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Everything posted by Mallos

  1. No the problem occurred with more than just the tokens you have given me from that santa
  2. When using vial of token essences some of them have trouble applying properly to the creatures. Watching the popup box in the triggers when applying the tokens it didn't seem any problems occurred but when checking the creatures page it is obvious, certain creatures affected can no longer load the portrait correctly on the creature page (loads fine in the create ritual page though) as seen here. somewhat similar to http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/18042-html-crit-inventory-page-bug/ The issue being that these tokens have no effects in battle, exhibited below. I'm not sure which tokens have this problem or the consistency but I have several different creatures from several different types of tokens that have become useless.
  3. "this role, in its current form, isnt needed in MD. That it may become more important in the future but for now it shouldn't be something that time is spent on managing and distributing tools for. Most agreed that it would be better to move them all to shared role based titles, so people who belonged to the land could become it as needed." I'll just echo this statement, very few times have the tools been used to ban a player and I see only one location that is perhaps in need of a guardian, which is the candy boxes since there is so few of those to take. The role isn't necessary to spend admin time on, maybe in the future with more players it could be useful to have more guardians. Automating obtaining the role in some way would be the best result for it in my opinion as stated and this would also take care of the inactive guardians.
  4. I have a similar issue, certain creatures with a broken token applied to them are not loading on the HTML 5 creature page (loads on flash) as seen: firefox browser These broken [] tokens were applied with gelled tokens, and I have several creatures that have this issue currently. The tokens have no effects in battle.
  5. I'd like to see more rainbow candy types added, particularly one that uses the language flask system that made you speak in a different language. Possibly ones that would add small amounts of stats to your profile similarly to how land/alliance bonuses work, for a short time. One for exploring points. One that can add a temporary bonus to one of your principles, or preferably permanently remove some of your principle points. Now personally I'd love to be able to use that nice golden avatar Sushi drew for me ????
  6. I'd like to refute your presumptuous claims a bit, I know you think highly of yourself dst but thinking doesn't make things true. Now you're here essentially arguing in favor of continuing the AL as it would be common sense while simultaneously telling people they can't do anything and I assume by upvotes agreeing with subverting the process of (patiently, I might add) returning the altars back to a functional state through the actions of people within the AL, so consistency out the window now. I'd suggest you either relearn about the MD community or learn to be less critical. Currently there is a pm group of people that had some very interesting input on the AL of late and while they might not be taking it ingame so much it is at least something. 70% of all statistics are made up, I don't see where the 95% came from, most players seem rather engaged when they say something and we see Nava at least trying to get some activity going among others like Aia who rallied for the Eclipse back. I'm sure some amount of bragging is always going to happen but I don't think it is a rampant issue, a lot of players have achieved good things through real effort and we still see a lot of it today, take the Gateway Island guardians as an example or the Necrovion Death Patrol. Now maybe we can get back on topic a bit, I'd still like to see more action rather than a complaint. In fact I have an idea that I am mulling over and might post soon.
  7. Currently I agree that the altars not being functional is a bit excessive as that takes away a large portion of the combat system, being unable to recruit further and sacrifice creatures that you've been training being the main issues. If any character needs to lose heat I have had a heat loss ritual set consistently for a while now, and I'm rather active so I can help you build a combo ritual if you want. On one side I see how it can be annoying without the altars, but on the other I see some emphasis on player interactions as far as heat loss goes and further for wanting players to band together to fix the altars. I'm conflicted as on an individual level worse things have happened to players in the name of roleplay, although I don't agree with detriments as opposed to benefits to emphasize activity/effort. I would be more open to the altars being broken if we were shown why or if it was mentioned in the Adventure Log in some way, as it hasn't been yet. I'm open to seeing where it goes and for that reason I don't agree on any punishment towards the organizers, I'm just glad we have more of the AL to read as it has been years since the last edition. ______ As for the community aspect, I have really yet to see any sort of ingame activity in regards to the AL.There was the eclipse where the old man showed up in some sort of support for Aia and that is nice but somewhat unrelated as the eclipse effort has been long awaited if rather renewed lately. The old man has also appeared around Necrovion I guess. I went into Necrovion myself and offered blood but I was on a side mission really, to help Fang Archbane, so my character (not that I roleplay much, he's kinda just me...) really has yet to see any sort of AL happenings as I was not around during the blood service. We had the PM conversation related to the AL, but I dislike confining these subjects to PMs which will remain hidden. I much prefer these topics to be discussed openly so we can all see and look back on them, hopefully learning something in the future. Much like these topics: ^Somewhat unrelated, and rather related: So if people want my (and others) thoughts and opinions I request you would make dedicated topics such as these so we can all input openly. Now I really must agree that we should bring these things ingame whenever possible, talk to eachother ingame and try to create events to make more things move forward. The forum is a good resource but shouldn't replace the game, and I suppose vice versa.
  8. Well not your death, but consider that you won't have any copies of you running around passing on your genes. Often the older members of a species take on 'caretaker' roles for the babies while the younger fitter members go out and do that foraging stuff, to make the ant analogy this could be like the ants who protect the queen and care for the larvae but I think those are dedicated roles and not based upon age. Basically, you end up with a different role to suit the needs of the colony rather than what is the basic role (reproduction) although with the diverse society we live in that role can end up being anything really.
  9. I've had an ant farm before and I think they do it mostly to clear up space. Most animals don't have an understanding of death save some rather intelligent ones like elephants who grieve for their dead. Obviously the pheromones are signalling to take an object to the burial spot, just in this case the object happens to be itself. Most animals role in life can be summed up to about two things, eat and reproduce. In a tribal species like ours the reproduction can serve to fulfill the eating aspect as the more children you have the more potential they will bring back some food for you. Nowadays though with agricultural related advancements it is not always necessary to reproduce as much as you can in order to ensure your species, or your own, survival. With overpopulation being a real threat set to occur at around 12 billion people there is some key questions we need to be asking ourselves before we get to that point. Being dead as an alive individual could be summed up to genetic death, the inability to reproduce. The chromosomes of your ancestors have been passing themselves along for millions/billions of years and as soon as you don't do that you are the first of your line not to.
  10. Which badge are you ridding us of? yours
  11. penguins!

    1. Dhyone


      Penguins are such fascinating creatures! ????

  12. looks fine to me :p is there a description we can see?
  13. uh, not that I ever tested those, but weren't they supposed to be so that users with less than 5 casts (considering 5 out of 8 as normal) of a spell could enchant their spell onto the tablet, the use would be the same as regular spell stones
  14. out of most if not all of these that I gathered for ledah (as in, ledah gathered some too) on mallos besides the 30 or so morlecid ended up stealing... It was definitely me that suggested to Ledah that we could hold the heads together, Ledah was sitting in deathwhisper gathering loyalty and it seemed like a good idea at the time. I suppose we didn't need to keep the extras, but idk, didn't seem such an issue to me at the time, although I was looking for mrf to give them back to him, he was very much offline, and I didn't want to abuse my heads powers ah yes, to answer your question pipstickz, no we didnt use all of these heads so in theory no I did not use those heads
  15. eh removed then
  16. I gave the heads back to MRF at one point when I was able to find him. (paid someone to do it actually)
  17. Downvoted due to choice of altars... although I guess it makes sense. I sacrificed fal in golemus because by some random turn of events most of mallos' principles ended up being GG principles... not that im going to start explaining my votes the only one i picked willingly was time
  18. 3 to 4 being because all the other ppl have up to 2? and they never got the crown, so i try to logically guess 3 or maybe 4 is more suitable and it was your Kdoc you know >.< I wonder if Sunfire has any right to any points by now??
  19. boredom not a reason to torment... tactfulness is something I've been trying to learn maybe you should too

    1. Pipstickz


      Maybe you should apologize.

    2. Mallos


      I'm sorry Pipstickz

  20. So uh hey guys and gals and goats I got a joke for you all today: A little old dwarf, 18 angiens and a tutorial shade walk into a dome... How many exit is up to you TKs.
  21. Mallos

    brain dump

    Inner sun anyone? *coughs* ???? I prefer this one but I'm not sure if it solves the problem Aelis was asking about recently
  22. The first thing I tend to think of is using pulsars, as described above, and the thought that follows that for me is exactly as you describe, to watch the flashes of light emitting from the angien egg and count them to be able to use them as our time keeping method. Something that theoretically should be visible at nearly the same intervals for everyone observing (considering flash player isn't some overarching factor denying characters from being in the same scene-universe and synchronizing the light rays, along with similar technical issues) and is something that is constant so our "clock" doesn't fail us a day later. From my observations there is 5 flashes of light before the cycle continues, so I posit we only need to count those 5 for an accurate measurement (feel like I might be wrong on that though). The main problem comes in measuring these flashes precisely as you need something else as a frame of reference to be able to determine exactly how much 'time' (" d/V. Basically, it's about movement over a distance") has passed since we began measuring the flashes of light. My initial idea was to use my pack of playing cards as my character has an uncanny ability to draw a card every 2 seconds. Unfortunately as the player I am unable to reliably refresh my inventory quick enough and redraw to be sure that I am continuing to draw cards at a steady rate. So, second idea was to use beer ???? as it has a short 60 second cooldown but another problem arises, the refresh that occurs prevents me from being able to count from start of consumption until the point that I would have another beer ready for an accurate measurement. Ok so third idea is to use a water bucket, and this one would work. I don't feel like counting those pulses for ten minutes though and then recounting, which would be part of the 'bootstrap' method for having a reliable result and refining the measurements. Anyways if I wanted to throw out a number , say I counted 480 pulses in that ten minutes, and the cycle is 5 pulses to a single time unit we are trying to find, you get 96 units of time within that 10 minutes, considering we know what a minute is somewhat independently as we know it takes me ten of them to be able to collect a full bucket of water, 0.16 seconds per cycle of 5 pulses (I hope I'm getting that right now, time maths bother me) That seems wrong to me and certainly because I pulled the number at random, but you can divide/multiply each 'time unit' as I'm describing them to be longer or shorter, and then use that to determine how long another process takes as long as you redo the measurement. Meaning to then know that it takes me a minute to finish a beer, we can count out the time units in relation to those 60 seconds IE count 9.6 cycles of light pulses within that one minute it took to finish the beer, if the figures line up, you have a time keeping method. Of course it's not so simple considering we already know what a minute is but you cross reference measurements to make sure you can arrive at an accurate one. A bit less science-y, I came into the topic with the idea time is between two players. Why not one? Who is to say they were ever there anyways, besides them, and they'd have to tell you.
  23. Good points, good work and sad to see you go as always when players leave
  24. trust is something not to take lightly, unless MaleVoLence is absent
  25. Ok not the contest yet, sponsorships and likewise is on hold for now. Just an opinion grab, if you'll give, because I'd prefer to hear more thoughts on this in recent times. I'm going to try not to reply here unless quoted with a question (because I'd like to hear your suggestions, not mine). To start: How would a head contest be fun for you in the style that I ran previously? Essentially that I can spawn heads onto/off of players if necessary and we can work from there.
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