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  1. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to No one in archive: lists   
    If the archivists still exists, maybe they should work on some lists too.
    Also, links to these lists should be available from within game.

    Proposed lists(so far):
    - [b]alliances [/b]- each alliance should then have it's own page with purpose of creation, creation date , leader (with periods) , disbanded on date ... etc
    It can be created in paralel with topic :[url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/4659-the-alliance-list/"]http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/4659-the-alliance-list/[/url].

    - [b]shared items[/b]. this one is especially needed with the increased number of items shared or not. It should contain the requirements if any, location where they can be found... etc.
  2. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to Guillak in Your Musical Portrait   
    [size=5][i][b]Part 2[/b][/i][/size]

    Now is time to select the best songs, as well as the best portrayers!

    [b]~ Rules ~[/b][list]
    [*]Only those who participated in the first part can vote. That's 60 people.
    [*]For each participant, you choose amongst his/her list of songs the one that best portrays him/her. Keep in mind that this is not about your musical taste, nor even the participant's, but how [i]you[/i] see the character. Avoid systematically vote for the songs the participant put in his/her papers, or posted in the mood panel, or once said he/she likes …
    [*]You can't vote for a song you assigned in the first part.
    [*]All participants will score points according to their votes. The songs you have assigned during first part do NOT count. Consider the second part a new game: everyone has the same chances to win. You will get one partial score for each participant, which amounts to the percentage of people who voted for the same song as you. Your global score will then be the average of all your partial scores, weighted by the number of songs assigned to each participant (the more songs a participant has received, the more difficult and the more it counts). If you don't choose a song for a participant, the corresponding partial score is 0% of course.
    [i]Song list for Player I:[/i][/color][list]
    [*][color=#696969]Song 1 (40% of people voted for this one)[/color]
    [*][color=#696969]Song 2 (25%)[/color]
    [*][color=#696969]Song 3 (20%)[/color]
    [*][color=#696969]Song 4 (15%)[/color]
    [color=#696969][i]Song list for Player II:[/i][/color][list]
    [*][color=#696969]Song A (60%)[/color]
    [*][color=#696969]Song B (40%)[/color]
    [color=#696969]If I vote for Song 3 (for Player I) and Song A (for player II), my global score will be (20x4 + 60x2)/(4+2) = 33.3%[/color]

    In other words: you get more points if your votes are close to that of the majority, i.e. if you really vote for the best songs. I hope.

    [b]~ Rewards ~[/b]

    So far:[list]
    [*]1 Morph
    [*]1 Wishpoint (thank you Rhaegar )
    [*]1 Santa (thank you Sasha )
    [*]All sponsors welcome!
    Assuming I have more rewards to give: the participant with the highest score will choose his/her reward, then the second best will choose amongst the remaining ones, etc.

    I kindly ask everyone not to try anything like team up to vote for the same songs in order to get better scores. Although the goal is to get as close as possible as the others, there are way too many songs to choose from for two people to accidentally end up with the same 60 votes. Any miraculous similarity between votes will be automatically detected.

    I participate myself, but I won't take any reward of course if I manage to get high scores (I won't calculate any score before the end anyway, so I'm as blind as you all).

    [b]~ List of songs ~[/b]

    All-in-one for public offline "reading", very similar to that in the clickie:


    The file is large, it might take some time to load all images. As I said in my previous post, I replaced all empty descriptions by the actual song title. Hopefully I didn't make any mistake.

    Some participants received very few songs, mainly due to their late arrival in the game, or simply due to their low age, so they are not well known yet. May those few songs make you want to meet them!

    Warning: there are [b]755[/b] songs. Even if you don't aim for the first place, try to vote for as many people as possible, as it will make everyone's score more accurate. The goal is to vote for the best portraits, so you don't have to listen to the songs in their entirety; there are several private jokes in there. Don't worry, you'll have plenty of time.

    Due to the unstable nature of YouTube links, there are still a couple broken ones, and others might appear in the future. I will update the list every time a broken link is fixed (currently still PM-ing participants about it), and announce it here (see edits at the end of the post).

    [b]~ How to start ~[/b]

    Same as for the first part: "musical portrait" in the Oak Log at Awiiya's Way. The clickie has been updated and allows those who participated in the first part to select the best song for each participant. You can change your votes at leisure.

    If you notice bugs or anything strange, PM me etc.

    [b]~ About the end ~[/b]

    Since the number of songs is large, I propose to make this part last for one month, so that everyone has enough time to vote. We will make it longer if necessary.

    I will then display the list of songs again, along with the percentage of people who voted for each one. I intend to show the "authors" of the best songs as well, say the 20% best. Let's see how many participants managed to properly portray themselves!

    Eventually, for transparency, if someone wants to view the complete list of who voted for what, just tell me and I'll show it. I won't make it public though.

    [quote name='SageWoman' timestamp='1333060288' post='107795']
    This is all I could find for myself. What think you?

    I vote for it!

    [size=2]Edit 1:[/size] [size=2]+1 WP by Rhaegar[/size]
    [size=2]Edit 2: [/size][size=2]-1 broken link for Zleiphneir[/size]
    [size=2]Edit 3: -1 country-blocked link for Maebius[/size]
    [size=2]Edit 4: -1 broken/country-bocked/private link for Brulant, Esmaralda, Kiley, Maitreyi Devi, Marvolo, and Xcercses[/size]
    [size=2]Edit 5: -1 [/size][size=2]broken/country-bocked link for Rumi, [/size][size=2]Maitreyi Devi, and Marvolo[/size]
  3. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to The Great Wanderer in Adept Forever? (Maybe Not)   
    [quote name='That Other Guy' date='18 August 2010 - 01:01 AM' timestamp='1282111307' post='66419']
    The thing is with becoming an adept of someone is that once you do so it is meant to be permanent. Adding something to make it so you can become "free" just causes more harm to the system in place than good. It is an interesting concept to be able to do it, but really pointless, after all if you really want to be free become the adept of an account that is going to be removed.

    Look at it this way, if you taught something by someone you cannot unlearn it (no semantics please) You can get another teacher and learn new things but the fact remains at one point you were a student. In MD's case its being an adept and there is always more to learn.

    Just my opinion.

    You have a excellent point. I do agree with you on some extent of that. The only thing is, what if you wanted to recognized for your own talents and not for the teachings of your mentor? I understand what your saying, but what about anyone who became an adept not realizing they could never be without a mentor again? They could become a great figure, but they would always be connected with their mentor. At some time or another do you not achieve enough knowledge from one person to move on and forge new boundries on your own? In a sense it could almost be like graduating from being an adept. (This would strengthen the second idea, if true.)
  4. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to SageWoman in Leaving Magic Duel   
    [quote name='Princess Katt' timestamp='1332727099' post='107312']
    Hahahaha... I could probably fill your bra easier than your shoes!

    Only if we chopped you in half and stuffed it that way. *snicker snicker*
  5. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to Kyphis the Bard in Picture for the Bubble Weaver   
    This was quite complicated.... ended up doing a schematic to make sure it all worked correctly, but here it finally is:
  6. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to Prince Marvolo in Regarding the CoE badge being in the wrong hands   
    First of all, an Alliance takeover is, in my opinion, something that has a rather different scale than posting something in the mood panel.

    Now, you offer us no chance to do anything to take back our alliance.
    You offer us no terms or conditions
    We tried many things to get it back, and we failed. This option now, is somewhat our last option.

    We, Tarquinus including, DO care about this.
    We have worked for it, even if you may not have seen it, or don't want to see. And some of us have lives that come before MagicDuel. We need to take care of things that are more important than a game.
    And we are very sorry for that.

    Why did you take CoE?
    Humiliate us? For fun? To stroke your Ego?
    None of the reasons that I can think of are reasonable. And you never took the time to state one reasonable thing.

    What do you expect us to do?
  7. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to Tarquinus in Regarding the CoE badge being in the wrong hands   
    Pipstickz, I want to give you a chance to show that you are not a mean-spirited kid with too much time on his hands, but you're making it hard on me with these inflammatory posts which you immediately have locked. I think it's time to discuss something in a calm and mature fashion: how you came to have the CoE badge and why you choose to keep it.

    We, and by we I mean tankfans specifically shared it to the Loreroot Citizens forum, have a PM from Child of the Soul that seems to indicate that you plotted with him via Pipstickz, your primary MD account, or else in person through another means, and instructed him to "give control" of the CoE to your Lord Pip account. Here's my question: do you deny this? Do you deny that your only significant use of the Lord Pip account in a very long time has been to gain and keep control of the CoE?

    I think the issue of alt abuse has always been a bit fuzzy, and despite my attempts to create fully fleshed-out, different personalities for each account, I have been guilty of things that are considered alt abuse. There was a recent announcement, however, (announcement 2221) clearing things up. It said, in part:

    [quote]You are not allowed to use an account to aid any of your other accounts. This means you cannot sell creatures on one account to give the profit to another, nor are you allowed to trade creatures or items between your accounts.
    More generally, you are not allowed to use multiple accounts to help, benefit, or otherwise influence one specific player for their gain or loss.[/quote]

    It seems to me that your use of the Lord Pip account violates both the spirit and the letter of the rules about alts.

    I have chosen to work toward regaining the CoE badge through in-game means - when I said I thought that if we couldn't regain the badge through merit, we didn't deserve to have it, I was not merely spewing rhetoric. But I feel that I can't let your posting about why you will continue to hold the CoE badge without making any real use of it go unanswered. You surely realize you have upset people and made the game less fun for more than one person. You must be aware that your posts, particularly the second one in which you admit that Poe made this remark to you "quite some time ago", make you seem vindictive, grudge-bearing, and judgmental.

    My personal inclination is to continue doing what I have been doing, which is to let you keep the badges unmolested and make no out-of-game or meta-gamed attempt to "bring you to justice" or otherwise regain the badges through out-of-game channels. But I repeat: I can't sit idly by while you make these inflammatory posts. My "followers", by which I mean my friends who play accounts that once wore the CoE badge, are beginning to think that I don't care about the things you say and have no plans to get the badges back. I am aware that not everyone is as patient or as open-minded as I am (that should scare you, eh? ). It is for my friends' sake that I write this post.

    So I will ask you once more, civilly and publicly, to give the CoE badge back to the guy who worked to create the CoE and the woman who drew its badge, and let us restore the alliance to what it was. It's the decent thing to do.

    [i]Edited for a typo.[/i]
  8. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to Rumi in Life   
    How many times in a day do you set out to do something and then you do it, sometimes well, sometimes poorly. Making a meal, performing the tasks of a profession, engaging with friends and loved ones, growing a garden, or cleaning a house. With all the power to create, we endlessly set goals and challenges before ourselves; some large, some small, some to be done once in a lifetime, others done many times each day. We are a receiver and a source of energy, and each little thing we do is a pulse of that energy in some direction.

    Is a life defined by how well a person performs these activities? How completely? Or how gracefully? Or with how much joy? Or with the most desirable outcomes?

    Or perhaps our defining moments are those in between the pulsing activities, where we are truly content?
  9. Downvote
    lashtal reacted to Pipstickz in The Fate of CoE   
    Update: Phantom Orchid said to me, quite a while ago now, "We are getting our badges from Mur[...]this is your chance for redemption". I interpreted this to mean that she had spoken with Mur and he'd agreed to give the alliance back. I took the time to actually speak with Mur about this, and he claimed to have no intention of giving back the CoE. This further solidified my confidence in my decision, and that is what matters to me. Think of the rest what you will.

    [color=#0000ff]Mod comment: What Shadow said. Closed on request.[/color]

    [color=#a52a2a]Mod comment: Because the thread has been closed upon request, I will respectfully not reopen it. A discussion regarding Pip's two posts has been started here:[/color]
  10. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to Krioni in Spring Festival Tournament   
    [b][size=5]Welcome fighters of Magicduel![/size][/b]

    [size=3]The Spring Equinox is approaching, and as part of the festivities this year, we will be hosting a Loreroot themed combat tournament! This is a chance for everyone to compete in an even, fun competition with other combatants at your mind power level. Test your wit and fighting skill as you compete with your opponents, and prove your worth to come out the victor![/size]

    [size=3][color=#ff0000]Important: [/color]Read all sections of this post, especially if you plan on competing. It contains the rules and details of how to compete.[/size]

    [u][b][size=4]The Event[/size][/b][/u][list]
    [*][size=3]The event will take place on the week from March 13 to March 20. [/size]
    [*][size=3]The final battles for each MindPower will take place on March 20.[/size]
    [*][size=3]The format is single elimination, no loser's bracket.[/size]
    [*][size=3]There will be enough rounds spread over the days to get to the two final competitors on March 20 for each mindpower level.[/size]
    [*][size=3]Once the final count of competitors has been made, details on the dates and times for each round will be announced through the forum.[/size]
    [b][u]The Rules[/u][/b][list]
    [*][size=3]Each round will consist of one set of battles, one attacking, one defending. If there is a tie, another set will be performed until one person wins on both attack and defense.[/size]
    [*][size=3]The creatures used must be Lorerootian creatures with NO tokens. Elementals and Sharptears are allowed, though Grasans are not.[/size]
    [*][size=3]The percentage prayer power can only be the amount that would give the player 200 attack. So, if you have 400 attack, then the max prayer skill you can use is 50%.[/size]
    [*][size=3]Both the winner and the loser will submit screenshots of the battle log, showing that the winner clearly. This submission must be made before the posted time for the end of the round.[/size]
    [*][size=3]If the competitors do not submit the proof of the round, they will be contacted once about the submission. If the proof has still not been submitted an hour after the warning, the competitors will be dropped from the competition.[/size]
    [*][size=3]A case of disagreement in proof will be resolved by the judges of the competition. They have the ability to kick anyone from the competition on their on volition, so it would be wise to follow what they say. [/size]
    [*][size=3]Anyone not following these rules can be dropped from the tournament, at the discretion of the judges. [/size]
    [*][size=3]No spells will be allowed[/size]
    [*][size=3]Every ritual must be fresh, no combo[/size]

    [size=3][size=4][size=3]To sign up for this tournament, send me a PM here on the forum or in MD. This thread will be dedicated to questions, so signups must be in PM. Send your playername and your mindpower level, with the subject "Spring Tournament". The deadline for signups is [color=#ff0000]March 10.[/color] You are highly recommended to get creatures and sign up sooner.[/size][/size][/size]


    [size=3]The rewards will be announced at a later point in time.[/size]

    [size=3]Last note, if you want to help judge, a couple volunteers would be useful to help. Send me a message if you want to.[/size] Feel free to ask questions here if you need clarification!

    [size=3]Good luck in the tournament competitors, and happy Spring![/size]
  11. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to Chewett in KONY 2012   
    Iv been waiting for this to come onto the forum.

    I expect im going to get a large amount of negative reputation for this, but i cannot stand and let this sit as gospel on the forum, without pointing people to the other side. I however do hope that Magicduel has as least some people who do not make up their mind on one 30 minute video.

    Please read this: http://visiblechildren.tumblr.com/post/18890947431/we-got-trouble

    This is a response to video that shows the other side. Its a very intresting read and agrees that Kony isnt a very nice Man. But i personally would never donate to a charity where only 32% of my money goes to help people. The "invisible children" charity do not look so charitable when you look at it, and this is a stunt that most definatly raise a lot of money for them. Sadly however, little of it will make its way to the people in need, and will end up paying the wages of their employees.

    Read the link and the response, Just because someone says X is bad, does not mean they are good. Inform yourself fully before blindly posting these links. Do you want to be affliated with a "charity" that supports military intervention, supports armies that have records of raping and pillaging? ect...

    Its your mind, make it up. Just because you see this video everywhere, doesnt mean you should blindly follow it.
  12. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to phantasm in The Grail   
    soooo....even though a trial hasn't even been requested the council has intervened with a quest? Quests are designed by the people who create them and run them. While others who have "official" roles of public are swept under the table with WAY more public backing of their ideals. Oh I forgot...the council doesn't care about what the masses think, instead about what one whiny woman things who lost her way of cheating and sneaking to try and win a quest that was meant for the pleasure and challenge of the community *rolls eyes* Yah we see where the council's importance is
  13. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to Rumi in Meeting about Abra and the Empty Aramors   
    A reminder to everyone that Abra holds knatty's fang and knatty's chain as "proof" of the kidnap of KC. Much of the discussion centers around how little we know about Abra and the aramors and their intentions.

    It should be noted that we know equally little about KC and his intentions at the moment. He hired four mercenary guards to protect him and disappeared with three of them into the east lands. Next thing we know, knatty has been "captured" by Abra and the aramors. So much for the mercenary guards, right? We have seen Abra's "proof" of knatty's captivity, but we have not seen knatty in person. There can certainly be more going on here than is visible on the surface.

    There is a probability that KC has not been captured by Abra and the aramors.
    There is a probability that KC has not been captured at all.
    There is a probability that in KC's time in the east, he engaged some way with the demon.
    There is a probability that the demon or some other entity wishes the aramors free from GG to serve another purpose.
    There is a probability that the mercenary guards were hired specifically with an understanding that KC would soon be "captured".

    These are just a handful out of many questions which beg for a little clarity, if not direct answers. Given that Abra has used the capture of KC to attempt to free the aramors, Abra's freedom is now directly tied to this larger chain of events. I think we need to hear more from knatty's mercenary guards and I think Abra needs to produce a living KC. Perhaps then we will all take his demands more seriously.
  14. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to Fire Starter in Meeting about Abra and the Empty Aramors   
    I need to clear this for me - they landed chained, or were chained after landing?

    We all know how it is possible to gain amnesia after a big crash, like the experienced shipwreck, right? So from this point of view, they could be just searching for [b]any [/b]answer, not only the right answer, which they can't ask since they couldn't remember who to ask?

    My guess is to search for more clues at the spot and around, rather trying blindly to rescue someone. In most cases the blind approach proves somewhat deadly, at least
  15. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to Kiley in Meeting about Abra and the Empty Aramors   
    I have to say I agree with both trains of thought. Until one is armed with information it is unwise to move forward with attempting to set the "chained man" free. It is only through a meeting of the minds and a sharing of knowledge between the young and the old of GG can an informed decision be made.
  16. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to Mallos in Meeting about Abra and the Empty Aramors   
    There are many things I don't know yet, why exactly he returns to Golemus being one of them. So same answer as Seigheart got yes I am blindly helping them. Like I stated though I don't have a reason to not want to help him out yet and don't seem to have a need to worry. If you believe there would be reasons to worry I'm sure that could be a great point to bring up within the meeting.
  17. Downvote
    lashtal reacted to Grido in Meeting about Abra and the Empty Aramors   
    Think on this;

    A man is chained from head to toe to a wall, not able to do anything except move his head and talk. He says "please release me, I don't know why I'm chained up".
    Someone walks along, hears the plea and without thinking about why he might be chained up, helps to release him. The man is killed by the previously chained man, who then walks calmly off.

    Lesson of the story; Learn why something is as it is, before trying to change it.

    Do you know why Abra returns to Golemus, or are you just blindly trying to help him?
  18. Downvote
    lashtal reacted to Seigheart in Meeting about Abra and the Empty Aramors   
    I'm not complaining?
  19. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to Mya Celestia in Resource Depletion   
    [color=#008080][font=lucida sans unicode,lucida grande,sans-serif]I did not say that the land (or anything in it) belongs to the people. I said we tried to defend them. The issue seems to be my use of the word 'thief'. Clearly my view of how I used it is a bit wider than others. It may have gone over better had I used something like greedy capitalist. *shrugs* My point in the post was that they can keep posting screenshots of Loreroot, but it likely won't do any good. Those that over harvest will continue to do it because as dst put it, "that person uses the IN GAME TOOLS." I never called it a bug or abuse. It's more disappointing than anything else.[/font][/color]

    [color=#008080][font=lucida sans unicode,lucida grande,sans-serif]Beings should live in balance with the land. Stripping it isn't balance. Stripping it is robbing the land itself and its ability to perpetuate itself. [/font][/color]
  20. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to Esmaralda in Resource Depletion   
    I will keep posting the depletors i find, as this forum topic will help me decide who I will trade with or not. My rule is simple. If I find that you depleted more then 10 times (any land, not just my land), I will not trade with you anymore. Once you depleted over 20 times, I will not trade with your alliance. Once you depleted 30 times, I will not trade with your adepts. I will lower my counts if the person stops depleting.

    Perhaps this will change behaviour of some people. Perhaps it won't. Time will tell.
  21. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to duxie in Resource Depletion   
    [size=3][font=verdana,geneva,sans-serif][quote name='dst' timestamp='1328688514' post='103790'][/font][/size]
    [size=3][font=verdana,geneva,sans-serif]Thief? Are you even using that brain you're supposed to have? How dare you call someone a thief simply because that person uses the IN GAME TOOLS?[/font][/size]

    [size=3][font=verdana,geneva,sans-serif]heh... fun logic... *chuckles*[/font][/size]
    [size=3][font=verdana,geneva,sans-serif]I've heard someone has a nuclear weapon in RL... *whistles innocently*[/font][/size]
    [size=3][font=verdana,geneva,sans-serif]oh, and i wander why everyone hates Hitler so much? i guess he just used "IN GAME TOOLS" he had, hehe[/font][/size]
  22. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to Chewett in Meeting about Abra and the Empty Aramors   
    [quote name='Seigheart' timestamp='1330383339' post='105348']
    So, you are blindly helping an Aramor for no apparent reason besides wanting to help?

    Sounds just like their efforts to help you... you werent complaining then.
  23. Downvote
    lashtal reacted to Seigheart in Meeting about Abra and the Empty Aramors   
    So, you are blindly helping an Aramor for no apparent reason besides wanting to help?
  24. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to Mallos in Meeting about Abra and the Empty Aramors   
    I will be holding a meeting concerning Abra and the Empty Aramors at the Gates of Ages. It will be at Wednesday, March 7th, 0:00 Server Time (Day 67). The goal will be to find a way to release the aramors from Golemus. I will try to be there all day and I hope many of you will come and discuss the subject. Lets try to keep the talk of the aramors ingame please.

    This also relates to the quest recently posted by Phantom Orchid:


    Below is the statement in my alliance page.

    [b] [u]Abra and the Aramors[/u][/b]

    An Aramor by the name of Abra has tasked me to find a way to release him and his kind from Golemus Golemicarum. Although Abra can leave Golemus on his own, he later mysteriously reappears within the gates. I must find a way to break this binding of the Aramors to Golemus, and I will need help. If you can provide me with any information or join my cause I will be grateful. Soon we may be able to solve this mystery and release the Aramors to wander the rest of the realm.
  25. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to Phantom Orchid in A Time for Reflection   
    Shame on you Kiley for leading a very functional, successful, respectful, dependable, engaged, funny, helpful, and active guild! How dare you!

    *grabs the tar and feathers*
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