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Muratus del Mur

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Everything posted by Muratus del Mur

  1. i agree (again, what i said was strictly from a technical perspective)
  2. all that needs to be done is change the db field to support utf8, and also save all related files in utf8, at least thats where i think the problem is. I think its a faster an easier solution than filtering out characters, plus allows certain freedom to how you name them. I don't want to encourage weird/fancy characters in crit names, i am just saying where the problem might be.
  3. My dear friends, This post is not related to md, hence the category i post in. It is related just to myself, and is written just to those that, regardless when, could have said they were my friends at some point in time. I am not the 'popular' type of person, and md was my escape to be myself without people knowing all my faces, or that i was actually very very shy..and much more Writing this here, makes much more sense than writing it on facebook or other places..i had no facebook before md btw Life keeps making jokes with me. Its true i cheated death enough times to deserve the worst revenge from it, and i enjoyed it, still do, so i can't complain. Probably the most painful joke life is doing to me is that the person i love most has issues that make my love pointless and powerless. Also, the things i love doing keep finding a way to exit my life one by one, one way or an other..thats why i adapt and find new things to enjoy. For example before becoming a coder, i was absolutely convinced that my way in life will be related to art, sculpting and such..but hey, i ended up sculpting code. Coding passion started to find its end too, so i shifted to sculpt minds. When it comes to minds, one of my "masterpiece" was my own...and that might be a story worth learning from, if i will ever be able to tell it to someone. Apparently, this thing that i enjoy doing, controlling my thoughts and the way they cooperate towards a purpose, is about to end too. Over the last years i had several memory issues that i ignored so far. I even thought they where gone at some point, or that they are just limited to certain subjects, and i missed to see the bigger picture and the evolution of these issues. However, at a closer look at what is going on behind this thick skull of mine, i noticed that my mind is compensating the lack of memory by using most ingenious techniques and trying desperately to make things seem normal in my daily life. Things are not ok sadly. When i stop compensating the incredible fast memory degradation, total disaster shows its true face. I started being a terrible coder, that just has sparks of genius from time to time, but overall nothing like i was a few years ago. I started forgetting people faces to the point i am sometimes unable to recognize people i already know. Speaking still works great,as long as i don't actually speak, but write. If i need to speak out loud, i am using a lot more thinking process than ever, nearly ten times more than when writing. Again, i manage to successfully hide all this so far, and except people that see me constantly, nobody noticed it. so why disclosing this secret? Many years ago i had drug issues, severe..drug..issues. i managed to become clean again and fully recover on my own, but in that period, except a select few, nobody knew. Word went out fast later on, but only after i managed to fight this issue,not when i needed someone to help me. All this because i decided not to tell anyone. Now, my problem is that if i am not telling what is going on, i might forget to tell all this later on. You noticed my behaviour over the last years in md, and very few understood it. I tried to narrow down what the problem is, and i discovered that i am fully able to do tasks that i can finish the same day, but i am totally incompetent to deal with things that can't be finished within the same work session. Again, this is related to damaged memory. Also, regarding md, i stopped being able to do "murish" decisions or rule, because i might have the right ideas at any given point in time, but they don't remember previous thoughts so i have to rethink each situation over and over again. I managed to hide this quite well, by thinking about each given situati on "fresh" without depending on memory but on thinking ptinciples...and yes it worked, its an awesome thing to do btw. Its a cruel joke to have a lot of mental abilities that could have been able to help me solve any medical situation, but now the problem is the mind itself. Could have been worse..i could have been delusional or so, gladly i am not, i just head towards total oblivion...slowly..but too fast for my way of life. The memory loss is not predictable...sometimes i have great memory, but forget random stuff, other times i just forget what i was saying or why i was about to say, like it happened right now (i am trying to write this for the past few hours btw) Many times i remember what i forgot, quite clear and sudden, but most times i forget that i forgot lol:) I think i will never be able to transcribe the notes for the second book sadly..at least thats the current reality. My mind is declining faster than i am able to adapt. Thinking based on general concepts and giving up details helped a lot, but adapting my way of living to reduce stress and getting much much more organized is something that i can't finish doing in useful time, or at least before i will forget what plans i have for fighting this. Maybe this explains many things about me in the recent years. I wish i manage to meet some of the people in md that i learned so much from, while i am still Mur, not when i will become mur's shadow... so my efforts in the following years will be towards a different life, one that might help me live and experience the things i didn't do so far. i think there are a lot more to say but i am tired and i fear i start repeating myself. Btw, being tired or having too much work was generally an excuse to hide away from people when i knew my mind was unable to be strong enough to function when scrutinized by other minds..sorry about that lie. Btw i am more open to talk about "secrets" , non md, than ever, because i know they will eventually vanish with my mind, so i need to find them a good host before this happens one day. No worries, i have several years at my disposal, maybe 10 or more i dont really know. I just needed to tell someone all this, without that someone to get to personal or close to me, because at some point i would have ended up being distant with that person, like i did so many times with so many people in md Thank you all for your time --Mur ps. no worries about md, it will be in good hands with chew, i trust him more than myself
  4. its actually the only thing that matters, above any other work, right now there is no point to advertise anything because we lose about 99% of all players in the start, due to the lack of an actual beginning and things to do at the start. A25 is something that is needed for the new start to function, at least in an interesting way....but hey, a25 was done ages ago. It lacks access permissions and other stuff, but as it is is fully functional and can do miracles in the right hands. What is truly missing from md, and will eventually kill it, is what i sent you on email chew. IN EXCESSIVE DETAILS. Same thing i sent half a year ago, but now i made it even more clear and to the point. I find this entire topic ridiculous, even if well intended obviously, it makes me sad you dont see md its dieing, and compared to this (what dst, aethon and others said), md without a way to retain players will die in a few month. Its actually dead already, but there still is a chance to spark some life in it. The only guilty person in this is me, because i didnt quit any other thing i was doing and do this, ..true.. but somehow i cant do it. One of my dooms in life is that i cant finish things i start, but went arround this by putting myself higher targets. MD is probably the most complete creation (even if some might say the most incomplete)...probably this is the reason why when i prepare to do this part of md, feel quite motivated to do it, then i stare at the screen and do nothing for a couple of days, or end up just reading the forum for hours hoping for my "mood" to come back. I can;t hire anyone to do it either. md is a mixture of philosophy and code, cant be done by a random coder.
  5. i am waiting for a solution decided by you, not by me or chew. As i said, we are talking about officially legal, but potentially punishable actions. this is not an abuse trial, its your decision how you will use the provided tools. I said all i had to say in the previous post...its all there.,,let me know when you conclude something
  6. SUGGESTION FOR NEW MECHANISM what about....roles of general interest should occasionally be taken away and given to other more active people, considering the current general situation. Currently i consider roles as something permanent, but some roles are roles related to the social structure and well functioning of the realm... except kings (that can change the realm also through their inactivity), the other roles current and future, that are somehow public, general interest, roles, should be refreshed from time to time. Judges for example, tool guardians, certain alliance leaders or their tools, other(?) What do you think about it? if implemented, how could this be done in automated way, chew? I have a few ideas how to implement this... if the role depends on a tool, it can be made shared, and a 3 day delay could be somehow given for such tools, to allow role owners or anyone having the tag to grab it first. This would give a two day interval, at predefined days, when the role owner can at least be present to claim it, otherwise it becomes public and someone else can take it. An other implementation ideea is to do something strictly with the TAG DISPATCHERS, for example you need to check in to a place once every x days, just so you confirm you are active. Player activity determined by their login is not valid here. Someone that starts to become inactive will just login but not really care about anything, so it needs to be somehow more complicated. Maybe even a shifting location where they should go to renew their "licence" ? this is just a thought, your reaction to it will matter, obviously (someone make a poll? so i see someone actually considers it?), but i will also think of it better and might implement it or discard it without a poll if i stumble on an idea that justifies well why to do it or why not (veto). Also, the way it can be implemented, and IF it can be implemented, rests solely with chew, based on his time, judgement, etc. Thanks
  7. " Is *Sunfire* allowed to carry three (3) Pickaxe? " (or anyone) It is not abuse, but is punishable by the tool guardians if they so desire...(and no its not something i like but i wont restrict it via a rule) Really, there are not enough players to create a social structure, i understand that, but its not about abuse, its about how to use the tools provided to limit what you consider abuse. If current guardians are not active anymore, we could restrict the role to one person (and provide ways to move fast between shared item dispatchers). There might be an other solution too, not sure about it, but the guardian tools could be made shared as well,,,it does have several other implications. @chew, thnx for sending this link to me. I think we could vote for this on the forum. afterall, the restriction way being a tool, its you who should decide how to use it better. From my point of view, monopoly is not a crime, its same as depleting in a way, but with depleting you have no way of restricting it yet, with this you do, so ..lets use it better?
  8. My following answer is not for the entire topic in detail but for specific issues raised in it: - Depletion is not an abuse punishable officially, it is part of the gameplay, however so are some punishing methods. I will never jail someone for depleting resources or ban him or whatver, it is not a flaw, depleting resources is part of how things should work, to create certain tension and to put some things in motion. Its pointless to explain any more why depletion is not an abuse in my view, but its more important to explain why it is equally important to allow lesser authorities to use their own abilities and tools as they consider too. So, we have the following "conflict" here (leaving aside any other dispute discussed in here): Depletion is not something officially punishable yet at the same time individual authorities may use their abilities as they think fit. My intention, to be honest, was to see some sort of division of laws and regulations depending on land. This allows exactly this, but you seem to want a more global ruling system...thats interesting, but it is also due to the small number of people. Why not give the chance to judges to do their role here? How do you judge something that is not officially a crime to do, but the punisher is entitled to consider it a crime in his own eyes? I say keep an open mind and avoid comparison to RL regarding this...give it a chance for a new judging without poluting it by existing RL situations. In RL, this is similat to mafia laws but in the opposite way. Something the higher authority considers a crime, may be considered legit, and the opposite, yet the two "factions" live under the same roof, so a certain sepparation appears. In MD this sepparation would have been to see individual rules per land, set by the authorities in that land or by a replacement authority higher than the enforcer, and enforced by those given the tools.... anyway, thats my view on this, and as i said, i find it more interesting to let this be solved by a judge as an individual case...and be considered not a precedent but a WARNING that you should think of a better social structure on your own. MD offers you exactly this chance, to rejudge/see people, positions, roles and society with a fresh untainted view. Use it.
  9. i don't see any warning anymore, it was fixed short time after it appeared, does anyone still see it? if so , on what url exactly? thanks
  10. Ohh i kind of like your Eon ...especially with all these toy related items around.
  11. to clear things a bit, i removed dst post because a report was made against it and yes i considered it pointless and very offending. I am not an active forum mod, but when i see such things and if i am in the mood to interfere, i moderate as i think fit. From what i see till now, dst you have many similar posts where you just offend people and make no actual point, but just try to hurt and offend. When i will see such posts i will remove them. I feel such language is damaging to the community and has no connection with free speach (that i strongly support in general). Any moderator that thinks i did wrong is free to overrule my decision. The only thing i forbid is moderating MY posts, (but except that, other mods might know better than me what to do). ps: I really wonder how you ended up talking like this till now dst and still have positive rep
  12. Oh my oh my ...... someone actually named the name I will let this topic run some more, because your suggestions are really good.. well not all, but very many. I am sorry I can't give this island multiple names because many are better than what I had in mind ..yet still..there is a point in its name here Well..hmm..I won't boil you more.. Initially I wanted to call it Aramoria ..but I changed my mind..it was too obvious and less inspired. Then, the current name I was thinking about was .. The Gate (gateway, gate land, etc)... mrwander that's quite an impressive guess you made, and low on me the reason behind it, if you have one. Naming it the gateway has much more meaning than anything else... and I tried to give you a clue about that in the last scene I uploaded but I bet you still don't see it..:p There is one more reward for originality, or the other name I will like most from your suggestions. Feedback on the name is welcome.
  13. check now. I increaesd the use number from 3 to 10 on all existing items so you can test better.
  14. oohh wait i just realised you are talking about the resulting item, i confused it with the chest itself. sorry, will look into it shortly.
  15. do you still see this? Because this was visible just about half an hour.. unless someone changed what i did, it was actually tested and functional. ...so, is it still an issue? maybe just your item has a problem, provide item id too. thnx
  16. impressive number of entries I saw one of the names i thought about initially looong ago, that one will get a 'mention' (Jubaris) ...but so far nobody got the name i will use. I saw however some very interesting names...i will actually consider them. Now its time for a hint. Since this is a _facebook_ challenge, i will post it there. Challenge will end when entries cool down or, of course, when someone finds the name or provides one that is clearly better than the one i currently have. good luck
  17. wiiya is at this point very hard to get so i changed it to rainwater after this tutorial was done. It is still a preview, thats why its presented on forum and not in-game. When the wiiya production will be more stable, the tutorial will be also updated. The Shmsh will remain with rainwater. Esthetic adjustments will be made, there is also a difficulty/time/reward value indicator pending. The recruit image for the crit and the fenth image will also be added. The resource images where the only ones Junior had, he tried to do as much as possible with what he had, and did quite an amazing job in my opinion. Thank you for your feedback
  18. In the A25 "era", with lots of radical changes to gameplay, features and significant improvements to concepts, one thing is mandatory.... a more clear and easy to follow gameplay. MD is deep enough to have lots of secrets and challenging tasks. Even if we try to document as much as possible and spoil every single thing, there are still lots of things to do and discover, even documentation and spoilers on their own would be considerably big and comprehensive. The new gameplay will also bring a more clear way of achieving stuff. Junior is helping me achieve this by writing very clear and beginner-proof tutorials. These tutorials will be helpful even for the most experience of you. If you already know this stuff, you might still enjoy these tutorials. The first tutorial of this kind is one for the Shmsh creature. It will take you step by step and show you in as fewer words as possible, all you have to do to obtain the creature. Please give us your feedback if you like this, or if you dont. Any suggestions or reactions are welcome. Enjoy reading! SHMSH Guide_PDF.pdf
  19. Ungod, you receive 2 wp codes for this, to motivate you do more contests in the future (and also have a more serious reward for them, that should get you more participants) (see pm with the codes)
  20. Toy Skateboard is here! will take you along the heatveins 3 times. enjoy
  21. candy bar (same like rainbowcandy, but expires to garbage in 1 week) toy rollerblades (usabel two times then they brake down, give 80-250ap and 40-3000 heat each use, not usable by the dead, expire in one month) i will add minor items from time to time till i get the time to work on the more significant uses of this item use interval is currently set to 24h. If there will be enough low value items in the mix, i might leave it at 24h also later
  22. the cooldown interval will aslo be changed temporarily . The long interval is not needed now.
  23. i will make the toy chest give pickles and cake and whatever other things are already functional in md right now. This is NOT the final functionality, but its better to have the box do something instead of being useless, and this is the fastest thing i can do right now. This will be done today but i won't announce it because as i said this is just a temporary functionality
  24. send me email with aproximate dates when you uploaded the resources (your id and location coord of the combiner) and i will give you back the missing wine or whatever you are missing.
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