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Everything posted by Syrian

  1. @DD, i think the taint princ was talking about is not the same kind as the granos one
  2. i am groot
  3. i didnt class sendtodeathwhisper as east, my bad : P i guess that can count yeah, but middle of the east we dont have, which is what i was thinking about when i wrote my post
  4. if your entry was disallowed because of no hand, then Z's should have been also, for fairness.
  5. posting on the behalf of vladan, who has reached all requriments to advance to mp5 but cannot advance as the button to do so is not there , as shown below http://puu.sh/hoglk/935f3cf636.jpg
  6. ahhh, okays, the way alyon posted it sounded like we could pick new ones, my creatures dont need changing the,n and ill edit out my above post
  7. even more of a reason it doesnt need to go on the main UI, i think the location of the button is good as is, except maybe shift it up per nads suggestion, but this another arguement, as is the donate all, which is more a convenience thing than a needed feature
  8. im using chrome tried to recreate with asthir's steps and both pages still display properly
  9. its not universalyl useful to the entire MD population so it doesnt need to go on the main UI page.
  10. i had this idea for a very long time, the reason i had for not suggesting it was beacuse teleport spells are very powerful, and being able to have a spell that has a changeable destination would be too much, and would likely become a way to jump into the east really quickly, of which we currently have no (to my knowledge) teleport or sendto spells taking us to
  11. its because the logged in and the log in pages have different URLs, youre likely going to the login page when you close and reload the browser (authentication.php) instead of the login page (layout.php), the login cooldown happens when you try to log in again within 15 mins of logging in before hand, its not a bug, its you just trying to log in from the login page within 15 mins of logging in
  12. i was a little hesitant to submit this as its the first thing ive drawn in around about 5 years or so, and its not so much a hound as i envisioned, BUT, im going to do it anyway, because why not image 1: sketch work and my glorious nails http://i.imgur.com/nmspM4a.jpg image 2: prelim outline work and some shading http://i.imgur.com/7Cu0WN3.jpg?1 image 3: mostly an extra image, some extra shading done http://i.imgur.com/gDsw5nw.jpg image 4: the final image, the hound is not very happy that a hat was put on his tail http://i.imgur.com/wKL2GpE.jpg
  13. tried to confirm, got to the below shade. http://puu.sh/hkICk/c4275ba4b9.jpg upo nattacking gave me illegal action errors multiple times (no SS because it worked the time i went to take one) http://puu.sh/hkJ6Z/138fee8027.jpg heres a SS, its also worth noting i only got ot pick 2 principles before i was kicked from story mode, instead of 3 i also cannot attack because im in tutorial mode
  14. first of all i would suggest paying more attention to your surroundings, its pretty clear from your question that you didnt look where you were going and you ended up lost and paniced. every scene comes with a trusty arrow pointing in the right direction, its quite easy to find if you dont lose your cool, remain calm, keep your head on your shoulders. failing this i would send a request to the TW, the Talented wanderers, they are the best at finding their way around and helping the lost find their way, for FREE, and without any risk of injury, unlike the DS which are "advising" you to hurt yourself so they can extort money from you, which quite frankly is typical of any legal service, do not fall into the same mistake that many before you have. keep your head up, Syrian
  15. @IAB, followed these steps and could not recreate, both profiles displayed proper creatures.
  16. http://puu.sh/hjXnc/87018e9b0e.jpg i see your creatures just fine
  17. Syrian

    Even Odds

    Rewards: 1st = Player C = 7.5sc rounded up = 8sc 2nd = Player A = 4.5sc = 5sc 3rd = Player B = 3sc (no roundup required). this equals 16silver when the pot amount was 15
  18. i have enough pickles! i wanan keep my creatures!
  19. what will happen if an mp4 and an mp5 of the same alliance end up having to fight each other?
  20. i would agree with this, i would even go as far as to say if repeated incorrect/malicious advice is given that is making people break the rules, then LHO wings should be removed
  21. appointment and removal of LHOs, and public explanation of any decisions that are made in regards to the LHO team. even as an LHO i cant say that i know grido's reasons for doing the things he does there could be a public LHO forum section for public matters and for posts that explain various actions and decisions, and possibly for people to raise concerns and questions and to get an answer publically, that is, assuming it gets used.
  22. i realyl like the idea, when i first started as LHO there was a few questions that i wasnt sure about, and would have to ask another LHO before i could give an answer, this would be pretty common with new LHOs and having a specific person that they could go to might help them much more, and give a more friendly personal touch to the system than just asking whoever you can find that can help you, we have LHOs for new players, why not LHOs for new LHOs?
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