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  1. Upvote
    Kaya reacted to Ivorak in So how do we measure time in MD?   
    I read through this quickly, so I may have missed if anyone suggested this, but as a core value of MD is in the other players, I measure time as interactions between players and other players or players and the environment. If no one is present, time might as well be standing still.
    There are, of course, things that happen if no one is present, but nothing too important.
  2. Upvote
    Kaya got a reaction from Mallos in AP bug   
    Probably because you lost your homeland.
  3. Downvote
    Kaya reacted to Fang Archbane in Redacted   
    Redacted Till Further Notice

    Testing Underway.
  4. Like
    Kaya got a reaction from Mallos in Cross Mind Power Theory   
    I do believe there is some merit in cross MP fighting, many MP3 and MP4 complain about how hard it is to find training partners. It should however come with some restrictions.
    A very simple way to prevent abuse of new players is to prevent attacking lower MP players unless they attacked you first, after which they can be attacked for a while.
    A different option to somewhat equalise things is to apply the creature restrictions of the lowest MP during a fight, adding some extra challengefor higher MP players as they should have creatures to counter all MPs.
    I can tell you out of experience that this is not the case, it might deter some people, but moist don't seem to care much. 
  5. Like
    Kaya reacted to Aia del Mana in Cross Mind Power Theory   
    I presently remain at the Fourth Mind-Power, and find that there were few within the realm that may spar with me.
    If this were to occur, I should think that one must also break the limit of creature ascension - those of the Third Mind Power must be able to upgrade a creature to maximum as one of the Fifth Mind Power - otherwise, even in a fight that were made 'fair', one wouldst still be far overmatched fighting one of greater Mind Power.
  6. Upvote
    Kaya reacted to Eon in MD 12th birthday - A quest for change   
    Reset the game and send everyone who hated me in the past an email letting them know the game has been reset. I feel like people would be excited to be on an even playing field again. Rivalries make a game exciting, I miss my enemies.
  7. Upvote
    Kaya reacted to Muratus del Mur in Remember me when i'll forget myself   
    My dear friends,
    This post is not related to md, hence the category i post in. It is related just to myself, and is written just to those that, regardless when, could have said they were my friends at some point in time. I am not the 'popular' type of person, and md was my escape to be myself without people knowing all my faces, or that i was actually very very shy..and much more Writing this here, makes much more sense than writing it on facebook or other places..i had no facebook before md btw
    Life keeps making jokes with me. Its true i cheated death enough times to deserve the worst revenge from it, and i enjoyed it, still do, so i can't complain. Probably the most painful joke life is doing to me is that the person i love most has issues that make my love pointless and powerless. Also, the things i love doing keep finding a way to exit my life one by one, one way or an other..thats why i adapt and find new things to enjoy. For example before becoming a coder, i was absolutely convinced that my way in life will be related to art, sculpting and such..but hey, i ended up sculpting code. Coding passion started to find its end too, so i shifted to sculpt minds. When it comes to minds, one of my "masterpiece" was my own...and that might be a story worth learning from, if i will ever be able to tell it to someone. Apparently, this thing that i enjoy doing, controlling my thoughts and the way they cooperate towards a purpose, is about to end too. Over the last years i had several memory issues that i ignored so far. I even thought they where gone at some point, or that they are just limited to certain subjects, and i missed to see the bigger picture and the evolution of these issues. However, at a closer look at what is going on behind this thick skull of mine, i noticed that my mind is compensating the lack of memory by using most ingenious techniques and trying desperately to make things seem normal in my daily life. Things are not ok sadly. When i stop compensating the incredible fast memory degradation, total disaster shows its true face. I started being a terrible coder, that just has sparks of genius from time to time, but overall nothing like i was a few years ago. I started forgetting people faces to the point i am sometimes unable to recognize people i already know. Speaking still works great,as long as i don't actually speak, but write. If i need to speak out loud, i am using a lot more thinking process than ever, nearly ten times more than when writing. Again, i manage to successfully hide all this so far, and except people that see  me constantly, nobody noticed it. 
    so why disclosing this secret? Many years ago i had drug issues, severe..drug..issues. i managed to become clean again and fully recover on my own, but in that period, except a select few, nobody  knew. Word went out fast later on, but only after i managed to fight this issue,not when i needed someone to help me. All this because i decided not to tell anyone. Now, my problem is that if i am not telling what is going on, i might forget to tell all this later on.
    You noticed my behaviour over the last years in md, and very few understood it. I tried to narrow down what the problem is, and i discovered that i am fully able to do tasks that i can finish the same day, but i am totally incompetent to deal with things that can't be finished within the same work session. Again, this is related to damaged memory. Also, regarding md, i stopped being able to do "murish" decisions or rule, because i might have the right ideas at any given point in time, but they don't remember previous thoughts so i have to rethink each situation over and over again. I managed to hide this quite well, by thinking about each given situati on "fresh" without depending on memory but on thinking ptinciples...and yes it worked, its an awesome thing to do btw.
    Its a cruel joke to have a lot of mental abilities that could have been able to help me solve any medical situation, but now the problem is the mind itself. Could have been worse..i could have been delusional or so, gladly i am not, i just head towards total oblivion...slowly..but too fast for my way of life.
    The memory loss is not predictable...sometimes i have great memory, but forget random stuff, other times i just forget what i was saying or why i was about to say, like it happened right now (i am trying to write this for the past few hours btw)
    Many times i remember what i forgot, quite clear and sudden, but most times i forget that i forgot lol:)
    I think i will never be able to transcribe the notes for the second book sadly..at least thats the current reality. 
    My mind is declining faster than i am able to adapt.  Thinking based on general concepts and giving up details helped a lot, but adapting my way of living to reduce stress and getting much much more organized is something that i can't finish doing in useful time, or at least before i will forget what plans i have for fighting this.
    Maybe this explains many things about me in the recent years.
    I wish i manage to meet some of the people in md that i learned so much from, while i am still Mur, not when i will become mur's shadow... so my efforts in the following years will be towards a different life, one that might help me live and experience the things i didn't do so far. 
    i think there are a lot more to say but i am tired and i fear i start repeating myself. Btw, being tired or having too much work was generally an excuse to hide away from people when i knew my mind was unable to be strong enough to function when scrutinized by other minds..sorry about that lie.
    Btw i am more open to talk about "secrets" , non md, than ever, because i know they will eventually vanish with my mind, so i need to find them a good host before this happens one day. No worries, i have several years at my disposal, maybe 10 or more i dont really know.
    I just needed to tell someone all this, without that someone to get to personal or close to me, because at some point i would have ended up being distant with that person, like i did so many times with so many people in md
    Thank you all for your time
    ps. no worries about md, it will be in good hands with chew, i trust him more than myself
  8. Upvote
    Kaya reacted to Faceless in Arachnid Artisans   
    Ok,  since no one else has yet presented itself, I will cast my luck ...
    I would first like to say that I never stitched before; the embroidery usually follows a detailed model; and this work was not done by my wife; after the first centerlines everything else was done as my imagination was drawing (something difficult for me and it took four whole hours to finish) would like to point out also that it would be much easier after the starting point simply pull the line straight, but I decided to do it this way to show that it was laborious. Regarding the use of different colors, it was a simple decision based to break the monotony of look that would be formed to embroider with a single color.

  9. Upvote
    Kaya reacted to dst in Arachnid Artisans   
    My spider web (made of polymer clay and decorated with small red marbles):

    Then I made a little spider and decorated the web with a small rose:

    Then I "cooked"  and varnished both of them and turned the whole thing into a magnet:

    And a closer look on the web since it was supposed to be the star here:

  10. Upvote
    Kaya got a reaction from DARK DEMON in A step by step introduction to MDScript for absolute beginners   
    For many people who want to make a quest coding is a big hurdle. This tutorial is made to teach all needed to make simple quests in an easily understandable way.
    The tutorial covers displaying text, reading out user input and saving progress using keys. The result of the tutorial can be seen at the signs at the MBP and at Willow's shop using the keyword secret pass word.

    In order to make a clicky quest you need to have unlocked the ability to edit clickies. This can be purchased using your third WP, but is also occasionally given out to those deemed worthy.

    Step 1: Displaying text
    You can edit a clicky by opening it and clicking on the "edit own" button. Now you will get a screen with 4 text fields: The Title field at the top, the content field at the left, the Script field on the right and the password field at the bottom. In the first step we are just going to display some text.

    This step is really easy. Simply paste the following text into the content field and press "save&compile".
    Hello cube! This is the first step. Now you should see your text appear on the screen. While you're at it feel free to add an awesome title and a secret pass word to prevent people from spying on you.

    Step 2: First code
    Now let's start coding. For security reasons you need to define from what locations you're allowed to run the script. Right above the code field is a sentence that says something like "Add location setting: (locations 1_0x2_1)" copy the final part including the brackets and paste it on the first line of the code field. Your code won't work without this, so you better don't forget to add it.

    If there is anything in the code field, the content is no longer automatically displayed. In order to output our text we use the print command, which outputs the following text to the user. In this case we want to output the text from the content box. This text is conveniently saved in the variable @content[0]. Finally the command should be ended with a semicolon which will give us the following code: (locations 1_0x2_1) echo @content[0]; Now save and compile to see your new page.
    Done? Then you might have noticed something strange; all the enters are gone! This is because your content is now seen as HTML and HTML ignores enters. Instead to add them you should surround each paragraph with <p> and </p>, which will give you the following content: <p>Hello cube!</p> <p>This is the first step.</p> For more on formatting your page take a look at W3Schools. MDScript uses only the part between <body> and </body>
    Step 3: Interaction
    Our quest is still a bit boring, so let's add some user interaction. We are going to ask if they are ready to start the quest; if they are we show them some text that will help the player move on to the next part. First I will give you the code and then I will explain what everything does.
    Add the following at the bottom of the content field: <p>So you want to become a code wizard?<p> <form method="post"> <input type="submit" name="wizard" value="Yes"/> </form> <!-- content separator --> <p>Then go to the sign at Willow's shop to start your training.</p> And add the following code to the bottom of your code field: if(@input["wizard"] == "Yes") {     echo @content[1]; } Almost all user input is done through forms, made by surrounding part of your content with <form method='post'> and </form>. In this case the page has one input field of type "submit", which is the code for a simple button. The value of the button contains the text on the button and is send back to the server along with the button's name.
    The <!-- content separator --> splits up our content in multiple parts so we can display them individually. @content[0] revers to the first part, @content[1] to the second etc.
    In our server code we can read out the user input using the @input variable. @input[<name>] contains the contains the value of the input field. In this case we look if @input["wizard"] is equal to "Yes". Only if that's the case, the code between the curly brackets is executed and we display the second content block.
    There are many other types of input on this page.
    Step 4: Progress
    You might have noticed that you have the Yes button again every time you open the page. While for the hint this isn't that bad, for our next riddle we don't want to trouble our questees with having to enter their answer again every time, so we're going to save their progress using keys.

    Below the content for the sign at Willow's shop: <p>The road to becoming a code wizard is hard, so let me test you.</p> <form method="post"> <p>What is 1 + 1? <input type="text" name="answer"/><input type="submit" value="Answer"/></p> </form> <!-- content separator --> <p>Exactly! 1 + 1 = 10, binary! Congratulations on completing your first steps to code wizardry.</p> <!-- content separator --> <p>I'm afraid that's not quite the answer I'm looking for.</p> <form method="post"> <input type="submit" value="Try again"/> </form> And the matching code: (locations 1_1x3_1) if(mds_has_rpcq_keys("SuperDuperSecretCodeKeyAboutBinaryCounting")) { print @content[1]; } else {     if(isset(@input["answer"]))     {         if(@input["answer"] == "10")         {             print @content[1];             mds_give_rpcq_keys("SuperDuperSecretCodeKeyAboutBinaryCounting");         }         else         {             print @content[2];         }     }     else     {         print @content[0];     } } This might seem like a lot of code, but most of the code we have already seen. The only new thing in the content section is the text input field, which (as the name suggests) allows the user to input text.
    The code once again starts with the locations tag, followed by a check to see if the user already completed the riddle using mds_has_rpcq_keys(). If they did, we show them the 'completed' text, if not, we do some more checks.
    With isset() we check if there is a value in @input["answer"]. If not, that means the page was just opened and the user hasn't answered the riddle yet, so we show him the riddle. If it is set, we take a look at his answer; if it's correct, we use mds_give_rpcq_keys() to give the player a key.
    Some more about keys
    The exact value of the key doesn't matter, it could be "SuperDuperSecretCodeKeyAboutBinaryCounting" or it could be "cat". What does matter is that your key is unique, as everyone's code would be able to check or set your keys if they were able to figure them out. As such "cat" is probably not the best idea. Instead it is recommended that you add a prefix to your key that only you would be able to come up with. For more on keys (for example how to remove them) I suggest you take a look at the MDScript manual's Keys page.
    As an exercise I'll leave it to you to try and make it in such a way that the riddle won't be visible unless the player has pressed the Yes button in the park and to create a clicky that removes the key to allow you to start all over.
    And we're done!
    And with that you have your first quest. Sure it contains only one riddle, but with some creativity this is enough to make a full quest. Any comments, questions and suggestions are highly appreciated. If there is enough interest I might make another tutorial, either a continuation or something more advanced.
  11. Upvote
    Kaya reacted to Mallos in Guardian of Tools, Mallos (Tribunal pub)   
    To defend the pub in the east with my tools as a Caretaker of the Tribunal, I have already spoken with phantasm the current pub owner ingame and by pm on my thoughts long ago. I had come to the conclusion you may grab as many tools from the pub as you would wish, as long as I do not catch you transferring them to alts that are your own (through way of giving them to your friends and they hoard them all too and give them to your alts perhaps?).
    Essentially don't take all the liquor or I will be mad.

    (I was hoping I wouldn't have to be the first to open a topic like this as mine is rather inconsequential in the current context of MD)
  12. Upvote
    Kaya reacted to Mallos in What needs work?   
    The Caretakers Revival's request quest is not fully coded yet if I'm not mistaken:
  13. Upvote
    Kaya reacted to Aethon in What needs work?   
    The MD community.
    For a community based game...it's very small, ridiculously so.
    Maybe you're quite content with the little crowd you have at the moment, and want to make more and more things to do for a tiny population...but to me that seems kind of silly.
    From what I've read MD has been getting smaller and smaller for years now, work is constantly being done, yet...for what? A new "tutorial" was made yet there's barely anyone to use it... There are more active alts/returned players than actual new ones...
    Maybe it's time to start advertising before it becomes too late? Lets be honest; would you want to stay in a game that seemingly only has 10 people on at any one time? Especially when MP3 is hard enough as it is...
  14. Upvote
    Kaya got a reaction from Fang Archbane in The "Lost Island" possible names.   
    The spiral mountain/The spiral
    Tera Mechanica 
  15. Downvote
    Kaya reacted to nadrolski in Guardian of Tools Should Grabban based on depletion?   
    Come on, darkraptor.
    Weren't you one of those who fought against depletion-lovers before, yes?
    Just because Eon, No one, dst are not around, means you can fill their shoes?
  16. Upvote
    Kaya reacted to nadrolski in Cookie consent malware   
  17. Upvote
    Kaya reacted to Ungod in Funeral Crown   
    I can draw, but I can't upload (forgot both the cables from phone and camera), so all I can show you is a little digital work:

    (since it's not hand.drawn, it's not a proper sumbmission, but I'm showcasing it so that it may give others some ideas )
  18. Upvote
    Kaya got a reaction from Aethon in Cookie consent malware   
    I noticed a new cookie warning at the MD homepage and while in itself that is not a bad thing, the specific script used for this is said to contain malisious code.
    I can't find any real details about the actual malicious part of the code, but copying JavaScript from a self proclaimed 'official' site with a fake adress (whois) might not be the best idea regardless.
  19. Upvote
    Kaya reacted to Eon in Humbly Stepping Down   
    After three or so wonderful years as Ruler of the East I am stepping down effective immediately. Sunfire will be taking my place, and I expect everyone to give him the respect that you had given me during these years. I will still be aligned with the East. Now I know you're a loyal bunch, and I can't stop you from calling me your Empress, but please don't do that in front of Sunfire. It would be very disrespectful. 
    Your former ruler,
  20. Upvote
    Kaya reacted to Rophs in Ignore list should work both ways   
    Currently if you have a player ignored you can send them messages and they cannot reply. This can be an issue, for example if someone forgets they have someone else ignored and sends them a PM about wanting to buy one of their items.
  21. Upvote
    Kaya got a reaction from No one in A clearer gameplay   
    While I really love the idea of having more tutorials I would very much suggest placing them on the Wikia instead of in a PDF. PDF's are bound to get outdated and with the speed MD is changing right now that happens faster than one person can fix them (this one already is slightly outdated) whereas the Wikia allows for anyone to help keeping it up to date. Furthermore with the Wikia API it is possible to bring the content into MD in a more immersive way. I'd be willing to look into making a clicky that shows Wikia information, which could be moved to anywhere else if wanted.
  22. Upvote
    Kaya got a reaction from Kyphis the Bard in A clearer gameplay   
    While I really love the idea of having more tutorials I would very much suggest placing them on the Wikia instead of in a PDF. PDF's are bound to get outdated and with the speed MD is changing right now that happens faster than one person can fix them (this one already is slightly outdated) whereas the Wikia allows for anyone to help keeping it up to date. Furthermore with the Wikia API it is possible to bring the content into MD in a more immersive way. I'd be willing to look into making a clicky that shows Wikia information, which could be moved to anywhere else if wanted.
  23. Upvote
    Kaya got a reaction from Ivorak in A clearer gameplay   
    While I really love the idea of having more tutorials I would very much suggest placing them on the Wikia instead of in a PDF. PDF's are bound to get outdated and with the speed MD is changing right now that happens faster than one person can fix them (this one already is slightly outdated) whereas the Wikia allows for anyone to help keeping it up to date. Furthermore with the Wikia API it is possible to bring the content into MD in a more immersive way. I'd be willing to look into making a clicky that shows Wikia information, which could be moved to anywhere else if wanted.
  24. Upvote
    Kaya got a reaction from zooliii in A clearer gameplay   
    While I really love the idea of having more tutorials I would very much suggest placing them on the Wikia instead of in a PDF. PDF's are bound to get outdated and with the speed MD is changing right now that happens faster than one person can fix them (this one already is slightly outdated) whereas the Wikia allows for anyone to help keeping it up to date. Furthermore with the Wikia API it is possible to bring the content into MD in a more immersive way. I'd be willing to look into making a clicky that shows Wikia information, which could be moved to anywhere else if wanted.
  25. Upvote
    Kaya got a reaction from lashtal in A clearer gameplay   
    While I really love the idea of having more tutorials I would very much suggest placing them on the Wikia instead of in a PDF. PDF's are bound to get outdated and with the speed MD is changing right now that happens faster than one person can fix them (this one already is slightly outdated) whereas the Wikia allows for anyone to help keeping it up to date. Furthermore with the Wikia API it is possible to bring the content into MD in a more immersive way. I'd be willing to look into making a clicky that shows Wikia information, which could be moved to anywhere else if wanted.
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