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Everything posted by Mallos

  1. 1. How do you like the new interface I like it 2. Compared to current MD interface, how do you find this one? Worse, just because of resolution issues and other small errors or missing features 3. Do you think its ready to be go live on main MD? No, same reasons it is worse 4. What do you like about it? Colors/Animations, darker page background is nice. Pin/unpin buttons are good, I think the compass wheel needs something similar to keep it open so we can use the left bar links more easily, as the compass closes quickly when you mouse away. 5. What do you hate about it Page structure, obvious resolution errors. I don't think the scene art to the right side of the online players/chat is the best place, maybe on the left side instead or above like in MD. Different positions for certain other elements too, specially the live help operator button since it is on the bottom right and I didn't notice it with the mood panel pinned, it could go above the achievements book.
  2. Some misalignment on the bottom panel where the pictures for your items show up, after using the inventory icon.
  3. Well on 1920 x 1080 resolution there is a lot of overlapping elements, I also can't use the scene arrows For comparison here is the mobile client:
  4. Mallos returned to the way of cleansing, questioning his sanity, or more accurately questioning Fang's sanity. "What does he mean, shades? I've never heard of such things, the sun doesn't allow it, does it? They reflect us? No, I'm not very reflective. He's gone mad, too much time sitting in a graveyard I expect." As he relaxes by the fire he notices movement within it. One of the books used for kindling is turning pages as if being blown by the wind. Oddly he notices that it isn't burning like it should be. He gets up to inspect it closer. Upon further examination the book is completely unharmed by the flames and is cycling back and forth between chapters. In a moment the flame is disturbed and erupts towards him, nearly catching him on fire if not for the fact the flame did not seem to be there. The fire neither burned nor emitted heat. Mallos decided to reach into it, confirming his suspicion. He took a moment to catch the pages of the book, which suddenly stopped turning as he touched it. The writing was there but the words were ineligible. Nonetheless Mallos began to flip through the pages to look for anything of interest. One such page emerged as it had diagrams of a simple trapezoid, but nothing too complicated. It had marks on each side which seemed to refer to the angles of the shape, but the same marks were listed again at the bottom of the page alongside what looked like a compass pointing to the four cardinal directions. Mallos concluded that this was all of value he could find in the book. Somewhere in the East a river begins flowing with fresh water from the rain clouds that have been gathering slowly... ___ -A time for consolidation at last- The young beast eyes Mallos from afar but as it approaches him things are not what they appeared to be. The flame Mallos is sitting by erupts with vigor engulfing everything in sight. Startled, the beast retreats but it is powerless to do anything as it is lifted into the air and feels its life drained from it. Suddenly from within the flames a great pyramid appears, floating atop a mountain and the beast is set gently beneath it, far from where it came.
  5. Mallos walks into the graveyard and shouts "Fang! Where are you?" Slowly a puppy appears into view and floats upside-down above Mallos' head. Fang Archbane takes a moment to observe Mallos. He sees a cloaked figure below him with only an empty skull and long black, feathery wings. Mallos begins to speak: "I need to tell you that there's a change of plans. I can't perform the ritual anymore, there is no essence left over. Maybe we can find another way to revive you." ___ Meanwhile Fang sits next to the Stone of Twisted Souls as Mallos walks up to him. "How's it hanging old friend?" "Oh, from a noose, took care of that problem before it began" Mallos replies with a smirk on his face, as he lights a cigarette. "Wh... What?" "Don't worry about it. Hey, what are you talking to this stone for anyways?" Fang proceeds to gesture towards the shades "I'm not talking to a stone, I'm talking to them." "I don't see anything but a gravestone..."
  6. “The shades will poison you, you must help me, save me from this” ___ A primal urge surged in the young being, survival or fury, some mix of the two. It fled before it could be seen but attempted to regain hold of itself. Faintly the scent trail could be picked up, leading into Marind Bell and so it followed. -I will find you and you will be mine again- It stopped at Wind's Crossing, suddenly no tracks could be found. Confused the beast wandered further south. ___ Lashtal sauntered over and opened a hand to beckon to Mallos. "Ah I forgot" Mallos mused aloud. He had yet to pay his offering to lashtal for requesting entrance to Necrovion. He produced a vial of blood in response. "This? This is not what I requested." "Yes, I know. It's not my blood, but I have an aversion to such offerings. It is of someone elses, I hope that will suffice." "I think we can make that work." Mallos hands the vial of Maebius' blood to lashtal.
  7. Patiently Mallos awaits his rescue, pickles or a warm smile would do fine. He observes a dark figure silently collecting bones around the area. Mallos thinks to himself: "I wonder what he does with all those bones. Maybe I'll ask him. Actually, better I don't, maybe he causes them to appear. I mean, that's probably not right. Lashtal always seemed innocent enough... I'm sure these priests just need to learn how to plow and they wouldn't starve so frequently." ___ Arriving on the mainlands without incident, the youngling proceeds to head north. The gates of MDA prove no obstacle to it anymore. Within the gardens it deliberates. -The scent is here, all over, must have been recent- Minglers gather to watch a ceremony while a large storm is on the horizon to the south...
  8. Wake up and take control of our fate, we must not be beholden to these ideas of what is or should be! ???? ___ Mallos sat in the Way of Cleansing, wondering why the boots are battery powered when there isn't so much as a single outlet in all of Necrovion. "At least there is warmth here" he thought, contemplating his eventual escape. He could feel a dark presence within Necrovion but couldn't tell if it was some part of him or some amalgamation much worse than he was... Meanwhile, Fang Archbane continued to question the shade of eternal souls for what it will do in time. Without hints the situation stagnated with no response. ___ Meanwhile, a young one awoke for a second time upon Gateway island. -I've been here before, but not like this. Death will do me no part this time-
  9. https://magicduel.com/member.php?p=Slotsh I object to your use of false characters when there is a perfectly real Mallos to make fun of!
  10. Princess Fang, my liege, heiress to the throne, vassal of Golemus, keeper of the sky flame, dethroner of tyrants, monicker of the foolish, infector of the wise, slayer of none, maker of MagicDuel great again, the dog which became bird, holiest of smiters, deepest of lacerators, leader of the pack, countess to the familia, bringer of redemption, savior of Azeroth, burner of nightshades, the one true prophet of the new era, I shall forever abide by your powers until I one day overthrow you. Until then we will bring new justice to these lands and unite what has fallen into ashes to be reborn anew as swiftly as the flames ignite. By my approximation the East has seeded its powers unto me to make me the Duchess of the East beneath the holy Emperor Sunfire beneath the God-King Ledah and I shall act upon their behalf to bring righteous glory to MagicDuel and all of its lands once again.
  11. Taking applications for an adept, one slot available. Apply below xD

    1. Tissy


      I'm not sure if we match. But I'm interested in how to apply.

  12. I will indulge in your vote need just to share in the frustration of the lack of coffee. ☕
  13. Mallos

    An odd fear

    Yeah I'm at a point where random day to day conversations seem very pointless to me, so often I go days without speaking. It would just be better if figuring out immortality was a little easier and maybe I'd have more to talk about. Would you forget how to ride a bike if you haven't done so in a long time? I'm sure you will retain the ability to speak, just that your vocabulary and pronunciations might degrade over time. Practice makes perfect as the saying goes.
  14. Trees set if anyone needs them.
  15. That may be the case considering the 6 I applied recently all went onto creatures with preexisting tokens, one of which the token was a broken one.
  16. This bug doesn't seem to be occurring anymore as I've applied 6 tokens since then that all worked, not sure if random luck, but I still have 6 creatures that have broken tokens. Is there some way to fix the problem with these tokens? 854381 854853 861468 861469 863544 867661
  17. As stated, not being able to participate after a win destroyed the amount of participants after a while. I'd suggest making the winners be disqualified for the next contest or next two contests, but no more than that. This way they rotate out who is playing and you can make tactical decisions whether to fight this one or the next based on who is going for it currently. Also most of my heads contest ideas involve some form of distribution of heads through a player considering I cannot control automated spawning of heads, so making either an npc that can hold heads or a "container" that can dispense them upon certain conditions would be ideal to circumvent the problem of players not being reliable dispensers. @Imperius you are thinking of Boss Heads contest, which nullifies stats/tokens, heads contest is free for all heads spawning on participants
  18. My straightforward opinions here are that only the leader or players designated by the leader should be able to invite players to an alliance, and that alliances should not be able to be disbanded by any action other than an administrator of the game deciding an alliance is no longer needed. Allowing just any player to invite other players is a recipe for disaster in that you need to strongly trust any new invitee if you are worried about your loyalty values being overwritten by some rogue invitee kicking you and all your members out. This creates, in my opinion, a distasteful attitude in the community as a whole that we are unwelcoming to any new players and that they need to do much to gain your trust, sometimes being impossible. Trust is a valuable thing but it shouldn't be in the way of being accepting to others. I personally don't understand the need to join an alliance just to be able to kick everyone out and then leave, disbanding an alliance, even if you don't like said alliance. Again, it hurts the community as a whole when some members of a land/alliance lose what they have held in high regards, such as I feel with the Caretakers and the East, and I think this is one of the biggest issues in the game for many years now. Just think of all the Children of the Eclipse members and Tainted Warrior members who had something nice going, a niche group or specialized part of a land as a whole, fractured by outsider actions. I feel this causes many players to leave, moreso than players who have left due to being killed. I can agree alliances can change leadership even by hostile takeover but if those players gaining the alliances for themselves do not want the alliance then what right do they have to let nobody have it?
  19. More death anchors and ability to get between them on occasion while dead. That way players aren't shut out from playing MagicDuel, considering that interaction with other players is a key part of the gameplay, rather they have various limitations on doing so. I'd argue that alone would fix about half of the issue of being dead which is being stuck in the graveyard the whole time. Currently very few players are able to kill other players so retaliation is almost a moot point. Revival items are also very rare and in some senses more costly than the kill items. If you revive a player you risk someone killing you and having no protection for yourself. If you are killed you may have to pay for a revival, just to be killed again. The killer is gaining in whatever their motive to kill was in the first place so the kills usually pay for themselves. I've thought about this one for a long time now and besides the new death anchor feature the only thing I could think of to make this better is to actually increase the availability of kill and revival items. A tangent on grave wreathes: I understand kill and revival tools being exclusive and not giving just everyone them, but we already have independent harvesting tools alongside public tools and the independent ones are mostly for convenience, kill/revival tools can be used in a similar way. I'm proposing making a "shared tool" equivalent of kill and revival methods, very similar to what the grave wreathes provide now but in more abundance. If these tools need to be worked towards through significant resource usage or similar effort then it can provide a counterbalance to the independent kill/revival methods in that no single tool can create a monopoly of power. This will allow those who don't have tools to be able to fight fire with fire against killers as well as help provide more revival methods that can't be shut down by any single countermeasure, such as depletion of the realms herbs. This would also allow more free usage of these mechanics as a whole instead of it just being an offhand thing we have to deal with every few months, it will be a legitimate gameplay mechanic we can always be on our toes about.
  20. Torch contest was so long ago that I was still new and I don't remember it too well, but it was a bit intimidating to participate in from the whole dying mechanic even though you would get resurrected afterwards. I suppose this could conflict with the current death mechanics by giving the dead a free way to resurrect by participating, if that is even possible while dead, or it could be looked at as a free resurrection opportunity for long since dead players perhaps depending on how frequently the contest would be run. The problem with torch in some sense is the rewards, if I remember correctly they were to be distributed to the winning land and that required some treasuries that we didn't have/still don't. I suggest that the reward for the torch contest would be the winning lands extend their influence into No Man's Land for a short time after each contest, and the point would be to try to reach your land as far towards the GoE as possible with consecutive victories. Basically, when your land wins your land converts a scene in No Man's Land into part of its land. So upon a Necrovion victory the Howling Gates would become part of Necrovion once again, and subsequently (skipping over Established Housing) the GoE would become part of Necrovion, perhaps up until the gates of the other lands, but not within them. The other lands would need to win in order to counteract these conversions emphasizing a true competition for citizens to be able to move more freely into their own lands and others through the gates.
  21. Just a quick idea: Change how the mp6 adept count is done, make it so you only have to meet the adept count to become and stay mp6 allowing you to drop below the 15 adepts and stay as mp6. What will cause you to lose mp6 status is if someone else from your land reaches 15 adepts as well as passes you in number of adepts, thus allowing only one mp6 for each land determined by who has the most adepts. *slight correction: you will need both 15 adepts and to be the highest adept count in your land to become mp6
  22. Ann. 4630 - [2019-03-05 01:27:07 - Stage 14] - Permalink - Posted By Muratus del Mur 4 likes Research and connection clues taken from personal notes I posted a new research and connections clue in Gateway Island doc. Honest feedback is welcome. Also based on your feedback i will decide if i should continue to post unfinished work as clues or not. I have A LOT of notes prepared for my second book about balance, and i am not sure if i will ever be able to put them in a coherent form to form a book with start and end, but as pieces of information they are valuable and interesting. If you would like me to populate md with "reserarch and connections" taken from these notes, even if they are not md related, let me know. Even if not MD related, all my research is greatly influenced, and even caused, by the md experience and by the things i learned in md...so in a way they are related somehow. ^First poll question as per this announcement. What I want to know is if people think the way clues are obtained now is appropriate or not. You can currently create a new alt and have 10 unused research points to collect any clues you don't have with your main account, and if you don't care about the wishpoint usage on that alt, age it to get active day wishpoints and use those to unlock more clue points to get the deeper level clues. Doing this would easily save having to use the wishpoints for clues on your main account which is attractive, at least to me, because there are many good wish shop choices and few wishpoints to use on them. I don't see myself ever using a wish on research and connection points because there's about 30 wishes I would buy before then out of the 7 wishpoints I have earned so far. So maybe it could be changed how clues are obtained? I suggest as an item in the shop, you could have one credit per clue, or maybe more exclusive like a wishpoint reward code and instead being a clues reward code.
  23. Mallos

    Free Will

    To put it simply if you could know the laws of physics perfectly and all information about a system you could describe and predict everything that will happen in that system after a specific moment. So in my opinion it is a bit of semantics, what you mean by free will. Does knowing what will happen diminish the choices made by a conscious entity in that system? You can't exactly make the choices for them, only influence the choices if you are a part of that system as well.
  24. Mallos


    Good idea, it would be nice to see more items to use in those slots. That could simply be extra stats, rings are considered valuable and sometimes 'powerful' items so it would make sense to give them less combat related stats like energetic immunity and briskness, or possibly boosts to resource related skills. While one might not protect you like a shield it could possibly increase your defense while lowering your attack among other variations, or just be all normal positive values but I think that's less unique and fun. I would prefer it to go the other route, causing specific mechanics to change while equipped such as allowing access to a scene for a set amount of uses before breaking or needing to be recharged. The possibilities are there but it would be nice to see a list of things that could be done and decide which ones are viable from that point on, then allow for some customization.
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