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Everything posted by Ungod

  1. Ungod


    Here can be found blessings collected from players, given a visual cue.
  2. I will post this half-finished project because I cannot get the results I want, the way I want them. My goal was to discuss the subject with all who are awake and willing, but while doing that, I realized I cannot reach my goal this way. I have heard different opinions from everyone, there were no two alike, and while I enjoyed it, it's making things soo difficult. What follows are my own thoughts, although some were created only by talking to others. 'To bless'' or ''to curse'' are terms associated with religion, magic rituals and other esoteric. Yet to bless is nothing more than wishing someone well and to curse is nothing but wishing someone ill. Words are not even needed; it is intention that puts things in motion. What we do, what life does in general, needs no explanations, no definitions, no descriptions. Yet we come up with categories, definitions, rules, because that is a path we create in the sea of chaos. So I try to describe this concept of wishing someone well, although it needs no descriptions. A blessing is the act of wishing someone well. A blessing can be silent; words only augment the reality of a blessing. A silent blessing is an intention that came into existence - this is not something passive. A blessing is usually born in extraordinary circumstances. It can accompany great deeds or it can be humble, but it always carries comfort. Another way to augment the reality of a blessing is by an additional act - the gifting of a helpful item. Intention puts things in motion and is carried by material means, and the lack of a tangible aid either means the lack of such means or a deceiving act. A blessing reveals the bond between two beings. Because of this, blessing were and are employed in many 'businesses'. Living, you create and undo bonds, but the desire for bonding and the fear of severing makes blessings profitable, when they can be faked. A blessing can be seen as a symbol - a symbol of a union between two selves into an imperfect/unstable ''greater self''. This greater self can expand to family, tribe, nation, although with every level of expansion the blessing is losing reality. Since I like playing in Photoshop, those of you who wish to, can message me and I will add their blessing to the album I will be creating in a minute (that was another failed idea). As for discussing the ''paper'' I made, I'm available, but not in this thread.
  3. Ungod


    I started reading the 'dawn of astronomy' again, but this time mixing chapters. But I digress - here's what caught my eye: the Egyptians had a 365 days year, they had 12 months, they had the zodiac, they had 12 hrs, but they had...3 seasons. Sowing season, harvesting season and inundation season. It was all about the Nile - IT created this peculiarity. For the Egyptians, the rising of the Nile, which coincided with the summer solstice, was the New Year's day - they had to prepare for plowing and sowing henceforth. For us, New Year's when the long winter nights finally give in. I've heard of (obviously) 4 seasons and 2 seasons, but not of 3. Does anyone know of other strange numbers of seasons? Now or then?
  4. I was thinking like 2 days ago 'I wish there were an auction for leashes'. Back when I started, the idea seemed grotesque and...well, it still does. Treating people like dogs was very common, especially after wars, and it somewhat gives extra props to Darwin. then again, one who saw himself drowned in debts could sell himself as a gladiator in ancient Rome, so we could call it the auction for 'gladiators'...meh, maybe not.
  5. Principles are treated like a resource, with size and limits. But, even if you choose 3 or 4 or 5 or 6, it's not like the other principles do not exist anymore. Only your character is limited (to observing how some of them work and try to apply them in your spellcasting or be guided by them). Maybe principles should have no limit, but their use should (say, the system only applies a max value of 4000 per token effect, even if you have 11700 darkness). I think casting a spell is observing the principle application, using it, living by it, therefore it should make you gain instead of lose. Casting a spell which obeys another principle should make you lose principle size, because it makes you confuse, it weakens your attitude. Casting enough spells that obey the darkness principle can eventually cancel your light principle and make you able to start another.
  6. Happy birthday, Sasha Lilias!

  7. How about connecting spells and principles so that spellcasting also increases principle amount?
  8. I'd like to see it finished, I think it would help a lot with roleplay. I think it's important enough to think about improving it now and then.
  9.  Happy birthday, Menhir!

  10. well, you don't have to be disappointed, because it's a start. some may say it's a bad start, i'd say it's okay, but it's only the start. the way I see it, I divide books in two big piles: fun (entertainment) and how-to (manuals). There are fun books which last for centuries , because they also contain advice to heed; there are manuals that teach things in a fun way, so you can mix if you so feel. but when you decide to write, you basically choose from those two, and if it's entertainment, you HAVE to entertain. That's your purpose, and your readers have to be entertained. If it's not entertaining, or it is close to being entertaining, it means you have to work more. i'm sorry I write on your post so much instead of actual writers (md players) - they could point out more and give better advice...
  11. See, this is what I mean about a thread (if you don't want it to be a steel thread of logic, think of another): a story that goes all over the place is hard to follow and people just give up. Writing can't be only fun, you have to work as well...sad, but true.
  12. I'll comment, because...I spent two WPs to get research clues. Pretty dumb, huh? I did, though - because that's what interested me: research. My problem is not with the system of getting research clues, my problem is that I can't reach lvl3 research clues. Even though I voted 'no' on both questions, it's not a definite NO, it's a...mellow one, since my problem isn't about those things. I have 8 research points and no way to reach next level; to me, that's a sign the system isn't finished.
  13. That can work, but it gets very messy afterwards. Raw emotion can be entertaining, as long as there is a steel thread of logic. Anyway, good luck with 'normalization' (with writing, just like with everything, the more you do it, the better it gets...or so we hope)
  14. I think you have a character there. Needs slightly more work. Do you plan on writing a bunch of such characters and then make interact? if so, it might be interesting.
  15. Ungod


    Just a small rant, don't mind (too much) what you read (if you do). I was reading an article two weeks ago about the tragic 'celebration' of Japan's 20th year of negative interest rates. Now, I don't know much about economy and many economic terms are farts to my ears, but as I understand, the Bank of Japan is not loaning with a lot of interest, which is a tragedy...according to the author. At some point in the article, it says 'prices for core goods have remained virtually unchanged'. Now, correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't that a GOOD thing? I mean, ok, the economy is fucked up, but the average Joe is paying the same for a loaf of bread as 20 years ago. Doesn't that mean the economy is stable? But, no, it's tragic, because...probably because the 'economy' in our perspective means the well-being of some 10% of the population - the rich guys. The article ends up in a positive note: 'well, maybe that'll be a lesson for Europe - see, Japan is having a tragic anniversary, but you don't see populism waves'. Uh-huh. Like the Japanese need MORE of that. They're taught 'moral education', k?Besides, they're not gonna take up arms if they still have some price stability (I don't know if they really do, but that's what our 'experts' claim). I don't see the tragedy here. Am I blind? And today I get another no-brainer - I clicked on a title 'british childhood poverty hits new lows'. I skimmed up to a phrase that made me close the page - 'the good news is that childhood poverty is responsive to policy changes'. WTF?!?!?!? What does that even mean? What's the good news? From my humble analysis, what the above phrase translates to is 'well, if you come up with a policy, you may reduce poverty'. Translating further, it means 'if you do something about it, it's gonna fix some things'. Yeah? If you find a solution to the problem, it can be fixed? THAT's the good news? And if you stay on your ass, nothing'll move forward? I've got tons of such 'good news' to give to y'all, I can write inspiring motivational articles filled with good news every day. childhood poverty is RESPONSIVE to policy changes...then people ask me why I don't watch TV (and, heh, people like my parents or their generation even have some kind of pity in their eyes for me - poor lad, he's not enjoying life) or read news religiously. Well, I like my brain cells intact, tyvm. Idk, folks, I just snap. Day after day, I keep seeing same thing, the world moving round and round the same way, same excuses, same 'let's get him/her to work with motivational phrases', same 'we're doing all we can, you just give us your money...and shut up' and I get fed up. Some day, just like with TV, I'll just quit reading news. I hate holing up, but getting annoyed is...worse? Wtf, there's no tragedy there, they're just scaring you 'look, you could end up like Japan, with trillions of dollars debt' (in small print saying 'core goods prices are virtually unchanged') and saying 'you must be obedient like the Japanese, they don't rise against their governments'. Wtf, they are NOT gonna do anything about your kids, they're yours, not theirs, even if you pay them to care a little. I feel looked down upon, lied, cheated day by day, deemed a stupid animal every time I read such bullshit. I just have to quit it, better blissfully ignorant than rightfully angry. Or not? /rant
  16. Happy birthday, Jub!
  17. Have a great one, Amber
  18. Happy birthday Junior, BigC!

  19. Ungod

    Free Will

    Free will is an illusion.
  20. come up with character-impairing effects, BRING OUT THE GORE side of you ????
  21. Ungod


    phew, so we initiated this. good to know we're to blame. these gdpr regulations were made some time ago, I guess it the backlash took a while
  22. Ungod


    these days, when looking up some stuff online, I saw myself blocked from accessing the content of several US sites. naturally, one assumes they were awful sites - don't worry, bros, I was checking up stuff like wildfire protection (don't ask why). the awful sites are freeeee to access, as deviancy cashes. when you see Tennessee blocking the site or California not 'offering services to that region' (the EU), well...one gets suspicious. Are we in a new internet phase? I've been seeing a crackdown on piracy, on internet freedom and a general policy of restricting access to information, but it gets to levels I didn't imagine. here I am, blocked by Tennessee, because clearly an European has no business in knowing how Americans protect their land from wildfires. Anyone noticed this, can someone confirm we're getting closer and closer to wall-border-fence-wall-small gate for smugglers?
  23. so do I, but I maybe that's because I am so used to it
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