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Muratus del Mur

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Everything posted by Muratus del Mur

  1. Think of this, why would someone want to participate in your quest in the first place? main reasons the way I see it, are: 1) Rewards 2) Enjoyment If you give them good reasons, then the only thing left is advertise your quest, we get to that. 1) Rewards First your quest needs to be easy to understand. If its intended to be a difficult quest, then at least how to start it and what to do needs to be crystal clear. Clear things are always short, or super well structured. If its an easy quest, it must have something exciting about it, otherwise its boring (=less enjoyment). If you have a brilliant quest ideea and managed to set it up with your own available powers and efforts, and the quest gets noticed, the rewards part might be covered 'officially'. You can give really small rewards at first and build up a reputation, so people know your quests are fun and participate more in them, and eventually you will get sponsorship, or you will have better rewards to give. Creatures, items, anything that you can trade or share is a reward. 2) Enjoyment This is the secret for it all. If your quests have the right balance of difficulty and challenge, then they will be pleasant to play, then thats a reward in itself, plus it will attract rewards, and also establish you as a questmaker. Challenge and difficulty are not the same thing. One thing can be difficult as in boring or plain complicated to do but present no challenge. Other things can be super easy, and maybe boring too. Also, the other way around, something can be a good challenge but be too easy and then too the experience is too short, or too difficult and then becomes frustrating. I let you think about that more, its not something you can always 'design' but its something you can always adjust. Then there is advertising. You should advertise your quest through all available methods...but avoid spamming or annoying people. The forum is where you should post the details and announce participants, rules and rewards, etc. Place it in the right category for this please. You have the moodpanel, where you can place a link to your quest. You can also invite participants by sending them pms, but announcing previous participants is safer than just spamming random people with your quest. Remember there is a limited number of potential participants , and if you scare them or annoy them with spam messages, you will lose this opportunity forever and will also affect your public image. Also there is the chat, again, careful about spamming too much. Time: Be sure you give enough time for your quest. If it ends too soon then not many will find out about it. If its too long, then people will forget about it or your quest will stay too long without you being able to announce winners, and then it will not be so exciting anymore. I would say a week is a good timeframe to start with, depends on quest of course. Inside Tips: Tip1: If you design a quest that can be implemented with A25 tools and can be run automatically, repeatedly, this qualifies for a perpetual quest. A25 features are announced, and if you try harder the docs are even sort of public. A perpetual quest will ensure you unlimited reward supply and more, obviously. Tip2: I personally love quests that involve the participants to create things themselves, be it out of paper or clay, or whatever. I will probably sponsor such quests, provided they have enough participants. See the create your drachorn quest for a combination of these tips Tip3: Put passion into your quests, each quest you do is representative of you as a quest maker. Keep a portfolio of past quests, so you have what to advertise yourself with and put it on your personal pages, not many will want to waste their time with a new questmaker, but might give it a try to a quest created by someone that is not doing it first time.
  2. Imagine you are on a remote island isolated from the rest of the world, and there are a bunch of other people around too. Unlike in real life, on this island you can not be harmed for real, and you have nothing to lose. You do have things to gain though if you interact with the others, but nothing is really mandatory to do. You role is 'public' from day one, and first impression about who you might be is your playername and the way you talk. Before you make your role known, your role will be noticed by the other participants of this fantasy. Participate in all things you can participate, let people notice you and see your skills and abilities, but most of all your character. Be it that you are an uprising villain or a sensitive lady, this is not really something you get to decide, but the others get to notice. You have personal papers you can write on your profile (you can find them in the Archives on mainland , or on icons on your detail view when you click your playername in chat). These help a lot to tell the general public in what direction you are moving and what you attempt to be. One terrible mistake one can do is being undecided about who they are, but this is a paradox, because you can not know who you are until you know who you are. Don't worry, if you are active , you will become public naturally. Its more important how you will be known by others, not when. I hope this place will help you find who your character is and in turn, to find out, how much of this character you are. Oh oh, and i nearly forgot one of the most important aspects of this community. Respect other players, and they will show you respect in return. This, plus being active and involved, are the foundation of anything you wish to build with your role.
  3. A25 Members = Game Masters (simplistically put) while in other games there is no way to become one, in here you have a chance. You may want to become one, but before you ask to become one, you should consider what puts you apart from the other 99% that may dream of becoming one. If you are a long time member and present your intention of becoming a A25 member, you might be selected. From time to time, an additional member is selected for a limited time to control these tools and participate in A25 related activities. The main criteria for such a selection is the way you handled "power" on other occasions. For this, obviously, you first need to be confronted with such situations of "power", be it that you are elected leader of a land, or you are constant quest maker that constantly has to decide rewards for others, or you constantly helped in public events and where delegated tasks that involve such access to power. Endurance to public demand, and ability to see a good opportunity despite personal grudges is also a very important feat of character that is required. As a A25 member, you will be faced with situations where friends will ask of things that are in your power to give or change, and you need to be able to decide cold blooded what is best to do, and have the courage and attitude to stand to your judgement, even when the entire community will hate you for it. A25 members have access to tools that shape the realm, build it, or destroy it, and are also indirectly responsible of the sense of 'value' within the realm. Creating the wrong clickable that gives too much or too less of something, affects the entire MD economy and value of things. MD has certain unique concepts, that are many times just tangent, but not identical, to other games. You need to be that kind of person that understands this, without being repeatedly told. Once you receive access to such tools, you will be trusted to use them, and what you will do with them and how you are as a person will echo throughout the realm, taking everything one direction or an other. Also, you will not be given instructions ..well..at least not too many. A member that needs to be told what to do and what NOT to do, is not a good member at all. Everything on your path to A25 will discourage you to get there, but still, several managed to get there. In addition to all this, the majority of the existing A25 members must agree with you becoming one of them, and none must explicitly ask against you don't become one. We can not afford to have tension in a team that shares god-powers in the realm, or the consequences will affect everyone else. If you are good A25 material, and you are selected against all odds to be one, then you will be given the tools for a test period that needs to fade away naturally. What i mean by this, is that the test period never ends, but slowly, nobody will 'check' what you do anymore and your activity will become more valued than doublechecked. A25 access once received, and an intitial period passes (period that allows you to show you know how to push its buttons), you receive a medal. This medal entitles you to get the tools back on later occasions, with priority over others, because it means you know what to do with them already. Unlike everyting else in MD, the tools are yours to borrow not posses, they will not become your property, and they will be taken away as you become more inactive, to avoid you using them the wrong way. Everything else and more that you might obtain while having them, and i am talking about your popularity, personal wealth, reputation, experience, etc, are yours forever. Once you do have the tools, MD will never be the same again for you. Imagine you will have access to all locations, all creatures, know secrets, know inside workings of stuff, etc. Using the tools is a whole other kind of experience, so before you wish you had them, think twice if you really wish this sort of change or you are better off enjoying MD as a regular member of the community.
  4. Resources need tools to be extracted, how or where do I get such tools, and how do I use them?
  5. On Gateway Island you need heat stones to complete one of the quests there, how do you get them?
  6. They all look amazing, and its such a nice thing you tried. I would like all participants to receive something for trying, so i am sponsoring an additional 2 gold to all 3 participants. Gold will be sent to kaya for distributing.
  7. (Summary provided by Clair de Lune) Announcement 4821 onwards Stage 15 introduced Chat font size can now be set in options NPC fights revived NPC fight A25 advanced version A25 Logs introduced for any changes to items. A25 UNDO function introduced to track and reverse any changes done to clickables Combat Exit on the island introduced Updates and Changes saw an improved layout for screen sizes above 1600 width and a25 tools and editor getting upgrades to delete progressive items, show previous item placement and setting item collection locations. Undo/Redo for A25 introduced to allow reverting of any clikie related action. Value points renamed to Wordly Inertia. New activation trigger for clickies available to activate clickies if another related item from any location is set to a specific level. Gazebo of Equilibrium converted from flash, along with the Christmas Tree and all the gifts. Vitality and Winertia bars introduced between the side panels to make them more visible. A25 was given new clicky action for sound, allowing designers to mix sounds on clickies. A25 was given enhancements to its trigger function, allowing 17 new features available. Stricter rules for ip bans came into effect. Banned Ips cannot register to play. GWI spam, links or suspicious chat will result in instant permanent IP ban. A different page layout became available to improve the interface. Changes to creature cost implemented to make it more expensive to farm many of the same type. A25 Timer feature introduced on clickies. Preparations for Gateway Island saw all accounts inactive for more than 3 months relocated there. Ancient accounts were also taken out of story mode and all were sent invitations to return. A25 introduced sound triggers on item activation. A25 saw a new function to hide or show a clicky with advanced rules. A25 tools for Broken Pattern Puzzle were upgraded massively allowing configuration of varied behaviours. 13 new sounds for puzzles and clickies were added. A25 was given new tools and powers for trigger detail and the Clicky editor The Daily Login Bonus was introduced. A new puzzle was added to the Gateway Island. The BPshards Puzzle had changes to its trigger function. A25 had tools introduced to setup principles to be chosen at that location. A way to reach Gateway Island from the mainland was opened. Changes to the maximum number of Action Points were introduced. Boosters to add maximum Action Points were added to the shop. Completion of mapping heat-vein only locations by the dedicated team. Newly revived ancient accounts requested to declare ancient powers to Mur due to incompatibility issues with current realm status. The map Identities item was added to the shop. A25 saw introduction of new clickie function of activation based on what you say in chat. A25 had a new function of wishpoints being rewarded automatically via clicky introduced. A25 holders given access to army of bots with the tools to manage them. A25 feature added to remove triggers. A way to choose principles was added to Gateway Island. A25 feature added to modify stats to predefined values, change them by percentage or set them to zero. An update was made to allow features on clickies to act depending on the fight for cause function. A25 given tool to amend, remove or add creatures to NPCs, with additional tools added to allow change of NPC details depending on event. Bounties were added. Regen timers were increased by 5 mins for all lands, VE cycle increased by 50% and AP points regen lowered by 50% A25 given creature edit tools to allow holders to edit and add new creatures. Additional info added to profile pages showing further details such as exploration points, heads and so on. A25 given feature of clicky ability to be influenced by heads. Introduced new reward functions to A25 using clickies to dispense. Glowing letters to the left of the interface changed to show only players with A25 tools open. LHO system was disbanded. A25 editors given ability to mark a scene as “Protected Chat”, preventing visibility to earfocus spells. Logs for trading, Creature Transfer and Wishpoints were reintroduced to MDA. Major PHP upgrade was made to keep us safe for the next five years of upgrades. A25 Item Template was updated to allow holders to add items more easily to the game. The consecutive days tracker was introduced. A change was made to the resource stack system to reduce waste of resources when using item processors. A25 given new command allowing clickies to be customized to give any items with the item template system. New button added to show the current leaderboard of consecutive days count. A25 tool release of NPC Talk, allowing interactive dialogues on clickies, with dialogue support activation added to provide more variation and multiple uses for important clickies. Over 40 types of A25 checks were added to allows clickies and items to show more comprehensive details about players and features within MD. Change to Alliances regarding confirmation of a nominated leader. Animated clickies introduced at Gateway Island and Gazebo of Equilibrium. An A25 action was added to allow animations and alteration to scenes. Autorun effects were added to clickies allowing visuals or messages to run on click. Announced introduction of fantasy doors as an experiment to take us to experimental realms. Limbo was removed, meaning if you enter a now non existent location, you are immediately transported to the nearest safe one. Partial access to A25 tools to be given to more players. Introduced a new activation rule to allow players to activate clickies based on date and time. Changes made to transferrable items making transfer more difficult. The ability to change vitality was created with the possibility to damage or heal. Raven Hold now heals and increases Action Point regen for Lorerootians when active and in the capitol. Items in fillable clickies can be set to turn into a different item when activated. The Unholy Guard was introduced to Necrovion as another way to achieve death. Rules for gathering tools changed to allow only one of a type to be carried by each player. MD Rework 2021 was initiated by Chewett. MD moved to a new server. Creature Shards and Creature Marks were introduced as features for combat, with three additional panels added to combat logs as a reflection of this. A generator was created to allow creation of the creature shard abilities. A new LHO style form of support announced for Gateway Island. New chat whisper function implemented by Chewett. A25 tool for a scene language string swapper implemented.
  8. apart from the odd name (sry for that), this one is a more complex base ability. I will post below the generator and the initial sample use that is currently in work. I expect you to reply with valid suggestions by copy pasting the generator result here, no other alternatives. GENERATOR ---- Rise of the Phoenix riseofthephoenix|target_player=a,e;target_marks=winged;target_species=bird;deadoralive=onlydead;onround=every_3;val=50%;mode=add;runpoint=after_creature_turn Brings back to life all winged birds on the battlefield every 3 rounds, restoring half their vitality, provided this creature survives to that round. Template: vitalitycritsbyspecies ---- The trick with this one is not to always use all parameters. Its very flexible. I will add my own versions, please if you made a suggestion that i added but missed to see you already suggested it, let me know and i will mark it as yours. reminder: own designs give you 50% shards discount
  9. I would say nomans is transparent (no color), and yes as stated above bob is part of this. Something with a specific color would not be able to represent bob, that has all the colors.
  10. you are just lucky i guess, pure luck
  11. i don't think its related to the recent changes, unless ALL auras stopped working.
  12. oh wow, forgot we talked about it, but this is indeed how i see the lands, totally accurate. PS: even the land ids in the db correspond number=color to this!
  13. yes, lets do that, as i don't remember what we talked and its a pitty if it gets lost in time. thank you!
  14. ---This one got implemented ---- Bad luck to healers badlucktohealers|target_player=e;target_abilities=protect,heal,regenerate;deadoralive=onlydead;mark=badluck;val=50%;duration=10 Targets dead enemy creatures that do heal, protect or regenerate, and marks them with badluck, making them unlucky in future combats Template: markforcritabilities ----as Example---
  15. All i wish to see from illusions is something like an arena/dojo, where people can grab a preset "armor/suit" that will put them in illusion, with predefined stats and avatar, then after the fight, they can return to someone that decides if they won or what, and they go out of illusion, the reward being given manually outside the illusion. If illusion based competitions are possible, then illusions have met their goal. A problem of illusions, if you wish to see it as problem, is how you can/can't take someone out of that illusion..but this gets easily solved by how they are used, and by placing the reward "outside" the illusion mode. Like this we can have wars, and all sort of simulations, with rewards based only on strategy not on previous grinding. I am not against grinding, i am just saying we lack a mechanism to compensate that, and illusions where made for that. ps. i totally forgot how they work so their future is entirely in your hands how good luck. Thanks for not letting them die.
  16. Illusions where supposed to be bubbles of gameplay, that allow extreme gameplay without the worry of unbalance, just with the benefit of intense momentary fun. If you intend to change that, pls also let me know of the outcome. One use i was hoping to see, was combat competitions, arena/dojo, etc. .. realm wide temporary roles that do not involve permanent overpowering one person.
  17. This ability is implemented right now Ranged Inhibitor rangedinhibitor|marks=ranged;val=10%;target_skills=attack;mode=subtract;runpoint=before_creature_turn Partially ignores atacks from ranged attacks and lowers power of all ranged creatures incrementally on each turn Template: markskillmodify Dependencies: none ----Example---
  18. Please use this generator . Only what you can generate from there is valid. In some situations when you need more complex functionality, this ability could depend on other new Marks. If so, describe them in the dependencies field. Try to use existing values, as i will add new marks only if they are 'great'. I will implement first abilities that do not require new marks. If you are designing a new ability that involves additional logic or rules, it will have to wait untill i create such a generator or template ability that will support that functionality, stop spamming this thread with abilities that require other things. Their time will come later (probably). GENERATOR FOR MARKSKILLMODIFY
  19. can work. swapping the stats in what way?
  21. - negative values are possible in some cases, turning penalty into benefit, but i will also add new param, read below - my edits on your post should be permanent, i will probably not go a second time over the same post so don't edit. If its rejected, you can delete your entry and add new one. One entry per suggested ability please - avoid adding new logic, this ability is simple one. I will add new parameter to allow multiplu, subtract, divide, add called mode
  22. marks can have logic, abilities should fit the logic presented for that ability. Suggestions of rules or logic for an ability other than those presented, means you are suggesting a new ability, and not using the one presented.
  23. marks can have logic, abilities should fit the logic presented for that ability. Suggestions of rules or logic for an ability other than those presented, means you are suggesting a new ability, and not using the one presented.
  24. [UPDATE, format change, full list of options, removed nonsense, generator script!] Use this generator code_comes_here| marks=archives,badluckbadluck,crippled,egg,ethereal,golemus,ranged,winged,;block=5%;target_skills=attack,defence;mode=add/subtract/multiply/divide (negative values allowed);runpoint=before_creature_turn it alters a fixed value or percentage from all the target_skills, for all the creatures that have the marks defined in "marks" Same rules and info like the previous post, go ahead and unleash your imagination! Keep in mind abilities work together and think of a plan on how they could be mixed. Don't write the plan, write just the info and code like, the rest we will all discover once/if implemented! PLEASE POST ONLY CODE GENERATED BY THE GENERATOR
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