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Everything posted by Burns

  1. [b]If i am part of a land and wish to make a poll in another one, for example to join a different land or have someone kicked from there, can i put such a vote up?[/b] Crash Test Dummy: indeed Crash Test Dummy: but Crash Test Dummy: only to ask to join the land Crash Test Dummy: the system doesnt prevent you attemping to join another, but you will lose your citizenship and alliance if you suceed in gaining access to the other land [b]But is it possible to see who started the vote for a kick from an alliance? (if so, I'd be interested to hear the reasoning why)[/b] Crash Test Dummy: not currently Crash Test Dummy: for now, it wont be shown Crash Test Dummy: but for a kick to work, they will surely have to get people to vote for the kick, since 60% is a high number [b]Is there a difference between actively clicking abstain and not voting at all?[/b] Crash Test Dummy: yes Crash Test Dummy: see the formulae Crash Test Dummy: but, for an example Crash Test Dummy: positve: 100, negative 20, total landscore 200 Crash Test Dummy: in total your score is 80 Orvid: I would suspect that is to prevent those who have left the realm from effecting the outcome? Crash Test Dummy: (100 - 20) = 80 Crash Test Dummy: here this would be 40% approval rate Crash Test Dummy: however if you were kicking someone, this would fail Crash Test Dummy: if someone abstained with 50 power Crash Test Dummy: your percentage is actually (80 / 150) Crash Test Dummy: which is 53% approval Crash Test Dummy: meaning that abstaining completely removes your influence Crash Test Dummy: wheras not voting is a "minor" negaative Crash Test Dummy: whereas voting against is a major negative Crash Test Dummy: the not voting being negative essentially translates to "you didnt bother to get this person involve to vote" Crash Test Dummy: post it please i'm still trying to grasp it, i must say. Crash Test Dummy: say you have 1000 total landscore *Burns*: In your example, with active score 200 and 80 not voting... Crash Test Dummy: you therefore need 400 for approval, yes? Crash Test Dummy: at a rate of 40% *Burns*: I'd effectively create a better outcome by abstaining than with not voting, right? Crash Test Dummy: indeed Orvid: That means that eventually people who have left MD will need to be removed from the lands, correct? *Burns*: active landscore, orvid, i take it people inactive for the whole week count not at all? Crash Test Dummy: indeed Crash Test Dummy: burns [b]Will people know if they've been put forward to be kicked o.o ?[/b] *Burns*: right, that's a good question. Crash Test Dummy: The town crier will state there is a vote going on in the land that will end on day X Crash Test Dummy: if you click the information you will be able to see who is being voted on Crash Test Dummy: the person will not be informed as they should care about what votes are going on in their land Crash Test Dummy: its a week, so its not a quick event Seeker white: o.o I see I see Crash Test Dummy: again, these are just how it currently works, feel free to suggest ways to improve it Crash Test Dummy: i would suggest you pay attention to votes going on in the land Crash Test Dummy: spoiler: it might be important for you to vote all the time Crash Test Dummy: or at least, vote in every one, rather than not bothering and ignoring it [b]Orvid: Would the thing that your alluding to there have any effect on those with no homeland, and thus, nothing to vote on? *Burns*: So, example, if laylah dislikes me and puts me up for a kick vote, i can see that i have been put up for a kick vote and actively gather people to not kick me, but obviously not vote in favor of mysel *Burns*: f?[/b] Crash Test Dummy: yes orvid Crash Test Dummy: you can get people to vote against the kick vote, and you can vote against it also Crash Test Dummy: i would expect you to work against someone trying to kick you Crash Test Dummy: @orvid: it would be souly affect land related things, no additional bonuses for non allied people Crash Test Dummy: not landed people [b]Does a kick vote lock you out from a land for a while?[/b] *Burns*: Example, if somebody kicks Grido, i invite him back into the ally, and don't care what the rest of the land thinks. *Burns*: Politically not smart, granted, but technically destroys the purpose Crash Test Dummy: Currently it blocks you from applying to the land, but doesnt stop you entering an alliance Crash Test Dummy: if there is a point where issues like that occur i might consider adding that in, but i want to see something like that occur first [b]is there a time limit to the block?[/b] Crash Test Dummy: I couldnt imagine a situtaion where 60+% of a land said kick Crash Test Dummy: 1 month i believe Crash Test Dummy: for all failed votes/kicked out votes [b]I'm rather suprised nobody asked if the player kicked still loses 50% of loyalty and such things[/b] Crash Test Dummy: not currently Crash Test Dummy: again, if a case arises where someone abuses the system to utilize this fact, i would change it Crash Test Dummy: the idea is not to lock everything down, and let people have some freedom
  2. Happy birthday! I hope you have time for a few dancing parties, too
  3. I can only speak for myself, but everytime you asked for it to be closed, i scrolled down and found another reply from you, indicating that you actually did want to keep talking about it But, because three is the magic number, i'll close it this time on creator's request, and if you indeed want further replies, you know where to find a mod. If somebody else feels like talking more, make a new thread, i'll make sure to place a link in this thread if that happens, or even merge them if they fit together. We're getting away from the original topic anyway. http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/13201-in-game-dreams
  4. With those points you can learn about the history and background of certain things. You might have notice that there's a link that says 'Research and connections' under all the scene titles, if you click it, you can see the clues stored in this particular location (they are still mostly empty, you'll find some scene with clues around the aramory, for example). After you have activated your ability to read those clues, you can spend your points on them. To get that ability, you need to find and fulfill some achievements. [Shh, i hear there are some in the east lands, but that's a secret, okay? ;)]
  5. Partially solved, according to announcements, but you still can't get full glow if you have any morphs, they are not counted as maxed, still.
  6. I think our understanding of private is too different for me to give you advices To me, private means that the public doesn't interfere, not that it's utterly impossible for anybody to interfere. for example, if you have a chat at GoE, i can come and join, that's public. If you chat in a private message, i can't, thus it's private. I still have options to find the contents of said PM, for example by bribing one of the persons involved, but it's impossible for me to join into the conversation. That's how i see the term private, but this is apparently not what you have in mind when talking about private. I do agree that the dream should be a place where the dreamer is alone with the weaver, without outside influences, but i do not see the dream as a place cut off from the rest of the game. If that is the privacy you wish for, you'd need a different scale of dream, in my opinion. the current dream just doesn't fit with this, at least in my opinion. and as i said before, you have the best chance of any player to reach a higher level of dreaming. if you can't figure it, i surely won't be able to (and i'm actually too busy to try hard, too)
  7. I must disagree. Reading the first chapter of the AL, Golemus Wizard, it's quite clear to me that dreams are not a private place where people are cut off from the world. MD dreams are a whole world, and not only the ones having the dream and the dreammaster can mess with it, but anyone skilled enough can. And they are not prisons or private chat places as Raven used them in his time. For that we have a prison and a sunny bedroom. The Golemus wizard was able to take somebody from a dream without consent of the dreamcatcher, and sent somebody there without it, too. The dream realm is another aspect of MD, but most definitely not a private aspect. It might be slightly less known and a little more mystic to the newbies who didn't grow up with Morpheus, but it is not what you wish to make of it. Being the current dreamcatcher, you have the chance to change the dream realm more easily than anyone else, but that needs to be done through the game reality, and not through the council changing mechanics to fit with what you think to be right for the dream world.
  8. That's probably because you can't, as the poll doesn't close separately from the topic. If you want the poll to be locked, that mean you can't post replies anymore, either. We can do that if you want, of course.
  9. -poke- Maybe it's just me who dislikes that, but my Santa upgraded a year ago and is still naked. Maybe there's a way to have the winner pictures integrated, like, as santa's christmas present?
  10. Burns


    Neither asked any LHO, it seems, because we talked that one out about two years back
  11. Solved, thus closed and moved. Hooray for dst's techy-ness
  12. Rather unlikely to happen. http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/3781-creature-tokens/page__view__findpost__p__29468
  13. Burns

    New ideas

    http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/13142-addition-to-feature-trigger-box-playername/ addition to feature: trigger box playername
  14. In addition to the existing feature that translates the ID into playernames, i'd like to propose that the other ids that show up in the triggerbox as effects directly get translated into names, too. For example, after buying the feature, it says [quote] Shop Guardian I: 243043_fightsfor_loss [/quote] and not the playername who actually is fighting for loss, and [quote] Eagle Eye: intoxicated_by_53832 [/quote] instead of intoxicated by playername. To me, it'd be a nice addition if that was added to the trigger box playername feature, or added as separate feature. the code is already there, expanding can't be that hard, right?
  15. Burns

    New ideas

    http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/13138-interaction-with-creatures/ Interaction with creatures. [color=#0000ff]Please create new topics for discussions, just post links and really short summaries here to keep track of the ideas.[/color]
  16. Closed on request, and moved to Q&A, seems to belong there. If council would like to make a public post on the matter, you know where to find a mod
  17. Trust issues is simple, you don't talk to anybody about a quest you want to make. If the concept is good, they might steal it, if it's okay, they might win with insider knowledge. I've personally only ever talked to my ancient buddies when i wanted to make quests, like Shadow, Chewett and so on, never to people i met on the road. On the other hand, if a newbie just makes a quest out of nowhere, it'll likely not work out. You need to run through a bunch of quests and watch what people like and what works in MDs population before you can start doing your own, and that bit gets harder and harder as less quests are active. That list of able veterans was on the forum already, it proved pointless. Only 4 people ever contacted 'us' over time, mostly because people either want to run their own quests, or rather ask help from their friends than random strangers.
  18. No, he gets his rep for pointlessly spamming a quest thread. Unfortunately that seems to turn into a habit for many people who like to hear their own voices. Please stick to the topic: Post entries, or nothing. If you want to applaud somebody, give them rep on their posts. [/Evil Mod]
  19. http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/tags/forums/Sparring+Ground+Championships/ Please feel free to pick up on whatever you like. I don't feel like doing them anymore, the participants are not creative enough for my likes.
  20. In your way, it's reduced to a game of strength. It's a pity that the tactic part died out when the active, smart players were done getting their medals, but removing the first stage makes HC even more pointless. You complain that it's just sitting out, then do something against it. Nobody manages to run forever.
  21. Burns

    Daily Fruit

    No, there is no way. If you're doing it clever enough, your accounts don't get recognized as alts by the system, tracking items over 5 corners is, while possible, not as easy as it sounds, and if your accounts are not registered as alts, you'll have a rather hard time proving that they are. If at all, make then similar to the flasks we ca find once to boost VE and VP. You pick the apple, and it boosts you, that's it. No items, no option to transfer, no anything. Eat it or leave it. (and there Pip goes and posts it while i write >.<) If you like you can think of functions to get fed up of an apple, for example if you only take attack all the time, the effect decreases, and you need to pick another stat for a few days before the effect returns on full scale. I think that the creation of resources that give you permanent boosts would bring a whole new boost into the alts business, so i'm all against that.
  22. [quote name='Etluc' timestamp='1350018074' post='123815'] Pizza [/quote] Fratelli d’Italia
  23. We've had a similar thing before, and we thought it to be fixed. Maybe Rendril still remembers what he did, and why it might show up with 5 rounds delay now. *hinthint, council, Ren probably knows it already*
  24. [quote name='Max Mortlock' timestamp='1349903793' post='123730'] Saints [/quote] and Sailors
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