    [center][log= Revival Ceremony][/center]

    [19/07/12 20:49] [b]:[/b][color=#305681][i]*Peace* prepares the graves for the incoming corpses, placing stacks of wood everywhere.[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 20:53] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]ok I'll open jump link
    [19/07/12 20:53] [b]:[/b][color=#305681][i]*Peace* nods.[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 20:54] [b]:[/b][color=#FF9900][b][Spell][/b] [i]Portal of Light Cemetary Ceremony[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 20:55] [b]:[/b][color=#305681][i]Avaritia nods to Peace[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 20:55] [b]Valldore Nal:[/b]Boo
    [19/07/12 20:55] [b]*Peace*:[/b] [color=#305681]*[i]smiles to Ava.[/i]*[/color] Welcome.
    [19/07/12 20:56] [b]Nimrodel:[/b]*steps down
    [19/07/12 20:56] [b]Avaritia:[/b]I suppose I have been to Necrovion, now...
    [19/07/12 20:56] [b]AmberRune:[/b]Yays!
    [19/07/12 20:56] [b]:[/b][color=#305681][i]Zleiphneir stands with the general[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 20:56] [b]:[/b][color=#305681][i]Nimrodel settles on one of the graves[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 20:56] [b]*Peace*:[/b]In one of its places, yes.
    [19/07/12 20:57] [b]*Peace*:[/b] ([color=#888888][i]let me roll a few smokes to be ready.[/i][/color])
    [19/07/12 20:57] [b]Valldore Nal:[/b] ([color=#888888][i]lol [/i][/color])
    [19/07/12 20:57] [b]:[/b][color=#305681][i]Avaritia nods[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 20:58] [b]:[/b][color=#305681][i]Sunfire stands at the other side of the general[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 20:58] [b]:[/b][color=#999999][i]*BFH Lightning* failed to cast a spell[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 20:58] [b]:[/b][color=#FF9900][b][Spell][/b] [i]Portal of Light Cemetery Ceremony[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 20:59] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]ups worng spell
    [19/07/12 20:59] [b]:[/b][color=#305681][i]Falronn laughs[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 20:59] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]now how do we remove one...
    [19/07/12 20:59] [b]Demaclese XIII:[/b]i want one of those creature
    [19/07/12 20:59] [b]:[/b][color=#305681][i]Avaritia smiles[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 20:59] [b]Shemhazaj:[/b]2 portals
    [19/07/12 21:00] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]if i try to remove it there might be a chance for 3 to appear..
    [19/07/12 21:00] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]bad bad
    [19/07/12 21:00] [b]:[/b] [i]Falronn collects memorystone and sand as a byproduct[/i]
    [19/07/12 21:00] [b]Shemhazaj:[/b] 2 os ok then
    [19/07/12 21:00] [b]Shemhazaj:[/b]is*
    [19/07/12 21:00] [b]AmberRune:[/b]In case you prefer the left portal to here or the right portal to here. Options are nice
    [19/07/12 21:00] [b]:[/b][color=#305681][i]Avaritia waves to ignnus[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 21:00] [b]ignnus:[/b]Hey there
    [19/07/12 21:00] [b]Falronn:[/b]So... A ceremony?
    [19/07/12 21:01] [b]:[/b] [i]*MRAlyon* collects memorystone[/i]
    [19/07/12 21:01] [b]Nimrodel:[/b]Alyon. I thought stones were not to be depleted more than half..
    [19/07/12 21:01] [b]JadenDew:[/b]Nyu~!
    [19/07/12 21:01] [b]:[/b][color=#305681][i]JadenDew lands next to Peace[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 21:02] [b]:[/b][color=#305681][i]*Peace* smiles to Jaden.[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 21:02] [b]*MRAlyon*:[/b]I worng...:-) shem told me 3/3 and didn't looked to chat
    [19/07/12 21:02] [b]Falronn:[/b]He likes to break that rule sometimes. So did yrthilian.
    [19/07/12 21:02] [b]:[/b][color=#305681][i]Avaritia nods to JadenDew[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 21:02] [b]*Peace*:[/b]Don't worry Alyon, they will grow back.
    [19/07/12 21:02] [b]*MRAlyon*:[/b]appeans nim
    [19/07/12 21:02] [b]Nimrodel:[/b]
    [19/07/12 21:02] [b]JadenDew:[/b]hyu~ u lied Peacey.. they don't seem dead [color=#305681]*[i]sulksulk[/i]*[/color]
    [19/07/12 21:02] [b]*MRAlyon*:[/b]happens
    [19/07/12 21:02] [b]*Peace*:[/b]Besides, not many visit the cemetary.
    [19/07/12 21:02] [b]Shemhazaj:[/b]lol, I didn't notice someone took one
    [19/07/12 21:02] [b]*MRAlyon*:[/b]shemmy:-)
    [19/07/12 21:02] [b]*Peace*:[/b]They are, Jaden.
    [19/07/12 21:02] [b]*Peace*:[/b]Most are ghosts.
    [19/07/12 21:02] [b]Sunfire:[/b]falronn was quicker
    [19/07/12 21:02] [b]JadenDew:[/b]o.o
    [19/07/12 21:02] [b]Eon:[/b].
    [19/07/12 21:03] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]we are missing deads in here
    [19/07/12 21:03] [b]JadenDew:[/b]Shemshem! what did u do..
    [19/07/12 21:03] [b]Shemhazaj:[/b]what? I'm dead I don't notice as many things as I used to
    [19/07/12 21:03] [b]:[/b][color=#305681][i]Nimrodel clings to Jaden from behind[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 21:03] [b]:[/b][color=#305681][i]Zleiphneir awaits instruction from the general[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 21:03] [b]JadenDew:[/b]Hi Nimmy~
    [19/07/12 21:03] [b]AmberRune:[/b]Heys Jaden, you like the Ghost Army?
    [19/07/12 21:03] [b]Shemhazaj:[/b]for example I'm not sure if my bladder is full now or not...
    [19/07/12 21:03] [b]Zleiphneir:[/b]no man-handling the mascot!
    [19/07/12 21:03] [b]Sunfire:[/b]it was full...
    [19/07/12 21:03] [b]Nimrodel:[/b]O_o
    [19/07/12 21:03] [b]JadenDew:[/b]an army of dead things~? Sure [color=#305681]*[i]eyes goes BLING[/i]*[/color]
    [19/07/12 21:03] [b]Zleiphneir:[/b]Im watching you JadenDew....
    [19/07/12 21:04] [b]:[/b][color=#1D6D94][i]Falronn passed Sand to JadenDew[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 21:04] [b]Valldore Nal:[/b]The Ghost Army !
    [19/07/12 21:04] [b]JadenDew:[/b]nyu~?
    [19/07/12 21:04] [b]Nimrodel:[/b]SHE is WOMAN handling me Z
    [19/07/12 21:04] [b]Shemhazaj:[/b]I know it was... can soneone brave check the beach? [color=#305681]*[i]laughs[/i]*[/color]
    [19/07/12 21:04] [b]*MRAlyon*:[/b]Peace can I try your shovel one time please?
    [19/07/12 21:04] [b]Valldore Nal:[/b]You are wellcome to join, if you ever meet the requirements
    [19/07/12 21:04] [b]Zleiphneir:[/b]that's worse!
    [19/07/12 21:04] [b]Ars Alchemy:[/b]I'll go
    [19/07/12 21:04] [b]*MRAlyon*:[/b]I will give you a coagulator until return for try it
    [19/07/12 21:04] [b]JadenDew:[/b]Ignnie~
    [19/07/12 21:04] [b]*Peace*:[/b]It isn't mine to give, Alyon.
    [19/07/12 21:04] [b]Nimrodel:[/b]=.=
    [19/07/12 21:05] [b]*Peace*:[/b]Unless there is a bone shovel around...
    [19/07/12 21:05] [b]:[/b][color=#305681][i]Nimrodel holds Jaden protectively[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 21:05] [b]*MRAlyon*:[/b]then cone collection
    [19/07/12 21:05] [b]:[/b][color=#FF9900][b][Spell][/b] [i]@Sunfire, Shemhazaj, Zleiphneir, AmberRune, Phantom Orchid, Nimrodel, Valldore Nal, Demaclese XIII, Zyrxae, lashtal, Eon, ignnus[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 21:05] [b]Eon:[/b].
    [19/07/12 21:05] [b]JadenDew:[/b]So... [color=#305681]*[i]glance at Peace[/i]*[/color] when did we get so many ghostly guests~?
    [19/07/12 21:05] [b]Zleiphneir:[/b]our Mascot protects you....
    [19/07/12 21:06] [b]Valldore Nal:[/b]She must be special
    [19/07/12 21:06] [b]Nimrodel:[/b] ([color=#888888][i]lol Z... [/i][/color])
    [19/07/12 21:06] [b]*Peace*:[/b]A while ago.
    [19/07/12 21:06] [b]Zleiphneir:[/b]Yes Sir!
    [19/07/12 21:06] [b]Valldore Nal:[/b]That's why , if she ever meets a certain condition, she can join
    [19/07/12 21:06] [b]Nimrodel:[/b]She's cute and innocent
    [19/07/12 21:06] [b]JadenDew:[/b]What have Peacey been playing with? [color=#305681]*[i]giggles[/i]*[/color]
    [19/07/12 21:06] [b]Nimrodel:[/b]O_O
    [19/07/12 21:06] [b]:[/b][color=#305681][i]*Peace* grins.[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 21:06] [b]*Peace*:[/b]Only with the finest stuff!
    [19/07/12 21:06] [b]Valldore Nal:[/b]That's perfect ! She just misses the little-dead part
    [19/07/12 21:06] [b]Nimrodel:[/b]I'll try my best to make sure she doesnt meet that condition Val
    [19/07/12 21:07] [b]:[/b][color=#305681][i]Zleiphneir nods and leaves JadenDew to her ways[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 21:07] [b]Valldore Nal:[/b]hhhmmm
    [19/07/12 21:07] [b]Nimrodel:[/b]><
    [19/07/12 21:07] [b]Valldore Nal:[/b]Why is that ? She would be most wellcome with us !
    [19/07/12 21:07] [b]Nimrodel:[/b]I dont want her to be dead ><
    [19/07/12 21:07] [b]Falronn:[/b]I want to be dead...
    [19/07/12 21:07] [b]:[/b][color=#305681][i]Nimrodel huggles Jaden[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 21:07] [b]AmberRune:[/b]No you don't
    [19/07/12 21:08] [b]:[/b][color=#305681][i]JadenDew attempts to poke ghostly Shemhazaj[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 21:08] [b]:[/b][color=#305681][i]Shemhazaj hugs Jaden[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 21:08] [b]Valldore Nal:[/b]Don't see it as dead, see it as a new perception of life
    [19/07/12 21:08] [b]Shemhazaj:[/b]BRAAAAINZ!
    [19/07/12 21:08] [b]Zleiphneir:[/b]Take Falronn as ours!
    [19/07/12 21:08] [b]JadenDew:[/b]I told you not to eat too many crickets
    [19/07/12 21:08] [b]AmberRune:[/b]Kinda like your new perception of time?
    [19/07/12 21:08] [b]Nimrodel:[/b]No thank you.. [color=#305681]*[i]protects Jaden with her spork[/i]*[/color]
    [19/07/12 21:08] [b]Nimrodel:[/b]No thank you.. [color=#305681]*[i]protects Jaden with her spork[/i]*[/color]
    [19/07/12 21:09] [b]Nimrodel:[/b]Wasnt there supposed to be a ceremony?
    [19/07/12 21:09] [b]Shemhazaj:[/b]did you just spork me?
    [19/07/12 21:09] [b]Valldore Nal:[/b]You have shown great loyalty and respect Nimrodel, so your wish will be respected !
    [19/07/12 21:09] [b]JadenDew:[/b]Shemshem~ you a ghost.. not a zombie.. get it right~!
    [19/07/12 21:09] [b]Nimrodel:[/b]Also val
    [19/07/12 21:09] [b]Nimrodel:[/b]THe said person didnt log on today right?
    [19/07/12 21:09] [b]:[/b][color=#305681][i]Nicola LaJardiniere hisses[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 21:09] [b]Valldore Nal:[/b]So, did Z said something about taking Falronn ?
    [19/07/12 21:10] [b]Valldore Nal:[/b] ([color=#888888][i]ofc not !!![/i][/color])
    [19/07/12 21:10] [b]Shemhazaj:[/b]"This corpse will soon decompose if not resurected." I ain't ghost, I'm decomposing
    [19/07/12 21:10] [b]JadenDew:[/b]Lala-sensei~ [color=#305681]*[i]wavewaves[/i]*[/color]
    [19/07/12 21:10] [b]:[/b][color=#305681][i]*Peace* places her hand on Nicola's shoulder, holding gently.[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 21:10] [b]Valldore Nal:[/b] ([color=#888888][i]i would have informed immediatly[/i][/color])
    [19/07/12 21:10] [b]Nicola LaJardiniere:[/b]What are these... beings doing here?
    [19/07/12 21:10] [b]Eon:[/b].
    [19/07/12 21:10] [b]JadenDew:[/b]being dead i guess~
    [19/07/12 21:10] [b]Sunfire:[/b]partying
    [19/07/12 21:10] [b]Valldore Nal:[/b]Who is that ?
    [19/07/12 21:11] [b]Falronn:[/b]Where's the party? I want my booze.
    [19/07/12 21:11] [b]Zleiphneir:[/b]Falronn said he wanted to join us, Sir
    [19/07/12 21:11] [b]Valldore Nal:[/b]He doesn't meet the requirements nessecery .
    [19/07/12 21:11] [b]Falronn:[/b]Sure.
    [19/07/12 21:11] [b]Falronn:[/b]Is that a short joke Valldore?
    [19/07/12 21:11] [b]*Peace*:[/b]They are here to be burried, Nicola.
    [19/07/12 21:11] [b]Valldore Nal:[/b]Are any close to a little-bit-dead situation ?
    [19/07/12 21:11] [b]Zleiphneir:[/b] ([color=#888888][i]lmao[/i][/color])
    [19/07/12 21:12] [b]Nicola LaJardiniere:[/b] [color=#305681]*[i]nods[/i]*[/color] So be it.
    [19/07/12 21:12] [b]Valldore Nal:[/b]*Are you
    [19/07/12 21:12] [b]Falronn:[/b]Me?
    [19/07/12 21:12] [b]Valldore Nal:[/b]Yeah
    [19/07/12 21:13] [b]Valldore Nal:[/b]You don't seem dead to my eyes
    [19/07/12 21:13] [b]Falronn:[/b]Um... My liver has had a fair share of abuse.
    [19/07/12 21:13] [b]Eon:[/b].
    [19/07/12 21:13] [b]JadenDew:[/b] [color=#305681]*[i]pokes Nicola[/i]*[/color] Where had you been~?
    [19/07/12 21:13] [b]Valldore Nal:[/b]I am afraid is not enough in order to join the Ghost Army
    [19/07/12 21:14] [b]Sunfire:[/b]general, Eon, from our army has the necessary tool to fix that
    [19/07/12 21:14] [b]:[/b][color=#305681][i]Falronn frowns[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 21:14] [b]Valldore Nal:[/b]It's not the correct time for our streangth to be shown
    [19/07/12 21:14] [b]:[/b][color=#305681][i]Avaritia waves to Eon[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 21:14] [b]Sunfire:[/b]your army, excuse me
    [19/07/12 21:14] [b]Valldore Nal:[/b]I believe that when the time comes, everyone will do their duty
    [19/07/12 21:15] [b]:[/b][color=#305681][i]Avaritia sits down near the severed arm[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 21:16] [b]:[/b][color=#305681][i]*Peace* puts on her ceremonial cloak.[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 21:16] [b]Zleiphneir:[/b]Eon has not officially agreed to sign up
    [19/07/12 21:16] [b]Valldore Nal:[/b]I think he said "."
    [19/07/12 21:16] [b]Zleiphneir:[/b]though dead he may be
    [19/07/12 21:16] [b]Valldore Nal:[/b]Right Eon ?
    [19/07/12 21:16] [b]Zleiphneir:[/b]yes he said "." but he didnt say "." to confirm
    [19/07/12 21:17] [b]Sunfire:[/b]well, let him speak now
    [19/07/12 21:17] [b]Nimrodel:[/b] [color=#305681]*[i]sits next to Vall[/i]*[/color] Shougun san
    [19/07/12 21:17] [b]Valldore Nal:[/b]Then i guess i will place a questionmark next to his name, until he confirms .
    [19/07/12 21:18] [b]Avaritia:[/b]He's gone.
    [19/07/12 21:18] [b]:[/b][color=#305681][i]Avaritia smiles at Lashtal[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 21:18] [b]Nimrodel:[/b]Am I a part of your army?
    [19/07/12 21:18] [b]Nimrodel:[/b]Am I a part of your army?
    [19/07/12 21:19] [b]Valldore Nal:[/b]I don't get the question Nim .....
    [19/07/12 21:19] [b]:[/b][color=#305681][i]*Peace* places the stacks of wood in an order along the graves.[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 21:19] [b]Valldore Nal:[/b]Your place in the army was arranged before your totall-death experience
    [19/07/12 21:19] [b]Nimrodel:[/b]I mean.. can I fight as a warrior if needed?
    [19/07/12 21:20] [b]Nimrodel:[/b]>>
    [19/07/12 21:20] [b]Valldore Nal:[/b]Ofc you can
    [19/07/12 21:20] [b]Valldore Nal:[/b]You've shown to be a fierce young lady-ghost when you want !
    [19/07/12 21:20] [b]Shemhazaj:[/b]you surely can distract enemies in that swimsuit... [color=#305681]*[i]winks[/i]*[/color]
    [19/07/12 21:20] [b]Valldore Nal:[/b] [color=#305681]*[i]smiles[/i]*[/color] That too
    [19/07/12 21:21] [b]Sunfire:[/b]shouldnt maeb and fyrd be here as well?
    [19/07/12 21:21] [b]Valldore Nal:[/b] ([color=#888888][i]we jumped, we were not teleported[/i][/color])
    [19/07/12 21:22] [b]*Burns*:[/b]Very crowded for a graceyard...
    [19/07/12 21:22] [b]Falronn:[/b]Hello Burns.
    [19/07/12 21:22] [b]Nimrodel:[/b]Lot of people died today
    [19/07/12 21:22] [b]Valldore Nal:[/b]Hello Burns
    [19/07/12 21:22] [b]:[/b][color=#305681][i]*Peace* nods to Burns.[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 21:22] [b]Sunfire:[/b]burns [color=#305681]*[i]nods[/i]*[/color]
    [19/07/12 21:22] [b]*Peace*:[/b]I was just looking for some spark...
    [19/07/12 21:22] [b]:[/b][color=#305681][i]Valldore Nal gives a creepy chilling ghostly big hug to Burns[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 21:23] [b]Valldore Nal:[/b]Did you enjoyed it ?
    [19/07/12 21:23] [b]:[/b][color=#FF9900][b][Spell][/b] [i]lit[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 21:24] [b]*Burns*:[/b]Nim already hugged me like that... and yes, i do. :3
    [19/07/12 21:24] [b]:[/b][color=#305681][i]Nimrodel grins and continues hugging her boss[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 21:24] [b]Valldore Nal:[/b]That's what i thought [color=#305681]*[i]winks[/i]*[/color]
    [19/07/12 21:25] [b]Falronn:[/b]Nobody's killed me yet. I'm going back to Golemus.
    [19/07/12 21:25] [b]*Peace*:[/b]Burns, will you stay?
    [19/07/12 21:25] [b]:[/b][color=#1D6D94][i]Falronn passed Memory stone to Eon[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 21:25] [b]AmberRune:[/b]Aw, why Falronn?
    [19/07/12 21:25] [b]:[/b][color=#305681][i]Junior nods[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 21:26] [b]*Burns*:[/b]For a while... If only to look at you, sweetheart
    [19/07/12 21:26] [b]Demaclese XIII:[/b]umm has the ceremony been conducted yet?
    [19/07/12 21:26] [b]*Peace*:[/b]Rawrr!
    [19/07/12 21:26] [b]:[/b][color=#1D6D94][i]*MasterB* enchanted a Memory stone into a Teleport Papercabin stone[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 21:26] [b]Falronn:[/b]... I guess I can stay...
    [19/07/12 21:26] [b]Sunfire:[/b]i wonder if i could become a dead protector
    [19/07/12 21:26] [b]*Peace*:[/b]I have work here though, I won't be much of an eye candy today.
    [19/07/12 21:26] [b]JadenDew:[/b]Not yet Dem~
    [19/07/12 21:27] [b]Eon:[/b].
    [19/07/12 21:27] [b]Zleiphneir:[/b]maybe you need to try harder to die..
    [19/07/12 21:27] [b]Falronn:[/b]Like... piss of Eon?
    [19/07/12 21:27] [b]Falronn:[/b]I think Eon loves me though.
    [19/07/12 21:27] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b] ([color=#888888][i]burnsy forum help please: You have posted a message with more emoticons than this community allows. Please reduce the number of emoticons you've added to the message[/i][/color])
    [19/07/12 21:28] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b] ([color=#888888][i]I need to post logs[/i][/color])
    [19/07/12 21:28] [b]Shemhazaj:[/b] ([color=#888888][i]LOL[/i][/color])
    [19/07/12 21:28] [b]Zleiphneir:[/b] ([color=#888888][i]piss of eon and piss off eon mean very different things...[/i][/color])
    [19/07/12 21:28] [b]Falronn:[/b] ([color=#888888][i]nice[/i][/color])
    [19/07/12 21:28] [b]JadenDew:[/b] ([color=#888888][i] o.o [/i][/color])
    [19/07/12 21:28] [b]Falronn:[/b] ([color=#888888][i]typo, I don't correct those most of the time[/i][/color])
    [19/07/12 21:28] [b]*Burns*:[/b] ([color=#888888][i]split it in two posts, i'll run some magic and merge them.[/i][/color])
    [19/07/12 21:28] [b]Sunfire:[/b] ([color=#888888][i]do both[/i][/color])
    [19/07/12 21:31] [b]Princ Rhaegar:[/b]Will be back
    [19/07/12 21:31] [b]Princ Rhaegar:[/b]need to check on Nimrodel
    [19/07/12 21:31] [b]*Peace*:[/b]Reggy!
    [19/07/12 21:31] [b]:[/b][color=#305681][i]Shemhazaj haunts Rhaegar[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 21:32] [b]*Peace*:[/b]And I was looking for a torch!
    [19/07/12 21:32] [b]:[/b][color=#305681][i]JadenDew wonders if zombies haunt now..[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 21:33] [b]:[/b][color=#305681][i]JadenDew pokes ghost-zombie Shemhazaj with the tip of the umbrella to check[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 21:33] [b]:[/b][color=#305681][i]*Peace* begins picking up each body carefully and places them on the wooden stacks.[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 21:33] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b] ([color=#888888][i]doesn't want to post burns... second part >>[/i][/color])
    [19/07/12 21:33] [b]Shemhazaj:[/b]you'll get the dead man's blood on the umbrela if you keep poking me...
    [19/07/12 21:34] [b]Ars Alchemy:[/b]Location viscosity: -80 ([color=#888888][i]Action Points cost bonus for land loyalty is 0[/i][/color]) Territory: Golemus Golemicarum Coord: 1_-2x-3_1 Tags: Sanctuary Available Resources: 10/20 Water
    [19/07/12 21:34] [b]JadenDew:[/b]Sorry ><
    [19/07/12 21:34] [b]:[/b][color=#305681][i]JadenDew stops poking[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 21:34] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b] ([color=#888888][i]i pmd it to you[/i][/color])
    [19/07/12 21:34] [b]:[/b][color=#305681][i]*Peace* hands a hankerchief to Jaden.[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 21:34] [b]:[/b][color=#305681][i]Avaritia gives a note to Junior[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 21:34] [b]:[/b][color=#305681][i]Shemhazaj continues to decompose[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 21:34] [b]:[/b][color=#305681][i]JadenDew takes the hanky to wipe off the blood[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 21:36] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]afk 15 mins
    [19/07/12 21:36] [b]:[/b][color=#305681][i]Junior reads and replies[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 21:37] [b]:[/b][color=#305681][i]Shemhazaj is bored to death[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 21:38] [b]JadenDew:[/b] [color=#305681]*[i]giggles[/i]*[/color] you are dead
    [19/07/12 21:39] [b]Shemhazaj:[/b]hm... true...
    [19/07/12 21:39] [b]*Peace*:[/b]It is time...
    [19/07/12 21:39] [b]AmberRune:[/b]yays?
    [19/07/12 21:39] [b]:[/b][color=#305681][i]*Peace* makes sure all bodies are set.[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 21:40] [b]:[/b][color=#305681][i]Avaritia holds hands with the severed arm[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 21:40] [b]Shemhazaj:[/b]I still vote for maggots...
    [19/07/12 21:41] [b]Princ Rhaegar:[/b]SHOUTS: Who wants corpses in flames?!
    [19/07/12 21:41] [b]:[/b][color=#305681][i]Princ Rhaegar prepares his torch and fuel[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 21:41] [b]*Peace*:[/b] [color=#305681]*[i]turns to the living.[/i]*[/color] If you wish to see your friends alive, pray for them...
    [19/07/12 21:41] [b]Sunfire:[/b]me, i wish to be burned
    [19/07/12 21:41] [b]Falronn:[/b]Burn it down!
    [19/07/12 21:41] [b]*Burns*:[/b]No problem...
    [19/07/12 21:41] [b]Shemhazaj:[/b]I'm not cold...
    [19/07/12 21:41] [b]*Burns*:[/b]Any specific wishes?
    [19/07/12 21:41] [b]:[/b][color=#305681][i]JadenDew begins humming a slow quiet tune from her corner[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 21:41] [b]*Peace*:[/b]Last wishes actually.
    [19/07/12 21:41] [b]Princ Rhaegar:[/b]You shall be purified by fire and water!
    [19/07/12 21:42] [b]:[/b][color=#305681][i]Princ Rhaegar starts to inflame Sunfire[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 21:42] [b]Sunfire:[/b]no water! i hatez water!
    [19/07/12 21:42] [b]*Peace*:[/b]It has began...
    [19/07/12 21:42] [b]:[/b][color=#305681][i]Princ Rhaegar starts to inflame Zyrxae[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 21:42] [b]Shemhazaj:[/b]ain't it too late for last wishes?
    [19/07/12 21:42] [b]:[/b][color=#305681][i]Princ Rhaegar starts to inflame Phantom Orchid[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 21:43] [b]Junior:[/b] ([color=#888888][i]now accepting lumber donations[/i][/color])
    [19/07/12 21:43] [b]Princ Rhaegar:[/b]Who else seeks purification?
    [19/07/12 21:43] [b]AmberRune:[/b]o.O Fire!
    [19/07/12 21:43] [b]:[/b][color=#305681][i]Princ Rhaegar starts to inflame AmberRune[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 21:43] [b]:[/b][color=#305681][i]AmberRune always considered following pyro tendencies[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 21:43] [b]Shemhazaj:[/b]hm... no chances for purification by maggots?
    [19/07/12 21:44] [b]Princ Rhaegar:[/b] [color=#305681]*[i]eyes wide[/i]*[/color] Burn!
    [19/07/12 21:44] [b]:[/b][color=#305681][i]Falronn silently plants the Golemus Golemicarum flag into the ground[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 21:44] [b]:[/b][color=#305681][i]Princ Rhaegar starts to inflame Shemhazaj[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 21:44] [b]Sunfire:[/b] [color=#305681]*[i]looks at his burning body[/i]*[/color] so thats how it looks...
    [19/07/12 21:44] [b]Falronn:[/b] [color=#305681]*[i]whispers to Burns[/i]*[/color] Lets claim this land...
    [19/07/12 21:44] [b]:[/b][color=#305681][i]Princ Rhaegar starts to inflame the Golemus flag[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 21:44] [b]Princ Rhaegar:[/b]Oh wait...
    [19/07/12 21:44] [b]Shemhazaj:[/b]hey! [color=#305681]*[i]sniffs[/i]*[/color] I smell like bbq....
    [19/07/12 21:44] [b]Valldore Nal:[/b]Burn it down, who need that weak vessel anyway ?
    [19/07/12 21:44] [b]:[/b][color=#305681][i]JadenDew wonders if she should toss a spark in the flag's direction[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 21:44] [b]:[/b][color=#FF9900][b][Spell][/b] [i]Live, take life; the same Sunfire, Zyrxae, Phantom Orchid, Amberrune, Shemhazaj[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 21:44] [b]:[/b][color=#305681][i]Princ Rhaegar starts to inflame Valldore Nal[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 21:45] [b]Falronn:[/b]Eh. Plenty more where that came from.
    [19/07/12 21:45] [b]Nimrodel:[/b].
    [19/07/12 21:45] [b]:[/b][color=#305681][i]Princ Rhaegar starts to inflame Nimrodel[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 21:45] [b]AmberRune:[/b]Life up in flames
    [19/07/12 21:45] [b]ignnus:[/b]me please
    [19/07/12 21:46] [b]Shemhazaj:[/b] [color=#305681]*[i]waves to Yala[/i]*[/color] hey there! I'm kinda burning now so I won't hug you...
    [19/07/12 21:46] [b]Princ Rhaegar:[/b] [color=#305681]*[i]laughs manically[/i]*[/color] Burn, burn, burn...
    [19/07/12 21:46] [b]:[/b][color=#305681][i]Nicola LaJardiniere hisses[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 21:46] [b]:[/b][color=#305681][i]Princ Rhaegar starts to inflame Ignnus[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 21:46] [b]Sunfire:[/b]you scared her away
    [19/07/12 21:46] [b]*Peace*:[/b]There are more corspes...
    [19/07/12 21:47] [b]:[/b][color=#305681][i]Nimrodel moves closer to Burns slightly afraid[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 21:47] [b]:[/b][color=#FF9900][b][Spell][/b] [i]lit Princ Rhaegar[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 21:47] [b]ignnus:[/b]here,have some too
    [19/07/12 21:47] [b]:[/b][color=#305681][i]JadenDew continues her humming[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 21:47] [b]Yala Sviseusen:[/b]Why is everyone dead?? Shem, why are you on fire?
    [19/07/12 21:47] [b]:[/b][color=#FF9900][b][Spell][/b] [i]Live, take life; the same Nimrodel, Ignnus[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 21:47] [b]Princ Rhaegar:[/b]My hair is on fire, my hair is on fire, my hair is on fire! [color=#305681]*[i]runs around[/i]*[/color]
    [19/07/12 21:47] [b]:[/b][color=#305681][i]Princ Rhaegar laughs manically in pain[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 21:48] [b]Shemhazaj:[/b]coz they didn't let maggots eat me... [color=#305681]*[i]hmpf[/i]*[/color]
    [19/07/12 21:48] [b]:[/b][color=#305681][i]Nicola LaJardiniere walks into the crypt[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 21:48] [b]*Peace*:[/b]Reggy! Don't stop now! There are more left!
    [19/07/12 21:48] [b]Princ Rhaegar:[/b]Who, who?
    [19/07/12 21:49] [b]:[/b][color=#305681][i]Princ Rhaegar jumps around with his torch[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 21:49] [b]*Peace*:[/b]Z, the Black Knight, lashtal.. [color=#305681]*[i]points their corpses.[/i]*[/color]
    [19/07/12 21:49] [b]Yala Sviseusen:[/b]They better not have let maggots eat you! This is great! First time I see you in months and you're dead and on fire..
    [19/07/12 21:49] [b]*Peace*:[/b]Dema.
    [19/07/12 21:49] [b]:[/b][color=#305681][i]Yala Sviseusen sits next to a gravestone[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 21:50] [b]:[/b][color=#305681][i]Princ Rhaegar starts to inflame Zleiphneir and Eon[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 21:50] [b]Princ Rhaegar:[/b]Lashtal is already in flames, don't you see?
    [19/07/12 21:50] [b]Princ Rhaegar:[/b]But just in case
    [19/07/12 21:50] [b]:[/b][color=#305681][i]Princ Rhaegar starts to inflame Lashtal again[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 21:50] [b]*Peace*:[/b]Hush!
    [19/07/12 21:50] [b]Shemhazaj:[/b]yeah... bit awkward isn't it?
    [19/07/12 21:50] [b]:[/b][color=#305681][i]Princ Rhaegar starts to inflame Demaclese XIII[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 21:50] [b]Princ Rhaegar:[/b]BE PURIFIED!
    [19/07/12 21:50] [b]Valldore Nal:[/b]My loyal soldiers, denounce those weak vessels, they are not ...... [color=#305681]*[i]starts to feel a little strange ........[/i]*[/color]
    [19/07/12 21:50] [b]Princ Rhaegar:[/b]EMBRACE THE FIRE!
    [19/07/12 21:50] [b]Shemhazaj:[/b]at least we didn't say "till death do us apart" [color=#305681]*[i]winks[/i]*[/color]
    [19/07/12 21:51] [b]Princ Rhaegar:[/b]now the watering part...
    [19/07/12 21:51] [b]:[/b][color=#305681][i]Princ Rhaegar prepares to mark his territory[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 21:51] [b]:[/b][color=#FF9900][b][Spell][/b] [i]Live, take life; the same Eon, Zleiphneir, lashtal, Demaclese XIII[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 21:51] [b]Princ Rhaegar:[/b]Or... better not.
    [19/07/12 21:51] [b]:[/b][color=#305681][i]Yala Sviseusen smiles at Shemhazaj and watches the strange spectacle[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 21:51] [b]Shemhazaj:[/b] [color=#305681]*[i]looks at Rhaegar[/i]*[/color] I'm still medium rare...
    [19/07/12 21:51] [b]:[/b][color=#305681][i]*Peace* kneels to the ground and prays for the dead.[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 21:51] [b]*Peace*:[/b] ([color=#888888][i]lol[/i][/color])
    [19/07/12 21:51] [b]Sunfire:[/b]no water here, remember
    [19/07/12 21:52] [b]:[/b][color=#305681][i]Zleiphneir is still haunty[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 21:52] [b]:[/b][color=#305681][i]JadenDew hums quietly[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 21:53] [b]Shemhazaj:[/b]We didn't start the fire!
    [19/07/12 21:53] [b]Shemhazaj:[/b]www.youtube.com/watch?v=eFTLKWw542g
    [19/07/12 21:53] [b]Yala Sviseusen:[/b] ([color=#888888][i]lol[/i][/color])
    [19/07/12 21:53] [b]Princ Rhaegar:[/b]I'm the firestarter!
    [19/07/12 21:53] [b]JadenDew:[/b] ([color=#888888][i] [color=#305681]*[i]giggles[/i]*[/color] links dont like shemshems[/i][/color])
    [19/07/12 21:53] [b]Sunfire:[/b]no you're not
    [19/07/12 21:53] [b]Valldore Nal:[/b]. [color=#305681]*[i]That heat around starting to calm his mind, this intoxicating warm reaching to his very ..... soul ??? .....[/i]*[/color]
    [19/07/12 21:53] [b]AmberRune:[/b]No, Fire Starter is the fire starter =P
    [19/07/12 21:53] [b]:[/b][color=#305681][i]Falronn laughs[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 21:54] [b]:[/b][color=#305681][i]*Peace* chants.[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 21:54] [b]Shemhazaj:[/b] ([color=#888888][i]no... ><[/i][/color])
    [19/07/12 21:54] [b]Princ Rhaegar:[/b]Fine then. I'm the firestartaaaar
    [19/07/12 21:54] [b]Yala Sviseusen:[/b]But Rhaegar are you fear addicted, danger illustrated?
    [19/07/12 21:55] [b]Princ Rhaegar:[/b]Why can't I just be a simple man who likes the title and the music, and doesn't know anything about the lyrics? Why there must be depth?
    [19/07/12 21:55] [b]Avaritia:[/b] ([color=#888888][i]Should we all chant around the fires and dance?[/i][/color])
    [19/07/12 21:56] [b]Princ Rhaegar:[/b] ([color=#888888][i]yes, it is an imperative![/i][/color])
    [19/07/12 21:56] [b]:[/b][color=#305681][i]Yala Sviseusen laughs[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 21:56] [b]:[/b][color=#305681][i]*Peace* stands back to her feet and starts walking through the flames.[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 21:57] [b]Shemhazaj:[/b] [[url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Adgx9wt63NY"]Video link[/url]]
    [19/07/12 21:57] [b]Shemhazaj:[/b] ([color=#888888][i]yay![/i][/color])
    [19/07/12 21:57] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]back
    [19/07/12 21:57] [b]*Peace*:[/b]The time for resting is done. The grave cannot hold you. The Tomb cannot hold you. The Shades cannot hold you.
    [19/07/12 21:57] [b]:[/b][color=#FF9900][b][Spell][/b] [i]Arise[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 21:58] [b]*Peace*:[/b]The time of dying is over. Your flesh cannot hold you. Your will cannot hold you. Your urn cannot hold you.
    [19/07/12 21:58] [b]Princ Rhaegar:[/b]BURN!
    [19/07/12 21:58] [b]:[/b][color=#FF9900][b][Spell][/b] [i]Arise[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 21:58] [b]*Peace*:[/b]The time of freedom is over. Your spirit cannot hold you. Your wishes cannot hold you. Your blood cannot hold you.
    [19/07/12 21:58] [b]:[/b][color=#FF9900][b][Spell][/b] [i]Arise[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 21:59] [b]*Peace*:[/b]My bidding is your bidding. My will is your will. My action is your action. I command you:
    [19/07/12 21:59] [b]:[/b][color=#FF9900][b][Spell][/b] [i]Arise[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 22:00] [b]:[/b][color=#FF9900][b][Spell][/b] [i]Blessing of Pure Light and Life Sunfire, Shemhazaj, Zleiphneir, AmberRune, Phantom Orchid, Nimrodel, Demaclese XIII, Zyrxae, lashtal, Eon, ignnus, lashtal[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 22:00] [b]Avaritia:[/b]You...have a reviving spell?
    [19/07/12 22:00] [b]ignnus:[/b] ([color=#888888][i]heh I'm back at last[/i][/color])
    [19/07/12 22:01] [b]:[/b][color=#305681][i]*Peace* drops on the ground.[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 22:01] [b]Princ Rhaegar:[/b]That was BFH the almighty!
    [19/07/12 22:01] [b]:[/b][color=#305681][i]ignnus catches her[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 22:02] [b]:[/b][color=#305681][i]Valldore Nal tries to call one last time on his fellow guardians, the members of the Ghost Army... but nothing comes out..... complete silence ....[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 22:02] [b]JadenDew:[/b]Nyu~! Peacey okay? [color=#305681]*[i]pokes worriedly[/i]*[/color]
    [19/07/12 22:02] [b]Valldore Nal:[/b] ([color=#888888][i] [/i][/color])
    [19/07/12 22:02] [b]:[/b][color=#305681][i]*Peace* blinks exhausted.[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 22:02] [b]:[/b][color=#305681][i]*BFH Lightning* gives Peace some tea[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 22:02] [b]:[/b][color=#305681][i]Avaritia frowns[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 22:03] [b]Princ Rhaegar:[/b]But... but...
    [19/07/12 22:03] [b]Princ Rhaegar:[/b]What happened to my fires?
    [19/07/12 22:03] [b]:[/b][color=#305681][i]JadenDew fans Peace[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 22:03] [b]:[/b][color=#305681][i]*Peace* shakes her head at the tea, feeling tired and looks around.[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 22:04] [b]Princ Rhaegar:[/b]It's time for revival celebration! French gypsies! Yey!
    [19/07/12 22:04] [b]Princ Rhaegar:[/b] [[url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YIsvDI4lQmM&feature"]Video link[/url]]
    [19/07/12 22:04] [b]:[/b][color=#305681][i]*Peace* whispers quietly, 'Are they all back?'[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 22:04] [b]:[/b][color=#305681][i]JadenDew nods[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 22:04] [b]AmberRune:[/b]Most of us are
    [19/07/12 22:05] [b]:[/b][color=#305681][i]*Peace* whispers, 'Who isn't?'[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 22:05] [b]AmberRune:[/b]Vall's still down =/
    [19/07/12 22:05] [b]:[/b][color=#305681][i]Valldore Nal starts to feel an empyness inside, no streangth at all to reply, not even sure if he heard what she said[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 22:05] [b]JadenDew:[/b]Oops.. missed one
    [19/07/12 22:05] [b]:[/b][color=#305681][i]Yala Sviseusen perks up at the mention of gypsies[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 22:05] [b]:[/b][color=#305681][i]Princ Rhaegar starts to inflame Valldore Nal[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 22:05] [b]Shemhazaj:[/b]hello [color=#305681]*[i]waves[/i]*[/color]
    [19/07/12 22:05] [b]JadenDew:[/b]Hrm.. surely we can keep one~?
    [19/07/12 22:05] [b]Princ Rhaegar:[/b]he didn't fry that good
    [19/07/12 22:05] [b]:[/b][color=#305681][i]JadenDew giggles[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 22:05] [b]*Peace*:[/b] [color=#305681]*[i]holds on to ignuus, slowly getting back to her feet.[/i]*[/color] He is beyond our reach, I am afraid...
    [19/07/12 22:06] [b]:[/b][color=#305681][i]Shemhazaj smiles and hugs Yala[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 22:06] [b]:[/b][color=#305681][i]Yala Sviseusen pounces on Shem and gives him a giant hug[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 22:06] [b]JadenDew:[/b]So~ we get to keep him~!
    [19/07/12 22:06] [b]Sunfire:[/b] [[url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=It7107ELQvY"]Video link[/url]]
    [19/07/12 22:06] [b]*Peace*:[/b] [color=#305681]*[i]turns to Valldore Nal's spirit.[/i]*[/color] My apologies... but your death was different...
    [19/07/12 22:07] [b]Nightbane Strongarm:[/b]evening
    [19/07/12 22:07] [b]:[/b][color=#1D6D94][i]Axel Keravnos passed Silver coin to Peace[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 22:07] [b]:[/b][color=#305681][i]Valldore Nal tries to answer in anger, the same kind of anger was feeling him just the time the Army started to grow.....[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 22:07] [b]:[/b][color=#1D6D94][i]Axel Keravnos passed Silver coin to Peace[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 22:08] [b]*Peace*:[/b]There is something binding you with death that links to others. It is them who will bring you back to life...
    [19/07/12 22:08] [b]:[/b][color=#1D6D94][i]Axel Keravnos passed Silver coin to Peace[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 22:08] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b] [color=#305681]*[i]whispers[/i]*[/color] Val spirit only hope rest in his team...
    [19/07/12 22:08] [b]Valldore Nal:[/b]. [color=#305681]*[i]nothing.[/i]*[/color]
    [19/07/12 22:08] [b]:[/b][color=#1D6D94][i]Axel Keravnos passed Silver coin to Peace[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 22:08] [b]:[/b][color=#1D6D94][i]Axel Keravnos passed Bones to Peace[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 22:08] [b]:[/b][color=#1D6D94][i]Axel Keravnos passed Silver coin to Peace[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 22:08] [b]:[/b][color=#1D6D94][i]Axel Keravnos passed Silver coin to Peace[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 22:08] [b]:[/b][color=#1D6D94][i]Axel Keravnos passed Silver coin to Peace[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 22:08] [b]:[/b][color=#1D6D94][i]Axel Keravnos passed Silver coin to Peace[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 22:08] [b]:[/b][color=#1D6D94][i]Axel Keravnos passed Silver coin to Peace[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 22:08] [b]*Peace*:[/b] [color=#305681]*[i]nods to Axel.[/i]*[/color] The bones, I get but the silver?
    [19/07/12 22:08] [b]:[/b][color=#1D6D94][i]JadenDew passed Rainbow candy to Valldore Nal[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 22:09] [b]Nightbane Strongarm:[/b]so why was everyone murdered?
    [19/07/12 22:09] [b]Shemhazaj:[/b]serial killer...
    [19/07/12 22:09] [b]Nightbane Strongarm:[/b]cool
    [19/07/12 22:09] [b]Axel Keravnos:[/b] [color=#305681]*[i]He raises his brow slightly and then offers Peace a small smile[/i]*[/color] I told you if I had too much of something I would share it with you.
    [19/07/12 22:09] [b]:[/b][color=#1D6D94][i]*BFH Lightning* passed Flowers to valldore nal[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 22:10] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]I can only give... Flowers to the dead...
    [19/07/12 22:10] [b]:[/b][color=#305681][i]*Peace* nods thankfully in silence.[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 22:10] [b]Valldore Nal:[/b] ([color=#888888][i]when i was looking them for that chest quest, where were they ? [/i][/color])
    [19/07/12 22:10] [b]:[/b][color=#305681][i]*Peace* waves Jaden's orb around Shemhazaj.[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 22:11] [b]:[/b][color=#305681][i]Shemhazaj looks at the orb[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 22:12] [b]:[/b][color=#305681][i]Yala Sviseusen watches Peace curiously[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 22:12] [b]Nightbane Strongarm:[/b]... [color=#305681]*[i]considers touching the orb[/i]*[/color]
    [19/07/12 22:12] [b]Shemhazaj:[/b]erm... whatchya doin'?
    [19/07/12 22:13] [b]*Peace*:[/b]Healing you.
    [19/07/12 22:13] [b]Shemhazaj:[/b]I do feel good tho...
    [19/07/12 22:13] [b]:[/b][color=#1D6D94][i]Axel Keravnos passed Gold coin to Phantom Orchid[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 22:14] [b]:[/b][color=#1D6D94][i]Axel Keravnos passed Silver coin to Phantom Orchid[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 22:14] [b]Shemhazaj:[/b]not bbq anymore and not decomposing...
    [19/07/12 22:14] [b]*Peace*:[/b]I am making you feel even better.. [color=#305681]*[i]smiles softly[/i]*[/color]
    [19/07/12 22:14] [b]:[/b][color=#1D6D94][i]Axel Keravnos passed Silver coin to Phantom Orchid[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 22:14] [b]Phantom Orchid:[/b] Who deras ditursb my dh?aet! ...hic ...
    [19/07/12 22:14] [b]:[/b][color=#1D6D94][i]Axel Keravnos passed Silver coin to Phantom Orchid[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 22:14] [b]:[/b][color=#1D6D94][i]Axel Keravnos passed Silver coin to Phantom Orchid[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 22:14] [b]:[/b][color=#1D6D94][i]Axel Keravnos passed Silver coin to Phantom Orchid[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 22:14] [b]:[/b][color=#1D6D94][i]Axel Keravnos passed Silver coin to Phantom Orchid[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 22:14] [b]:[/b][color=#305681][i]*BFH Lightning* pokes PoE till dead[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 22:15] [b]Yala Sviseusen:[/b] [color=#305681]*[i]slips her hand in Shem's and smiles softly[/i]*[/color] And thankfully so..
    [19/07/12 22:15] [b]:[/b][color=#1D6D94][i]Axel Keravnos passed Silver coin to Phantom Orchid[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 22:15] [b]:[/b][color=#305681][i]Avaritia wonders where all this silver comes from[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 22:15] [b]:[/b][color=#1D6D94][i]Axel Keravnos passed Silver coin to Phantom Orchid[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 22:15] [b]Phantom Orchid:[/b] Oh my waht do we hvae heer?
    [19/07/12 22:15] [b]:[/b][color=#305681][i]Nightbane Strongarm sneezes[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 22:15] [b]:[/b][color=#1D6D94][i]Axel Keravnos passed Weaken stone to Avaritia[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 22:15] [b]Phantom Orchid:[/b] II fell aelesp dunrk on aa baot in Gmosleu, and ...hic ... woke up aeivl!
    [19/07/12 22:15] [b]:[/b][color=#1D6D94][i]Axel Keravnos passed Silver coin to Phantom Orchid[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 22:15] [b]Avaritia:[/b] [color=#305681]*[i]nods[/i]*[/color] Thank you
    [19/07/12 22:16] [b]:[/b][color=#1D6D94][i]Axel Keravnos passed Silver coin to Phantom Orchid[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 22:16] [b]Phantom Orchid:[/b] Is this what hpenpas when II gvie all my coin and roesuercs a?ayw!
    [19/07/12 22:16] [b]Nightbane Strongarm:[/b]yes
    [19/07/12 22:17] [b]Avaritia:[/b]Oh, look! Fire Starter
    [19/07/12 22:17] [b]Phantom Orchid:[/b] Who will snig aa song wtih me?! ...hic ...
    [19/07/12 22:17] [b]Avaritia:[/b]And Fire Startaaaaar
    [19/07/12 22:17] [b]Avaritia:[/b]Or something of that sort
    [19/07/12 22:17] [b]:[/b][color=#305681][i]*Peace* waves the orb around Zyrxae.[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 22:17] [b]Nightbane Strongarm:[/b]i can try!
    [19/07/12 22:17] [b]:[/b][color=#1D6D94][i]lashtal passed Bone Shovel to Neno Veliki[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 22:17] [b]Avaritia:[/b] ([color=#888888][i]How do I access my player log?[/i][/color])
    [19/07/12 22:18] [b]Phantom Orchid:[/b] My haet!! I'ts all geon!
    [19/07/12 22:18] [b]Nightbane Strongarm:[/b]and now we gonna sing a terrible song
    [19/07/12 22:18] [b]Shemhazaj:[/b] ([color=#888888][i]there's "L" under your name[/i][/color])
    [19/07/12 22:18] [b]:[/b] *lawks oevr to sacmk ngiatbhne but flals orve*
    [19/07/12 22:18] [b]:[/b][color=#1D6D94][i]Avaritia passed Heat stone to Phantom Orchid[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 22:18] [b]Avaritia:[/b] ([color=#888888][i]Don't see it.[/i][/color])
    [19/07/12 22:18] [b]Shemhazaj:[/b] ([color=#888888][i]how old are you? active days[/i][/color])
    [19/07/12 22:18] [b]Fire Starter:[/b] ([color=#888888][i]you need to age a bit more to do so[/i][/color])
    [19/07/12 22:18] [b]Nightbane Strongarm:[/b] ([color=#888888][i]then you probly dont have enough active days[/i][/color])
    [19/07/12 22:19] [b]Phantom Orchid:[/b] (vahe to have 40 ...hic ... (i tnhki) aicvte dsay)
    [19/07/12 22:19] [b]Avaritia:[/b] ([color=#888888][i]Just K doc, papers, inventory, and achievements[/i][/color])
    [19/07/12 22:19] [b]*Peace*:[/b] ([color=#888888][i]you will once you 21 days old[/i][/color])
    [19/07/12 22:19] [b]Shemhazaj:[/b] ([color=#888888][i]21[/i][/color])
    [19/07/12 22:19] [b]Yala Sviseusen:[/b] ([color=#888888][i]40 active days[/i][/color])
    [19/07/12 22:19] [b]Avaritia:[/b] ([color=#888888][i]Ah okay. I'm 11 days[/i][/color])
    [19/07/12 22:19] [b]Nightbane Strongarm:[/b] [color=#305681]*[i]picks up phantom orchid[/i]*[/color] you should be more careful
    [19/07/12 22:19] [b]Phantom Orchid:[/b] Cufreal is neevr fnu!
    [19/07/12 22:19] [b]Yala Sviseusen:[/b] ([color=#888888][i]21, I thought it was like 45.. o.O[/i][/color])
    [19/07/12 22:19] [b]:[/b][color=#305681][i]*Peace* waves the orb around lashtal.[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 22:20] [b]Nightbane Strongarm:[/b] [color=#305681]*[i]double blinks[/i]*[/color] i have no idea what you just said!
    [19/07/12 22:20] [b]:[/b][color=#1D6D94][i]Phantom Orchid passed Glass of white wine to Avaritia[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 22:20] [b]Phantom Orchid:[/b] Care to jion me?
    [19/07/12 22:20] [b]Axel Keravnos:[/b]I need someone to worship, however none of the current mp6 are worthy of all the heat I can generate. I guess I will just wait.. [color=#305681]*[i]He sighs and shakes his head[/i]*[/color]
    [19/07/12 22:20] [b]Avaritia:[/b]I'm not sure if that's a good idea...
    [19/07/12 22:20] [b]Avaritia:[/b]But, why not?
    [19/07/12 22:21] [b]Phantom Orchid:[/b] Grdevyaars wree made for gtnetig drnuk in *iemssl*
    [19/07/12 22:21] [b]*Peace*:[/b]Thank you, Axel.
    [19/07/12 22:21] [b]Nightbane Strongarm:[/b]orchid has a point, there also good for digging up food
    [19/07/12 22:21] [b]Avaritia:[/b]Were they?
    [19/07/12 22:21] [b]:[/b][color=#305681][i]Avaritia drinks the wine[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 22:22] [b]Nightbane Strongarm:[/b]were means used too...but there still are...so no?
    [19/07/12 22:22] [b]Axel Keravnos:[/b] [color=#305681]*[i]He looks up and smiles at Peace[/i]*[/color] Wait, you are worshipable.. However I really can't because of an issue I can't seem to get over. Forgive me.
    [19/07/12 22:22] [b]*Peace*:[/b]It is your call.
    [19/07/12 22:22] [b]:[/b] *yanws*
    [19/07/12 22:22] [b]Avaritia:[/b] Wnie maeks me se.yl.pe.
    [19/07/12 22:22] [b]*Peace*:[/b]When one worships me, it is me they worship and what I represent.
    [19/07/12 22:23] [b]:[/b][color=#305681][i]Nightbane Strongarm thinks...yea i dont plan on ever worshiping anyone[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 22:23] [b]*Peace*:[/b]Not the land, not the badge, not my people.
    [19/07/12 22:23] [b]*Peace*:[/b]I guess it varies for everyone...
    [19/07/12 22:24] [b]Phantom Orchid:[/b] Oooh *cwrals bnihed Z*
    [19/07/12 22:24] [b]Sunfire:[/b] [color=#305681]*[i]nods[/i]*[/color] protectors look beyond that as well, we help anyone, no matter land, age etc
    [19/07/12 22:25] [b]Phantom Orchid:[/b] The pterocotr ssytem is ...hic ... boekr, aopotdehd uesd to mean smiegthno!
    [19/07/12 22:25] [b]Junior:[/b]i wouldnt
    [19/07/12 22:25] [b]Junior:[/b]i agree with orchid
    [19/07/12 22:25] [b]Nightbane Strongarm:[/b]wouldnt what?
    [19/07/12 22:25] [b]Avaritia:[/b] II cn'at wrihsop
    [19/07/12 22:25] [b]Avaritia:[/b] Resu..l.
    [19/07/12 22:26] [b]:[/b][color=#305681][i]Valldore Nal some whispers reach his ears, "help anyone" , yet wonders, any help coming towards his side ............[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 22:26] [b]Junior:[/b]i would discriminate to who i helped
    [19/07/12 22:26] [b]*Peace*:[/b]Drunk people... [color=#305681]*[i]shakes her head slowly.[/i]*[/color]
    [19/07/12 22:26] [b]Axel Keravnos:[/b]Yet you still do represent them.
    [19/07/12 22:27] [b]:[/b][color=#305681][i]Zleiphneir wonders why he has a dreamweaver behind him[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 22:27] [b]Zleiphneir:[/b]no picking on the drunk people.
    [19/07/12 22:27] [b]:[/b][color=#305681][i]Nightbane Strongarm wonder if this is about to become debate[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 22:27] [b]Nightbane Strongarm:[/b]whats wrong with the drunk?
    [19/07/12 22:27] [b]*Peace*:[/b]They make no sence sometimes..
    [19/07/12 22:28] [b]Nightbane Strongarm:[/b]ahh nothing wrong with a little nonsense
    [19/07/12 22:28] [b]Zleiphneir:[/b]rubbish
    [19/07/12 22:28] [b]Nightbane Strongarm:[/b]course we could always throw Z off a cliff for fun
    [19/07/12 22:28] [b]:[/b][color=#305681][i]Shemhazaj pokes Yala[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 22:28] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]I can bring alcohol if anybody wants
    [19/07/12 22:29] [b]Zleiphneir:[/b]that isnt really relevant
    [19/07/12 22:29] [b]Zleiphneir:[/b]but if you have issues then yea....sure...why not...
    [19/07/12 22:29] [b]Nightbane Strongarm:[/b]i dont have issues i just have a warped sense of humor
    [19/07/12 22:29] [b]Zleiphneir:[/b]means you have to guard Tree though
    [19/07/12 22:29] [b]Zleiphneir:[/b]all the time.
    [19/07/12 22:29] [b]Junior:[/b]its not that far of a dro Z
    [19/07/12 22:29] [b]Demaclese XIII:[/b]some alcohol would be nice..
    [19/07/12 22:29] [b]Junior:[/b]drop*
    [19/07/12 22:30] [b]Nightbane Strongarm:[/b] [color=#305681]*[i]thinks[/i]*[/color] yea i can live with that
    [19/07/12 22:30] [b]Junior:[/b]not for a goat at least
    [19/07/12 22:30] [b]Zleiphneir:[/b]thats what they all say....then they let Tree down.
    [19/07/12 22:30] [b]Zleiphneir:[/b]dont say it if you dont mean it.
    [19/07/12 22:30] [b]:[/b][color=#305681][i]*Peace* waves her orb around redneck.[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 22:30] [b]Nightbane Strongarm:[/b]i mean it, i could live with it
    [19/07/12 22:30] [b]Nightbane Strongarm:[/b]dosnt mean i will lve with it
    [19/07/12 22:31] [b]:[/b][color=#1D6D94][i]Phantom Orchid passed Glass of white wine to dEmAcLeSe xIiI[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 22:31] [b]:[/b][color=#FF9900][b][Spell][/b] [i]@Statue Hall[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 22:31] [b]Avaritia:[/b] Did II fall alepse?
    [19/07/12 22:31] [b]Nightbane Strongarm:[/b]yes
    [19/07/12 22:31] [b]:[/b] *oklos down at the seeverd hnad s'ehs ...hic ... hdionlg hdans whit*
    [19/07/12 22:31] [b]Zleiphneir:[/b]then you plan wont work.
    [19/07/12 22:31] [b]Avaritia:[/b] Sir! You are too frdwaro!
    [19/07/12 22:32] [b]Demaclese XIII:[/b]thank you fair lady
    [19/07/12 22:32] [b]Zleiphneir:[/b]and...Biffy...alcohol was promised?
    [19/07/12 22:32] [b]Junior:[/b]maybe, or maybe you were dreaming and now you are awake
    [19/07/12 22:32] [b]:[/b] *lets go of the hand* ...hic ...
    [19/07/12 22:32] [b]Nightbane Strongarm:[/b]but im not planning
    [19/07/12 22:32] [b]Zleiphneir:[/b]no you're right, you're just being pedantic. Sorry my mistake.
    [19/07/12 22:32] [b]:[/b][color=#305681][i]Demaclese XIII takes the chalice and takes a deep swig[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 22:32] [b]:[/b][color=#305681][i]Tom Pouce bow[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 22:32] [b]Nightbane Strongarm:[/b]whats pendantic?
    [19/07/12 22:33] [b]:[/b][color=#1D6D94][i]*BFH Lightning* passed Distilled Grasan ferment to zleiphneir[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 22:33] [b]:[/b][color=#FF9900][b][Spell][/b] [i]Shimmering shadows surround Axel Keravnos[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 22:33] [b]Zleiphneir:[/b]Hi Tom
    [19/07/12 22:33] [b]:[/b][color=#305681][i]Phantom Orchid smiles warmly at Tom[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 22:33] [b]:[/b][color=#305681][i]Junior laughs[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 22:33] [b]Zleiphneir:[/b]Thanks Biffy
    [19/07/12 22:33] [b]:[/b][color=#1D6D94][i]*BFH Lightning* passed Glass of white wine to Demaclese XIII[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 22:33] [b]Fire Starter:[/b] [color=#305681]*[i]yawns[/i]*[/color] What's with all the dead around? Did the graves give birth?
    [19/07/12 22:33] [b]Nightbane Strongarm:[/b]yes
    [19/07/12 22:33] [b]:[/b][color=#305681][i]Phantom Orchid sobers, straightens up her skirt and brushes the dust off of herself[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 22:33] [b]Fire Starter:[/b]Must be from all the alcohol I just brewed
    [19/07/12 22:33] [b]Nightbane Strongarm:[/b]had a good time orchid?
    [19/07/12 22:34] [b]Zleiphneir:[/b] this sutff teasts fnnuy
    [19/07/12 22:34] [b]Phantom Orchid:[/b]I'm not sure, did I?
    [19/07/12 22:34] [b]Demaclese XIII:[/b] [color=#305681]*[i]takes the glass from bfh thanking him[/i]*[/color] ..
    [19/07/12 22:34] [b]Junior:[/b]maybe or maybe people are nothing but a refletion of what they could have been
    [19/07/12 22:34] [b]Sunfire:[/b]shouldve seen it before FS
    [19/07/12 22:34] [b]Nightbane Strongarm:[/b]yes you did orchid you were even singing
    [19/07/12 22:34] [b]Phantom Orchid:[/b]Oh, I'm sorry
    [19/07/12 22:34] [b]:[/b] *enodrws if s'hes srebo*
    [19/07/12 22:34] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]who wants more alcohol?
    [19/07/12 22:34] [b]Nightbane Strongarm:[/b]for what?
    [19/07/12 22:35] [b]Zleiphneir:[/b] Orcihd! *evgis her aa hug*
    [19/07/12 22:35] [b]:[/b] *cedieds she i'snt*
    [19/07/12 22:35] [b]:[/b][color=#FF9900][b][Spell][/b] [i]Shimmering shadows surround Avaritia[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 22:35] [b]:[/b][color=#305681][i]Demaclese XIII holding two glasses sits on one grave stone[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 22:35] [b]:[/b][color=#305681][i]Phantom Orchid hugs Z and barely holds him up[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 22:35] [b]Zleiphneir:[/b] tihs is aa garet party
    [19/07/12 22:35] [b]:[/b][color=#1D6D94][i]*BFH Lightning* passed Distilled Grasan ferment to Nightbane Strongarm[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 22:35] [b]Nightbane Strongarm:[/b] [color=#305681]*[i]flops down on the ground and decides to take some Z's[/i]*[/color] night yall, need to get a theiving
    [19/07/12 22:36] [b]Phantom Orchid:[/b]Yes, the smell of rotting flesh is exactly what I call a great party [color=#305681]*[i]shakes her head[/i]*[/color]
    [19/07/12 22:36] [b]Fire Starter:[/b]Sun, with all the alcoholic vapors in the air I could only see the Light
    [19/07/12 22:36] [b]Demaclese XIII:[/b]nothing beats drinkin in a graveyard
    [19/07/12 22:36] [b]:[/b][color=#305681][i]Nightbane Strongarm thiks rotting flesh does smell pretty good[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 22:36] [b]Zleiphneir:[/b] it is! ...hic ...
    [19/07/12 22:36] [b]:[/b][color=#305681][i]Nightbane Strongarm snoozes[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 22:36] [b]Avaritia:[/b]That's the description of a party in Necrovion
    [19/07/12 22:37] [b]:[/b][color=#305681][i]Avaritia sobers[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 22:37] [b]Zleiphneir:[/b] its lkie ...hic ... aa htraeh sdernuruod by log becehns
    [19/07/12 22:37] [b]Phantom Orchid:[/b] [color=#305681]*[i]smiles at Axel[/i]*[/color] I remember first meeting you here
    [19/07/12 22:37] [b]Zleiphneir:[/b] all we need is som gaert sterois
    [19/07/12 22:37] [b]Zleiphneir:[/b] II remebmer ronaitsg bob hearts on aa spit over aa frie pit. Toshe wree the dysa.
    [19/07/12 22:37] [b]:[/b] *enecrimsi*
    [19/07/12 22:38] [b]:[/b][color=#305681][i]Avaritia goes off to explore Necrovion[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 22:39] [b]:[/b][color=#305681][i]*Peace* watches Avaritia.[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 22:40] [b]darkraptor:[/b] [color=#305681]*[i]points at the Mood panel[/i]*[/color] Quest Still Up : Summer Quizz
    [19/07/12 22:40] [b]Fire Starter:[/b] [color=#305681]*[i]leaves his Cloud and colides with a pillow[/i]*[/color] LAter all.
    [19/07/12 22:41] [b]*Peace*:[/b]Fire!
    [19/07/12 22:41] [b]*Peace*:[/b]One moment please.
    [19/07/12 22:41] [b]Demaclese XIII:[/b]Once upon a time there was a good bar in winds sanctuary...
    [19/07/12 22:41] [b]Fire Starter:[/b] [color=#305681]*[i]reintegrates a but slowly onto his Cloud[/i]*[/color] Of course, Peace
    [19/07/12 22:42] [b]Fire Starter:[/b]But the moment wont be very long
    [19/07/12 22:42] [b]*Peace*:[/b]Come with me. [color=#305681]*[i]enters the tomb.[/i]*[/color]
    [19/07/12 22:42] [b]:[/b][color=#305681][i]Demaclese XIII reminiscenting[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 22:42] [b]:[/b][color=#305681][i]Fire Starter nods in silence and hovers along[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 22:42] [b]Zleiphneir:[/b] Pub!
    [19/07/12 22:43] [b]Demaclese XIII:[/b]another life another time
    [19/07/12 22:45] [b]darkraptor:[/b]It's getting late so we could finnish the celebration at the Drunken Corpse..
    [19/07/12 22:56] [b]:[/b][color=#305681][i]shnappie seems vert relaxed[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 22:56] [b]:[/b][color=#305681][i]*Peace* waves her orb around Zyrxae.[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 22:59] [b]:[/b][color=#305681][i]Avaritia returns to her spot next to the arm and yawns[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 22:59] [b]:[/b][color=#1D6D94][i]*Burns* passed Memory Stone Detector to MasterB[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 22:59] [b]:[/b][color=#1D6D94][i]*Burns* passed Reality Coagulator to MasterB[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 23:00] [b]:[/b][color=#1D6D94][i]*Burns* passed Distilled Grasan ferment to MasterB[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 23:00] [b]:[/b][color=#1D6D94][i]Shemhazaj passed Bottle of Tequila to Princ Rhaegar[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 23:02] [b]:[/b][color=#1D6D94][i]Avaritia passed Sand to Eon[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 23:06] [b]:[/b][color=#305681][i]Avaritia crosses Necrovion out on a list[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 23:06] [b]Avaritia:[/b]Prison and the Labyrinth to go
    [19/07/12 23:07] [b]:[/b][color=#FF9900][b][Spell][/b] [i]Shimmering shadows surround Tom Pouce[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 23:08] [b]Avaritia:[/b]Things are quiet when Death goes to sleep.
    [19/07/12 23:08] [b]:[/b][color=#305681][i]Avaritia smiles and waves to the arm, then heads off to explore again[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 23:08] [b]*Peace*:[/b]Now life takes its place, drinks and laughters...
    [19/07/12 23:09] [b]:[/b][color=#305681][i]*Peace* waves her orb around Eon.[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 23:10] [b]:[/b][color=#305681][i]Valldore Nal wanders among the graves, alone , hearing the calls of the tormented ones ....... "Maybe my place is to join them in the end" asks quitely[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 23:12] [b]:[/b][color=#305681][i]Tom Pouce bow a last time and depart[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 23:21] [b]Avaritia:[/b]Lucky there is a jump. The Trial of Agony has a way of luring me in, it seems.
    [19/07/12 23:22] [b]Seigheart:[/b]Hello!
    [19/07/12 23:22] [b]Seigheart:[/b]I'm glad to see all the dead people around.
    [19/07/12 23:22] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]ha they got back to life!
    [19/07/12 23:22] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]lol
    [19/07/12 23:23] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b](btw is there a heat vote for u seigh
    [19/07/12 23:23] [b]Seigheart:[/b]Why wasn't I revived? O.o
    [19/07/12 23:23] [b]Seigheart:[/b]Not that I know of.
    [19/07/12 23:23] [b]Seigheart:[/b]I've been working to much to pay attention much
    [19/07/12 23:24] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]peace talked with the death
    [19/07/12 23:24] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]and they are now alive
    [19/07/12 23:24] [b]Valldore Nal:[/b] ([color=#888888][i]not all back to life, lies[/i][/color])
    [19/07/12 23:27] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]you didn't passed the filter..
    [19/07/12 23:27] [b]Seigheart:[/b]Wtf...
    [19/07/12 23:27] [b]Seigheart:[/b]why?
    [19/07/12 23:29] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]his destiny is on the hands of his team
    [19/07/12 23:35] [b]:[/b][color=#305681][i]Avaritia smiles at Lashtal[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 23:35] [b]:[/b][color=#305681][i]lashtal shakes from his slumber[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 23:35] [b]lashtal:[/b]Hello Avaritia
    [19/07/12 23:35] [b]Avaritia:[/b]Greetings. Dream well?
    [19/07/12 23:36] [b]lashtal:[/b]Indeed, long shadows fell.
    [19/07/12 23:37] [b]Avaritia:[/b] [color=#305681]*[i]tilts her head then nods[/i]*[/color] Good.
    [19/07/12 23:37] [b]lashtal:[/b]How is you?
    [19/07/12 23:38] [b]Avaritia:[/b]I is good.
    [19/07/12 23:38] [b]Avaritia:[/b]Glad to be in Necrovion.
    [19/07/12 23:39] [b]Avaritia:[/b]Greetings, Shantu
    [19/07/12 23:39] [b]Shantu:[/b]Greetings
    [19/07/12 23:40] [b]Avaritia:[/b]Are you well?
    [19/07/12 23:41] [b]Shantu:[/b]I guess. Excuse me, but do I know you?
    [19/07/12 23:42] [b]Avaritia:[/b]Not that I know of.
    [19/07/12 23:43] [b]Avaritia:[/b]I heard your name in the shadows, a short while ago
    [19/07/12 23:43] [b]Shantu:[/b] [color=#305681]*[i]eyes him warily[/i]*[/color] Interesting.
    [19/07/12 23:44] [b]Shantu:[/b]May I know yours?
    [19/07/12 23:45] [b]:[/b] [i]Neno Veliki collects bones[/i]
    [19/07/12 23:46] [b]Avaritia:[/b]Ah yes, introductions. I'm Avaritia - though many call me Ava
    [19/07/12 23:46] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]ignnus
    [19/07/12 23:46] [b]:[/b][color=#305681][i]Avaritia is female[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 23:46] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]are you there?
    [19/07/12 23:46] [b]ignnus:[/b]Yes.
    [19/07/12 23:47] [b]Shantu:[/b]A pleasure to meet you, Avaritia.
    [19/07/12 23:47] [b]ignnus:[/b]I'm here!!
    [19/07/12 23:47] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]you were the first place of my main quest one
    [19/07/12 23:47] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b] ([color=#888888][i]i sent you the chaotic stone I don't remember?[/i][/color])
    [19/07/12 23:48] [b]ignnus:[/b]yes you did
    [19/07/12 23:48] [b]Avaritia:[/b] [color=#305681]*[i]nods[/i]*[/color] And you
    [19/07/12 23:48] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]ok thanks
    [19/07/12 23:49] [b]Shantu:[/b]Now, this may look bad for me, but could someone please enlighten me what we are here for?
    [19/07/12 23:49] [b]ignnus:[/b]when is the ceremony if I may ask?
    [19/07/12 23:50] [b]darkraptor:[/b] [color=#305681]*[i]points at the Mood panel[/i]*[/color] Quest Still Up but not for long! Summer Quizz
    [19/07/12 23:50] [b]Avaritia:[/b]We were bringing back the dead.
    [19/07/12 23:50] [b]Avaritia:[/b]Actually, Peace and this man [color=#305681]*[i]gestures to Princ Rhaegar[/i]*[/color] did the dirty work
    [19/07/12 23:51] [b]:[/b] [i]*MRAlyon* collects bones[/i]
    [19/07/12 23:51] [b]Avaritia:[/b]I'm off. Farewell
    [19/07/12 23:51] [b]:[/b][color=#305681][i]Avaritia waves[/i][/color]
    [19/07/12 23:51] [b]Shantu:[/b]I see. Who died?
    [19/07/12 23:51] [b]ignnus:[/b]Where did you get that lol?
    [19/07/12 23:52] [b]Shantu:[/b]Farewell.
    [19/07/12 23:52] [b]Princ Rhaegar:[/b]Well, burning corpses is not dirty work
    [19/07/12 23:52] [b]Princ Rhaegar:[/b]it's clean work
    [19/07/12 23:52] [b]Princ Rhaegar:[/b]purifying... hmmm
    [19/07/12 23:52] [b]:[/b][color=#305681][i]Princ Rhaegar remembers the fires[/i][/color]
    [20/07/12 00:01] [b]:[/b][color=#FF9900][b][Spell][/b] [i]KBOOM![/i][/color]


    Note: The three team leaders were found dead at the Gazebo of Chaos.

    Their fate is still on the hands of their respective teams.
  10. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to DarkRaptor in Summer Team #2 : Summer Quizz   
    Last day of he festivities so it's Quizz Time!!

    Someone said to me that there is a magic quizz book on the archives that can be openned using the words: [b]Summer Quizz[/b]

    Go find it and complete the Quizz!

    There is a Time limit on every question, so be fast! 16 Random Questions, 10 seconds max to answer each one, 0.25 points score for every correct answer.

    The player with the highest score in the less amount of Time (Winner!!) will gain a extra Point!
  11. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to Rumi in Community Garden Construction Progress   
    Rumi interplanted the pumpkin patch with corn and beans amongst the sprouted pumpkin seedlings.

    [log=Day 200, Year 7]

    [b]: [/b][i]Rumi opens his eyes[/i]
    [b]: [/b][i]Rumi inhales deeply[/i]
    [b]: [/b][i]Rumi exhales slowly[/i]
    [b]: [/b][i]Rumi listens[/i]
    [b]: [/b][i]Eagle Eye bows to Rumi[/i]
    [b]Rumi[/b][b]: [/b]*[i]smiles[/i]* Greetings
    [b]: [/b][i]Rumi hears a pair of sparrows singing companion calls near the forest edge[/i]
    [b]: [/b][i]Rumi stands[/i]
    [b]: [/b][i]Rumi walks down to the pumpkin patch[/i]
    [b]: [/b][i]Rumi examines the rows of pumpkin sprouts[/i]
    [b]: [/b][i]Rumi sees the pumpkins in the leaf mulch have sprouted slower than the pumpkins in the straw mulch[/i]
    [b]: [/b][i]Rumi walks to the end of the row and stoops down to begin pulling off the mulch[/i]
    [b]: [/b][i]Rumi slowly walks along the row, pulling off mulch and setting it to the side[/i]
    [b]: [/b][i]nadrolski high fives Rumi[/i]
    [b]: [/b][i]Rumi finishes the row and continues onto the next row, pulling off all the mulch until the pumpkin patch is bare and all the seedlings are visible[/i]
    [b]Rumi[/b][b]: [/b]Don't you worry little seedlings, your warm mulch will be back before you know it
    [b]: [/b][i]Rumi takes out two big bags of seeds and sets them down at the edge of the pumpkin patch[/i]
    [b]: [/b][i]Rumi takes out his hori-hori and stoops down near the end of the first row[/i]
    [b]: [/b][i]Rumi drives the hori-hori into the ground and twists to make a small hole[/i]
    [b]: [/b][i]Rumi withdraws the hori-hori from the hole and makes another hole close by[/i]
    [b]: [/b][i]Rumi makes a series of holes between the first two pumpkin seedlings, using the full width of the bed[/i]
    [b]: [/b][i]Rumi stands and moves down past the next pumpkin seedling[/i]
    [b]: [/b][i]Rumi finishes the first row and stands back to observe his work[/i]
    [b]: [/b][i]Rumi smiles[/i]
    [b]: [/b][i]Rumi walks to the beginning of the next row and begins digging small holes with the hori-hori[/i]
    [b]: [/b][i]Rumi continues his way along the row, digging the small seed holes[/i]
    [b]: [/b][i]Rumi slowly works his way through the rest of the pumpkin patch, digging lots of holes and not disturbing the pumpkin seedlings[/i]
    [b]: [/b][i]Rumi finishes digging and stands back to observe his work[/i]
    [b]: [/b][i]Rumi wipes a bit of sweat from his brow[/i]
    [b]: [/b][i]Rumi smiles[/i]
    [b]: [/b][i]Rumi walks over to the edge of the pumpkin patch where he laid the bags of seed[/i]
    [b]: [/b][i]Rumi stoops down and loosens the drawstring on the two bags to open them[/i]
    [b]: [/b][i]Rumi looks down into the bags at the bright yellow corn seeds and the deep burgundy pole beans[/i]
    [b]: [/b][i]Rumi sticks one hand into each seed bag to grab a handful of seeds[/i]
    [b]: [/b][i]Rumi allows the seeds to slip through his fingers, falling away back into the bags[/i]
    [b]: [/b][i]Rumi savors the texture of the seeds[/i]
    [b]: [/b][i]Rumi smiles[/i]
    [b]: [/b][i]Rumi picks up a handful of the yellow corn seed and puts it into a pocket[/i]
    [b]: [/b][i]Rumi picks up another handful of yellow corn seed and puts it into the same pocket[/i]
    [b]: [/b][i]Rumi picks up a handful of burgundy pole beans and puts them into another pocket[/i]
    [b]: [/b][i]Rumi pulls the drawstring tight on the bags to close them[/i]
    [b]: [/b][i]Rumi walks to the edge of the first row and stoops by the seed holes[/i]
    [b]: [/b][i]Rumi places yellow corn seeds from his pocket in three of the holes[/i]
    [b]: [/b][i]Rumi places a pole bean seed in the fourth hole[/i]
    [b]: [/b][i]Rumi places another three corn seeds in holes[/i]
    [b]: [/b][i]Rumi places another pole bean seed[/i]
    [b]: [/b][i]Rumi continues to set seeds in the holes, one pole bean for every three corn kernels[/i]
    [b]: [/b][i]Rumi slowly walks along the row, thickly filling out the area between the pumpkin sprouts with corn and beans[/i]
    [b]: [/b][i]Rumi finishes the row and begins on the next row[/i]
    [b]: [/b][i]Rumi works his way through the entire pumpkin patch, placing corn and beans in all the little seed holes[/i]
    [b]: [/b][i]Rumi finishes placing corn and bean seeds and steps back to observe his work[/i]
    [b]: [/b][i]Rumi smiles[/i]
    [b]: [/b][i]Rumi walks back to the seed bags and opens the drawstrings[/i]
    [b]: [/b][i]Rumi puts all the remaining corn seed in his pocket back into the bag with corn seed[/i]
    [b]: [/b][i]Rumi puts the remaining pole bean seeds in his pocket back with the other pole beans[/i]
    [b]: [/b][i]Rumi pulls the drawstrings taught to close the bags and ties them[/i]
    [b]: [/b][i]Rumi walks to the beginning of the first row and kneels down on his knees[/i]
    [b]: [/b][i]Rumi pulls the earth over the first corn seed and holds his hands over the buried seed for a moment to offer a silent prayer[/i]
    [b]: [/b][i]Rumi moves on to the second seed, covering it with earth and offering a quick silent prayer[/i]
    [b]: [/b][i]Rumi works his way along the row, covering all of the seeds and taking a moment with each one to silently express thanksgiving and offer a prayer for abundance[/i]
    [b]: [/b][i]Rumi finishes the row and continues through the rest of the pumpkin patch[/i]
    [b]: [/b][i]Rumi covers the last of the corn and bean seeds and stands back to observe his work[/i]
    [b]: [/b][i]Rumi notices a few seeds he missed, and goes to cover and pray for them[/i]
    [b]: [/b][i]Rumi steps back again to observe the work[/i]
    [b]: [/b][i]Rumi smiles[/i]
    [b]: [/b][i]Rumi begins to collect up the piles of mulch and places the mulch back on the beds, carefully directing it around the pumpkin seedlings[/i]
    [b]: [/b][i]Rumi lays the leaf mulch throughout the pumpkin patch as a bottom layer, and places the straw mulch as a top layer[/i]
    [b]: [/b][i]Rumi finishes the mulching and steps back to observe his work[/i]
    [b]: [/b][i]Rumi smiles[/i]
    [b]: [/b][i]Rumi picks up the bags of seed and put them away[/i]
    [b]: [/b][i]Rumi wipes all the dirt from the hori-hori, places it back in its sheath, and puts it away[/i]
    [b]: [/b][i]Rumi observes the pumpkin patch[/i]
    [b]Rumi[/b][b]: [/b]Time for a little rainwater, I think
    [b]: [/b][i]Rumi takes out the two remaining Mildrain stones from Marvolo[/i]
    [b]: [/b][i]Rumi examines the shimmering stones[/i]
    [b]: [/b][i]Rumi holds one of the stones up in his hands and looks it over carefully[/i]
    [b]: [/b][i]Rumi inhales deeply[/i]
    [b]: [/b][i]Rumi exhales slowly[/i]
    [b]: [/b][i]Rumi puts the stone back away and considers how to learn the rain song without Marvolo's help[/i]
    [b]: [/b][i]Rumi lifts up the other Mildrain stone in his hands[/i]
    [b]: [/b][i]Rumi used the Weather Mildrain stone to increase its Weather-mildrain spell casts[/i]
    [b]: [/b][i]Rumi kneels on both knees and prostrates himself on the earth[/i]
    [b]: [/b][i]Rumi closes his eyes and straightens his body up and raises his hands toward the sky[/i]
    [b]: [/b][b][Spell][/b] [i]A gift of rainwater for the garden of abundance[/i]
    [b]: [/b][i]Rumi opens his eyes to see the clouds gathering overhead[/i]
    [b]: [/b][i]Rumi smiles as the warm rainwater begins to stream down onto his face[/i]
    [b]: [/b][i]Rumi stands[/i]
    [b]: [/b][i]Rumi takes off his shirt and boots[/i]
    [b]: [/b][i]Rumi begins to dance in circles around the pumpkin patch[/i]
    [b]: [/b][i]Rumi dances his way up the hill, picking up his shirt and boots in the process[/i]
    [b]: [/b][i]Rumi sets his shirt and boots down by his sitting spot and continues to dance around in the rain[/i]
    [b]: [/b][i]Rumi slows his dance as the rain lets up[/i]
    [b]: [/b][i]Rumi puts his wet shirt and boots back on[/i]
    [b]: [/b][i]Rumi inhales deeply[/i]
    [b]: [/b][i]Rumi exhales slowly[/i]
    [b]: [/b][i]Rumi walks down to the road[/i]
    [b]: [/b][i]Rumi heads east toward Fortune's Well[/i]
  12. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to Rumi in Community Garden Construction Progress   
    Rumi and Phantom Orchid (with a little help from Etluc and Eon) prepared some pumpkin patch beds and planted pumpkin seeds.

    (Log edited to remove OOC content and spoilers)

    [log=Day 185, Year 7]

    [04/07/12 18:54] [b]:[/b][i]Phantom Orchid smiles warmly at Rumi as she walks down the path[/i]
    [04/07/12 18:55] [b]:[/b][i]Rumi returns a smile[/i]
    [04/07/12 18:55] [b]Phantom Orchid:[/b]It is so good to see you
    [04/07/12 18:56] [b]Rumi:[/b]you too
    [04/07/12 19:00] [b]:[/b][i]Rumi stands[/i]
    [04/07/12 19:01] [b]:[/b][i]Rumi walks over to Phantom Orchid[/i]
    [04/07/12 19:02] [b]:[/b][i]Rumi reaches forward and opens his clasped fingers to reveal a handful of pumpkin seeds[/i]
    [04/07/12 19:02] [b]:[/b][i]Phantom Orchid opens her eyes wide and smiles[/i]
    [04/07/12 19:02] [b]Rumi:[/b]These are for you
    [04/07/12 19:03] [b]:[/b][i]Phantom Orchid holds out her hands[/i]
    [04/07/12 19:04] [b]:[/b][i]Rumi gently drops the seeds into Phantom Orchid's hands[/i]
    [04/07/12 19:04] [b]:[/b][i]Phantom Orchid looks down and cherishes the texture of the seeds as she rolls them over in her hands[/i]
    [04/07/12 19:05] [b]Phantom Orchid:[/b]They are... beautiful.
    [04/07/12 19:06] [b]:[/b][i]Phantom Orchid closes her eyes briefly as images of a lush garden flash through her mind[/i]
    [04/07/12 19:07] [b]Rumi:[/b]I will find some companion seeds for these pumpkins
    [04/07/12 19:07] [b]Phantom Orchid:[/b]This is such a happy moment for me, for us
    [04/07/12 19:07] [b]:[/b][i]Rumi smiles[/i]
    [04/07/12 19:07] [b]:[/b][i]Phantom Orchid feels her pendant glow warm against her chest as she holds the seeds[/i]
    [04/07/12 19:08] [b]Phantom Orchid:[/b]I have a good feeling about this
    [04/07/12 19:08] [b]Rumi:[/b]walk with me down the hill here, behind the tree *[i]gestures with his hand to the northeast[/i]*
    [04/07/12 19:09] [b]:[/b][i]Phantom Orchid turns and follows Rumi, walking beside him[/i]
    [04/07/12 19:09] [b]:[/b][i]Rumi leads the way around the tree and down toward the small valley[/i]
    [04/07/12 19:10] [b]Rumi:[/b]our design calls for this whole field to grow into a pumpkin patch
    [04/07/12 19:11] [b]:[/b][i]Phantom Orchid notices a slight drop in temperature in the breeze as they reach their destination[/i]
    [04/07/12 19:11] [b]:[/b][i]Rumi notices the songbirds begin to alarm in the forest[/i]
    [04/07/12 19:12] [b]Rumi:[/b]they alarm at Eon's presence
    [04/07/12 19:12] [b]Phantom Orchid:[/b]Yes, I recall
    [04/07/12 19:12] [b]Phantom Orchid:[/b] *[i]looks over at Eon briefly[/i]* Greetings and welcome
    [04/07/12 19:13] [b]Rumi:[/b]Today we'll plant the first seeds, and our harvest will provide all the seeds we need for next year
    [04/07/12 19:14] [b]Rumi:[/b]A small patch this season will make way for a whole future of growth
    [04/07/12 19:14] [b]:[/b][i]Phantom Orchid nods[/i]
    [04/07/12 19:15] [b]:[/b][i]Rumi takes a few pieces of raw glass and begins to set them on a rough contour just above the valley bottom[/i]
    [04/07/12 19:16] [b]Rumi:[/b]When we construct the main garden, we'll use a tool to define accurate contours
    [04/07/12 19:17] [b]Rumi:[/b]I can see the contours well enough to give us lines to start this small pumpkin patch
    [04/07/12 19:17] [b]:[/b][i]Rumi sets another contour using the raw glass just above the first contour[/i]
    [04/07/12 19:18] [b]:[/b][i]Rumi steps back and examines the lines[/i]
    [04/07/12 19:19] [b]:[/b][i]Phantom Orchid kneels down at the site for the pumpkin patch[/i]
    [04/07/12 19:19] [b]:[/b][i]Rumi sets a third line of raw glass just below the first contour, following the same curve[/i]
    [04/07/12 19:19] [b]Rumi:[/b]that will do for now
    [04/07/12 19:20] [b]:[/b][i]Phantom Orchid takes the pendant from around her neck and holds it out above the ground[/i]
    [04/07/12 19:20] [b]Rumi:[/b]we'll shape a few rows across this bottom to this same curve as the bottom contour
    [04/07/12 19:21] [b]:[/b][i]Rumi withdraws his hori-hori from its sheath on his belt[/i]
    [04/07/12 19:21] [b]:[/b][i]Phantom Orchid hums an ancient tune to the grass and to the flowers[/i]
    [04/07/12 19:21] [b]:[/b][i]Rumi holds it up and examines the blade in the sunlight[/i]
    [04/07/12 19:22] [b]:[/b][i]Phantom Orchid closes her eyes and focuses on her pendant, which begins to glow red and push aside the grass and flowers to make room for the seeds[/i]
    [04/07/12 19:22] [b]:[/b][i]Rumi reflects the sunlight up the hill at Eon and giggles[/i]
    [04/07/12 19:23] [b]:[/b][i]Phantom Orchid replaces her pendant, looks over at Rumi and softly laughs[/i]
    [04/07/12 19:24] [b]:[/b][i]Rumi thrusts the hori-hori into the ground and draws it across the soil, following the curve laid by the pieces of raw glass[/i]
    [04/07/12 19:24] [b]:[/b][i]Rumi picks up each piece of raw glass as he comes to it[/i]
    [04/07/12 19:25] [b]:[/b][i]Rumi steps back and looks at the curve cut into the earth[/i]
    [04/07/12 19:26] [b]Rumi:[/b] *[i]smiles[/i]* that looks pretty good
    [04/07/12 19:26] [b]:[/b][i]Phantom Orchid uncorks her flask of sand, and pours a thin line of sand into the small valley shaped by the hori hori[/i]
    [04/07/12 19:26] [b]Phantom Orchid:[/b]This sand is from Necrovion
    [04/07/12 19:26] [b]Rumi:[/b]ah, excellent
    [04/07/12 19:27] [b]:[/b][i]Phantom Orchid caps the flask and tucks it away[/i]
    [04/07/12 19:28] [b]:[/b][i]Rumi kneels back down and thrusts the hori-hori into the ground just below the cut curve[/i]
    [04/07/12 19:28] [b]:[/b][i]Rumi digs around, expanding the hole and loosening the soil[/i]
    [04/07/12 19:29] [b]:[/b][i]Rumi withdraws the hori-hori from the hole, and walks along the curve a short distance[/i]
    [04/07/12 19:29] [b]:[/b][i]Rumi thrusts the hori-hori into the ground again, teasing and loosening the soil[/i]
    [04/07/12 19:30] [b]:[/b][i]Phantom Orchid moves over to the first hold and holds out and opens her hand, revealing the seeds[/i]
    [04/07/12 19:30] [b]:[/b][i]Rumi withdraws the hori-hori from the soil and continues walking along the curve, making evenly spaced planting holes[/i]
    [04/07/12 19:31] [b]:[/b][i]Phantom Orchid chooses one and places it gingerly into the hole, a single teardrop falling onto the soil next to it[/i]
    [04/07/12 19:31] [b]:[/b][i]Phantom Orchid sets the seeds down, and covers the hole with dirt and softly packs it down with her fingertips[/i]
    [04/07/12 19:32] [b]:[/b][i]Rumi comes to the end of the row and moves up to the next row of raw glass pieces[/i]
    [04/07/12 19:33] [b]:[/b][i]Rumi cuts the curve with his hori-hori, while picking up the pieces of raw glass[/i]
    [04/07/12 19:34] [b]:[/b][i]Phantom Orchid places one, and then another, seed into the holes and carefully covers them with soil[/i]
    [04/07/12 19:34] [b]:[/b][i]Rumi finishes the row and steps back to look at it[/i]
    [04/07/12 19:35] [b]:[/b][i]Phantom Orchid stands and then follows Rumi, placing a thin line of sand along the contour of the small trench[/i]
    [04/07/12 19:36] [b]:[/b][i]Rumi examines the first row that Phantom Orchid has completed planting[/i]
    [04/07/12 19:36] [b]:[/b][i]Rumi smiles[/i]
    [04/07/12 19:37] [b]:[/b][i]Rumi returns to the second row and begins cutting the holes with his hori-hori[/i]
    [04/07/12 19:39] [b]:[/b][i]Rumi finishes the row and steps back to allow Phantom Orchid space to plant the seeds[/i]
    [04/07/12 19:39] [b]:[/b][i]Phantom Orchid walks along and bends down to place the remaining two seeds into the holes[/i]
    [04/07/12 19:39] [b]:[/b][i]Phantom Orchid kneels to cover them with a soft packing of dirt[/i]
    [04/07/12 19:41] [b]Phantom Orchid:[/b]We should give them a drink
    [04/07/12 19:41] [b]Rumi:[/b]yes we should
    [04/07/12 19:41] [b]Rumi:[/b]but first, we need to mulch
    [04/07/12 19:41] [b]Rumi:[/b]we could use leaves or we could cut some grass
    [04/07/12 19:41] [b]Rumi:[/b]or both
    [04/07/12 19:42] [b]Phantom Orchid:[/b] *[i]nods[/i]* Yes, of course. To keep it from evaporating under this unforgiving sunlight
    [04/07/12 19:42] [b]Rumi:[/b]i wish Shem was here... his sickle would make quick mulch out of this tall grass
    [04/07/12 19:42] [b]Phantom Orchid:[/b]I will gather leaves from the forest edge, and you can cut some grass
    [04/07/12 19:42] [b]:[/b][i]Phantom Orchid nods[/i]
    [04/07/12 19:43] [b]Rumi:[/b]i guess i'll just use the hori-hori
    [04/07/12 19:43] [b]:[/b][i]Rumi walks around the meadow near the pumpkin patch stopping to cut clumps of tall grass with the hori-hori[/i]
    [04/07/12 19:44] [b]Phantom Orchid:[/b] *[i] walks over to the edge of the wood and clumsily gathers an armful of leaves, muttering[/i]* And a basket would have been nice for me
    [04/07/12 19:44] [b]Rumi:[/b]Eon, would you let Phantom Orchid borrow your herbs basket?
    [04/07/12 19:45] [b]Rumi:[/b]I see you have two baskets... maybe you could help us collect some leaf mulch
    [04/07/12 19:46] [b]Phantom Orchid:[/b]Come Eon, get dirty with us!
    [04/07/12 19:46] [b]:[/b][i]Phantom Orchid shrugs and delivers the leaves near the first row[/i]
    [04/07/12 19:47] [b]:[/b][i]Phantom Orchid walks back and begins to gather more[/i]
    [04/07/12 19:47] [b]Rumi:[/b]should we do leaves in one row and straw in the other, or mix em up?
    [04/07/12 19:48] [b]:[/b][i]Etluc whispers a code to Poe[/i]
    [04/07/12 19:48] [b]Phantom Orchid:[/b] *[i]walks back with an armful[/i]* I don't know, I've never done this before
    [04/07/12 19:49] [b]Rumi:[/b]lets use leaves in the top row and straw in the bottom row... we'll see if there is a difference in the mulch ecology
    [04/07/12 19:49] [b]Phantom Orchid:[/b] *[i]turns and smiles to Etluc[/i]* Oh, thank you. Though I think we have enough leaves now
    [04/07/12 19:49] [b]Phantom Orchid:[/b]Would you like to place them along the top row Etluc?
    [04/07/12 19:49] [b]:[/b][i]Rumi sets an armful of straw beside the bottom row and walks off to collect a bit more grass[/i]
    [04/07/12 19:50] [b]Etluc:[/b] *[i]nods[/i]* Sure
    [04/07/12 19:51] [b]Phantom Orchid:[/b]Great
    [04/07/12 19:51] [b]:[/b][i]Etluc begins to move the pile of leaves to the top row[/i]
    [04/07/12 19:51] [b]:[/b][i]Rumi cuts several clumps of tall grass from around the meadow and returns to set them down by the bottom row[/i]
    [04/07/12 19:54] [b]:[/b][i]Rumi picks up handfuls of straw and walks along the bottom row, allowing the straw to slow fall down and coat the bare earth[/i]
    [04/07/12 19:54] [b]:[/b][i]Rumi returns to the pile of straw and grabs some more handfuls to distribute[/i]
    [04/07/12 19:55] [b]:[/b][i]Etluc finishes moving the leaves and steps back[/i]
    [04/07/12 19:56] [b]:[/b][i]Rumi continues mulching the bottom row with straw until the pile has been entirely moved to the row[/i]
    [04/07/12 19:56] [b]Rumi:[/b] *[i]laughs[/i]* we're gonna probably move all this mulch to the side tomorrow when we plant the corn and beans with the pumpkins
    [04/07/12 19:57] [b]Rumi:[/b]labor of love
    [04/07/12 19:57] [b]:[/b][i]Phantom Orchid chuckles[/i]
    [04/07/12 19:57] [b]:[/b][i]Etluc chuckles[/i]
    [04/07/12 19:57] [b]Rumi:[/b]better to do the same task twice than to plant seeds and leave the earth bare
    [04/07/12 19:58] [b]:[/b][i]Rumi steps back with Phantom Orchid and Etluc to examine the new pumpkin patch[/i]
    [04/07/12 19:58] [b]Phantom Orchid:[/b]Yes, they require the sunlight, but also some protection from it
    [04/07/12 19:59] [b]Phantom Orchid:[/b]Not unlike us all
    [04/07/12 19:59] [b]:[/b][i]Rumi smiles[/i]
    [04/07/12 19:59] [b]:[/b][i]Phantom Orchid looks out over the pumpkin patch and smiles contently[/i]
    [04/07/12 20:00] [b]:[/b][i]Rumi used the Weather Heavyrain stone to increase its Weather-heavyrain spell casts[/i]
    [04/07/12 20:01] [b]:[/b][i]Etluc looks up at the sky[/i]
    [04/07/12 20:02] [b]:[/b][i]Rumi kneels down on his knees, raises his arms, and looks up at the sky[/i]
    [04/07/12 20:03] [b]:[/b][i]Rumi closes his eyes[/i]
    [04/07/12 20:03] [b]:[/b][b][Spell][/b] [i]Let the heavens and the earth come together and bless these pumpkins with rain![/i]
    [04/07/12 20:03] [b]:[/b][i]Rumi opens his eyes to see clouds begin to gather above him[/i]
    [04/07/12 20:04] [b]:[/b][i]Phantom Orchid looks up and smiles as the rain begins to kiss her face[/i]
    [04/07/12 20:05] [b]:[/b][i]Rumi tastes the raindrops as the rain begins to stream down from the heavens onto his face[/i]
    [04/07/12 20:05] [b]:[/b][i]Phantom Orchid runs up the hill ecstatically and twirls around in circles, drenched in a heavy rain[/i]
    [04/07/12 20:06] [b]:[/b][i]Etluc smiles at Poe, blinking the rain out of his eyes[/i]
    [04/07/12 20:07] [b]:[/b][i]Rumi watches Phantom Orchid and smiles at her shimmering radiance in the rain[/i]
    [04/07/12 20:08] [b]:[/b][i]Rumi takes off his shirt and dances around the pumpkin patch[/i]
    [04/07/12 20:08] [b]Etluc:[/b]My fire!
    [04/07/12 20:08] [b]:[/b][i]Etluc runs off[/i]
    [04/07/12 20:15] [b]:[/b][i]Rumi returns to his place on the hillside[/i]
    [04/07/12 20:15] [b]:[/b][i]Rumi sits[/i]
    [04/07/12 20:15] [b]:[/b][i]Rumi inhales deeply[/i]
    [04/07/12 20:16] [b]:[/b][i]Rumi exhales slowly[/i]
    [04/07/12 20:16] [b]:[/b][i]Rumi listens to the rain all around him[/i]
    [04/07/12 20:16] [b]:[/b][i]Rumi smiles[/i]
    [04/07/12 20:16] [b]:[/b][i]Rumi closes his eyes[/i]
  13. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to Rumi in Community Garden Construction Progress   
    Day 125, Year 7

    Rumi constructed an A-frame level from items in his inventory.

    3 branches
    11 unidentified plants
    1 Locate Stone

    Rumi's hori-hori (digging and gardening knife) and 2 raw glass were used to determine and mark dead level on the A-frame cross branch. The 2 raw glass were returned to Rumi's inventory.


    A Locate stone was chosen for the plumb-bob since the primary purpose of the tool is to [b]locate[/b] and map a contour from any given starting point.

    Fyrd Argentus joined Rumi during the process of constructing the A-Frame.
  14. Upvote
    lashtal got a reaction from Ivorak in Summer Fest - Take your Time. Quest disclosure and results.   
    Ladies and Gentlemen, [color=#282828]
    [color=#000000]first of all: [/color]there were 2 informations purposefully omitted in the cursed parchments.[/color]
    One is good and it's that, after all, Time was on your side.[/color][color=#282828]
    Since the beginning of the quest, each hour passed grants 1 point to the team. [/color]
    But, for the sake of Balance, in the end we calculated how many points you scored for each part (gather resources, be attacked, let the time pass) and compared them. [/color][color=#282828]
    Given a +/-5 point margin for each part, we took the best value (the Balance) and for each part exceeding its margins, we lowered the difference from the total score.[/color]
    After all this mess (indeed the true summer joy for the numerologists here around)...[/color][color=#282828]
    [b]you should have reached a minimum score of 15 points to be successful in the quest. :-)[/b][/color]
    So, the results!!![/color]

    [b]Team 1 represented by AmberRune:[/b]

    - Gathered 11 different resources on AmberRune's inventory [b](+11 points)[/b]
    - AmberRune got attacked 13 times in a single fightlog [b](+13 points)[/b]
    - Took 8h to end the quest [b](+8 points)[/b]

    - No timeless dust found. [b](0 points)[/b]
    - Balanced efforts: amidst 11, 13 and 8, Balance is 11. Balance's margins are from 6 to 16: both 8 and 13 are inside. [b](0 points)[/b]

    [b]TOTAL SCORE: 32 points!!! SUCCESS!!![/b]


    [b]Team 2, represented by Maebius:[/b]

    - Gathered 2 different resources on Maebius' inventory [b](+2 points)[/b]
    - Maebius got attacked 12 times in a single fightlog [b](+12 points)[/b]
    - Took 24h to end the quest [b](+24 points)[/b]

    - 1 unit of timeless dust was found in Maebius' inventory [b](-1 point)[/b]
    - Unbalance in the efforts: amidst 2, 12 and 24, Balance is 12. Balance's margins are from 7 to 17: both 2 and 24 are outside.
    Hence: penalty of 10 points (12-2) for the resources gathered and another penalty of 12 points (24-12) for the time spent. [b](-22 points)[/b]

    [b]TOTAL SCORE: 15 points!!! SUCCESS!!![/b]

    We hope you enjoyed being cursed, we had a lot of fun!
  15. Upvote
    lashtal got a reaction from Phantom Orchid in Summer Fest - Take your Time. Quest disclosure and results.   
    The following parchment has been handed on day 198 to a representative of Team 1 (AmberRune) and Team 2 (Maebius):

    [i]<<While you read this message, you are already cursed……
    You start to feel dizzy, everything around you looks as if crystallizing and you're under the impression that Time ceased to exist……
    You will be trapped in this timeless state for all eternity, and even more!!! This thought sickens you to your very depth.
    The fun part??? There is nothing YOU can do about it……

    Don't even consider drinking tea or getting high on "altered perceptions of time", you have team mates for a reason!

    There are ways to counter the curse, ways others could help you with.
    Gathering (all kind of) resources, things Time has left its stamp on… This will help you restoring your perception of Time.

    Others can also try to break your timeless state by brute force.
    Not every attack will do the trick though. They'll have to fight explicitly to break your timeless state. (the first fight against you must have as fight cause: "everything flows")

    Other things may help as well, things we don't have time enough to explain…

    But don't forget, in order to restore one principle you should not alter the others too much…..
    Balance has strange ways to interact with curses as well...

    You need to gather 15 "points" in order to restore your perception of time.

    Each different resource you'll receive after reading this message will grant you 1 point.
    Multiple amounts from the same resource won't score more; e.g. 1 lumber score 1 point just like 100 lumbers.
    (oh, and sorry, we just took note of what you have in your inventory )

    Each person who attacks you will make you score 1 point as well. Collect a screenshot (a single one, so pick your best one!) of your fightlog as a proof.
    Only IN battles will score and only after the trigger panel displayed "everything flows" fight cause at least once.
    As above, multiple attacks from the same opponent won't score more, you need to be attacked by the largest number of people possible.

    The quest starts now and will last for 24 hours, or whenever you send me a message saying you are done or that you forfeit.

    There is a catch. Timeless dust not only doesn't help your cause, but worsens its effect.
    Each timeless dust unit you have in your inventory when reading this message counts as -1 point.
    Getting rid of it now won't help you though, what's done it's done.....

    Good luck, and... Take your Time! *evil laughs*>>[/i]

    Quest provided by team 3.
    Results will be published [i]soon[/i]...
  16. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to Valldore Nal in Sorting list of heat voters by Heat given   
    If the concept of the heat vote is not only how hard the community agrees with the voting theme, but also the dedication to keep it high, there is actually a point for the heat to be reduced in time.

    And also i guess a function for the clickie would be able to be used in items as well, so it could be abused from ppl with scripting item ability as well

    (I haven't even given a look to the md script so if there is a way to make a function just to work for clikies and not for items, ignore my second paragraph )
  17. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to Granos in Seals Of Six   
    First of all I will start by stating this: Since October of 2008 I have lead and administrated the hidden faction of the Brotherhood of Void Destinies. We have always functioned under the radar, under the guise of controlling and spreading mis-information. We have infiltrated every alliance (not guilds) for reasons such as control and mass manipulation of others as well as holding others hostage from the shadows. Not many people would know of our existence other than for the fact that we have done so to keep our presence known to a small extent in order to insight questions and fear. Many strong players have been part of the brotherhood, as well as notable ones.. Although, due to the nature of the organization, their names will remain known to them and high ranking members only (unless specifically requested). Loyalty has always been our strongest suit in the Brotherhood, as one cannot betray or argue with those they do not know they are affiliated with until, that is they are fully ready. It has always been structured in such a way that only the high ranked members have earned the right to actually be viable members, and would continue to do so if an official alliance was to come of this.

    We have always been dedicated to the secrets of the lands, manipulation of the spreading of facts as well of mis-information, which has lead to great power among our ranks, many of us have dedicated ourselves to the creation of quests for the realms as we have discovered that such power and rewards are far to easily gained and thus we take the necessary means to inhibit others while keeping our hold of power over others. We have always been neutral to a degree in the sense that we equally despise all others for their sickening weakness and how easily distracted they are.

    The structure of the Brotherhood of Void Destinies is as follows:

    Possible Recruits: Sleepers
    Probation: Acrolytes
    Apprenticed: Fangs

    Pre-Mastery: Brothers
    Elite: Assassins

    Leaders: Speakers
    Leader: Listener

    Given its structure, we would only have seats in the actual alliance for those of Rank of Brother and above, whilst keeping other agents within the other alliances, which we can say openly as they have already become far to integrated within each one's structure for us to worry about removal--inhibiting our plans. We have never used or condoned the use of alts for any of our works or actions to which in my opinion is one of our greatest strengths all we do and have is based on individuals.

    The alliance as itself would be mainly used for contact means and setting of contracts with other individuals and alliances for things which hold the Brotherhoods interest and lust for power for the sake of inhibiting others. As well the communication interface offered by it would greatly expedite things as PM's are quite horrid those who know me know I get anywhere from 20 to 50 pm's a day...

    Regardless of possessing an alliance or not the Brotherhood will continue as we always have, and we will destroy all others in hopes of getting closer to the void. Be it through direct or indirect means...
  18. Upvote
    lashtal got a reaction from ignnus in Quest: Transposition   
    Here's my attempt to find Tempest Fort's identity transposition.

    The original name of the place is St. Michael's Sacra, near Turin, it's the eldest among the european sanctuaries dedicated to Archangel Michael.
    According to the book of Apocalypse, Archangel Michael is the one who leads the angels loyal to God against the great dragon (Satan) and the rebel angels.

    The picture was taken from afar, the viscosity there is too high!
  19. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to Mallos in Community Garden Research   
    [quote]The first is among the researchers. I think we could start with the four cubes, the three roads, and the dark slime, as these elements stand out quite a bit.

    Lots of speculation is done while researching when there is little factual information to study, so I will speculate on a few things.

    In my opinion the cube we encounter in the storyline in some ways represents the world we are in, and we are within its walls. Now these four cubes, lesser in significance to the first cube, are within this world (and the first cube) and could therefore be representing places within the world. When standing in the Meeting Of Roads the road to the left leads to Loreroot, the road to the right leads to Marind Bell, and the road to the bottom leads to No Man's Land which in turn leads to Necrovion and Golemus Golemicarum. I believe the four cubes are representing these four kingdoms and the three paths are guiding the way to them. My reason for thinking the third path connects the way to the other two kingdoms is the slime. It consists of a shade and an elemental. These two beings seem to represent the other two kingdoms, the shade Necrovion (for the kingdom is of darkness) and the elemental Golemus Golemicarum (in their devotion to magic).

    Rumi you thought the steps to each kingdom could be of some importance, maybe these extra numbers are of some importance too.

    Steps, 2 Loreroot, 3 Marind bell, 5 Necrovion, 10 Golemus Golemicarum.

    1 sun, 2 clouds, 3 paths, 4 kingdoms.

    It also eludes what me the meaning of the numbers may be, perhaps someone else could figure it out.
  20. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to Magistra in Horoscope   
    Hello to all,

    If you are interested, for 3 silver coins I'll cast your horoscope. You'll get a professional drawn horsocope. For two more silver coins I'll give you a character analysis.

    I don't do future predictions. I am able to, but I don't think it is appropriate to do it here.

    If you are interested, please let me know here. I will contact you.

  21. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to Liberty4life in Den of Lost Souls   
    armor shop is bad idea, why?

    take a look at current situation, mb, gg, lr capitols have shared aramory, mb and lr have their own additional shop, there is one hidden shop, nv capitol aramory is closed to public, weaponsmith is also closed to public although i am unsure if armor got even assigned to it, and one of tempest fort interiors should be another place for shop but it doesnt have any armor assigned and it closed, with all this in mind there is also justified assumption that there is planned another shop in nv (if so i have pretty good guess where it would be), now with so many planned shops i dont think there should be any more, i say first open up those shops and release all that armor that have their artwork done since 07 or before lol, currently we can buy less than 50% of armor out there

    same thing is with creats, theres like 10-15 creat species that have their artwork done since md went public, but still aint implemented into game

    oke now, lets say that there is potential for another shop regardless of the above, umm champ dome is said to be a vault so lets use it as example, more over it sounds more challengeous with yoar idea of npcs blockin path so we have a challenger who wants to claim "title of champ" and reclaim his "heritage armor", good we have motivator, then as wuky said, ya need to work all technically details, etc

    then as i in post before, we got bunch of those mp2 npcs, now that idea of moving tutorial to mp2 has failed, wut exactly is the point of them, shade npcs are pretty much unreachable, aramors... well with all the fuss goin around them its most likely they gonna get "freed" sooner or later and disappear, then tiny ppl will most likely take a walk back to the cave, and we gonna get rid of bunch of npcs

    thing that i wanna know is WHY WE NEED MORE NPCS? tell me the point of it, we have bunch of them already, 12 tutorial ones which actually have use, 20-25 useless shades at stone (well AL is dead for over 3 years now), like useless 40 tiny ppl (why the heck they left cave in first place, most likely they got scared of aramors), like "useless" (well they are useless unless ya count their role tied to recent events with knatty etc) 60-80 aramors, all those npcs already make 50% of md population so to speak, and yep they have all the characteristics of npcs, only difference between those and tutorial ones is they are mp2 instead of mp1 and they dunt have location picture, but instead they show up in online list, but they still can be beaten only once on each mp level and can be attacked by anyone (well actually i am pretty sure that there is still bug that didnt got fixed which allows ya to beat any npc again after 1 year of waitin, and then again after 1 year and again and again...)

    puttin new npcs just to guard some shop ahem... >_> doesnt really sound ... "healthy"

    and ya can see that atm in md npcs are used either to guide new players in begginin or to add a spice to some special ongoing event in which mur wants to show some special "force" of nature/principle in action

    also ya can see that murry also tends to put puzzle, wp cost, land loyalty or similar requirements for accessin specific parts of realm

    imo ya need a hell lot of a better reason in order to get more npcs in game
  22. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to Phantom Orchid in Synopsis of Alliance Activity   
    Can we get updates?

    (rep this + or - if you think this is a good/bad idea)
  23. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to Muratus del Mur in A Show Of Force 1 - Part 2   
    What I am about to say, is worth reading, even if it will be long, it clears a mystery at the very base of MagicDuel, a mystery guarded for years.

    The answer to the question "Who killed Marind?", is something almost none of you knew. Some very smart figured it out but kept the secret and i thank them for that. When I had this story done for MD, by Adi, the one writing it, not even he knew who killed Marind. When initial project was done, you can't stop a writer with such a rich imagination such as his to continue writing and made up stories. This resulted in a wave of rumors and myths, all very damaging to how MD is built. Its not his fault at all, its the fault of those of you that could not let the questions STAY, for those that can handle them, and felt they should start ranting and bitching about how totally messed is MD and about how acient lore is broken and missing. Of course people ask, that was the point. You (and you know who you are) failed in understanding MD. First part of understanding MD is to respect its secrets and not share your stupidity and ignorance to others, amplifying their superficial belief that things are somehow wrong around here.
    A new player, or even an old one, that did not bothered to much about the story, finds it easy to believe when he hears all your ranting and complaining and thinks its the way it is. That prevent some of the most beautiful minds around here to even atempt to understand MD, since they believe its nothing to understand after all.
    Thank you for ruining the mechanism i tried to build..because in a way some questions without answer were part of that mechanism. MD worked fine untill you people shared your frustrations and incapacity to understand MD with the rest. Thank you for nothing.

    - . - .--
    What is the cube?
    You all start in this fantasy world, MD, locked in a room with a spooky girls and some candles burning. Slowly you figure out the room is fully closed and that the girl is not a normal person. Eventually you exit that room, Marind takes you out of there and you enter MD world. You will notice Marind is now a ghost, and becomes more unreal as you move on in the story. Marind was very tangible in the room, in fact, in some story branches she can kill you too.
    You find out if you know how to look, that you came out of a cube, and if you digg deeper into MD ,you find out everyone came from its own cube. Now i ask you, what is the cube?

    The cube is the created bx around your soul and mind. It is not a natural construction, or it would have been a sphere. The cube is a symbol for borders, artificial borders. We all have our own cube we live in, be it the room we are in, the town , the closed group of friends, but most of all the borders of our own mind and understanding.
    If that is our own cube, then who is marind? no one else could be in your own cube, except yourself! Marind is just a part of your self. In dream psichology for example, the little girl represents you the dreamer (I found that out later, its true). When you exit your cube, you have to kill some things in you, or they wont go well with the world outside. Childhood dies when you go out in the world, some misteries remain and other peoples worlds interfere.

    You killed Marind. Each one of you. She doesnt even exist beyound your own cube borders. You seek to find her but slowly you loose her. The story never ends, it was never supposed to end. It has chapter 3, and a planed chapter 4, but it was never supposed to END. Marind dies and how can a ghost die other by forgetting her memory, getting her lost in the rants and the activity that follows after you exit your own cube...

    The Carnival? you enter a world where others enter the same way, use your brain...

    As you enter MD world, everything in MD becomes a mirror of yourself. Your fantasy world merges with the one of other people. You are not looking at an outside world but to a world within you. These symbols are not random thoughts that just sound nice. They are a clockwork of extreme perfection. The candles, the land weapons, the land balance, even the individual locations, they all make sense seen from this perspective.

    Now you see why having any made-up ancient lore stories about who Marind was, is so fundamentally WRONG and damaging.Any bit of additional information on the past will ruin the clue that this world is not a fantasy world planed to be a fantasy world , but one that emerged from your fantasy and does not have and "Ancient Lore". Give it an ancient lore or made up stories about its past and you will alter its present meaning and unbalance all its symbols and its entire mechanism. Respect the question and the answer will respect you. Hurry with an answer and you will get just that, a fancy answer.

    By what i said explaining this i killed a part of myself and a part of MD together with it. I dont expect those of you that made me do this to understand, but i expect the others to respect MD secrets more.

    If you think i spoiled you the entire thing MD is about, you can't be more wrong. MD is more deeper than you can imagine, then the people working on it can suspect. If you care and know where to look, everything in MD is a intricate puzzle of logic and feeling. Even within this text i let you see more than one path towards other things to discover. MD is a private challange for each of one of you, but some of you just failed it.

    This was the "show of force" in my own way.
  24. Upvote
    lashtal got a reaction from Plix Plox in Cum umbra nihil et sine umbra nihil   
    [size=4][font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]Since today it's my first MD birthday (!!!), here's a little paradoxical quest for all of you to enjoy.[/font][/size]
    [size=4][font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]Ideal to be pondered under the umbrella, ideal for killing time, this quest will last around a month.[/font][/size]

    [center][font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif][size=5][color=#4b0082]The Sundial Quest[/color][/size][/font][/center]

    [size=4][font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]Describe the functioning of a sundial in relation to Principles.[/font][/size]
    [size=4][font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]Write an original, MD-related motto for a Sundial.[/font][/size]
    [size=4][font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]Discuss whether a sundial could work in MD and, in case, where.[/font][/size]

    [size=4][font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]The best submission will be rewarded with a sword shade.[/font][/size]
    [size=4][font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif](If the bright side feels like sponsoring brighter rewards, Time will be more accurate... [/font][/size] [size=4][font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif] )[/font][/size]

    [size=4][font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]All submissions should be sent to me via PM or forum PM by July, the 31st.[/font][/size]

    [size=4][font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]Have fun![/font][/size]
  25. Upvote
    lashtal got a reaction from J-D in What do you see when you look at the mirror?   
    [center][size=5][color=#4b0082][b]The Mirror Quest[/b][/color][/size][/center]

    - Rewards: creatures (tormented souls), enchanted stones (summoned army and mirror ritual).
    (additional rewards will be considered if your submission deserves it).
    - Requirement: this quest is intended mostly for MP4, but it's open to everybody.
    - How to start: Contact me (in-game PM or forum PM).

    Following this trail will require Time and a sharp gaze, but will grant you a better understanding of the concept of mirror in MD.
    You'll also gather experience on fighting, creatures abilities, and all those details one cannot ignore when dealing with mirrors.
    Completing the quest will grant you a deep knowledge of the mechanics beyond mirror ritual spell (as far as I know, the only way to be 100% sure to win a fight, no matter the opponent).

    - The quest is divided into 4 parts;
    - Each part will be presented singly, when the previous one is completed;
    - [b]Each satisfactory submission will be rewarded with creatures and/or enchanted stones;[/b]
    - Part 2 and 3 will be reviewed together with 2 judges, who will decide whether to sponsor an additional reward;
    - There's no deadline.

    Have fun!!!
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