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Fang Archbane

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Everything posted by Fang Archbane

  1. All of my gold items (save Blackshades bottled emotions) I acquired straight from the shop o: Edit: I also find it odd that the Cardboard Box is under Resources but... that's another mystery altogether ♡
  2. I guess for me the big question is, will it be placed on the over or underground? And why :3
  3. For reasons unclear to me, the Black Rose gold item seems to come in two types even though theyre completely identical to each other. One appears under Uncommon, the other under Default. This is obviously super low priority, so feel free to place it last Chew :3
  4. Mallos cant post due to the fact that he disagrees with his posts being removed. He will not be acknowledging the warning although he has accepted it. Btw, he payed them at the GoE to transfer the heads to MRF, and watched it happen. MRF was idle at the Path of Loneliness.
  5. My thoughts exactly. Sushis a gift.
  6. Fair enough, and thank you to everyone for helping :3
  7. Any idea how much these services normally cost? I want to pay them for their time and the answers are greatly appreciated Ledah.
  8. If I wanted to have someone draw me an avatar, is there any way to have me obtain it directly from them, or would I have to shift through the avatar store until I see it once it's done and submitted?
  9. And so it was said, that the Phoenix of Mt. Kelle'Tha will rise again. The dance between life and death will never stop. Soon enough, my position will be made quite clear.

  10. My aim wasnt to be a downer, sorry if it seemed that way. I've stated what my worries are so well just wait for it to get implemented as raw instinct states it will (I did read what you said, but my instinct hasnt changed) and see which way it goes. Hope for the best and prepare for the worst as they say
  11. Very true, but one should also (in my opinion) have the option to live a life of as much obscurity as one seeks. While it may not be easy for someone like a leader to achieve, the followers should be able to live a life in secrecy. There are those who seek conflict. There are those who seek the shadows to avoid said conflict. Personally I believe it should stay a choice (something this list would take away) but again, that's just my opinion and I've already accepted this will be implemented.
  12. For the record Chew, I'm against the potential (since its 50/50 for good/bad, 60/40 at best) but all for the implementation. Instinct dictates this will get implemented. That being the case I've already accepted it. All i can do is hope it's used for more good than bad.
  13. Personally Ivorak, it's not that I disagree with clarity, so much as what that clarity could be used for. I'm not trying to sound harsh or untrusting, but from my skewed perspective it seems as if a list like that could be used more easily to cause chaos and give a list of targets than to cause peace and provide a list of potential allies for treaties. The potential for both good and bad with that idea is very real. The more you invest the more you chance to lose or gain. If we had nothing but good hard working peace seeking citizens in MD I'd be all for the idea. But I think at this point we all know MD is a tad more complicated than that.
  14. Not yet, but no rush o:
  15. Last I checked (might not be the case anymore) the GG Drach Cave showed it like Willows does, and I know the Necro Well of Tears definitely does.
  16. I'm sure you're right Pip. Just as I'm sure Chews right and it's my skewed perspective that drives my dream. And I've considered hiring someone to do exactly what you stated, and considered the copyright issues as well. The only thing holding me back is the funding tbh. When I say MD in VR I might not be expressing myself properly. I imagine it being as MD is now. Scenes we have now, but with a full 360 degree visual scope for each scene. Clickies that worked by actually touching them. Places youd adventure to by actually walking (on a rotating circular treadmill of sorts. Basically the design for Ready Player One). MD as we know it to be now, but in a fuller more submersive field of view and interaction. Voice to audio per scene. Viscosity working with actual weight activation in the boots. Teleportation actually jolting you up. spellcasting requiring actual heat (per spell cast the body suit would cool your temperature down). Again, I realize I'm mad, but I was asked so an answer I gave.
  17. Personally I disagree Chew. The feelings, the story, and the roleplaying could all still (and would all still) be done in a world that were visually enhanced to VR. I realize that what I dream of is a coders waking nightmare, I also realize it wont happen in my lifetime, but again I was just expressing my personal dream since I was asked what I would like to see MD become.
  18. Personally, id like to see MD become a VR game. i realize that what i ask is insane coding-wise and a nightmare to even consider tech-wise but an MD world in VR to give that fully submersive feeling that MD already does a damn good job of as is, is a world i dream of every day and can only hope it will one day become.
  19. Personally i wouldn't but I'd value them at prior explained pricing. I have the time and means to farm them on my own so I would do so and invest time instead of money.
  20. I'd have to agree with ungod. The first idea seems more logical but the second ones more creative.
  21. 8 adepts and counting. Dead MP6 will be interesting.

    1. Dhyone


      Sometimes in life, we need a few bad days in order to keep many good ones in perspective.

  22. The moon looks so peaceful tonight.

    Funny, how things are rarely what they seem.

    1. Dhyone


      The moon is friend for the lonesome to talk to.

  23. Still looking for 1 colorless loreroot archer 4 colored loreroot archers (sharptear) 2 colored barrens (12th anniversary) 2 colorless jokers (wishpoint)
  24. I rather like pips idea, and not taking sides here but, ivoraks very detailed suggestion seems quite fitting as well. Personally I'd be rather happy with either being implemented (too many herbs would equal weeds overtaking the land and pushing out most other farmable plants if memory serves, too many ore could indeed lead to giant chunks falling into the ocean and becoming lost forever, but ivoraks suggestion makes just as much sense) however Pips idea seems (and I could be wrong here, I'm no coder) easier to implement.
  25. I can second what Mallos said, the main use of spell tablets is to allow a user to stone level 1 basic spells at less than 5 casts.
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