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Everything posted by Mallos

  1. I miss the water can Awiiya and Handy had, there was a lot of good stuff written in there.

  2. Is it just me or did Chew hack a floating 2 into his post just above above? (maybe firefox being odd when I hover over it i see "found two errors in this text") A lot of people, some mentioned, have put together lists like this. Personally I have a list of the scenes that have flavor text in them
  3. But I did it the other day and definitely got stats http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/17792-mp4-darkness-bug/?tab=comments#comment-178503 There was just a lot less points where you do get them. And yes that is my point that people descending and ascending again could be coded to not send you through story mode (by story mode i mean the game intro where it asks you go to kill the shades) when you've already done it once for each mind power level. In that case, principle docs for the principle you lose and have to regain I would love to be able to descend mind power levels I would go back to mp4
  4. Great idea in my opinion. Reminds me of this topic: Considering if losing a mindpower level would also cause you to lose a principle, then it would be useful to have ways to regain those principles when you advance again. Obviously this can happen through story mode as usual but I feel this opens up a potential abuse, story mode gives you stat gains (and aren't they percentage based? if so people could use that for huge stat gains, repeatedly losing/gaining mp level to repeat story mode for these stats) having these documents is a good work around so people do not have repeating story mode in this case. Also I disagree on reworking the token bonuses based on principles it's fine(ish) as is, if you want to give a reason to have suboptimal principle choices then give principles more uses as Chew suggests and I am all for that.
  5. In the event you don't want to put it in the quest page... Perhaps a new use for the art page? (toplinks)
  6. I can only guess he means this sign. While I am unaware of where or which side the mattock comes from I didn't seem to have a problem finding it before. I assume the real issue here is that how to find your inventory is not described well as I do remember explaining how to do just that to several of the new players.
  7. I cannot say for the Gateway island start, but for an mp3 who started at the paper cabin advancing to mp4 is once again sent to the paper cabin, the story mode tells you to click through it (without needing you to do anything) up until the point that it tells you to "deal with the threats you encounter on your way back" head to the house of liquid dust and fight the shades there and the fields of abandonment as per usual (interestingly the old mans shade can be ignored and will remain at the scene impeding your progress should you go there later) and it will put you into story mode, giving the "you entered story mode message" clicking continue gives you the principle selection. Choosing one worked for me.
  8. 1. No, there is a lot of history on the forum and removing posts removes the integrity of that history, I would like to think I and others could go back and read these posts and be able to get the full picture of what was going on. 2. Yes, large swathes of redacted posts should be restored for reasons I give in point one, a single post here and there I am not so concerned about. 3. No... I deliberate to say no here as saying yes removes the need for redacted posts to be restored in the first place, but I feel being able to edit posts is a nice thing and I am unsure how to take away the ability to redact posts without taking away the ability to edit them. Perhaps the best way would be the edit history as suggested and I support that idea. On the other hand not being able to edit after a reply has been made is a bit extreme as certain times replies can come within seconds.
  9. Apparently not as he has informed me he has received underground loyalty since then.
  10. "Or are you "asking for a friend" Based on how Fang quickly mentions me as the option for who could hold such a tool it is reasonable to assume he may be asking so I don't have to. To clarify: I have no want for a wiiya tool outside of that if one was put into my inventory I would try to do a goob job of distributing wiiya bubbles. Prior to him posting this and mentioning me I had no knowledge of his want/need for such a tool. But I do find it odd that such a resource as to be used with a readily available creature would be not so readily available within the realm (one person inactive the other not so visible for approach on the subject of wiiya, if I was to ask them would I get one? Perhaps, perhaps not, but they seem to hold a monopoly if there is in fact two, one gone, people who can distribute)
  11. I can vouch that Granite wolf is indeed Fang Archbane's account. Not only that, I have proof.
  12. Ok my misunderstanding and perhaps I'm still a bit confused, and not to spam this topic with my replies but I see making the aramors/etc attackable repeatedly a possible solution to this problem of mp3s/4s not being able to gain enough heat/wins to upgrade... I say possible, it can fix the issue but it's not elegant far from it. It just makes a whole mess of other issues then like wasn't it intended for there to be no combat dummies like that, people would sit and train on them all day.
  13. The aramors/shades/tiny men are defeatable at mp3, might not be easy but it's not impossible, and at mp4 they are quite easily defeatable. The problem with this idea is that, they are only attackable once if you win. Meaning even the 100 or so mp2 accounts around the realm like this will not be suffice to propel you to mp5. That is also if you don't mind not being able to see these creatures again after you have defeated them until you advance mindpower levels, which is a choice that should be made not forced.
  14. I would be inclined to agree with you, if you're on the forum are you really playing MD? ....... Except the simple answer is yes. Also it's not BS but I'm not sure how to reply because you don't really give me a solid reason to why you think it is.. anyways. MD is about what you make of it.
  15. I can only assume you mean this definition of loser: "a person or thing that is put at a disadvantage by a particular situation or course of action." As far as my negative stats go, I am not put at a disadvantage for having negative stats, in fact there are strict advantages for me. If you do not know what I am talking about you are either unable to comprehend or have "forgotten". Me choosing to have no stats has no bearing on this topic at large, asides from me refuting your point that everyone wants stats. I do not say that everyone or anyone should have no stats. The only "no stats" that I'm advocating for here is the "fair fights" system which limits the stats of the players during combat. And the reason for me wanting this fair fight system has nothing to do with my lack of stats, it's because it is the most evident/sensible (in my opinion) way to fix the imbalance of combat between mind power levels. Combat is and has been my favorite part of MagicDuel since I started and it is one of the reasons I am still here. I think the system is good as is. But when we look at mp3 and mp4 and we see how few players we have in the realm now as compared to years past, it is absolutely undeniable that there is less mp3 and mp4 players to attack nowadays, and there is less alliances for these mp4s to join to be able to spar with the rest of the population, if you're lucky enough to even fit into one of these alliances. Players should not be cut off from participating in such an integral part of the game until they can manage to hit mind power 5 or ask players to log alts in for them for a short time. I know the system has worked fine in the past, but we must move forward and consider change. Please allow all mind power levels to attack eachother.
  16. What is your favorite scene in MagicDuel (why?) and what, if anything, would you change about that scene? My favorite scene is the Fields of Abandonment for various reasons, some relating to MD some personal and also because I like the way the scene looks a lot and the scene text is one of my more favorites if not favorite as well. I like how this is where the Shade Sentinel confronts us in storymode, the implications of this and the symbols within the scene towards defeating the shades. The choice we are given, accept or run. An old, dirty and beaten path between a wall and open fields, the road curving out of sight, all offering possibilities should you take them. I would add 1 (out of 1) herbs to this scene, because of this screenshot (a bug I believe where you could harvest herbs anywhere when it was raining)
  17. Similar to the ideas posted here: I like the fight messages.
  18. I think I have seen this recently with a single max level tree casting protect on itself I'd have better combat logs but it's been pushed out of my logs since then, these were some copy/pastes I took
  19. Cross MP fights: I'm not asking for fairness exactly I am proposing they allow fighting across mind power levels, mainly so new players will have more people they can actually fight, instead of waiting until mp5 to be able to fight the majority of the playerbase or ask someone to log into an alt. Logging into alts is archaic and not something you should have to do as a workaround to help these new players in my opinion. As far as not having fairness in these x-mindpower fights, I wouldn't mind that. But I am much more interested in the "fair fights" mechanics for these fights. It won't be fair, hardly anything is ever fair, but it's better than nothing. Skill damage: I can tell you right now that people will in fact attack you, mostly alliance members but even non alliance members can balance their honor if they have other targets to attack at the same time. My negative stats go to show this: https://magicduel.com/players/Mallos&override=true For my reasoning for being at this low losses? I want negative stats, simply put. Take this to mean not everyone has the same wills/intentions/motivations. Not everyone wants stats. " But then they aren't really interested in the mechanics of fights, just easy gain." Not everyone has the same interests either, and putting interests in other peoples mouths is not a business people should take up. Attack the argument not the arguer. Big stats in mp5 is something that will be (as I understand it) gained over much time and hard work, and whether or not you went to mp5 from mp3 in one day should not stop you from reaching these big stats. People have had their stats reset and still regained them. It won't be fair to be at mp5 with low stats but it's not fair to say you needed a cushion or a reprieve from having to fight against big stats, if you disallow others to fight if they so choose. Yes and so what if a new player has to ask a mp5 to set up a tree to get that consensual win, do we not have scores of players at mp5 all setting trees and popes in defense to win/lose as they and others see fit? I see the combat system as a two player system, attacker and defender, and there is a balance to be had there. There is never free stats. It's earned stats. "There are already methods to reset your VP.If you haven't experienced the negative 2-5million VP then you experienced anything in MD and you haven't tried to find a solution nor you worked for it. A clickie is a begger's choice, don't go there. We already have those lame shoes." To this I have but a few comments, mp3s have much trouble gaining vp and an mp4 that cant upgrade his creatures or recruit creatures so to be able to effectively gain VP cannot, well, easily gain VP. So if this cross mindpower level fights were to be implemented then it is somewhat of a necessity that new players would have a way to regain their VP so they dont have to wait around for weeks wondering why their game is broken.. And a clicky to set it to 1k is about as reasonable as it gets. Tell me how this would be abused, as I am unaware, and then I can reconsider. Also, I know what negative VP is like and have had well within the range you state, -2 to -5 million VP before. In fact due to my negative stats every few steps I lose around 170 VP and it can quickly plummet me into the negatives without much real effort combat wise. While it is easy enough for me to either wait it to regain to positive or fix my VE through combat, I cannot say a new player has these privileges of knowledge and ability to do so.
  20. If a newbie (a scrub! sorry Ledah) walks into MagicDuel and hears us all speaking Chinese about shades and victories and tokens and the pickaxe that breaks rock then... Yes, it is up to that scrub to learn our Chinese. How are you to learn Chinese? Why, have a teacher of course, to translate our Chinese MagicDuel talk into scrub language that any laymen that walks into MagicDuel can understand. And where do we find these teachers? In the free market of course! Those who get to the scrubs to teach them first are likely who the scrubs will begin to learn from. And if these teachers do a bad job it's up to the free market to provide them a better teacher (the scrub to find a better one). Some people act as though you teach someone one thing about.. anything really, that it's going too far. Oh no! Some knowledge has been redirected, the woes, the misery, I have less power over that person who just learned that information now, since they are no longer in the dark! Get over it. @Very offtopic sorry To add to the Wiiya bit I would be very happy to distrubute Wiiya in a manner I see in line with the creation of the resource, I was there when it was created and took interest, have spoken with Awiiya many a time. My idea would be that I could offer people either riddles or fetch (information, perhaps about a scene, all information I would have beforehand) quests in reward for Wiiya bubbles. I may also give them out for good deeds or general likeliness, asking me or such. If one would doubt my intentions, check my inventory and see that I hold no coin and hardly a resource, I wouldn't demand trades for the Wiiya.
  21. I am collecting heads, doesn't mean they are for me. Now now let's not misconstrue statements.
  22. Either the blue anni aramor or the max lvl winderwild. The max lvl tutorial shade looks cool too, just not so beautiful
  23. Yes that: 1. I had to use an alt to take the heads 2. I gave the heads to Ledah knowing that he may end up passing them to Mallos Perhaps I should have kept the heads on my alt and logged out but that's no fun!
  24. I will admit to a slight mis-use of an alt to gather heads from an mp3 that which my main could not due to being an mp5 and since recent changes disallowed cross mindpower fighting I felt this was the best option to further subjugate heads holders since MRF refused my offer of a trade for his heads. Morlecid contracted the help of friend/protector Fang (who was unaware of alt status until later notified) and defeated MRF, soon after giving the heads to Ledah. Ledah asked Mallos to hold the heads for a while, of which Mallos agreed. I may be a bit corrupt but I am a Caretaker not a SoS
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