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Plix Plox

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Reputation Activity

  1. Upvote
    Plix Plox reacted to dst in best thing about mur   
    What? You've got the confirmation that Mur likes ass kisser so you are trying to become one? Don't bother. You are one already.
  2. Upvote
    Plix Plox reacted to Eon in Favoritism   
    People get faced with opposition when they expect things to just be handed to them. If I remember correctly in your case, you decided you wanted to become "Death" and thought the council would grant you a name change just because you asked for it, or considered asking for it. You should try to study those who have roles and find out how they got them. Firestarter (I think it was him) roleplayed about his cloud for the longest time before eventually getting a cloud (and possibly a tag and description). Put in the work, be realistic, be active and it'll most likely come.
  3. Upvote
    Plix Plox reacted to Syrian in rainwater and bushies   
    i would agree as well, not to mention how unavailable water is to most people, rainwater makes bushies more accessible and fairer to the people who want to raise the skill, i would even go as far as saying that it almost makes gardening MB exclusive,and it would give rainwater a use in the process 
  4. Upvote
    Plix Plox reacted to Chewett in Forum Death Quest   
    [quote name="Ackshan Bemunah" post="140018" timestamp="1373804133"]

    If you wish to run a quest, then surely you will do the curtsy of being prompt with results and such, No?

    Or, at the very least, update us as to whats going on, We all get busy sometimes, and if you need some time to do something, fine, but not knowing is annoying.
  5. Downvote
    Plix Plox reacted to Ackshan Bemunah in Forum Death Quest   
  6. Downvote
    Plix Plox reacted to Fang Archbane in My neg rep   
    Oh mah lord, we can get negative rep again ?:D

    Ill have to commence my mission to beat Seig then !:3
  7. Upvote
    Plix Plox reacted to No one in Forum Reputation System Poll   
    Finally we can vote negatively :)
    Darn. I have so many topics to read and post to use the neg rep on . :D
    Today I am lazy, maybe tomorrow.
  8. Upvote
    Plix Plox reacted to Change in Bushies automatically watered by rain   
    I'd think it'd be neat if the bushies were automatically watered by rain. Basically, have each plant act as a rainwater collector item.
    [spoiler]So, after 40 minutes of heavyrain, each bushie would be fully watered and ready to harvest.[/spoiler]
    Of course, you can water them yourself to help speed up the process. It would be also nice if rainwater did help to replenish the lakes, wells, etc., around the land. That would help to prevent the usefulness of buckets from decreasing. (Having the bushies automatically watered by rainwater would decrease the usefulness of buckets, while having rainwater refill lakes and stuff would increase their usefulness again).
  9. Upvote
    Plix Plox reacted to Mya Celestia in Apologies   
    I'm not sure you intend it this way, but your apology is coming across as a child that is being forced to apologize like when a parent says, "Say you're sorry."  Those are rarely sincere and hold no real regret.  Had this been in the real world and you splashed these accusations in the media, you could go to jail for slander along with Chewett being able to sue you for damages.  A true apology apologizes, admits wrong doing and tries to make a mends in some way.
  10. Upvote
    Plix Plox reacted to Jubaris in Managerial position for Festival of War and Remembrance   
    One more thing, since you made the topic...
  11. Upvote
    Plix Plox reacted to Eagle Eye in Summer Quest   
    1st place : Nimrodel 
    Rust Gold + 1gold + 50 waters +10 credits + 3 Spicy Pickles (Look to Shem for the Credits) (Look to nadrolski for water) (Look to 
    Fang Archbane for Spicy Pickles
    2nd place : Pliz Plox 
    Mutate joker + 2 Spicy Pickles (Look to Shem for Mutate Joker) (Look to Fang Archbane for Spicy Pickles)
    3rd place : darkraptor
    Spicy Pickle + spell stone (Look to Fang for the Spicy Pickle) 
    Congratulations to all the Winners
    Thank you for my sponsors:
    Shem. Mya. Fang, nadrolski
    Thank you 
    Vall and lashtal
  12. Upvote
    Plix Plox reacted to Phantom Orchid in Over Moderation   
    I fully support increased moderation, so long as it remains objective (as much as possible).  It sounds like this will be a joint effort between moderators/Wookie, and I think this approach will work better than any one moderator.
    There have been too many toxic words exchanged - and it taints the realm/forum.  I will be the first to accept responsibility for participating in this, and I hope others will carefully consider their words too (and think about their effects before clicking 'post').  Let's move forward!
  13. Upvote
    Plix Plox reacted to DARK DEMON in Over Moderation   
    I totally agree with this.
  14. Upvote
    Plix Plox reacted to Lazarus in "Fugitive" or "PO's pissing around"   
    As far as I know she isn't doing anything to piss people off, you people piss yourself off and cry about it like a little girl on the forums. Mur can do whatever he wants and if Poe can help him then I don't see anything wrong with it.
  15. Upvote
    Plix Plox got a reaction from Eagle Eye in Summer Quest   
    Here's my submission.
    It's Summer Time @ Plains of Deceit

    (Please click the link..TinyPic isn't working for me!)
  16. Upvote
    Plix Plox reacted to dst in Community Garden Update and Feedback - May 2013   
    I don't understand why you're ranting at the community for not supporting YOUR project while you have been away (I will not discuss the reasons for your absence because they are irrelevant). It's your fault if you haven't been able to inspire at least one person to continue your work. So opening this topic only shows me your lack of consideration for the individuals that play this game and most of all your egotism.
    Also 200 is a huuuge exaggeration.
  17. Upvote
    Plix Plox reacted to dst in Extreme Magicduel   
  18. Upvote
    Plix Plox reacted to Laphers in Reputation - Like Buttons   
    I think I prefer the +/- system but I do think that people should be accountable for the reputation they are giving others so making it public is a good thing.
    If it were changed back but not made public then I would suggest putting in a counter to state that the rep score is made up of # votes. I personally don't really care about the post's score but would rather see how many people thought that a post was worth repping up or down.  If it is -2 but only 2 people voted on it then it's not really a worry.  If it's -2 and 20 people voted then I know that the post is worth looking at because a lot of people felt it was worth repping. Maybe it's just me but I'd rather see that one of my posts was repped 9 times rather than seeing a post was +1.
  19. Upvote
    Plix Plox reacted to dst in Reputation - Like Buttons   
    DD you are soooo wrong.
    I used to have a lot of positive rep. I went to major negative and now I'm positive again.
    And how are you so sure about this:
    Have you seen the votes? Do you have any proof to sustain your affirmation?
    I want the +/- back as well. It's the first feeback a player receives to his ideas.
    Also, as an example: fenrir. He has the worst reputation even. BUT he has no neg repps to his "Leashes" topic opened few days ago. Same with fang (he even has some positives).
    So no, it's not a conspiracy.

    Forgot: if the votes will not be anonymous  we will definitely have less neg reps but we'll also have not so accurate results (because some will refrain from clicking the buttons - we have too many cowards in this game who prefer to do/say things behind someone's back rather than confront him/her). So I haven't made up my mind about being able to see who voted.
  20. Upvote
    Plix Plox reacted to Mallos in Reputation - Like Buttons   
    "People never change their opinion on someone. First expression is always last expression in this realm."
    Not true.
    So whether or not negative votes remain, which I'm a bit for but rather don't mind either way, I think we should be able to tell how many up-votes a particular post has received. Also, I don't think being able to see who has voted on what is a bad idea.
  21. Upvote
    Plix Plox reacted to Dan in Reputation - Like Buttons   
    So you agree that less than half of your neg rep is justified?
    if people change their communicating ways, others will start positive rep-ing them. So in the end, their rep will improve.
    if it is the case, then there will be others who positive rep the post, to conter-balance. Eveybody should be able to express the opinion, even though it is unjustified or personal, but in the end, the voice of community is the sum of every and each person's voice. So i dont think it matters that only 1 or 2 people hate neg rep you. If the reason is unjust, people will stand up for you.
    If it is the case, then why should vote remains anonymous? They are made this way for the same reason
  22. Upvote
    Plix Plox reacted to Zyrxae in Reputation - Like Buttons   
    Personally I'm in favor of both positive and negative rep, as I feel having both more honestly represents the sentiments of the community. Negative reputation conveys as strong a message about a person's online interpersonal communication skills as positive rep does. I'm personally fascinated by the truths in each "Let's see how many neg reps xyz gets for asking literally the same question I did", but this isn't the main point here.
    I much prefer being able to see the number of likes/upvotes on a given post, which we can't do currently. Much as I dislike its like-only system, Facebook at least allows this, albeit at the cost of anyonymity, which I consider extremely important: like polls, the +/- reps allow people to more openly express their opinions of a given post or topic without fear of consequence.
    To take a recently reread quote not very far out of context,
    [10/01/13 00:36] Muratus del Mur: we are now a handfull of people that just have one or the other friend and lots of grudges and complains, that will lead nowhere
    A common sentiment seems to be that neg rep only increases divisiveness. But isn't it really more a symptom of the current fractured, fractious state of the realm?
    EDIT: After some conversations and reconsiderations, I would support having the old +/- rep system reinstated along with the ability to see who has voted how on a given post.
    This change would hold people accountable for their votes while still retaining our ability to briefly express dissent.
    (DD, there are reasons people spam you and not everyone else. If it was one person continually bringing you down then a moderator would have taken care of it long ago, but you, Fang, and Seigheart seem to have personal hate squads. The community should by now be fairly familiar with the reasons for this.)
    There's a good chance that enabling voter viewing will cause more short-term conflicts as people grumble about who upvoted whom wherever, but I believe that overall, knowing that we could be called upon to justify our actions will lead people to be more considerate in their voting.
  23. Upvote
    Plix Plox reacted to dst in Leashes   
    [quote name='Seigheart' timestamp='1367583480' post='135631']
    They were donating gold for just the hell of "owning" a slave.

    Donating gold to YOU. Don't sugar cote it cause we still haven't forgotten.
  24. Downvote
    Plix Plox reacted to DARK DEMON in Quest: Dom-Second Encounter   
    [font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#006400]DARK DEMON, 1 silver coin.[/color][/font]
  25. Downvote
    Plix Plox reacted to DARK DEMON in You know you've been on MD too much when...   
    [quote name='dst' timestamp='1367482985' post='135572']
    When you suspect every new player of being an alt.

    [font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#006400]I've been doing that since I was a noob. [/color][/font]
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