Just a small rant, don't mind (too much) what you read (if you do).
I was reading an article two weeks ago about the tragic 'celebration' of Japan's 20th year of negative interest rates. Now, I don't know much about economy and many economic terms are farts to my ears, but as I understand, the Bank of Japan is not loaning with a lot of interest, which is a tragedy...according to the author. At some point in the article, it says 'prices for core goods have remained virtually unchanged'. Now, correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't that a GOOD thing?
I mean, ok, the economy is fucked up, but the average Joe is paying the same for a loaf of bread as 20 years ago. Doesn't that mean the economy is stable?
But, no, it's tragic, because...probably because the 'economy' in our perspective means the well-being of some 10% of the population - the rich guys. The article ends up in a positive note: 'well, maybe that'll be a lesson for Europe - see, Japan is having a tragic anniversary, but you don't see populism waves'. Uh-huh. Like the Japanese need MORE of that. They're taught 'moral education', k?Besides, they're not gonna take up arms if they still have some price stability (I don't know if they really do, but that's what our 'experts' claim).
I don't see the tragedy here. Am I blind?
And today I get another no-brainer - I clicked on a title 'british childhood poverty hits new lows'. I skimmed up to a phrase that made me close the page - 'the good news is that childhood poverty is responsive to policy changes'.
What does that even mean? What's the good news? From my humble analysis, what the above phrase translates to is 'well, if you come up with a policy, you may reduce poverty'. Translating further, it means 'if you do something about it, it's gonna fix some things'. Yeah? If you find a solution to the problem, it can be fixed? THAT's the good news? And if you stay on your ass, nothing'll move forward? I've got tons of such 'good news' to give to y'all, I can write inspiring motivational articles filled with good news every day.
childhood poverty is RESPONSIVE to policy changes...then people ask me why I don't watch TV (and, heh, people like my parents or their generation even have some kind of pity in their eyes for me - poor lad, he's not enjoying life) or read news religiously. Well, I like my brain cells intact, tyvm.
Idk, folks, I just snap. Day after day, I keep seeing same thing, the world moving round and round the same way, same excuses, same 'let's get him/her to work with motivational phrases', same 'we're doing all we can, you just give us your money...and shut up' and I get fed up. Some day, just like with TV, I'll just quit reading news. I hate holing up, but getting annoyed is...worse? Wtf, there's no tragedy there, they're just scaring you 'look, you could end up like Japan, with trillions of dollars debt' (in small print saying 'core goods prices are virtually unchanged') and saying 'you must be obedient like the Japanese, they don't rise against their governments'. Wtf, they are NOT gonna do anything about your kids, they're yours, not theirs, even if you pay them to care a little. I feel looked down upon, lied, cheated day by day, deemed a stupid animal every time I read such bullshit. I just have to quit it, better blissfully ignorant than rightfully angry. Or not?