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  1. Upvote
    Granos got a reaction from Eagle Eye in Happy Bday Azull   
    Happy Birthday!
  2. Upvote
    Granos got a reaction from Maebius in Soul of Equilibrium   
    Sitting next to me... With Tequilla...
  3. Upvote
    Granos got a reaction from Syrian in Soul of Equilibrium   
    Sitting next to me... With Tequilla...
  4. Upvote
    Granos reacted to Tipu in Soul of Equilibrium   
    Ailith madam Aliith madam where have u gone
    i missed u sooo much that i stopped taking bath.
    remember those good old days when we swam 2gether in MB's lake
    as Master Granos jealously watches ...as he is so fake.
    remember those Awesome moments when i used pee on Bob's root 
    as i always want him uproot, then u shall warn me with your boot.
    remember those days when i always wanna dance with u ..
    but the pervert Granos would not allow ...for he is no good.
    But what ever happens and how long back it goes...
    i shall always never forgot those memories soo old..
    Hope u too...
    your friend ...Lord Tipu :wub: :wub: :wub:
    Come back madam..with ur charm and my Smartness 
    we 2gether shall rule as there r many fools hehe
  5. Upvote
    Granos reacted to dst in forgotten legends   
    They haven't actually PLAYED the game.
  6. Downvote
    Granos got a reaction from Ackshan Bemunah in Discovering Inner Magic   
    Ah, thank you Ren you have clarified that which I wished to know.. I shall seek them out now...
    Also Tremir.. Think about it carefully, [spoiler]and read your history... [/spoiler]

    [i]We should probably close this topic as anything else posted here may end up as a massive spoiler..[/i]
  7. Upvote
    Granos got a reaction from Zyrxae in Tourist Souveniers   
    It's a bit long for a T-Shirt but I've seen some with variants of this before...

    [b]I must not godmod. Godmodding is the mind-killer. Godmodding is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will stop my godmodding. I will permit others to attack me and defeat me. And when it is done I will lose in a realistic way. Where the godmodding has gone there will be nothing. Only Role-Play will remain.[/b]

  8. Downvote
    Granos got a reaction from Azull in sad conclusion   
    For Necrovions downfall, Rebels made little to no real difference other than an initial push towards the fall, but it has been something a long time coming from even before Jester was king. As for Ravenstrider he is one of the few people left in the realm who could ever be considered a true Necrovion.
  9. Upvote
    Granos got a reaction from lashtal in Tainted Slime Creature   
    This is a creature that was conceived probably back in October/November 2008, it was going to be part of something else.. But that will no longer happen now.. So enjoy take a look and see... Leave your thoughts, comments, rants and raves..

    Obviously with tokens and the en mass stat farming this creature is more or less useless now.. but it is an interesting concept all the same...

    *Note to those of you who have seen this before, I have omitted the images for obvious reasons, so don't ask about it...


    Requirements for recruiting this creature:

    Action points 100
    Value points 5000
    Sacrificed vitality 10000
    Exploring Points 15

    Tainted Slime

    Targets: Random
    Abilities: Regenerate
    Actions of this unit are performed on allied targets

    From a primordial inanimate ooze where once there was only nothingness a glimmer of life bursts forth. Pulling in upon itself what once was dirt and slime, now contains a core of taint permeating each cell of the creature. Slowly moving from its birth place, the growing taint infects the slime driving it further from its state of nothingness.


    Vital Energy 40/40
    Regeneration -10
    Defence 0
    Initiative 0

    Requirements for next level:

    Experience 80000
    Won battles 0
    Age 60

    Upgrade costs:

    Action points 100
    Value points 30000
    Sacrificed vitality 15000
    Exploring Points 10

    Ruin Slime

    Targets: Random, Weak Creatures
    Abilities: Regenerate
    Actions of this unit are performed on allied targets

    With each step from its birth site the taint grows stronger deeper harder. Where once was only dirt and slime now a core of ruin binds the Slime together. This rigid core which at first held the slime together now slowly pulses with a darkness spreading beyond the tortured body of the slime. Where once there was only void, the seeds of a distressed core of awareness begin to grow.


    Vital Energy 80/80
    Regeneration -20
    Defence 0
    Initiative 2

    Requirements for next level:

    Experience 180000
    Won battles 0
    Age 90

    Upgrade costs:

    Action points 100
    Value points 34000
    Sacrificed vitality 18000
    Exploring Points 10

    Tortured Slime

    Targets: Strong Creatures
    Abilities: Regenerate
    Actions of this unit are performed on allied targets

    Special influences:
    [voidaura] Nullifies all special influences during a battle.

    The transformation of the tainted ruin growing within the slime slows as it collapses into itself. Tighter and tighter, the dense core of void tears at the flesh surrounding it torturing the slime in its partial state of agonized awareness. As the tortured slime is ripped apart from within, it radiates a silent scream of decay and destruction seeking to balance the world around it to once again allow it to return to a blessed state of nothingness.


    Vital Energy 120/120
    Regeneration -30
    Defence 1
    Initiative 2

    Requirements for next level:

    Experience 280000
    Won battles 400
    Age 115

    Upgrade costs:

    Action points 100
    Value points 40000
    Sacrificed vitality 20000
    Exploring Points 10

    Void Slime

    Targets: Multi
    Abilities: Regenerate
    Actions of this unit are performed on allied targets

    Special influences:
    [voidaura] Nullifies all special influences during a battle.

    Having reached a fully sentient state, the slime realizes the agony of its existence cannot be undone. Every movement brings pain deeper then the knowledge that as long as the world exists around it so will the never ending torment. Like a tear in the fabric of reality the slime begins its task to destroy everything and everyone around it. Waves of undarkness spread from its broken visage as the world withers around the void slime.


    Vital Energy 200/200
    Regeneration -35
    Defence 1
    Initiative 4
  10. Downvote
    Granos got a reaction from Mallos in Seals Of Six   
    First of all I will start by stating this: Since October of 2008 I have lead and administrated the hidden faction of the Brotherhood of Void Destinies. We have always functioned under the radar, under the guise of controlling and spreading mis-information. We have infiltrated every alliance (not guilds) for reasons such as control and mass manipulation of others as well as holding others hostage from the shadows. Not many people would know of our existence other than for the fact that we have done so to keep our presence known to a small extent in order to insight questions and fear. Many strong players have been part of the brotherhood, as well as notable ones.. Although, due to the nature of the organization, their names will remain known to them and high ranking members only (unless specifically requested). Loyalty has always been our strongest suit in the Brotherhood, as one cannot betray or argue with those they do not know they are affiliated with until, that is they are fully ready. It has always been structured in such a way that only the high ranked members have earned the right to actually be viable members, and would continue to do so if an official alliance was to come of this.

    We have always been dedicated to the secrets of the lands, manipulation of the spreading of facts as well of mis-information, which has lead to great power among our ranks, many of us have dedicated ourselves to the creation of quests for the realms as we have discovered that such power and rewards are far to easily gained and thus we take the necessary means to inhibit others while keeping our hold of power over others. We have always been neutral to a degree in the sense that we equally despise all others for their sickening weakness and how easily distracted they are.

    The structure of the Brotherhood of Void Destinies is as follows:

    Possible Recruits: Sleepers
    Probation: Acrolytes
    Apprenticed: Fangs

    Pre-Mastery: Brothers
    Elite: Assassins

    Leaders: Speakers
    Leader: Listener

    Given its structure, we would only have seats in the actual alliance for those of Rank of Brother and above, whilst keeping other agents within the other alliances, which we can say openly as they have already become far to integrated within each one's structure for us to worry about removal--inhibiting our plans. We have never used or condoned the use of alts for any of our works or actions to which in my opinion is one of our greatest strengths all we do and have is based on individuals.

    The alliance as itself would be mainly used for contact means and setting of contracts with other individuals and alliances for things which hold the Brotherhoods interest and lust for power for the sake of inhibiting others. As well the communication interface offered by it would greatly expedite things as PM's are quite horrid those who know me know I get anywhere from 20 to 50 pm's a day...

    Regardless of possessing an alliance or not the Brotherhood will continue as we always have, and we will destroy all others in hopes of getting closer to the void. Be it through direct or indirect means...
  11. Upvote
    Granos got a reaction from dst in New Dimensional Shifters   
    A time for change has come for the Dimensional Shifters, by unanimous vote, of all active members of DS, we have elected for a new leader Lightsage, as due to mass inactivity of SimplyZero, we have been forced to amend how the guild functions, as such we will be acting out our initial purpose as a guild for transportation. Know that this was not an easy decision but one that was necessary all the same. For more details contact any member of the Dimensional Shifters.
  12. Upvote
    Granos got a reaction from Sephirah Caelum in Recruitment Flier   
    Name: Granos
    Mp: 5
    Age: Old enough
    Main Principal: Oxymoron
    Reason for applying: Because I can.
  13. Upvote
    Granos got a reaction from Nava in The Truth Of The War On Necrovion   
    I have been quite silent during this war, and a few people have had suspicions about my part or interests in it. Some have been close but, none have been right--at least entirely.

    I was the one behind the cause of this war, to which the Sentinels provided an ample vessel to ensnare the enemy. Over the course of several months I have been planting the seeds of war on all sides so as to have ample distraction for my goal. A goal which has been realized.... Wodin is gone. Initially it was to be the Children of the Eclipse to launch the attack on Golemus, but their numbers were not sufficient for my designs thus I moved to the Sentinels for my wishes and spoke with Jester. His goals for wanting to revive things in MD gave me much to work with from behind the scenes.

    His rise to power solidified the part I was to play. From there I began hastily working in conjuction with Jester and his ideas. It was pre-planned on my part to have Eigger join the sentinels prior to the war for the sake of torches. It was by my will that the Guerrilla Golemicarum alliance was given to Peace, unknown to most but a few. As a symbol of this pact as it were I gave Peace the Spectral Shard - an important item to me as it carries my soul thanks to the deal I made with Azreal Dark the Silent Reaper.

    Then there is the matter of Grido, as we had worked on some things together in the past, he approached me for aid in terms of retaliation against the Sentinels knowing full well that Brotherhood has men in every alliance (not guild), to which I strung him along in hopes of delaying things further until the battle started to decide the fate of the war so as to ensure all plans fell accordingly. At the last moment it was ordered for Eigger and other allies to join the Sentinels to annihilate the those foolish enough to give an excuse to wipe out their alliances with their hubris. Peace spoke of help from a higher power, that higher power was me.
  14. Upvote
    Granos reacted to Muratus del Mur in A "kingslayer" medal was awarded ?   
    good you cleared that up.

    i find your reaction most amuzing since you were never targeted by such tests, yet you cry about rights and such. Anyway, your 'human rights' have nothing to do with your character rights...otherwise you might want to sue me for jailing people or turn them into frogs ....

    Excuse me for not having a degree in ..anything at all actually, lol. According to that social standard I am a mediocre imbecile you find everywhere. Am i really?
    Last time i checked i was not writing any medical prescriptions or giving any psychology advice and such. Do I need a degree for scouting the human mind in my own way for my own wisdom? My actions go no further from the characters you play and that character is as you pointed out a fraction of your true self. The really sad thing is that from all this it is you that have to learn the most, by 'you' i mean those 'tested'. I learned what i learned, but did you? Failing dramatically or experiencing unexpected turn of events in an online game is the perfect sandbox to learn something about yourself ad the people around you. If you prefer to shut yourself down and point the finger at my crazy experiments..i really wondered why and how you survived md so far.

    Rights do not protect you from your own mind..sadly enough. You like to generalize and fit all this in the "crazy scientist" making experiments on "humans" category? Sounds so cool, thank you, but if you really want to understand what I said don't lose yourself in preconceptions.
  15. Downvote
    Granos reacted to Kyphis the Bard in A "kingslayer" medal was awarded ?   
    [quote name='Liberty4life' timestamp='1326991791' post='101238']
    from mine point of view this is same thing as bug testing, consider this one called social testing, bug testers test if system is workin as intended while this social testers are testing if leading bodies are fit for their function, just imagine if instead of them there was person who was willing to go step further and not only break king but break whole land as well

    You mean like, say, Jester?
  16. Upvote
    Granos reacted to Muratus del Mur in A "kingslayer" medal was awarded ?   
    "[i]otherwise it look to be a load of BULL to reward players for nothing.[/i]"

    so damn CUTE. what else can i say I can and will reward anything i consider worth rewarding from good to bad things, organized effort is rewardable. The decision to give this medal is solely mine. Ofc you can ask why, I never mind that, however i do mind the sort of attitude you have on this one.

    "Whom they took down and proof of this."

    I gave the medals so late, because I didn't wanted them to sound as a motivation as if i would say "good boy this is the way to get medals, kill your neighbor". Obviously I will not detail the secrets of a secret mission. I assumed this is clear from the start. I will not mention who slayed who, out of[b] respect [/b]for the involved people (those 'slayed'). Imagine how it would be for me to say "haha, dst mentally slaughtered , lets say, seigheart" ..or such things. The medal is well deserved but just that.

    @Sharazhad, the breaking points are only in relation to the persons role. I constantly push and test CHARACTERS in key positions, in such ways that they will never notice or know it and hopefully when they less expect it. It has nothing to do with the person behind the character. [b]My role in the realm is one of a demon and i play it fully.[/b] You think i crossed the line? I only redirected certain forces to certain purposes, things IN REALM against things IN REALM.
    Why was it not "public"? First of all you have no idea what it is you are talking about that it was. Secondly it was not public because if the involved person would pass the test, the only possible reward for that person would be its own success. Thirdly, if you know you are tested you would not behave as you are and the 'test; would be influenced. Come on people, this is so obvious.

    @seigheart, last time i checked i didn't hired you as lawyer
  17. Upvote
    Granos reacted to Muratus del Mur in Coin gathering season   
    I intend to use all needed methods to exchange the notes of those that want them in cash. I mention this again ...coins will not be cloned. Consider it my fixation, but i want this issue solved from a MD point of view not from a technical point of view.

    For this, first step is of course to use my own coins, and second step is to put up for sale several things that are not usualy for sale. I like to view this as an opportunity for traders and not as "MD is for sale" type of things. First of all, these things are not for sale for money, but for coins. Coins you can acquire through trade, rewards, gifts and free credits not only through actual payments. In fact some of the richest players in the realm never paid for those coins. So don't even think to start with comments in that direction because i thought of this well before going this way

    Several things will be put up for auction, the tk will continue the creature auctions and i will do something unprecedented. I accept coin/notes "offers" for various things that are usualy not for sale. You name your price, i will decide if that thing you ask for is for sale or not, and i will post it public if i think it could be 'sold' for anyone to see and anyone to bid more. [b]I am accepting both coins and notes![/b] but only of one sort. This means that if the sale starts with silver, your bid must be in silver.

    any questions write here. I will post the "unusual bids" in separate threads.
    One example of what i mean for such a thing is "ownership of a location in md" , or "a usable item that can define a role" ..things like that, things that are not for sale, exactly because this is a very unusual situation and it should be an opportunity of some sort, like any unusual situation.
  18. Upvote
    Granos reacted to Muratus del Mur in Summon by tag - what to, how to   
    i am not sure if the era of kings is over or not, but i will dramatically reduce the number of potential candidates through what in time will become an almost automated system for hierarchy. Roles in a land is one step, this creates a hierarchy because one person has power over more, but my intention is to add several levels to this hierarchy or as many the actual number of citizens will permit. If the top of the pyramid will be stable enough, kingship might become an automatically gained role and not a voted position. This would allow anyone to climb his way up, it will give new meaning to the rebel thing, and the people ending up being leaders of that land will know better what they want and what they can do. Electing kings doesn't go well. Someone might have good intentions and think he can act as a king but KING is not PRESIDENT, and electing is more for a "president" role. Climbing your way up will filter the right attitude for such a role too. I want a more "pack leader" orientated king role this time. Because such a thing is right now to abstract to be defined, i will leave the king position unoccupied and we shall see on the way where this internal hierarchy of each land will lead us to. Maybe it won't be a king and it will be a leading council..who knows.

    tag will not grant citizenship, but tag will be applicable only on citizens. At this moment there is a need of "citizenship without alliance/guild", and like with all new features, it will cause changes and new needs. I shall deal with these on the way. As i said this spell is just a first step towards..whatever will be.
  19. Upvote
    Granos reacted to Krioni in Plugin and game crash while opening mail   
    The Adobe Flash Player crashes whenever I open mail inside the game. It is consistent for me, and happens on different machines with the same version of Chrome and Adobe.

    Google Chrome version: 15.0.874.121
    Adobe Flash Player version:

    Edit: Just as an FYI, this problem does not happen on the latest Firefox.
  20. Upvote
    Granos reacted to Tipu in Fugitive Quest 1 "The Master of all Stealer"   
    [quote name='Shadowseeker' timestamp='1321981684' post='96406']
    The one question I have is...

    How can you differentiate from stealing and getting gifted/rewarded?

    I "took" Mur's 3 7sided rare dice a while ago. I don't think he'd consider it stealing, and they are mine now, but I wouldn't call it stealing either. So where is the line between stealing and getting?

    I can't define stealing and getting but i can give u an example

    1) Advertise of my tree

    2) Rcvd PM from [b]Asad Suhail[/b]

    3) My reply

    4) His mistake & my Trap hehe

    As u can c i gave the CTC of the Tree creature but he didn't transfer it rather he gave ITC of the coin which i transferred it hehe

    5) My plot - I sold the Tree creature to a third person of another silver
    [proof Required]

    6) so basically i stole his sc

    So now avoid him reporting to council members or demon king.how u do that is up to U. If u can't then face the song As i said before if u r caught u will be tagged 'fool' if not then u belong to elite group called ' Fugitives'. U will even get high points if u were able to brainwash or make a fool of council members or demon king (proof required) and escape with ur mischief hehe.

    Now i will get low points cos
    1) This could be a set up between me and Asad just to win this contest.
    2) The stolen item low valve (just 1sc coin).

    I will get high points for
    1) Screen shots proof added where required.
    2) Above also teaches a very important lesson to noobs :" Never give coins before u actually transfers ur creatures when u r trading"

    And Asad don't worry ur tree is safe its only an example
    I will soon hunt down judges asap. So basically it will be them to judge ur entries they might cross question u if required.

    Its sometimes Hell trying to reach heaven ....being always good isn't good .....MUWAHAHAHAHA......
  21. Upvote
    Granos reacted to Tipu in Fugitive Quest 1 "The Master of all Stealer"   
    The dark age has begun.

    The lord Tipu unleashing the first ever [b]Fugitive quest : " The Master of all Stealer "[/b]

    [b]Mission[/b] : Is to steal others property by what ever means(Rules apply see below).
    It can be either coins, items, creatures, avatars, or anything that can be stolen.(use ur imagination to the fullest).
    Cheating, lies, backstabbing, bullying, blackmailing, robing, anything goes.

    (Even Fugitives have Honor and Code)
    [b]Rules[/b] : 1) Bugs/ Scripts not allowed.
    2) Hacking/ Stealing passwords of others account not allowed.
    3) U need to hold the "stolen property" until the end of this Quest. U may if u want can return the stolen property back on good will after the Quest ends or can keep it to satisfy ur greedy needs hehe.
    4) All ur fugitive adventures( proof with screen shots) should be posted in this part of the forums. So that we can verify ur bragging.
    5) If someone complains ur action to council members or take u to court then its ur problem and this Quest won't protect u. So take calculative risk. (There is no gain without a pain)
    6) Don't even think of cheating me. If u dare then u will be a Victim to my Fart Attack for eternity hehe.

    [b]Duration[/b] : The Quest will run until 31 Dec 2011.

    [b]Judging[/b]: The winners will be judged by three judges. (Judges will be announced latter currently hunting them down)
    Judging will be based on the valuable of the stolen items, planning, tricks, time, and other things too.

    [b]Rewards [/b]: Sponsored by treasure keepers.

    Remember the cheaters who get caught r called fools but those who don't get caught r called Fugitives. Do u have what it takes to be a Fugitive? if so then show the world ur dark side hehe.

    MDers Start insuring ur valuables items or creatures or urself...Yes whether u like it or not u r already a part of this Quest. Cos' this is no ordinary Quest it is FUGITIVE GUEST and during this time Hell will be relocated down to Magic duel.

    Let the chaos Begin...

  22. Upvote
    Granos reacted to Tarquinus in Meta-gaming and the Dark Knight   
    I've been following the actions of Eon and the complaints of many about them. I have to say that I personally find it all rather amusing, but I offer some remarks about the situation in hopes that we as a community can get something to happen in the realm of MD.

    [quote name='Blood Prince']It seems Eon is becoming a problem. I'm not talking about skill damage (even-though its a part of it) but rather other bitchy things Eon has started doing. He has too much power to be contained by most of the MP5's kings/queen's are helpless because any action against him would obviously reverted by Mur. May be because Eon brings a lot of cash to the game which it needs. So it's time to fix Eon if the community think it is a problem.[/quote]
    I have no wish to single Blood Prince out here; this is just the most convenient quote that came to mind. I have to note that Mur strongly denies Eon's monetary contributions as a factor in Eon's status and abilities, and that I find that denial plausible.

    That said, I'm a little tired of/disappointed in seeing the community want to handle in-game situations through out-of-game discussions. That's called meta-gaming, and in my experience that's usually a negative word. Eon is to me a dark knight, perhaps one of the greatest villains MD has ever seen; he's not a problem, but a gift. I've only seen some tentative attempts at players coordinating to fight back against Eon, but I do think such attempts are the way the thing should go. As far as I know, Eon isn't harassing people out-of-game and he isn't breaking any rules. He seems invulnerable, but I argue that this appearance is encouraged by general perceptions that are not exactly in synch with reality. Got a problem with Eon? Don't like what he does? Well, are you gonna cry about it and wait for your white knight to save you, or will you step up to offer some heroics yourself? Mur is not wrong to point out that there are numerous in-game ways to deal with problematic characters, and that they have not been used to anything like their potential, or as nearly as I can tell, at all. What are we waiting for?

    After all, this is a fantasy role-playing game. Play it. Please. Because stuff like this - conflict - is interesting.
  23. Downvote
    Granos got a reaction from Watcher in [Lands of the East] Seigheart   
    Cool story bro, I liked the part with the Gauntlet, there really should be "cursed" things in MD, more consequences the better. Hope all your planing for the items works out for you. Its good to see original ideas cropping up along with some RP being alive.

    Just for the sake of my curiosity what would you have a fire tornado do to a character in a mechanical sense, as if it was an actual spell?
  24. Upvote
    Granos got a reaction from Seigheart in [Lands of the East] Seigheart   
    Cool story bro, I liked the part with the Gauntlet, there really should be "cursed" things in MD, more consequences the better. Hope all your planing for the items works out for you. Its good to see original ideas cropping up along with some RP being alive.

    Just for the sake of my curiosity what would you have a fire tornado do to a character in a mechanical sense, as if it was an actual spell?
  25. Downvote
    Granos got a reaction from Watcher in Recruitment Flier   
    Name: Granos
    Mp: 5
    Age: Old enough
    Main Principal: Oxymoron
    Reason for applying: Because I can.
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