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Everything posted by Mallos

  1. With the new "Favourite" link there is a lot of red links to be seen, perhaps if the "upload picture" link was only available through the "Full Details" page it would be easier on the eyes.
  2. After having spent over 2 and a half years not defeating the tutorial shades at mp5, I would like to document a few of the effects of leaving them around. This means to not finish the tutorial in its current state. To start, the tutorial shades are the NPCs you encounter on your way back from the Aramory to the Path of Loneliness while following your scroll's directions, as part of the tutorial for the game. They initially appear at the Old Man's Road to block your progress north, and continue to show up at the House of Liquid Dust and finally the Fields of Abandonment. Defeating the last shade "Road Shade" initiates story mode and sets you on the path to completing the tutorial. Refraining from doing so will keep you from removing certain limitations your account endures while beginning the game or upgrading mind powers. There are two main limitations I have noticed that I will now describe. You will not get to pick your next principle. For instance, going from mp4 to mp5 will leave you at x/5 (x being the number of previously selected principles, 5 being your current mind power) so someone who has 4 principles will be Mind Power 4/5 until they finish the tutorial and select a fifth principle, becoming Mind Power 5/5. You could also be MP 2/4 or MP 0/5 for example, but you will not be able to pick the max amount of principles available to your mind power until you finish the tutorial (this might not be the case for mind powers other than 3, 4 and 5, as other mind power levels can have some interesting implications). This seems to suggest a degree of partiality in your character until you deal with the shades and finish the tutorial. You will be very limited on where you can move to without aid. You can still access locations but you will need to do so through other means than using arrows and clickies (as they will not show up), such as being ported or pulled by leash. The restricted locations are a bit variable and I will describe the factors that will be limiting you, as follows (warning, potential spoilers): - Clearing out all the shades until the Fields of Abandonment will allow you to walk freely from that scene to anywhere south of it, but you cannot move north until finishing the tutorial. Accessing the mainlands from here will normally require going through Golemus and the Labyrinth. - At the Gazebo of Equilibrium you can not move south, as well as at the Path of Loneliness you can not move north (since the bull will remain there). This combined with the above point makes scenes from the Paper Cabin through to the Path of Loneliness (and in some relation Necrovion) almost entirely inaccessible. You also can not move east to Berserker’s Way. - The statue at the Marble Dale Park will not be there until you finish the puzzle, at which point it will appear then disappear when interacted with, allowing you to go underground. In its place will be a cover keeping you from going underground. An effect of finishing this puzzle before finishing the tutorial is that after finishing the tutorial the statue will reappear, and disappear when interacted with while not having to resolve the puzzle. - The guards to Willow's Shop will not appear. This will keep you from being able to enter the shop. - The guards to Loreroot will not appear. This keeps you from being able to enter or exit Loreroot through the front entrance. - The slime at the Meeting of the Roads will not appear. This will keep you from walking south from that scene to the Fenth's Press. Other implications of not finishing the tutorial may include fewer tools/resources and creatures available to you without spending wishpoints or obtaining pass papers or ports, as well as fewer item collecting locations and armor/weapons available and less possible token principle combinations. So asides from being able to sit and have a chat with a shade, a privilege not often obtained, refraining from defeating the tutorial shades comes with two main limitations being fewer principles and less accessible locations. Many might find this a very unattractive scenario to be in, but personally I quite liked it. Limiting myself in such a way was nice, to see how my behaviors in the realm had to change and adapt, and I still somewhat regret dealing with the last shade although doing so frees me to fulfill other responsibilities. Perhaps a question to be asked is... Since defeating the tutorial shades frees us so much, what do we have to gain (or lose) from defeating the shades in Necrovion? ... I for one, would like to find out (I know this isn't perfect evidence of my 2 and a half years at MP 5 and not finishing the tutorial, but it's the best I have screenshot wise. It's 3 pictures put together for slightly easier viewing, not having to link 3 images)
  3. I will be hosting the first Newbie Focus day on September 25th, anyone who wants to participate can meet us in the Paper Cabin or throughout the realm as the day goes on. I am particularly looking for individuals who would be willing to provide tours of their lands and anyone who has simple quests they can give to younger players, PM me if you would be willing to provide such (even if not for this event). We will be emphasizing activity around the realm and hoping to provide targets for newer players to train on and interesting players for them to meet.
  4. About how much resources in herbs would you accept for a shmsh? PM me if you want. I'd want one but coins are not a preferred payment method for me (I can possibly "haggle")
  5. Well a combination of fenths heat water maybe some syntropic dust and clothing items (possibly from personal items like an eyepatch for instance + woven clothing out of unidentified herbs) would be what I would expect could *recreate* a Water daimon if necessary. I do believe (though quite likely mistaken) that the database can some way track creatures you've had previously through old IDs and maybe logs of sacrifices? I know there's lots of database logs for items currently in MD it wouldn't surprise me to see similar for creatures. Similar recipes like for a regular elemental egg might be a larger amount of heat (no water or clothing) as well as more dust and ashes (if a certain caretaker recipe goes live) and a personal item such as..... omelettes? I'd list more recipes but I'd have to think it through, similar schemes apply can apply. I would be skeptical of any type of resource or personal item's ability to be revived after use as they tend to leave some hard traces of their existence leftover from processing, rather than stats and possible fenths produced by creatures. +Chewett's opinion is a good one, most people will tend to want to see input from the person looking for info before giving info out, it's all about information being valuable and trading it. Most cases you give in order to receive but personally I find reaching out to gain info is a step most players don't take on their own unless compelled and should be commended/rewarded when the info is being made public.
  6. Mallos

    A good game

    I think the opposite in a sense... At infinities things break down and don't make sense anymore (to our finite brains) and thus limiting infinities in a game could be the sole reason players have to continue playing such a game as grinding endlessly without some sort of reward or endgame, while fun at times, is impossible to humans. This is why most games cap out level wise. I do like your metaphor for creating an image of infinity but I disagree with the premise. These "images" are rather abstract if you do not set a specific value to them, and as such players also will not be able to set a specific value to the "images" thus making them either worthless or infinitely valuable, which to me are both worthless. Think of infinities as godly powers... We have yet little to no reason to believe infinities actually exist in real life (outside of a singularity which is ill defined). Infinite is only a concept that exists in mathematics and abstract thoughts.
  7. When you have to quote Pipstickz to roughly summarize how you've spent the last hour in MD... On the forums reading topics in the "Say hello, Goodbye, or something else" section to find only 1 person who said they were going to quit then did so. "2. This is more accurate: "MD quitting" - when you think you're quitting but you're really just taking a break."
  8. Bump I saw Eon at the GoE the other day, was odd. (S)He might have been trying to kill someone. I also see Akasha hiding inside Kelle'tha's Cannon on occasion.
  9. I can do tasks depending on what they are. I particularly like helping new players
  10. What he said^^
  11. "Why do they have the abilities and why are/should they be different to the current rulers (who have a significantly weaker version)" http://magicduel.com/page/Announcement/view/3903 It's stated in the announcement above why: "After long discussions with Mur about what he wants to do with the bringin spell he has decided on it being replaced with a more fitting spell. All those who had the bringin spell from land leadership have had it replaced by a weaker spell which has two limitations. It is only able to be cast on members of the land you were king of and you must be in that land when casting the spell." "The two leaders of the nomads, Syrian and Azull, have been given 20 non regeneratable casts of bringin, This replaces the permanent bringin spell Azull had and represents the fading of their kingship powers." Personally if I had to have the spell changed I would make it work only on anyone with a nomad flag but work while cast within any land, and give them 2 spell casts. "It is only able to be cast on members of the land you were king of and you must be in that land when casting the spell." Why give them extra rights with it than other ex-leaders? Because for them to be in Necrovion officially they need to be on tour or hiding from the Death Patrol and this is hard to do without being dead (and bringing in others is likely a death sentence, not too lenient), I don't think they should be restricted from using their spell as they are ex-Necrovion and don't currently seem to have a homeland. They have a traveling nomad camp already so if the spell is changed it would likely benefit their camp. How to change the spell would be up to dst/Burns or Chew/Mur, since they already chose as per the announcement. But maybe @Azull or @Syrian would like to give input on this topic
  12. When the Caretaker's quest is available this can be done through donations of resources by any player and extras that we have we intend to use on any dead players so contact me if you need to be revived, other than that the dead should contact any player in realm that has a revival tool. Higher powers might not always be available to contact and sometimes the current revival tools are on cool-down so having a backup plan is usually a good thing, you can always pm me here or in-game if you need to be revived. "Um, I haven't said I see it as abuse (find the point where I said they had)? I said "abuse" as I was comparing nad's with situation to this, as they're largely similar. " Largly similar but vastly different, the connection is rather small as it's basically what dst and Burns think on nadolski banning people for depletion which was a point brought up by Mur while this topic is about Azull bringing Aethon and I into a very restrictive area in Necrovion (where we could not exit alone and could have been killed). Honestly I see no actual "abuse" here just a rather unwanted (by us two, Aethon and I) behavior that could borderline abuse if done differently, such as bringing a lot of people into Necrovion to be stuck or dead without help (remember "exiting" Necrovion the way I found was still involving a sacrifice). Although dst wants to have the spells changed, it doesn't look like Burns wants to make a ruling on this topic based on what he's said so far. As Aethon still wants something done, I wonder what Z thinks on this topic...
  13. Waiting on the input from the populace perhaps? 20 casts isn't that much if it gets replaced by the new bringins afterwards. I had more than 100 casts left of my spell to send players to the gate of the bored, I used it on a few players and then started porting some aramors (before getting the spell taken away for porting the aramors, I'd rather they told me cause I ported those few players). But spells like this are immensely powerful... Combined with necrovion... Mainly when used to teleport several players in one spell cast. It all depends on how severely the supposed "punishment" is received by the victim(s).
  14. @blackrider We are well aware you have been ordering deaths as I have been tracking this closely since you came to me asking for help reviving the Fusioneers. I am all for your goal of reviving the guild with your participation with the fusioning tool you own but I cannot sanction deaths such as these when Grido has already been jailed and Miq killed through the Death Guard and his minions. Deaths like these must be stopped. Perhaps it's time to officially rebel or bring the guild to another land?
  15. Yes I am.
  16. I'd love to come but currently I'm stuck in the trial of agony with no way to exit, would this make my application forfeit as I'm sure to movebind me you might have to come kill me first? I'd not allow this, I'm very against killing me and might try to kill you back you know.
  17. One last spammy mood panel update before I go back to blocking myself. I know what I want, I know what others tell me. I know you tend to never get what you want, as this is less satisfying and less intensive on actions you must take. I will get what I want, whether my wants must change or not. For now I just wait for "phase 2"

    1. Mallos


      ok well i'm still going to block myself sometimes just not super often. memes + spam are fun right? Don't worry I do more than just spam (sometimes)
      step 1 - incite chaos, step 2 - bring friends, step 3 - ???, step 4 - profit?
      ungod imma wreck your writing contest

  18. See, my idea was that Nadrolski wished for his land to be able to counter depletion with his tools, and since his King is inactive to post a rule allowing him to do so the "favor" I performed was to help nadrolski counter depletion, by banning nadrolski. Since nadrolski has been officially forbidden to do so on his own even though there was something of a general consensus within the guardian tools depletion topic that depletion would be counterable by using these tools, I figured I would be allowed to do so since I have not been told not to counter depletion (only nad was told that). Am I wrong for using his tool? Yes. Will I use it again? No. That's all I have to say.
  19. " make players quit" Easily my favorite part of this post.
  20. There's no reason why a player cannot request things within the game to be looked at a second time, and even the best of developers make mistakes all the time. What I love is how the developers here actively show an interest in interacting with their population and this in itself makes this game more unique than so many others. To try to keep my post short, my interest here is how I've been dragged to the Trial of Agony with no way to get out and this fate is pretty much worse than death as all I can do now is log out. At least dead players can go look around Necrovion somewhat... To say, this doesn't make sense to me how unrestricted their spell is when it's been stated that these powers should be only for their (previous) citizens yet they can have it unrestricted just because they were the driving point (right?) behind the spells being changed at all.
  21. Question: Are heat stones relatively easily accessible today? I basically have to agree with what Syrian says here. I've worked hard back during my Fusioneers days to make sure to get as many heat stones spread out in the realm as I can while giving out the overwhelming majority (if not ALL) for free and through a few quests. Currently most players have their own supply of several hundred memory stones and memory stones are not in decline in the market so by relevance heat stones are available IF players can go to contact Syrian or Blackshade to have some made for them. But as far as the actual need for heat stones I would say there isn't one, as I don't remember ever being contacted by a player looking to buy heat stones from me. They just aren't a necessity in the current state of the realm, but as for any newbs that we may obtain in these later years I'm sure some would like to have heat stones available to them.
  22. See I got my first (for this char) tag by helping Mur organize a role he was giving out and by being associated with the Caretakers Pub which was to be affected by this new role opportunity, so by luck and perseverance with your actions in the realm something you may be doing (like bounty hunting and killing wanted players) you could gain a role within the community if that role fits well within the core concepts of MD and the players able to give out such a role like admins favor you having the role. As far as avatars go you cannot get one without getting the option to use an avatar within the "EXTRA FEATURES" section of the shop, but you can obtain an avatar from another player for use without buying it in the "UNIQUE MD AVATARS" section of the shop. (tis my birthday in 3 hours so im checking the forums again )
  23. I've always hated you (the forum) and I'll be blocking it from my computer in hopes that I don't click it again. So yeah. I'll still be ingame from time to time... If you need me of course contact me there. I'll probably still get emails from forum pms but I will not be responding to these through the forum. If you must contact me, email me directly you can find my address in my forum profile. Goodbye forums, effective immediately.
  24. What better than to start the end of the world than catastrophe? Yes there are a few more but excuse me as checking my notes is a silly action to take at the moment, also is expecting the consumable ones to be used for such as this. And we don't have molquert anymore and we don't have the CT's revival quest yet. Excuse me for not knowing how many are revived and excuse me for not wanting 5-6 inactive people when we have 10-20 people still playing this game.
  25. 33 and counting, more dead previous, more dead to come, and what... 3 revival tools that are reusable (while not even being used on cooldown)... Does anyone other than me see the problem here? Those 33+ cannot simply hope to all be revived individually.. I'd probably have quit this game by now if I was one of them, if I was anyone other than myself really...
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